

by Toni Shortsleeve

通过托尼·肖特里夫(Toni Shortsleeve)

我如何在“外展之旅”中全力以赴 (How I’ve absorbed as much as I’m able on my Outreachy Journey)

I can’t believe this will be the last month of my internship at LibreHealth! ?

我不敢相信这将是我在LibreHealth实习的最后一个月! ?

Just when it was starting to all come together. But I still have a few more weeks to finish my projects, and I’m thankful for the time to work on them.

就在一切开始的时候。 但是我还有几周的时间来完成我的项目,我很感激能够为他们开展工作。

For those of you just joining me on my journey, I am an Outreachy Intern at LibreHealth for this summer. I was accepted on April 23 this year to begin my internship on May 23, lasting until August 14. You can read more about how it started here.

对于那些刚刚加入我旅程的人,我是今年夏天在LibreHealth外展实习生 。 我于今年4月23日被录取,从5月23日开始实习,一直持续到8月14日。您可以在此处了解更多有关实习的信息

Since my last article, I have learned so much. The two documents that I’ve been working on, the LibreHealth EHR Provider Orders and the LibreHealth EHR Encounters, were approved by my mentors and are now on the LibreHealth wiki.

自上一篇文章以来,我学到了很多东西。 我一直在处理的两个文档,即LibreHealth EHR提供者订单LibreHealth EHR遇到者 ,已由我的导师批准,现在在LibreHealth Wiki上。

Note: Patient and staff names or any data you may see inside my documents are completely fictional.


到目前为止,我的外展LibreHealth实习 (My Outreachy LibreHealth Internship so far)

In the Provider Orders document, we covered everything from the patient’s visit to referring the patient to an outside lab, and then transcribing the order.

在“ 提供者订单”文档中,我们涵盖了从患者的拜访到将患者转介到外部实验室再转录订单的所有内容。

Medical Transcription was a new concept for me. When I first read the word “transcriptionist”, I imagined it being the court reporter being asked to read back notes from the previous witness. ?

医学转录对我来说是一个新概念。 当我第一次阅读“ transcriptionist”一词时,我以为是法庭记者被要求读回前一位证人的笔记。 ?

It actually involves two documents being compared to each other, and then the Provider Order information is placed into the Referral Order form.


Sometimes the terms were similar, such as Referral Date

有时,这些术语是相似的,例如“ 推荐日期” ……

… and Order Date


Others were not quite so obvious.


For instance, the Reason on the Referral Form

例如, 推荐表格上的原因

… is the same as the Clinical History from the Procedure Order.

…与“ 手术顺序”中的“ 临床病史 ”相同。

When I design web pages, I am very spoiled with my coding. With HTML and CSS, I have the freedom to design my containers, image borders, and padding to keep space as needed. However, the wiki format doesn’t allow that.

当我设计网页时,我对自己的编码非常着迷。 使用HTML和CSS,我可以自由设计容器,图像边框和填充以根据需要保留空间。 但是,Wiki格式不允许这样做。

A <;p&gt; or <br/> had no affect at all. Thanks to my intern-mate Adele for sharing with me that I needed <br> without the front slash. A totally different concept! I kept having to remind myself to break the habit of adding that front slash.

A < ; p&g t; or t; or <br/>完全没有影响。 感谢我的正队友阿黛尔与我分享日at I需要的结果没有前斜线。 完全不同的概念! 我一直不得不提醒自己,不要养成加斜杠的习惯。

My mentor asked me to place these comparisons next to each other instead of above and below, to make it easier to read.


This is when I learned that wiki does take some HMTL in the formatting. Imagine my delight when I found that I could format my wiki with code like this:

这是我得知Wiki确实在格式中采用了HMTL的时候。 当我发现我可以使用以下代码格式化Wiki时,请想象一下我的喜悦:

<div><blockquote>‘’’Referral Transaction’’’: ‘Referral Date’ = ‘’’Procedure Order’’’: ‘Order Date’<br><br><span>[[File:trans-refDate.jpg|500px]] [[File:trans-ordDate.jpg|500px]]</span><br><br></blockquote></div>

And have it look like this:


I think this looks much better. My mentor also agreed. ?

