


什么是冥想? (What is Meditation?)

Meditation can be many things depending on whom you ask. In this article, it refers to the idea of intentionally sitting and focusing on the present. Although it’s most often associated with Eastern religions, it’s not a religious practice. It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Jewish or any other faith. It’s a way to train the mind, which will change your perspective on life.

冥想可能取决于您询问的对象。 在本文中,它指的是有意坐下来专注于当下的想法。 尽管它最常与东方宗教有关,但它不是宗教活动。 无论您是基督徒,穆斯林,摩门教徒,犹太人还是任何其他信仰,都没关系。 这是一种训练思维的方式,它将改变您对生活的看法。

When I mention the word “meditation” in the article, I’m referring to “a practice to develop conscious awareness of the present moment.” But, I will additionally use the word “mindfulness.” They are terms often mentioned together or used as synonyms.

当我在文章中提到“冥想”一词时,我指的是“一种发展对当前时刻的自觉意识的做法。” 但是,我将另外使用“正念”一词。 它们是经常一起提及或用作同义词的术语。

Meditation is the formal practice of sitting down, or walking, standing, or lying down. Whereas mindfulness is about being aware, and it applies to everything.

冥想是坐下,行走,站立或躺下的正式习惯。 正念是关于意识到的知识,它适用于所有事物。

To give an example, when I wake up in the morning, I sit on a small cushion and observe my breath for 15 minutes. This is an example of meditation. While pouring a glass of water, I spill water on the ground and notice my feelings of anger rise up inside me. This noticing of anger rising but smiling in spite of it is mindfulness. I’m mindful of my emotions which allows me to stay in control.

举个例子,早上起床时,我坐在小垫子上,观察呼吸15分钟。 这是冥想的一个例子。 当我倒一杯水时,我将水洒在了地面上,并注意到我内心的愤怒情绪上升。 注意到这种愤怒的情绪上升了,尽管发笑却是正念。 我很注意自己的情绪,可以控制自己。

冥想与编程 (Meditation and Programming)

In the world of programming, we often need focused attention when building programs and writing code without repetitions. Think of it as being “in the zone” or as some know it, in the “flow” state. This is when you submerge yourself in your text editor and forget about everything else. Your mind is only thinking of that present moment. Being in this mode, you fully experience that “coding high” of writing functions that make or do things to achieve a bigger goal.

在编程世界中,我们在构建程序和编写无重复代码时经常需要集中注意力。 可以将其视为处于“流动”状态的 “处于区域中”或某些人知道的事物 。 这是当您将自己淹没在文本编辑器中而忘记其他所有内容时。 您的思想只在想当前的那一刻。 在这种模式下,您将充分体验到“编写较高功能的编写函数或为实现更大目标而进行的编写函数的”高编码”。

As mentioned before, meditation is a practice to develop your level of attention on the present moment. Now, if we practice meditation on a regular basis, we can train our mind in to live with more awareness. This can be applied to any area of life.

如前所述,冥想是一种在当前时刻提高注意力水平的做法。 现在,如果我们定期练习冥想,我们可以训练自己的思想以提高意识。 这可以应用于生活的任何领域。

And that includes programming as well — because of the amount of focus needed while developing software. As programmers, we need to meditate and spend time observing our breath and nothing else. We will be able to translate that practice while coding, and be able to focus more deeply on our programs.

而且还包括编程-由于开发软件时需要集中精力。 作为程序员,我们需要沉思并花时间观察我们的呼吸,而没有其他事情。 我们将能够在编码时翻译该实践,并能够更深入地关注我们的程序。

我的个人经历 (My Personal Experience)

I began meditating four years ago when I heard about the benefits from a TED talk I watched called The Happy Secret to Better Work by Shawn Anchor. The idea of a regular meditation practice and the ability to live fully in the present interested me. I remember buying a book on Zen Buddhism and then started meditating. I had no idea what I was doing.

