

Last year I turned off all my notifications. I stopped booking meetings. I started living asynchronously.

去年,我关闭了所有通知。 我停止预订会议了。 我开始异步生活。

Now instead of being interrupted throughout the day — or rushing from one meeting to the next — I sit down and get work done.


I work a lot. I communicate with hundreds of people a day. I collaborate extensively. But I do so on my own terms, at my own tempo.

我工作很多 我每天与数百人交流。 我广泛合作。 但是我会以自己的节奏和自己的节奏来做。

You can live more asynchronously, too. I’ll explain the benefits. I’ll show you how.

您也可以异步地生活。 我会解释的好处。 我会告诉你如何。

We’ll start by talking about how interruptions — even scheduled ones — can destroy your productivity.


But first, a web comic:


Did you see what happened? The boss came by and totally wrecked the developer’s train of thought. And for what? To notify him that the next time he checked his email, a message would be there for him?

你看到发生了什么事吗? 老板走了,彻底破坏了开发人员的思路。 为了什么呢 通知他下次他检查他的电子邮件时,会出现一条消息给他吗?

When you interrupt a developer, it takes an average of 10 minutes before they can get back to productively coding.

当您中断开发人员时, 平均需要10分钟才能使他们恢复生产性编码。

So why do 70% of offices these days look like this?


Most studies conclude the same thing that this widely-cited paper does: people hate open plan offices.

大多数研究得出的结论与这篇被广泛引用的论文所得出的结论是一样的: 人们讨厌开放式办公室

Employers have chosen to sacrifice job satisfaction and productivity, all so they can pack a few extra sardines into $72-per-square-foot San Francisco office spaces.


They do this under the guise of lowering barriers to communication. But if you think about it, they should be raising them instead.

他们以降低沟通障碍为幌子。 但是,如果您考虑一下,他们应该提高他们。

Because here’s what happens when you need to get some real work done in an open plan office:


达到该流动状态 (Reaching that flow state)

Let’s talk a bit about how us humans get work done.


Is it four hours of crushing it, a lunch break, then four more hours of crushing it?


No. It’s more like coffee, email, coffee, meeting, coffee, lunch with coworkers, coffee — OK finally time to get some work done!


Did you know the average developer only gets two hours of uninterrupted work done a day? They spend the other 6 hours in varying states of distraction.

您是否知道普通开发人员一天只能完成两个小时的不间断工作? 他们花了其他6个小时来分散注意力。

But here’s what happens during the two hours they have to themselves.


They warm up.


They check logs, issues, and wrap their heads around what needs to be done.


They dive into the code.


Their pupils dilate.


They enter what psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls a “flow state.”

他们进入了心理学家Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi所说的“流动状态”。

If you’ve ever been “in the groove” or “in the zone,” that’s what this is. A happy state of energized focus. Flow.

如果您曾经去过“地沟”或“地带”,那就是这个。 充满活力的焦点处于快乐状态。 流。

If your job requires even an ounce of creativity, you’ll do your best work in one of these flow states.


And yes, you can reach a flow state in an open plan office, with noise cancelling headphones cranked up to 11. But it’s a lot easier when you’re in a quiet, comfortable room by yourself.


So Mihaly figures out that task switching utterly devastates your productivity. Something as mundane as getting a text message about dinner will completely wipe out all those things you’re juggling in your working memory. It will knock you out of your flow state.

因此,米哈利(Mihaly)发现,任务切换会彻底破坏您的生产力。 像收到有关晚餐的短信这样平凡的事情,将完全消除您在工作记忆中所玩弄的所有事情。 它将使您脱离流动状态。

Most of Mihaly’s fellow researchers agree. There’s a serious cost to switching between tasks.

Mihaly的大多数研究员都同意 。 在任务之间进行切换需要付出巨大的代价。

Mihaly spends the next 30 years researching flow states. He publishes a ton of papers. He does some consulting. He teaches at Berkeley. He records a TED talk:

Mihaly在接下来的30年中研究流量状态。 他发表了大量论文。 他做了一些咨询。 他在伯克利任教。 他记录了TED演讲:

He writes some books. Here’s a good one:

他写一些书。 这是一个很好的:

Creativity: The Psychology of Discovery and InventionEdit descriptionwww.amazon.com

创造力:发现与发明的心理 编辑描述 www.amazon.com

But employers, for the most part, don’t listen.


