
code craft

Last week I received the following question from someone on Twitter:


… If you don’t mind, I wanted to ask you a specific question thats been bothering me for a long time. There are front-end developers and there are UI/UX designers. As I understand it, UI/UX designers come up with how things should look and front-end developers implement their vision. What if I can design and code? What if I want to conceive experiences and implement them? Is it true that most companies don’t encourage that? What would you suggest?
……如果您不介意,我想问一个具体的问题,这困扰了我很长时间。 有前端开发人员,也有UI / UX设计人员。 据我了解,UI / UX设计师提出了外观和前端开发人员实现其愿景的方式。 如果我可以设计和编码怎么办? 如果我想构思并实施经验该怎么办? 多数公司不鼓励这样做吗? 你有什么建议?

When I read that message, dozens of articles I’d read in the past came to mind. If you search Google, you’ll see that there are tons of articles on the topic of whether designers should learn to code or whether developers should learn to design. All these articles embody different sides of the argument.

当我阅读该消息时,我想到了过去读过的许多文章。 如果您搜索Google,则会看到大量关于设计师是应该学习编码还是开发人员应该学习设计的文章。 所有这些文章都体现了论点的不同方面。

Each one of those articles make valid points. However, a recurrent theme among many of these articles is how can a person optimize their skill set to be hired at a company.

这些文章中的每一篇都提出了有效的观点。 但是,在这些文章中,经常出现的一个主题是, 一个人如何才能优化自己的技能,以供公司聘用

This kind of perspective encourages developers and designers to hone their skills, not for themselves, but for companies. And that brings me to my main point: focus on what you enjoy doing and make it part of your craft.

这种观点鼓励开发人员和设计师提高他们的技能,而不是为了自己,而是为公司。 这就是我要讲的重点: 专注于您喜欢做的事情,并将其纳入您的工作范围。

Craft.io是指……精心,技巧和匠心制造或生产。 (Craft means… To make or product with care, skill, and ingenuity.)

Be a craftsman. A craftsman is someone who sees what they do as a science and an art. They create products with passion, pride, and care. And they are constantly searching for ways to improve their craft. Their key metric is forward progress over time.

做工匠。 工匠是将自己的工作视为科学和艺术的人。 他们创造充满激情,自豪和关怀的产品。 他们一直在寻找提高Craft.io水平的方法。 他们的关键指标是随着时间的推移前进。

An example of a craftsman is Nobuo Okano, a Japanese master craftsman who spent the last 30 years perfecting the art of restoring books.

日本大师级工匠冈野信男(Nobuo Okano)是工匠的一个例子,他在过去的30年中一直致力于完善书籍的修复艺术。

Regardless of whether he’s restoring a hundred or a thousand page book, Nobuo goes page by page unfolding creases with a tweezer and flattening the paper with an iron.


He painstakingly glues loose pages onto new sheets and trims them down to fit the books. It’s clear from his attention to detail that Nobuo has deep respect for his craft.

他辛苦地将松散的页面粘贴到新的纸张上,并修剪它们以适合书籍。 从他对细节的关注中可以明显看出,Nobuo对他的Craft.io深有敬意。

Another example of a craftsman is Antonio Stradivari, universally recognized as one of the most famous violin makers in the world.

另一个手Craft.io人的例子是安东尼奥·斯特拉迪瓦里(Antonio Stradivari),这是世界上最著名的小提琴制造商之一。

Stradivarius violins are known for their tone, responsiveness, elegance of design, and precision.


The violins were made with utmost respect and care. From the wood used to the design of the violin body, Stradivari paid attention to every small detail. Stradivari progressed so far in his craft that scientists even today are still making discoveries about his process.

小提琴的制作受到最大的尊重和照顾。 从所使用的木材到小提琴琴体的设计,斯特拉迪瓦里(Stradivari)都注重每个小细节。 斯特拉迪瓦里(Stradivari)的技术迄今取得了进步,以至于即使到今天 ,科学家仍在发现有关他的Craft.io的发现。

设计师和开发人员也可以是工匠。 (Designers and developers can also be craftsman.)

If you look at designers like Paul Rand or Johnny Ive and developers like Brendan Eich or Paul Irish, they all treat designing and coding as part of their craft. Their secret sauce is that they’re constantly exploring their domain and looking for ways to leave their mark.

如果您看一下Paul RandJohnny Ive这样的设计师,以及Brendan EichPaul Irish这样的开发人员,他们都会将设计和编码视为他们工作的一部分。 他们的秘密之处在于,他们正在不断探索自己的领域,并寻找方法来留下自己的印记。

Progress is the metric of success for craftsman. Paul Rand, a renown American graphics designer, began as a part timer at a design syndicate that supplied graphics to various magazines and newspapers.