我四年前就开始思考,当我听到从TED演讲中,我看了所谓的好处快乐的秘密更好的工作肖恩锚。 定期冥想练习的想法和目前完全生活的能力使我感兴趣。 我记得买了一本有关禅宗的书,然后开始冥想。 我不知道我在做什么。

This initial meditation phase started when I was studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina during college in 2013. After watching the video, I went to a bookstore and looked in the Eastern Philosophy section hoping I’d find something on meditation. Luckily for me, I found one titled Los tres pilares del Zen or in English, The Three Pillars of Zen. “Genial! I’ll learn to meditate and practice my Spanish at the same time”, so I thought to myself.

最初的冥想阶段始于2013年我在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯上大学期间出国留学时。观看视频后,我去了一家书店,看了一下《东方哲学》部分,希望能找到一些关于冥想的东西。 对我来说幸运的是,我找到了一个标题为《 Los tres pilares del Zen》或英文的《禅宗三柱》 。 “亲切! 我将学习同时冥想和练习西班牙语”,所以我心想。

Although it seemed like a great idea at first, it proved to be tougher than I anticipated. My Spanish language skills were good. But the technical language used to describe the meditation practices troubled me in the beginning. Luckily there were photos in the book, and I used my dictionary when I didn’t understand something.

尽管起初似乎是个好主意,但事实证明它比我预期的要难。 我的西班牙语水平很好。 但是,用来描述冥想练习的技术语言一开始让我感到困扰。 幸运的是,书中有照片,当我不了解某些内容时,我就用字典。

I started meditation with a simple practice. I observed my breath. One inhale and one exhale = breath. I counted to ten. This was a great starting point for a beginner. I kept a small journal and did it a few times per week but couldn’t keep it consistent. It was tough because I only did it when I found time instead of adding it to my routine.

我从一个简单的练习开始冥想。 我观察了我的呼吸。 一吸一呼=呼吸。 我数到十。 对于初学者来说,这是一个很好的起点。 我保留一本小日记本,每周进行几次,但无法保持一致。 这很艰难,因为我只在有时间时才这样做,而不是将其添加到我的日常工作中。

Fast-forward to 2014 and 2015 — I continued meditating on and off a few times per week. Yet, I still had trouble maintaining a daily practice. I tried doing it before bed, but I wasn’t consistent because the nights on the weekends were unpredictable.

快进到2014年和2015年-我每周继续几次反复打坐。 但是,我仍然无法维持日常练习。 我试着在睡前做这件事,但并不一致,因为周末的夜晚是无法预测的。

In August 2016, I decided to make it a part of my nightly routine. Each night, I followed the same steps:

2016年8月,我决定将它作为我日常工作的一部分。 每天晚上,我都遵循相同的步骤:

  • Set alarm for the next morning

  • Sit down and observe the breath for a few minutes

  • Brush teeth


This routine made my practice 5x more effective. I added meditation to my life and made it a habit. As a result of this, it became easier and easier to find time for meditation. I didn’t have to think because it was part of my routine.

这个例程使我的练习提高了5倍。 我在生活中加入了冥想,并养成了习惯。 结果,找到冥想的时间变得越来越容易。 我不必思考,因为这是我日常工作的一部分。

More recently in July, I switched my evening practice to a morning practice after a friend convinced me to switch. He suggested meditating in the morning because it provided you with a wonderful way to start the day. It also gave you a “blank slate” to begin your day.

最近在7月,在一位朋友说服我转换后,我将夜间练习改为了晨练。 他建议早上进行冥想,因为它为您提供了美好的开始新一天的方式。 它还为您提供了一个“空白”来开始您的一天。

Like before, I created an “automated” routine and added in meditation to make it easier for my brain to remember. The routine is as follows —

像以前一样,我创建了一个“自动”例程,并添加了冥想功能,以使我的大脑更容易记住。 例程如下-

Wake up


  • Wash face

  • Meditate for 15 minutes

  • Smile and begin day with a clear mind


Besides switching to a morning practice, my friend suggested I use a free app to track my meditation progress called Insight Timer. I love it because it has a meditation timer, guided meditations, and a minimal social network so you see when your friends meditate. You could hold yourself accountable this way. I also suggest trying Yoga Nidra for helping you sleep.