They continue to cram their teams together into noisy open plan offices.


They continue to pepper their teams’ days with meetings.


They expect their teams to be responsive to emails or Slack, further dashing hopes of ever reaching a flow state and getting some real work done.


Do you think Tolstoy could have written War and Peace in an open plan office?

您认为托尔斯泰本可以在开放式办公室中撰写《 战争与和平》吗?

Do you think Mozart could have composed The Marriage of Figaro in between stand-ups and one-on-ones?


Do you think Torvalds could have designed the Linux Kernel with Slack notifications popping up every 15 seconds?


如何异步生活 (How to live asynchronously)

Here are three things you can do reclaim your flow state.


I’ll assume that, like most people, you’re crazy busy. You’re skeptical of the gazillions of productivity tips you see here on Medium. And you probably don’t greet major lifestyle changes with open arms.

我认为,和大多数人一样,您会很忙。 您对在“ Medium”上看到的成千上万的生产率提示持怀疑态度。 您可能不会张开双臂迎接生活方式的重大变化。

So I’ll introduce these in increasing order of commitment required. One Dalí Clock means you can do it immediately after finishing this article. Four Dalí Clocks means you’ll need a full-blown action plan to make the leap.

因此,我将按要求的递增顺序介绍这些内容。 一个达利时钟意味着您可以在完成本文后立即进行操作。 四个达利钟表意味着您需要一个成熟的行动计划才能实现这一目标。

提示1:关闭尽可能多的通知(难度:1个达利钟) (Tip 1: Turn off as many notifications as you can (difficulty: 1 Dalí Clock))

Remember when Microsoft Outlook added that feature where it showed you a notification every time you received an email? You shut that off, right?

还记得Microsoft Outlook在添加该功能时在每次收到电子邮件时都会向您显示通知吗? 你把它关了吧?

Good. Now shut off pretty much every other notification on your phone and computer.

好。 现在,几乎关闭手机和计算机上的所有其他通知。

Do you really need to be notified right this instant that a new podcast will be available during your commute home tonight? Or that your aunt liked the photo you took of your lunch two days ago?

您是否真的需要立即通知您今晚通勤回家期间将提供新的播客? 还是您的姨妈喜欢您两天前吃午饭的照片?

The only notification you really need is that old standby from 100 years ago: the phone ring.


Because if it’s really important, people will call.


I can’t find you in the food court. Call.

我在美食广场找不到你。 呼叫。

Your kid threw up at school. Call.

你的孩子在学校长大。 呼叫。

The servers are melting down. Call.

服务器正在崩溃。 呼叫。

Some of my friends will still leave their text message notifications on (or their WhatsApp notifications when they’re overseas). I did this for a few years, too. But I turned these off a few months ago. So far, planes have not fallen from the sky.

我的一些朋友仍会保留其短信通知(或在国外时的WhatsApp通知)。 我也做了几年。 但是几个月前我关闭了这些功能。 到目前为止,飞机还没有从天上掉下来。

As a bonus, when people expect to hear back from you within 24 hours — rather than 10 minutes — they take the time to actually think about what they want to say to you. No more “hey there” texts. Or that old favorite: “can I ask you a question?”

另外,当人们希望在24小时内(而不是10分钟)内收到您的回音时,他们会花时间去思考要对您说些什么。 不再有“嘿”文本。 或那个古老的最爱:“我能问你一个问题吗?”

By the way, just for fun, here’s the extreme opposite of no notifications:


提示2:通过躲避会议来捍卫时间(难度:2个达利钟) (Tip 2: Defend your time by dodging meetings (difficulty: 2 Dalí Clocks))

Next time you sit in a meeting, do a quick experiment. Write down all the important things discussed that couldn’t have just been mentioned in an email thread.