我认为这看起来好多了。 我的导师也同意。 ?

应对新挑战 (Tackling new challenges)

My two areas of challenge on the Provider Orders were the Flow Board and Fee Sheets.


Flow Board: The Flow Board tracks the patient time in each segment of the visit. It updates every few seconds. It also holds on to everything that happened during the visit, including my mistakes, and automatically attempts to fix them. I was finally told how to turn that off, but by then it was too late. ?

流程板:流程板跟踪每次访问中患者的时间。 它每隔几秒钟更新一次。 它还会保留访问期间发生的所有情况,包括我的错误,并自动尝试修复它们。 最终我被告知如何关闭它,但是那时为时已晚。 ?

Notice how the Appointment Time did not match the Start or End time. And the Total Time needed to be changed too. Not only that, there should only be one of each status change.

请注意约会时间如何与开始时间或结束时间不匹配。 总时间也需要更改。 不仅如此,每个状态更改都应该只有一个。

Apparently the patient Arrived three times. She went into the Exam Room twice. Well, you see what happened. That was one busy patient. ?

病人显然到达了三次。 她两次进入考试室。 好吧,你知道发生了什么。 那是一个忙碌的病人。 ?

Also, the Total Time had to add up to the total section times.

另外,“ 总时间”必须总计为部分的总时间。

This is where my development background, and my best friend the Chrome Inspector, came to my rescue. ?

这就是我的开发背景以及我最好的朋友Chrome Inspector拯救我的地方。 ?

I was able to go in and change the details, then close the Inspector and take a new snapshot. Of course, every time I forgot a specific change, I had to start over. This image took a few different tries to get right:

我可以进入并更改详细信息,然后关闭Inspector并拍摄新快照。 当然,每次我忘记特定的更改时,都必须重新开始。 此图像经过几次尝试才能正确:

The Fee Sheet had similar challenges because the codes needed to be added and the codes needed to be justified.


After struggling with the actual codes, I still had to make it look good in all areas.


And on the final image, I needed to remove the extra codes. We only need one ICD10 code for one actual visit and prescription.

在最后一张图片上,我需要删除多余的代码。 一次实际的就诊和处方只需要一个ICD10代码。

In the figure above,


  • CPT4 99203 is the code for a new patient visit and the price is $25.

    CPT4 99203是新患者就诊的代码,价格为25美元。
  • CPT4 96372 is the code for an injection. There is no cost as it is inside the medical cost.

    CPT4 96372是注射代码。 没有费用,因为它在医疗费用之内。
  • HCPCS J2800 is the code for the injection medicine.

    HCPCS J2800是注射药的代码。

Each of the above codes were justified with ICD10 code M54.5.


As you can see, ICD10 M54.5 is the medical billing code for Low back pain.

如您所见,ICD10 M54.5是腰痛的医疗帐单代码。

Initially, this took a long time for me to understand, and then to bring it all together. I am very thankful to my mentor Harley Tuck for his patience.

最初,这花了我很长时间才能理解,然后将它们整合在一起。 我非常感谢导师Harley Tuck的耐心配合。

But finally I did it, and I was able to create the Billing Screens and Final Receipt.

但是最终我做到了,并且能够创建“ 开票屏幕”和“ 最终收据”

家庭伸展 (The home stretch)

Those were my LibreHealth EHR assignments. Now I am moving on to the LibreHealth Radiology segment and it will flow a little differently.

这些是我的LibreHealth EHR任务。 现在,我进入LibreHealth放射学部分,其流程将有所不同。

During my internship, I was able to take some time out to prepare to meet up with other FreeCodeCampers in New York City.


freeCodeCamp 2018杰出贡献奖 (freeCodeCamp 2018 Top Contributor Award)

I was totally surprised to receive the email from Quincy Larson telling me that I was chosen to be recognized for my contributions to the freeCodeCamp Medium publication. I didn’t feel like I really did anything extraordinary.