除了转为晨练外,我的朋友还建议我使用一个免费的应用程序来跟踪我的冥想进度,称为Insight Timer。 我喜欢它,因为它具有冥想计时器,向导式冥想和最少的社交网络,因此您可以看到朋友何时冥想。 您可以通过这种方式对自己负责。 我还建议尝试使用Nidra瑜伽来帮助您入睡。

I’ve been using the app to track my meditation progress and recently achieved 100 days in a row as of November 5th. My goal is to hit 365 days in a row.

我一直在使用该应用程序来跟踪我的冥想进度,最近到11月5日,它已经连续100天取得了成绩。 我的目标是连续365天达到目标。

好处 (The Benefits)

The purpose of writing this article was to explain how meditation can benefit all in the tech industry. It can be of help especially in a field like programming, where we constantly struggle or feel frustration when things don’t work out.

撰写本文的目的是解释冥想如何使整个科技行业受益。 这可能会有所帮助,尤其是在编程等领域,当事情无法解决时,我们会不断挣扎或感到沮丧。

Here are some ways you, as a programmer and human being, may benefit from meditation —


一次专注于一块代码 (Focus on one block of code at a time)

Taking on new projects as a developer can be daunting. The most difficult part of a new project is figuring out where to start. We immediately think about all the things that need to be accomplished.

作为开发人员接受新项目可能会令人生畏。 新项目中最困难的部分是弄清楚从哪里开始。 我们立即考虑需要完成的所有事情。

Similar to focusing only on the breath, we should dedicate our efforts on one piece at a time.


Mindfulness will help us become aware of the stress and all the working parts of our project. Programmers must let go that feeling of overextension and begin with the first task. We stay mindful of the task at hand. This will prevent “thought-overload” when developing more advanced software. It can even be helpful with agile software development like Scrum, where you’re adapting often.

正念将帮助我们意识到项目的压力和所有工作部分。 程序员必须放开那种过度伸展的感觉,并从第一个任务开始。 我们时刻注意即将完成的任务。 这将在开发更高级的软件时防止“思想超负荷”。 它甚至对于敏捷的软件开发(例如Scrum)很有帮助,因为您经常在其中进行调整。

The more you meditate, the stronger your minds becomes (Mrazek).


增强您的认知能力 (Enhance your cognitive abilities)

Programming has many difficult concepts we must wrap our heads around to solve complex problems. To do that, we need the cognitive ability to process theory and visualize how all the moving pieces work together in one single system.

编程有许多困难的概念,我们必须全神贯注以解决复杂的问题。 为此,我们需要认知能力来处理理论并可视化所有运动部件在一个系统中如何协同工作。

In a recent article published in the Harvard Business Review, Goleman states that mindfulness practice can help us with both “strategic work” and problem-solving. Through meditation, you’ll be able to further enhance these cognitive abilities. This in turn will benefit your study of programming no matter your skill level.

戈尔曼在《 哈佛商业评论》最近发表的一篇文章中指出,正念练习可以帮助我们进行“战略工作”和解决问题。 通过冥想,您将能够进一步增强这些认知能力。 无论您的技术水平如何,这都将有益于您的编程研究。

活在当下 (Live in the present)

In order to maintain a healthy balance between working as a programmer and life, we should embrace the present moment . This applies to coding and also other areas of life.

为了在程序员和生活之间保持健康的平衡,我们应该拥抱当下。 这适用于编码以及生活的其他领域。

The beautiful part about meditation is “singular focus” — by that I mean, doing one thing and only that thing. When you sit to meditate, you have one goal — be there in that moment. It’s easier said than done but the principle is what’s important. If we apply that principle in our lives, it can serve us in many areas. When you’re with your family or friends, be there in the conversation and moment. When you’re coding, write code and focus on building. Meditation facilitates building this skill of living in the present.

