iphone 2x 3x_iPhone X的未来:从现实到荒诞

iphone 2x 3x

by benjamin bannister


iPhone X的未来:从现实到荒诞 (The Future of the iPhone X: From the Realistic to the Absurd)

As a user and fan of the iPhone, I filmed a spoof video for an imaginary product called The iPhone X3.

作为iPhone的用户和粉丝,我为一个虚构的产品“ iPhone X3”拍摄了一个欺骗视频

Let’s discuss the ideas presented in it, and explore the likelihood we’ll get these technologies in the future.


太阳能充电 (Solar Charging)

Wireless Qi charging is finally here on the newest iPhones! This would otherwise be impressive, had I not been jealous of my friend’s wireless charging Microsoft Lumia phone — half a decade ago.

最新的iPhone终于有了无线Qi充电功能! 如果十年前我不嫉妒我朋友的无线充电Microsoft Lumia手机,这将给人留下深刻的印象。

But what about the future of charging? What other power sources could we rely on? Something Apple, something technology forward.

但是充电的未来呢? 我们还可以依靠哪些其他电源? 是苹果公司,是技术公司。

What about solar energy? There are currently solar solutions like portable batteries, solar roofs, and solar panels.

太阳能呢? 当前有太阳能解决方案,例如便携式电池,太阳能屋顶和太阳能电池板。

The main hurdle behind solar is it’s not as efficient as we would like it to be. Harnessing the sun’s energy still has a ways to go. Also, the sun can’t be relied on 100% of the time, so if solar charging is implemented, it would have to be supplemental to whatever the main source of power is.

太阳能背后的主要障碍是效率不如我们希望的那样。 利用太阳的能量还有一段路要走。 另外,不能100%地依靠太阳,因此,如果实施了太阳能充电,则必须补充太阳的主要动力来源。

Technology forecast: Until solar capturing efficiency is significantly increased along with miniaturizing it in a small form factor, we have a long wait for this.

技术预测 :在将太阳能捕获效率显着提高并使其小型化之前,我们需要等待很长时间。

无线交易 (Wireless Transactions)

In the video, a male character enters the New York City Subway by scanning his phone using NFC (near field communication) technology. He then proceeds to order movie tickets (to a fictional future “The First Annual Hunger Games” prequel/sequel), which Siri purchases automatically based on his buying habits.

在视频中,一个男性角色通过使用NFC(近场通信)技术扫描手机进入纽约地铁。 然后,他继续订购电影票(在虚构的未来的“ 第一届年度饥饿游戏 ”前传/续集中),Siri会根据他的购买习惯自动购买电影票。

Surprisingly, the NYC Subway has yet to catch on to wireless transportation entry, while cities like London have had it for over a decade (using RFID).


NFC is already is here with Apple Pay with more and more vendors supporting it for purchases and transactions.

NFC已在Apple Pay中使用,越来越多的供应商支持它进行购买和交易。

Technology forecast: People are already using wireless transactions. It’s just a matter of implementation.

技术预测 :人们已经在使用无线交易。 这只是实现问题。

增强导航 (Augmented Navigation)

Apple Maps and Google Maps have increasingly gotten better over time. We’ve seen streamlined graphics, to satellite imagery, to knowing your location and orientation, to 3D mapping entire cities, to Street View, to choosing methods of transportation, to being able to choose departure and arrival times.

随着时间的推移,Apple Maps和Google Maps变得越来越好。 我们已经看到了简化的图形,卫星图像,了解您的位置和方向,对整个城市进行3D映射,对街景视图,选择交通方式以及能够选择出发和到达的时间。

Imagine your phone showing a holographic projection in front of you that overlays your surroundings along with clear directions to guide you to your destination.


We’ve seen this special effect in Hollywood movies, but never in real life. It can’t exist for the same reason lightsabers can’t exist: because you can’t just stop light in midair; it has to project onto some type of surface.

