

by Rachael Ray

瑞秋·雷(Rachael Ray)

如何根据这些重要功能选择合适的CMS (How to choose the right CMS based on these important features)

A Content Management System (CMS) is a web-based application. Multiple users with different access levels can operate the data, as well as modify the content of a website/project or an internet application.

内容管理系统(CMS)是基于Web的应用程序。 具有不同访问级别的多个用户可以操作数据,以及修改网站/项目或Internet应用程序的内容。

If you are developing a new website, a Content Management System is your best bet as you will have full control of your content and product sales. The biggest advantage is that you can manage your entire internet marketing strategy under one roof.

如果您要开发一个新网站 ,那么内容管理系统是最好的选择,因为您将完全控制自己的内容和产品销售。 最大的优点是您可以在一个屋檐下管理整个互联网营销策略。

A CMS allows you to administer and assign diverse levels of permission access to users. When choosing a CMS, you need to keep two things in mind:

CMS允许您管理用户并为用户分配不同级别的权限。 选择CMS时,请记住两点:

  • Figure out your stakeholders

  • Prioritize their requirements.


Now, deciding on a CMS platform is akin to buying a new smartphone.


Wondering how?


Let me explain.


为您和您的团队选择合适的CMS (Choosing the right CMS for you and your team)

When you sit down to buy a new smartphone, the sheer number of options available will boggle your mind. The same is the case with CMS. The number of platforms to choose from is mind-boggling.

当您坐下来购买新的智能手机时,可用的众多选项会让您大吃一惊。 CMS也是如此。 可供选择的平台数量之多令人难以置信。

On the one hand, there are the popular and well-known platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. And on the other hand, there are around 1000–2000 open source Web Content Management Systems which you can choose from.

一方面,有流行和知名的平台,如WordPress,Joomla和Drupal。 另一方面,您可以选择大约1000–2000个开放源Web内容管理系统。

Every CMS will have its own set of features to offer. Some platforms may offer all the requisite functions you need, while others might offer an unmatched intuitive experience. So, it becomes confusing as to which features are crucial as there are many basic features which are common to all the CMS platforms.

每个CMS都有其自己的功能集。 某些平台可能会提供您需要的所有必需功能,而其他平台可能会提供无与伦比的直观体验。 因此,由于所有CMS平台共有许多基本功能,因此对于哪些功能至关重要至关重要感到困惑。

Here are a few basic features which you should consider while choosing a CMS platform. They are mostly common across all platforms:

以下是选择CMS平台时应考虑的一些基本功能 。 它们在所有平台上最常见:

  • The platform should be steadfast and convenient

  • It should have an easy navigation

  • The platform should be flexible

  • The site maintenance cost should not be very high

  • The platform should have a streamlined authoring process


Apart from these basic features, there are three very important features your CMS should have. Let’s take a look at them in more detail:

除了这些基本功能,CMS还应具有三个非常重要的功能。 让我们更详细地看一下它们:

1)开放的API (1) An open API)

API is the most commonly used term when it comes to CMS. Everybody from Mark Zuckerberg to the developer next door talks about APIs. What makes the API such a crucial feature?

对于CMS,API是最常用的术语。 从Mark Zuckerberg到隔壁开发人员的每个人都在谈论API。 是什么使API如此重要?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is an intermediary software that promotes data exchange between two systems so that they can interact and share data with ease.


A CMS with an open API allows you to create a website and build apps that are detached from their content management tools and are integrated via the API. This gives you the benefit of using your choice of front-end tools. Also, you will be able to integrate a customized CMS with other external and internal systems, effortlessly. It is commercially viable and saves a lot of time, too.

带有开放API的CMS允许您创建网站并构建与其内容管理工具分离并通过API集成的应用。 这使您可以使用选择的前端工具。 此外,您将能够轻松地将自定义CMS与其他外部和内部系统集成。 它在商业上可行,并且也节省了大量时间。

2)开箱即用的插件 (2) Out of the box Plugins)

Plugins allow you to customize attributes of your website effortlessly and easily.


They help in enhancing the scalability and functionality of the website.


Look for a CMS platform which has built-in SEO tools. With these, you can optimize the page for both the readers and the search engine. Having SEO plugins will help you to add page titles, put in metadata descriptions, and will also help in complying with the accessibility guidelines. It will also help in preventing duplicate content.

寻找具有内置SEO工具的CMS平台。 有了这些,您可以同时为读者和搜索引擎优化页面。 拥有SEO插件将帮助您添加页面标题,放入元数据描述中,并且还将有助于遵守可访问性准则。 它还将有助于防止重复内容。

Also, when deciding on a platform, make sure you choose a platform which offers social media widgets and online marketing tools. This will make it easy for you to add social media sharing buttons to any piece or page of your content.