收到昆西·拉尔森 ( Quincy Larson)的电子邮件,告诉我说我被选为对freeCodeCamp Medium出版物的贡献而受到认可,我感到非常惊讶。 我觉得自己真的没有做任何非凡的事情。

I began to hang out in the chat rooms and forums a while ago because I wanted to know an answer to a question, or to learn a new solution to a problem. Then I started answering questions that I thought I knew the answers to. Sometimes I was actually correct. ?

不久前,我开始在聊天室和论坛中闲逛,因为我想知道问题的答案或学习解决问题的新方法。 然后,我开始回答我以为我知道答案的问题。 有时我实际上是正确的。 ?

I like coding. It forces me to use the logical side of my mind for problem-solving, and yet my creative side can make something pretty too.

我喜欢编码。 它迫使我将自己的逻辑思维用于解决问题,但是我的创造力也可以使事情变得很漂亮。

But I also love to read. I am in an Advanced Review Copies (ARC) group for a couple of fiction authors. I like their work and I can sometimes spot an error before it gets published.

但我也喜欢阅读。 我在一个高级复本(ARC)小组中,有几个小说作者。 我喜欢他们的工作,有时可以发现错误,然后再发布。

I’ve been reading the weekly articles sent by Quincy Larson, as well as the Medium Digest, since I joined freeCodeCamp. I found these articles helped me a lot, especially if the article was written at the same time that I was working on a similar project or trying to understand a similar concept.

自从我加入freeCodeCamp以来,我一直在阅读Quincy Larson和《 Medium Digest》发送的每周文章。 我发现这些文章对我有很大帮助,特别是如果在我从事类似项目或试图理解类似概念的同时撰写了这篇文章。

So when the call went out for volunteer editors for the freeCodeCamp Medium publication, I saw this as a great opportunity to study under some of my favorite authors. I get to read the best articles first! And I try to help fix any typos or grammar issues that occur.

因此,当对freeCodeCamp Medium出版物的志愿编辑进行电话采访时,我认为这是在我最喜欢的一些作者的指导下学习的绝佳机会。 我首先要阅读最好的文章! 并且我会尝试帮助解决出现的任何错别字或语法问题。

We have a great editing team, and I am proud to be a part of it.


When I applied for the Documentation Internship with LibreHealth, I used everything that I had learned editing here on Medium to help me with my work.


And so, when I got that email from Quincy, I mentioned the 2018 Top Contributor Award event to my mentor. He suggested that this could be made a part of my internship. It would then be possible to receive a stipend to help pay for my trip to New York.

因此,当我收到昆西的电子邮件时,我向我的导师提到了2018年杰出贡献者奖活动。 他建议可以将此作为我实习的一部分。 这样就有可能获得一笔津贴,以帮助我支付前往纽约的旅费。

My Outreachy coordinator, Sage Sharp, agreed with my mentor! I will be in New York City on the 18th of August to celebrate with a bunch of other Top Contributors.

我的外展协调员Sage Sharp同意了我的导师! 我将于8月18日在纽约与其他杰出贡献者一起庆祝。

I will also have a chance to meet one of my other LibreHealth mentors in Manhattan during the day, before the freeCodeCamp event that evening.


And, of course, I also found out that some of my favorite freeCodeCamp heroes will be at the event. I’m excited!

而且,当然,我还发现一些我最喜欢的freeCodeCamp英雄将参加此次活动。 我很兴奋!

遗言-现在 (Last Words - For Now)

I would like to remind women and other under represented members in the tech industry:


The next round of Outreachy Internships starts in September 2018. That is less than a month away. If you have not already done so, and are interested in applying, Sign Up Now to receive the announcements. You’ll be notified when the process begins.

下一轮外展实习计划将于2018年9月开始。不到一个月的时间。 如果您尚未这样做,并且有兴趣申请,请立即注册以接收公告。 流程开始时会通知您。

And, freeCodeCamp campers are eligible to join too! ?

而且,freeCodeCamp营员也有资格参加! ?

Thank you for staying on this journey with me. I’ll have more when I get back from New York.

感谢您一直陪伴我。 我从纽约回来时会得到更多。

以前的文章 (Previous Articles)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-ive-absorbed-as-much-as-i-m-able-on-my-outreachy-journey-3e350c9e0362/






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