我们已经在好莱坞电影中看到了这种特殊效果,但在现实生活中却从未见过。 出于相同的原因,它不存在,因为不存在光剑:因为您不能只在空中停下光; 它必须投影到某种类型的表面上。

Technology forecast: Improbable.

技术预测 :不可能。

安全字 (Security Word)

I had my phone stolen one time from a very bold pickpocket. It was in a crowded subway. I had a dark jacket on, with my iPhone in a bright orange case sticking out like one big target saying “steal me.” The subway came to a an abrupt stop and a guy pushed up against me a little too much. It was only when I went to reach for my phone later did I realize it was gone, and the guy that bumped into me was gone.

我有一次大胆的扒手把电话偷了。 那是在拥挤的地铁里。 我穿上一件黑夹克,我的iPhone装在亮橙色的外壳中,就像一个大目标一样伸出来,说“偷了我”。 地铁突然停了下来,一个家伙向我推得太多了。 直到我稍后拿起手机时,我才意识到它不见了,撞到我的那个家伙也走了。

It was at this moment I thought of a “Security Word” as a deterrence mechanism. Imagine saying a word or phrase matched to your voice which activates an electric shock to whoever has it. Imagine! “I know who the killer is! Let’s ring this phone and find out!”

正是在这一刻,我想到了“安全词”作为威慑机制。 想象一下,说一个与您的声音相匹配的单词或短语会激活任何人的触电。 想像! “我知道凶手是谁! 让我们给这部手机打电话并找出答案!”

This will never happen mainly because it can be used in ways that would stir up a whole bunch of lawsuits.


Technology forecast: We could make a miniature taser, but should we put it into a phone?

技术预测 :我们可以制作一个微型泰瑟琴,但我们应该将其放入手机中吗?

投影机 (Projector)

In the video, we see a woman giving a presentation. We initially assume the projector feature is projecting the PowerPoint presentation behind her, but the twist is: she’s the projection.

在视频中,我们看到一位女士在做演讲。 最初,我们假设投影仪功能正在将PowerPoint演示文稿投影在她身后,但有一个转折点: 她就是投影仪。

This is an extension of the Augmented Navigation idea. Think of it as 3D Facetime. Again, while it’s nice to imagine, you still need to project light onto a surface.

这是增强导航概念的扩展。 将其视为3D Facetime。 同样,虽然可以想象得到,但是您仍然需要将光投射到表面上。

Take something as cool as these Halloween projection effects. They all look awesome, but require a surface like a wall or a sheer curtain to be seen.

像这些万圣节投影效果一样酷。 它们看起来都很棒,但是需要看到像墙或透明窗帘的表面。

There are mini projector these days but they lack resolution and brightness.


Technology forecast: Advances in projection technology could make this a reality some day. The only caveat is you need a surface to project your images on.

技术预测 :投影技术的进步有一天会使其成为现实。 唯一需要注意的是,您需要在其上投影图像的表面。

自适应液态金属壳 (Adaptive LiquidMetal Shell)

I was just having fun with this feature. Past news report that Apple bought an exclusive license to Liquidmetal technology. My guess is they did this so no one else would have it while testing the waters with what could be done with it. So far, only a SIM ejector pin has been made of it.

我只是在玩这个功能。 过去的新闻报道称,苹果购买了Liquidmetal技术的独家许可。 我的猜测是他们这样做了,所以在用它可以做什么测试水域的过程中,没人能拥有它。 到目前为止,仅由SIM卡弹出针制成。

In the video, the LiquidMetal borders the entire phone and its color can be personalized in iOS based on your preference. This was purely fiction when I made it up, something I wanted, but not something I could see happening. The whole point of this segment was to allow customization.

在视频中,LiquidMetal与整个手机接壤,可以根据您的喜好在iOS中个性化其颜色。 当我编造出来时,这纯粹是虚构的,是我想要的,但我看不到发生的事情。 本部分的全部重点是允许自定义。

How could this technically happen if it could? Maybe a screen that wraps around the phone, which lights up in a color of your choosing when there is a notification. Maybe color e-ink technology could be wrapped around the phone that would maintain its color while the main screen is off.