另外,在确定平台时,请确保选择一个提供社交媒体小部件和在线营销工具的平台。 这将使您轻松地将社交媒体共享按钮添加到内容的任何部分或页面。

Plugins also allow you to integrate ERP (Enterprise Resource Planner) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. Make sure that your chosen platform has such plugins.

插件还允许您集成ERP(企业资源计划器)和CRM(客户关系管理)系统。 确保您选择的平台具有此类插件。

WordPress as a CMS platform offers scores of plugins. Also, it is the most preferred platform and there is a huge demand for WordPress website development in the market. To get the best service for your web development needs, you can hire one of the top WordPress development companies.

WordPress作为CMS平台提供了许多插件。 而且,它是最受喜爱的平台,并且市场上对WordPress网站开发有巨大的需求。 为了获得适合您的Web开发需求的最佳服务,您可以雇用WordPress顶级开发公司之一

3)设计独立性 (3) Design independence)

Finally, the platform you choose should be open enough to allow modifications to the design and the layout. A customized design will have a huge impact on the user and thus will make them stay longer on the page. The platform should also offer flexibility to customize the interface so that you can craft the best experience for managing your content. The platform should not impose the templates on you. Rather it should be flexible enough to allow customization.

最后,您选择的平台应足够开放,以允许修改设计和布局。 定制的设计将对用户产生巨大影响,从而使他们在页面上停留的时间更长。 该平台还应提供灵活性以自定义界面,以便您可以为管理内容提供​​最佳体验。 该平台不应将模板强加于您。 相反,它应该足够灵活以允许自定义。

The CMS platform should provide you with the authority to make changes to the templates so that you can make your content stand out. It also allows you to bring into focus certain aspects on your page which you might want to highlight.

CMS平台应向您授予更改模板的权限,以便使您的内容脱颖而出。 它还使您可以将页面上的某些方面重点放在您可能要突出显示的地方。

The CMS should give you the freedom to tweak and re-frame a few aspects so that it is in accordance with your needs and requirements.


Also, having a personalized design will encourage the customer to browse through your content and stay on the page rather than flipping through it.


总结一下 (To sum up)

Now that you know which features to look out for, you can settle on your desired CMS platform and weed out the rest.


After all, a good Content Management System is a platform which is able to incorporate all your business needs and requirements and minimize the limitations as far as possible.


Be it micro data requirements or easy to use templates, your CMS should have these important features discussed above so that your business can deliver a seamless digital experience to all your customers.




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系统特点: 功能模块专业、布局严谨科学 以现有成功人才网站为局部参考,并充分结合人才网站的特点与商业模式进行功能规划。系统以招聘求职模块与诸多实用辅助模块组成,专业、强大、实用、易用。 在布局上科学严谨,给用户以完美印象! 顶尖页面设计、赏心悦目的视觉感受 网站的页面设计历来是网站建设重要工程,本系统由资深网页设计师设计,所有页面均经过布局策划-页面与UI设计-美术设计三大环节,结构布局清晰、界面大气美观、干净整洁,并注重每个细节的用户体验。让您的网站在用户面前眼前一亮! 开源免费、安全稳定 本系统采用PHP+MYSQL基础开发,使得系统无论是安全性、稳定性 、负载能力得到可靠保障;合理应用大量WEB2.0新技术使系统拥有一流的用户体验 完美网上支付接口,无人值守 系统集成网上支付接口,无需人工值守,自动开通服务,自动收款.。 代码简洁,高效运行 真正DIV+CSS统一构造页面、最简洁 规范的代码设计,使网站运行速度大大提升。全站采用伪静态支持,既避免了人工静态的繁琐操作、数据不及的弊端,又达到人工静 态对搜索引擎收录的同样有利效果。 模板机制、轻松改版 全新的模板引擎机制,界面完全与核心程序分离。网站界面均可轻松设计、修改 后台强大、灵活易用 本着以简单,易用,强大,高效的设计理念,网站的每一个角落都可以通过后台来灵活设置管理,后台设计美观 、易用,只要会操作电脑就可以管理网站,真正做到了全智能化管理! 高速缓存机制,自由设置缓存间 可自由设置各个栏目的缓存间,减轻数据库负荷,程序运行速度得以大幅度提升 搜索优化,完美植入 无论是页面结构、目录结构、文件名、网页标题,我们都充分植入了搜索引擎良性优化机制,为您的网站推广、搜索收录奠定了坚实的基础!


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