关于冥想的美好部分是“单一的专注”-我的意思是,做一件事情,只有一件事情。 当您坐下来冥想时,您就有一个目标-那时就在那里。 说起来容易做起来难,但是原则很重要。 如果我们在生活中运用这一原则,它将在许多领域为我们服务。 当您与家人或朋友在一起时,随时待在谈话中。 在编码时,编写代码并专注于构建。 冥想有助于培养这种生活在当下的技能。

处理编码的起伏 (Handling the ups and downs of coding)

As programmers, we often feel stressed when we can’t solve a problem or when we’re behind on a deadline. It can also happen when we’ve been tasked with something we don’t know how to do. I have had this issue happen to me many of times. Sometimes while experiencing much frustration, I contemplate smashing my computer onto the ground.

作为程序员,当我们无法解决问题或在最后期限之前落后时,我们常常会感到压力。 当我们承担了不知道该怎么做的事情时,也会发生这种情况。 我已经多次发生过这个问题。 有时,当我遇到很多挫折时,我打算将计算机砸在地上。

With regular meditation practice, we can learn to use our breath as a way to handle negative situations in a stress-free way (Corliss). Using this method, we can apply it to those situations in which you run into an issue or a bug that you cannot fix.

通过常规的冥想练习,我们可以学习以呼吸来缓解压力,从而减轻压力(Corliss)。 使用这种方法,我们可以将其应用于遇到问题或无法修复的错误的情况。

Later, you realize it’s because you were missing a semicolon, or because you forgot to account for something in your function. Those small moments can have a large impact on the rest of your coding session. Using our breath we can stop, let the negative feelings come in, experience them for that moment and then let them go. This will allow you to bounce back quicker when you’re struggling with a project.

后来,您意识到这是因为缺少分号,或者是因为忘记了函数中的某些内容。 这些小时刻可能会对您的其余编码会话产生重大影响。 我们可以屏住呼吸,停下来,让负面的情绪进入,在那一刻经历它们,然后让它们消失。 当您在项目中挣扎时,这将使您更快地弹回。

增加幸福感 (Increase your level of happiness)

The most significant benefit of any type of meditation is an increase in your level of happiness. When you meditate, you learn to focus on the simplest activity we do every day — breathing. By learning to observe the breath, you train your mind to take joy in the little things. You wake up to life and start to live every moment in the present instead of living in the past or future as most of us tend to do.

任何形式的冥想的最大好处就是可以增加幸福感。 冥想时,您将学会专注于我们每天最简单的活动-呼吸。 通过学习观察呼吸,您可以训练自己的思维使小事情变得快乐。 您会醒来,开始生活在当下的每时每刻,而不是像我们大多数人过去那样生活在过去或未来。

After you start meditating, you’ll notice how much satisfaction you feel after accomplishing even the littlest of things. Such as when you write your first function or when you figure out how to horizontally center that div. All those “small wins” that you once took for granted or didn’t fully enjoy will feel bigger, because you pay more attention to them — just like your breath (Fredrickson).

开始冥想后,您会注意到即使完成了最少的事情,您会有多少满足感。 例如,当您编写第一个函数或弄清楚如何使div水平居中时。 您曾经理所当然或没有充分享受的所有“小胜利”都会感觉更大,因为您会更加注意它们-就像呼吸一样(弗雷德里克森)。

这是上手的方法 (Here’s how to get started)

Here’s a list of steps you can take today to get started —


  1. Figure out how much time you can spend meditating. My suggestion would be between 2–10 minutes. Anything more and you may feel overwhelmed. It’s better to start soft and gently.

    找出可以花费多少时间进行冥想。 我的建议是2-10分钟。 还有更多,您可能会感到不知所措。 最好轻柔地开始。
  2. Decide where you’re going to do it — usually a quiet room works best. It can be done sitting on the ground or in a chair.

    确定要去哪里—通常,安静的房间效果最好。 它可以坐在地上或坐在椅子上完成。
  3. Set a timer for however long you decide to meditate. This way, you won’t have to worry about checking the time every 15 seconds.

    设置一个计时器,无论您决定打坐多长时间。 这样,您不必担心每15秒检查一次时间。
  4. Sit, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Smile.

    坐着,用鼻子深吸一口气,然后用嘴深吸一口气。 微笑。
  5. Breathe slowly and observe the air coming in through your nose and going out your mouth. One inhale and one exhale count for each breath. Count ten breaths then start over.