进步是工匠成功的标准。 美国著名的图形设计师保罗·兰德(Paul Rand)最初是在一家为多家杂志和报纸提供图形的设计联合组织的兼职人员中开始工作的。

Years later, Paul Rand would help pioneer an era of design lead businesses. He went on to design the logos of companies like IBM, UPS, and ABC.

多年后,Paul Rand将帮助开拓设计领先企业的时代。 他继续设计IBM,UPS和ABC等公司的徽标

Another example is Johnny Ive. He started off designing products like microwaves, ovens, and toothbrushes. Below is a sketch of a power drill found in his early work. Today Ives is the Chief Design Officer at Apple and is responsible for the industrial design of Apple products like the Macbook, iPod, and iPhone.

另一个例子是约翰尼·艾夫(Johnny Ive)。 他开始设计微波炉,烤箱和牙刷等产品。 下面是他早期工作中发现的电钻的草图。 今天,艾夫斯(Ives)是苹果公司的首席设计官,负责Macbook,iPod和iPhone等苹果产品的工业设计。

Designers and developers who treat what they do as part of their craft, work to improve over time but most importantly, they improve for themselves.


I see a lot of people, constantly looking over their shoulders and comparing themselves to their peers. Often times, those who perceive themselves as behind, panic. And those who feel ahead, become complacent. The only good measure of progress is where you are today versus where you were a year ago. Everyone defines and owns their craft. It’s impossible to make a one-to-one comparison between two people. Also, seeing how much you changed and improved over time can serve as a huge source of inspiration.

我看到很多人,不断注视着他们的肩膀,并将自己与同龄人进行比较。 通常,那些自以为是的人会感到恐慌。 那些有前瞻感的人会沾沾自喜。 唯一衡量进步的好方法是今天和一年前。 每个人都定义并拥有自己的手艺。 不可能在两个人之间进行一对一的比较。 此外,了解随着时间的变化和改进的情况可以为您提供巨大的灵感来源。

因此,这是我对想要提高Craft.io水平的设计师和开发人员的建议 (So here is my advice for designers and developers who want to improve their craft)

As designers and developers, we can always improve the work that we do.


  • Even if it’s not part of your craft, learn more about your counterpart. If you’re a designer, learn more about development. It will help you understand the practical limitations that developers face. If you’re a developer, learn more about design. It will help you better empathize with the people who use your products.

    即使这不是您的工作范围,也请详细了解您的同行。 如果您是设计师,请详细了解开发。 它将帮助您了解开发人员面临的实际限制。 如果您是开发人员,请详细了解设计。 它将帮助您更好地了解使用您产品的人。
  • Read more good code. You’ll pick up good habits and internalize design patterns that will be useful as you architect your own code.

    阅读更多好的代码。 您将养成良好的习惯并内部化设计模式,这将在您构建自己的代码时很有用。
  • Look at more designs. The more inspiration you look at the more diverse your designs will be.

    查看更多设计。 您看到的灵感越多,您的设计就会越多样化。
  • Take care of your code. If you’re working with many other developers, write more unit tests. Unit tests help others understand what your code does and how it should work.

    照顾好您的代码。 如果您与许多其他开发人员一起工作,请编写更多的单元测试。 单元测试可以帮助其他人理解您的代码做什么以及应该如何工作。
  • Study more design systems. It’s important to understand how design is applied to products.

    研究更多的设计系统 。 了解设计如何应用于产品非常重要。

  • Write less code. Spend more time thinking about what you want to achieve and how. Avoid verbose code with unnecessary logic.

    编写更少的代码。 花更多时间思考您想要实现什么以及如何实现。 避免使用不必要的逻辑来编写冗长的代码。
  • Spend more time analyzing the impact of your designs before going back to the drawing board for the next iteration. Use quantitative analysis like user interviews and qualitative analysis like instrumentation to understand how people are using your product.

    返回到绘图板进行下一次迭代之前,请花更多时间分析设计的影响。 使用定量分析(例如用户访谈)和定性分析(例如仪器)来了解人们如何使用您的产品。

The list goes on forever. However there is a common theme among all of the bullet points: care about your work.

这个名单永远持续下去。 但是,所有要点中都有一个共同的主题: 关心您的工作

Whether you are a designer, developer, or both, treat what you do as part of your craft. Become so damn good that people can’t ignore you.

无论您是设计师,开发人员,还是两者兼而有之,都应将自己的工作视为手艺的一部分。 变得如此可恶,人们无法忽视你。

I would love to know your thoughts on craft and craftsmanship. Also, if you have any questions like the one that inspired this article, feel free to leave a note or Tweet to me.

我很想知道您对手Craft.io的看法。 另外,如果您有任何问题像启发本文的问题,请随时给我留言或发推文

If you want more, you can follow me on Twitter where I post non-sensical ramblings about design, front-end development, bots, and machine learning.


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