

by Kevin Seals


智能扬声器和AI将为您的医师带来超强能力 (Smart speakers and A.I. will give your physician superpowers)

As a hybrid physician/engineer, I spend a lot of time pondering how new platforms can empower doctors.


I am particularly excited about the potential of smart speakers coupled with advances in A.I. and natural language processing (also looking at you, blockchain). I am bullish on conversational agents in general, previously building an iOS chatbot powered by Watson that simulates a human radiologist. Chatbots are cool and useful, but voice — that might be magic.

我对智能扬声器的潜力以及AI和自然语言处理的进步(也正在关注您, 区块链 )的结合感到特别兴奋。 我总体上看好对话代理,之前曾构建过一个由Watson提供动力的iOS聊天机器人,该机器人可以模拟人类放射线医生 。 聊天机器人既酷又有用,但是声音却很神奇

Sensing potential, I decided to hunker down with my trusty corgi, drink a bunch of coffee, and start building the cool voice tools I want to use in my own clinical practice. This experience made me a lot more excited.

感觉到了潜力,我决定放弃我可信赖的柯基犬,喝一杯咖啡,并开始构建自己想在我的临床实践中使用的超酷语音工具。 这一经历使我多了很多激励。

In this article I will synthesize my findings, show a bunch of fun demo videos, and explain why smart speakers represent a transformative technology in healthcare.


Why should people that care about healthcare innovation start thinking about smart speakers? Well…

为什么关心医疗创新的人们应该开始考虑智能扬声器? 好…

智能扬声器可为外科医生提供强大的力量 (Smart speakers massively empower surgeons)

Imagine for a moment that you are a surgeon. You meticulously scrub your hands and undergo the long and complex process of surgical preparation, methodically putting on sterile gloves and a surgical gown and entering the operating theatre, scalpel in hand, exposed abdomen on the table.

想象一下您是一名外科医生。 您要精心擦洗双手,并进行漫长而复杂的手术准备过程,有条不紊地戴上无菌手套和手术衣,然后手拿手术刀,手术刀,裸露的腹部进入手术台。

You have entered the world of sterility. You are now incapable of checking your phone, which sucks. More importantly, you can no longer use a calculator, consult a medical reference, check the patient’s record, jot down a note — you can’t even Google things.

您已进入无菌世界。 您现在无法检查手机,这很糟糕。 更重要的是,您不再可以使用计算器,查阅医学参考资料,检查患者记录,记下便笺,甚至无法使用Google的东西。

Smart speakers thus offer immense value to all surgeons and proceduralist physicians: they give them their modern technology back. Many important applications can be built around sterility needs, from software allowing physicians to dictate paperwork during surgical downtime to this simple (but useful) sizing tool:

因此,智能扬声器为所有外科医生和程序医生提供了巨大的价值: 他们将现代技术带回了他们的手中 。 可以围绕无菌需求建立许多重要的应用程序,从允许医生在手术停机期间指示文书工作的软件到此简单(但有用)的上浆工具:

The tool I am building uses voice to empower the sterile. The smart speaker allows surgeons to rapidly determine if a particular stent or other device fits within a particular catheter. There are hundreds of devices deployed using catheters, and remembering what fits in what becomes impossible. The current workflow involves constantly asking support staff to check reference materials…an awkward and painful game of telephone.

我正在构建的工具使用语音增强无菌能力。 智能扬声器允许外科医生快速确定特定支架或其他设备是否适合特定导管。 使用导管部署了数百种设备,并记住什么适合什么变得不可能。 当前的工作流程涉及不断要求支持人员检查参考资料……一个笨拙而痛苦的电话游戏。

As a case study of one major sterility need, consider the workflow for determining if a particular device is available (for example, a stent of a particular size).


The surgeon says, “hey…do we have any 5 mm stents?” A human assistant then leaves the room, walks some distance to a storage area, and rummages through piles of boxes looking for stents. Precious minutes later they return and report their findings.

外科医生说:“嘿……我们有5毫米支架吗?” 然后,一名人类助手离开房间,走了一段距离到一个存储区,并在成堆的箱子里翻找,寻找支架。 宝贵的几分钟后,他们返回并报告了他们的发现。

This is insanely inefficient, and a voice application allowing surgeons to rapidly query the inventory will be a game-changer. Please consider giving me a small finder’s fee when this makes you $1 billion.

这是非常低效的,并且允许外科医生快速查询库存的语音应用程序将改变游戏规则。 当您的收入达到10亿美元时,请考虑向我收取一小笔寻人费。

智能扬声器有助于眼神交流和患者连接 (Smart speakers facilitate eye contact and patient connection)

Next, imagine that you are a physician in a busy emergency room. You have to see 20 patients before lunch, and after seeing them you have to complete mountains of paperwork documenting your findings.

接下来,假设您是繁忙的急诊室的医生。 您必须在午餐前看20位患者,然后在见到他们之后,您必须完成大量书面工作,记录您的发现。

This documentation generally occurs from 5-8 pm as you miss a dinner reservation with your wife and struggle to remember the details of your third patient with a cough. You were also supposed to play fetch with your corgi, and you missed it.