    慢慢呼吸,观察空气从鼻子进入口腔并从嘴中出来。 每次呼吸一次吸气和一次呼气计数。 数十次呼吸,然后重新开始。
  6. *When your mind wanders, stop, acknowledge it, smile, then return to your breath. This is the most important step. It’s inevitable that your mind will wander but you must not punish yourself for this. It’s normal behavior but we must remind the mind that we acknowledged it and then return to the breath. I wish someone would have told me this when I began meditating. I didn’t learn this until this year — almost 4 years later.

    *当你的思想流浪时,停下来,承认它,微笑,然后屏住呼吸。 这是最重要的步骤。 您的思维不可避免地会漂移,但是您绝对不能为此而惩罚自己。 这是正常的行为,但是我们必须提醒大脑,我们已经承认了这一点,然后重新呼吸。 我希望当我开始冥想时有人会告诉我这一点。 直到今年-差不多4年后,我才学到这一点。

  7. After your timer goes off, thank yourself for making time to meditate and smile.


If that felt good, see if you can do it two times next week. Then, add another day the week after. You can also experiment with increasing the amount of time you meditate. I decided to start at the beginning again with 2 minutes in July and then slowly worked my way up to 18 minutes.

如果感觉良好,请查看下周是否可以执行两次。 然后,在下一周添加另一天。 您也可以尝试增加冥想的时间。 我决定从7月的2分钟开始重新开始,然后慢慢地工作到18分钟。

I learned this technique from an awesome book called The Motivation Hackerby Nick Winter. He calls it the “success spiral.” You start off with a small number that seems too trivial to track (like 2 minutes a day) and then slowly increment it until you reach your goal.

我从尼克·温特(Nick Winter)的一本很棒的书《动机黑客 》( The Motivation Hacker)中学到了这项技术。 他称其为“成功螺旋式”。 您从一小部分似乎太微不足道的数字(例如每天2分钟)开始,然后慢慢增加直到达到目标。

I do want to stress this — that the number isn’t important. What’s most important is that if you’re serious about it, you dedicate time to it every day. Like #100DaysOfCode, the best thing you can do is make it part of your daily routine until it becomes a habit. You’ll get more out of it.

我确实要强调这一点- 数字并不重要 。 最重要的是,如果您认真对待它,则每天都要花费时间。 像#100DaysOfCode一样,您可以做的最好的事情就是使其成为您日常工作的一部分,直到它成为一种习惯。 您会从中得到更多。

Just like coding, there are a plethora of free resources out there! I highly recommend doing your own research and seeing what you find. Here are some suggestions to get started —

就像编码一样,那里有大量的免费资源! 我强烈建议您做自己的研究,看看有什么发现。 以下是一些入门建议-

如果您喜欢书籍并想阅读有关冥想的书籍 (If you like books and want to read about meditation)
  • Awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das . This book changed my entire perspective on life. I loved it. It was one of the first books I read on meditation and Buddhism.

    喇嘛苏里亚达斯的“佛内觉醒” 。 这本书改变了我对生活的全部看法。 我爱它。 这是我读到的有关禅修和佛教的第一本书。

  • Why is the Dalai Lama Always Smiling? by Lama Tsomo . Tsomo uses a more casual approach so everyone can easily relate to her. But she also includes scientific evidence to back-up her claims. I really enjoyed it. She also includes different Tibetan meditation practices.

    达赖喇嘛为什么总是微笑? 由曹喇嘛。 Tsomo使用更随意的方法,因此每个人都可以轻松地与她建立联系。 但是她还提供了科学证据来支持自己的主张。 我真的很喜欢。 她还包括不同的藏族冥想练习。

  • Real World Mindfulness for Beginners by Brenda Salgado . A dear friend recommended it because it includes practices and exercises good for beginners. I hope to use it with my co-workers in the office.

    Brenda Salgado的初学者真实世界念念 。 一位亲爱的朋友推荐了它,因为它包括对初学者有益的做法和练习。 我希望与我的同事一起使用它。

  • The Mind Illuminated by Culadasa . This book is a little more advanced. I’m reading it now to bring my meditation practice to the next level.