下次您开会时,请做一个快速实验。 写下讨论的所有重要内容,而这些都是电子邮件线程中没有提到的。

There may be a few. But were those things really worth the 30 to 60 minutes you just spent away from your work?

可能有几个。 但是,那些事情真的值得您花30到60分钟离开工作时间吗?

Email brings out the Hemingway in all of us. When someone can’t get their point across in an email, it just means they’re going to have an even harder time explaining it in person.

电子邮件带给我们所有人的海明威。 当某人无法在电子邮件中表达自己的观点时,这仅意味着他们将很难面对面进行解释。

The next time someone writes you asking if you have time to meet, try responding: “What do you want to talk about?”


They’ll write you back with an answer.


Then respond: “OK — what are your thoughts on that?”


They’ll write you back with an answer.


Then respond with your own thoughts on the matter if necessary. Or just say: “OK — sounds good.”

然后如有必要,用您自己的想法回应。 或只是说:“好-听起来不错。”

Phew. Meeting dodged.

ew 会议躲闪。

Sometimes you get that message from a cheerful stranger on LinkedIn: “Let’s grab coffee and catch up!” Or that message from a coworker: “Can I swing by your desk and pick your brain?”

有时,您会收到来自LinkedIn上一个开朗的陌生人的消息:“我们来喝杯咖啡,赶上来吧!” 或同事发来的信息:“我可以在你的办公桌旁摆动并捡起你的大脑吗?”

If these people valued your time, they would just tell you what they wanted right up front. But in many cases, they don’t know exactly what they want.

如果这些人珍惜您的时间,他们只会直接告诉您他们想要什么。 但是在很多情况下,他们并不确切知道他们想要什么。

Don’t commit your scarce time to meet with them unless it’s clear that they know what they want, and they’re willing to tell you before hand.


A lot of people may bristle at you not just accepting their meeting request. Be polite and patient, and tell them you’re happy to answer their questions right here — in the email chain, or instant message client — wherever here may be.

很多人可能不仅仅接受他们的会议要求而对您发疯。 保持礼貌和耐心,告诉他们无论在哪里,无论是在电子邮件链中还是在即时消息客户端中,您都乐于在这里回答他们的问题。

Your time is your most valuable asset. Be protective of it. Don’t let others thoughtlessly waste it.

时间是您最宝贵的资产。 保护它。 不要让别人漫不经心地浪费它。

提示3:申请私人办公室或在家工作(难度:4个达利钟) (Tip 3: Ask for a private office, or to work from home (difficulty: 4 Dalí Clocks))

There are tremendous benefits to working remotely. When you have 4 minutes, read this article:

远程工作具有巨大的好处。 当您有4分钟的时间时,请阅读以下文章:

Fitter. Happier. More productive. Working remotely.An economic analysis of distributed teams

钳工。 更开心 更具生产力。 远程工作。 分布式团队的经济分析

A lot of the 13% productivity gain you get when you work remotely is because you’re not in a noisy office.


If you can’t work remotely — or if you are one of the many people who enjoys the energy of the workplace — ask for a private office.


If you value your productivity (and your sanity), consider prioritizing this during your job offer negotiation, or the next time you discuss a raise with your boss.


该思考了。 是时候创建了。 时间足够了。 (Time to think. Time to create. Time enough at last.)

In closing, I strongly recommend this book by one of the founders of Pixar.


You can learn about their experiments with improving their teams’ productivity and creativity. Among other things, it explores the evolution of their meetings, their use of open plans, and their transition back to mostly private offices.

您可以通过提高团队的生产力和创造力来了解他们的实验。 除其他事项外,它还探讨了会议的发展,开放计划的使用以及过渡到主要是私人办公室的过程。

Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True InspirationEdit descriptionamzn.to

Creativity,Inc .:克服 阻碍 真正灵感的看不见的力量 编辑描述 amzn.to

So what are some ways you keep things asynchronous? Do you have any tips for us? Share them with everyone in the comments section below.

那么,使事物保持异步的一些方法是什么? 您对我们有什么建议吗? 在下面的评论部分与所有人分享。

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/live-asynchronously-c8e7172fe7ea/


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