该文档通常发生在下午5点至8点,因为您错过了与妻子的晚餐预订,并且难以记住第三位咳嗽患者的详细信息。 您还应该和小狗一起玩取回游戏,却错过了。

These time pressures create physicians that are buried in a computer screen when they should be focusing on their patient, making eye contact, and creating the connection that is fundamental to the physician-patient relationship. And patients are getting mad:

这些时间压力会导致医生在专注于患者,进行眼神交流以及建立对医患关系至关重要的联系时埋葬在计算机屏幕中。 而且患者正在生气:

Smart speakers solve this problem. They allow physicians to chart data in realtime during a clinical encounter while continuing to make eye contact with the patient. This is huge. It both increases data accuracy — you don’t have to remember it later — and creates a better patient experience.

智能扬声器解决了这个问题。 它们使医生可以在临床相遇期间实时绘制数据图表,同时继续与患者进行眼神交流 。 这是巨大的。 两者都可以提高数据的准确性-您以后不必记住它-并可以提供更好的患者体验。

It also creates a better physician experience: we became doctors not to jump through documentation hoops but to take care of people and provide excellent, personable care. Everybody wins.

这也创造了更好的医师体验:我们成为医生,而不是无视文档障碍,而是要照顾人并提供出色的,有个性的护理。 每个人都赢。

智能扬声器允许零摩擦访问高质量信息 (Smart speakers allow zero-friction access to high quality information)

Friction is devastating to busy physicians. When you are responsible for 40 hospital patients and time delays are potentially deadly, making an additional click or opening an additional program becomes maddening.

摩擦对繁忙的医生来说是毁灭性的。 当您负责40名医院患者并且时间延迟可能是致命的时,再次单击或打开其他程序会变得很烦人。

Healthcare thus places a premium on immediate information accessed seamlessly. Sure, you could take 3 minutes to look up the latest recommendations for lung nodule management, but it is much better if you can simply “ask the room” and get an answer in 5 seconds.

因此,医疗保健非常重视无缝访问的即时信息。 当然,你可能需要3分钟,以查找对肺结节管理的最新建议,但它是更好 ,如果你可以简单地“询问室”,并在5秒内得到答案。

This logic inspired me to build a radiology assistant that helps radiologists (my specialty) rapidly access useful information:


This tool allows radiologists to quickly access important, yet difficult-to-remember, bits of information that are commonly looked up. And it lets them do so in a split second by simply “asking the room.”

该工具使放射科医生能够快速访问通常查找的重要但难以记住的信息。 通过简单地“询问房间”,他们就可以在一秒钟内做到这一点。

Hyper-efficient information retrieval is particularly valuable in the setting of a medical emergency.


Imagine a cardiac arrest with a critically ill patient getting chest compressions and electric shocks to restart their heart — it would be awkward and potentially unsafe to use a smartphone, but you can easily consult Alexa. She might retrieve key information from the medical record, ensure optimal timing of chest compressions, coordinate large teams distributed throughout the hospital, and do many other useful things.

想象一下,一名重病患者因心脏骤停而受到胸部按压和电击来重新启动心脏-使用智能手机可能会很尴尬且不安全,但是您可以轻松地咨询Alexa。 她可能会从病历中检索关键信息,确保最佳的胸部按压时间,协调遍布医院的大型团队,并做许多其他有用的事情。

Zero-friction information retrieval also facilitates the use of higher quality information. Try asking your doctor how much radiation you get from the body scanner at the airport, and they will probably respond with confused generalities.

零摩擦信息检索还有助于使用更高质量的信息。 尝试询问您的医生,您在机场的人体扫描仪会获得多少辐射,他们可能会以困惑的概括性回答。

But imagine if they could simply “ask the room” and get a better answer in a split second:


The human brain is imperfect, and voice tools help nudge physicians in the direction of accessing better information and providing better care. And they make it easy.

人脑是不完美的,语音工具可以帮助医生朝着获取更好信息和提供更好护理的方向发展。 他们使事情变得容易

结论 (Conclusion)

Hey engineers and healthcare innovators: I encourage you to think about how you can use this platform to build something cool and important that helps people. If you are curious about how I made my voice apps, see the nitty-gritty implementation details here.

嗨,工程师和医疗保健创新者:我鼓励您考虑如何使用该平台来构建对人们有益的重要事物。 如果您对我如何制作语音应用程序感到好奇,请在此处查看详细的实现细节。

If you have an idea for a project or want a physician’s perspective on anything in tech, feel free to reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn. Thanks for reading!

如果您对某个项目有想法,或者想让医生对技术上的任何事物发表看法,请随时与TwitterLinkedIn取得联系 。 谢谢阅读!

If you enjoyed the article, thought the demo videos were cool, or just appreciate my awesome dog, please hit the “clap” button and/or share…it helps a lot! Thanks. — Kevin

如果您喜欢这篇文章,认为演示视频很酷,或者只是欣赏我的真棒狗,请点击“拍手”按钮和/或分享……这很有帮助! 谢谢。 凯文

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/smart-speakers-and-a-i-will-give-your-physician-superpowers-38c17bc2f133/






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