    库拉达萨照亮的心灵。 这本书有点高级。 我正在阅读以将我的冥想练习提高到一个新的水平。

如果您喜欢电子课程 (If you like e-courses)

Try this Free 8-week e-course on meditation for beginners by Namchak. I did this in August 2016 and have since been using the meditation technique during my everyday practice.

试试Namchak 为初学者准备的为期8周的免费在线冥想电子课程 。 我在2016年8月进行了此操作,此后在我的日常练习中一直使用冥想技术。

如果您喜欢应用 (If you like apps)
  • Insight Timer — It’s free, has a timer with bells and guided meditation. You can also add friends and see their progress (great for accountability!)

    Insight计时器 -它是免费的,带有带有铃铛和冥想向导的计时器。 您还可以添加朋友并查看他们的进度(非常感谢您!)

  • Headspace — This one is paid, but I’ve heard great things from friends who use it.

    顶空 —这是有偿的,但是我从使用它的朋友那里听到了很多好消息。

Regardless of who you are, meditation is a powerful practice that will change your life. I lead a meditation group that meets twice a month via Google Hangout. If you start meditating and would like a community with whom you can study and practice, you can send me a DM on Twitter for more details.

无论您是谁,冥想都是一种强大的练习,它将改变您的生活。 我领导一个冥想小组,每月通过Google环聊开会两次。 如果您开始打坐并希望有一个可以与之一起学习和练习的社区,则可以在Twitter上向我发送DM以获得更多详细信息。

I hope you found this article useful. Please let me know by clapping, sharing it on social media or leaving a comment below. And if you’re an experienced meditator, please share any additional resources in a comment below for the community!

希望本文对您有所帮助。 请通过鼓掌,在社交媒体上分享或在下面发表评论让我知道。 如果您是一位经验丰富的冥想者,请在下面的社区评论中分享所有其他资源!

资料来源 (Sources)

  • Corliss, Julie. “Mindfulness Meditation May Ease Anxiety, Mental Stress.” Harvard Health Blog,Harvard Health Publishing, 3 Oct. 2017, www.health.harvard.edu/blog/mindfulness-meditation-may-ease-anxiety-mental-stress-201401086967.

    科利斯,朱莉。 “正念冥想可以减轻焦虑和心理压力。” 哈佛健康博客,哈佛健康出版,2017年10月3日, www.health.harvard.edu / blog / mindfulness-meditation-may-ease-anxiety-mental-stress-201401086967。

  • Fredrickson, Barbara L. et al. “Open Hearts Build Lives: Positive Emotions, Induced Through Loving-Kindness Meditation, Build Consequential Personal Resources.” Journal of personality and social psychology 95.5 (2008): 1045–1062. PMC. Web. 12 Nov. 2017.

    Fredrickson,Barbara L.等。 “敞开心Heart建立生活:通过爱心冥想诱发积极的情绪,建立相应的个人资源。” 人格与社会心理学杂志95.5(2008):1045–1062。 PMC。 网络。 2017年11月12日。
  • Goleman, Daniel. “Mindfulness Isn’t the Answer to Everything. Here’s When It Helps.” Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Publishing, 28 Sept. 2017, hbr.org/2017/09/heres-what-mindfulness-is-and-isnt-good-for.

    戈尔曼,丹尼尔。 “正念不是万能的答案。 这是有帮助的时候。” 哈佛商业评论》,哈佛商业出版,2017年9月28日, hbr.org / 2017/09 / heres-what-mindfulness-is-and-isnt-good-for ..

  • Mrazek, Michael D., et al. “Mindfulness Training Improves Working Memory Capacity and GRE Performance While Reducing Mind Wandering.” Psychological Science, vol. 24, no. 5, 2013, pp. 776–781., doi:10.1177/0956797612459659.

    Mrazek,Michael D.等。 “正念训练可提高工作记忆能力和GRE表现,同时减少思维游荡。” 心理科学,第一卷。 24号 2013年5月,第776–781页,doi:10.1177 / 0956797612459659。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/meditation-will-make-you-a-better-programmer-heres-how-1c0582f675fa/






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