如果可以的话,这在技术上如何发生? 可能是环绕手机的屏幕,当收到通知时,屏幕会以您选择的颜色点亮。 也许彩色电子墨水技术可以包裹在手机周围,以便在主屏幕关闭时保持其颜色。

Technology forecast: Possible, in the very distant future.

技术预测 :在很遥远的将来可能。

喵喵解锁© (Meow To Unlock©)

Apple likes to sell you on emotions. Does it make you smile? Does it delight?Live Photos (Harry Potter photos) are one such feature. I don’t know about you, but when I take the right Live Photo, I treasure it in my phone.

苹果喜欢卖给你情绪激动。 它会让你微笑吗? 高兴吗? 实时照片 (Harry Potter的照片)就是这样一种功能。 我不了解您,但是当我拍摄正确的实时照片时,会在手机中将其珍藏。

With the iPhone X, we have Animojis, animated emojis that can replicate our facial features onto an emoji, along with an audio recording of what we want to say. It seems… amusing, and the jury will be out until people have the iPhone X in their hands.

有了iPhone X,我们有了Animojis (动画表情符号),这些动画表情符号可以将我们的面部特征复制到emoji表情上,同时还可以录音出我们想说的话。 似乎……很有趣,陪审团将出炉,直到人们手里拿着iPhoneX。

What else could Apple have done to make us smile? I decided everyone likes kittens, 98% of people do (I just made that statistic up). Instead of numbers to unlock our phones, why not have pictures of cute kittens? I’ll tell you now: all my friends want this feature.

苹果还能做些什么来使我们微笑? 我确定每个人都喜欢小猫,其中98%的人喜欢小猫(我只是统计了一下)。 为什么不用数字来解锁我们的手机,为什么不拥有可爱小猫的照片呢? 我现在告诉您:我所有的朋友都想要此功能。

But wait! We now have facial unlocking. However, Apple still requires a 4–6 digit code from time to time as a backup to authenticate who you are.

可是等等! 现在,我们可以进行面部解锁。 但是 ,Apple仍会不时需要4–6位数的代码作为备份,以验证您的身份。

Could they add an optional feature like picture unlock? Or a Meowcode© to unlock? It would only require a software update.

他们可以添加图片解锁等可选功能吗? 或Meowcode©可以解锁? 只需更新软件即可。

Technology forecast: It’s highly unlikely Apple would implement this after they’ve stuck with numbers and now facial recognition to unlock your phone. But, if any other companies wants to license this idea from me…

技术预测 :在他们坚持使用数字和现在的面部识别来解锁手机后,苹果极不可能实施此操作。 但是,如果有其他公司想要向我许可此想法...

That concludes my insights. Sometimes it takes visualizing an idea on screen to inspire someone to make it a reality.

总结了我的见解。 有时需要在屏幕上可视化一个想法才能激发某人将其变为现实。

Let me know your thoughts on the technology, and The iPhone X3 video (give it a thumbs up on YouTube if you enjoyed it).

让我知道您对这项技术和iPhone X3视频的想法(如果喜欢,请在YouTube上表示赞赏)。

奖励内容:幕后故事板 (BONUS CONTENT: Behind-the-Scenes Storyboards)

Here are scans of the original storyboards used for filming. As with most things in life, most of the work is in the preparation and planning stages, while the easiest part is the execution.

这是用于拍摄的原始故事板的扫描图。 与生活中的大多数事物一样,大多数工作处于准备和计划阶段,而最简单的部分是执行。

Show your support by clapping this article, tweeting it, sharing it, and follow me to discover new things.

Also by benjamin bannister:

另外,本杰明·班尼斯特(benjamin bannister):

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-future-of-the-iphone-x-from-the-realistic-to-the-absurd-f33bee3288ea/

iphone 2x 3x





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