hp-ux ftp启动_您可以做12项免费的事情来快速启动UX设计事业

hp-ux ftp启动

by Miriam Isaac

通过Miriam Isaac

Okay, first things first. Who is this guide for?

好吧,第一件事。 本指南适用于谁?

  • Web designers, visual designers, graphic designers, and students who want to break into user experience design (UXD).

  • People who are already familiar with the six principles of design (I won’t be going into visual design here).

    已经熟悉设计六项原则的人 (在这里我将不涉及视觉设计)。

  • People who already know design tools like Photoshop or Sketch.


Now don’t worry —here’s some impractical advice this article doesn’t contain:


  • “subscribe to x newsletter”

  • “here’s a ton of links you’ll never read”

  • or “find a mentor” — because lets face it, you wouldn't be reading this article if you found the rare unicorn that is a UX mentor.

    或“寻找一位导师” —因为面对现实,如果您发现了一个罕见的独角兽UX导师,就不会读这篇文章。

Here we go.


事情1:学习编码 (Thing 1: Learn to code)

Just do it. You’ll be fine. Learn HTML / CSS and as much JavaScript as you can handle.

去做就对了。 你会没事的。 学习HTML / CSS和尽可能多JavaScript。

Now before you get all hyped up, listen to what I’m not saying.


I’m not saying learn all the different types of JavaScript out there, I’m not saying go build a ton of websites or apps. All I’m saying is take one online course.

我并不是说要学习所有不同类型JavaScript,不是要建立大量的网站或应用。 我只是说要参加一门在线课程。

Why? This will give you a deeper understanding of the rules of web design. Once you know these rules, you’ll know how to break them. Plus, you’ll learn what is possible and what is not. This will give you instant cred with the dev team, and save you and your company a whole load of heartache.

为什么? 这将使您对Web设计规则有更深入的了解。 一旦知道了这些规则,便会知道如何打破它们。 另外,您将学习什么是可能的,什么是不可能的。 这将使您立即获得开发团队的信任,并为您和您的公司节省大量的工作量。

I am recommending​ freeCodeCamp, which of course is free! It’s easy to get started, and the courses are broken down into easy-to-consume bitesizes. The HTML5 and CSS course only takes five hours to complete, and provides you with all the basics you need to know. Go on, dive in.

我建议使用freeCodeCamp,它当然是免费的! 它很容易上手,并且课程分为易于使用的小节。 HTML5和CSS课程仅需五个小时即可完成,并为您提供所有需要了解的基础知识。 继续, 潜入

第2件事:打印出整个网站或应用 (Thing 2: Print out an entire website or app)

If you work at a company, print out their entire website/app. Yes, the entire thing. I once took over a whole room for this purpose. Then look at it. Look for inconsistency on these print outs. From this, create a style guide. Instant cred as a UXer.

如果您在公司工作,请打印出他们的整个网站/应用程序。 是的,整个事情。 我曾经为此目的接过整个房间。 然后看看。 在这些打印输出上查找不一致之处。 由此,创建样式指南。 立即成为UXer。

If you’re a freelancer, throw in a style guide for free for your next client. Make sure to put that piece of gold in your portfolio. More on style guides here. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to make an interactive one. That would be nice, but it can just be a PDF.)

如果您是自由职业者,请免费为您的下一个客户提供样式指南。 确保将这笔黄金放入您的投资组合中。 有关样式指南的更多信息,请参见此处 。 (不用担心,您不必进行交互式的交互。那很好,但是它可以只是一个PDF。)

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The start of a #patternlibrary #uxdesign #uidesign #ux #ui almost #flatdesign #ecommerce #orange #green #calltoaction #buttons #webdesign #wip

#patternlibrary #uxdesign #uidesign #ux #ui #ui几乎#flatdesign#电子商务#橙色#绿色#调用#按钮#网页设计#wip

A post shared by Miriam Isaac (@misaac85) on Dec 19, 2015 at 8:56am PST

Miriam Isaac (@ misaac85)在2015年12月19日太平洋标准时间上午8:56分享的帖子

第3件事:制作用户流程图 (Thing 3: Make a user flow map)

Now that your entire website is on a wall. It is time to look at it critically and make a user flow chart.

现在您的整个网站都在墙上。 现在该认真地研究它并制定用户流程图了。

For example for an eCommerce website your simplest user map would be home > category > product > basket > checkout.


You’ll discover that product is the pinnacle page of an eCommerce website. Most opportunities to increase conversion will lie there.

您会发现产品是电子商务网站的顶峰页面。 大多数增加转化的机会都在那。

If you aren’t yet part of a company, see Thing #4 below.


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Finally finished the UX flow chart for Quizzes! #superhappy #stickaforkinmeimdone  #uxflow #uxprocess #uxdesign #uxdesign #informationalarchitecture #wireframe #uidesign #wip #illustrator #instaux #instaui Thank you @uxkits!

最终完成了Quizzes的UX流程图! #superhappy #stickaforkinmeimdone #uxflow #uxprocess #uxdesign #uxdesign #informationalarchitecture #wireframe #uidesign #wip #illustrator #instaux #instaui谢谢@uxkits!

A post shared by Miriam Isaac (@misaac85) on Jul 31, 2016 at 5:36am PDT

Miriam Isaac (@ misaac85)在2016年7月31日太平洋标准时间上午5:36分享的帖子

事物4.对网站或应用程序进行反向工程 (Thing 4. Reverse Engineer a Website or App)

If you aren’t part of a company, one of the best ways to learn UX is to do some good old reverse engineering.


Now don’t take just any website, do this with award winning apps and websites.


The way I learnt web design originally was downloading entire websites to learn how they were made. What you need to do is take a bunch of post it notes and for every interaction write it down as shown below.

我最初学习网页设计的方式是下载整个网站以了解其制作方式。 您需要做的是记录大量便笺,并为每次交互将其写下来,如下所示。

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Reverse engineering today :) mapping out QuizUp's UX flow chart #uxprocess #uxdesign #ux #sprinting #postit #digitaldesign #appdesign #gaming #playinggamesforwork #thedream

今天的逆向工程:)绘制出QuizUp的UX流程图#uxprocess #uxdesign #ux #sprinting #postit #digitaldesign #appdesign #gaming #playinggamesforwork #thedream

A post shared by Miriam Isaac (@misaac85) on Jul 19, 2016 at 2:32am PDT

Miriam Isaac (@ misaac85)在2016年7月19日太平洋标准时间上午2:32分享的帖子

第5件事:素描,素描,素描 (Thing 5: Sketch, Sketch, Sketch)

…out your designs and user flow first. This will eliminate a lot of headache in Photoshop.

…首先要设计出来,并吸引用户。 这将消除Photoshop中的许多麻烦。

My graphic design teacher taught me to always sketch first. This advise was for book covers and posters, but I’ve always found sketching first is always a winner.

我的平面设计老师教我总是先画草图。 该建议适用于书籍封面和海报,但我总是发现首先进行素描始终是赢家。

Nothing starts until your pencil hits that paper. Before that point its just an abstract idea.

在铅笔碰到纸之前,一切都没有开始。 在此之前,它只是一个抽象的想法。

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Working on user flows for creating groups today - - - #userexperience #ux #userinterface #ui #userflow #digitaldesign #appdesign #designwork #workflow #createagroup #apparchitecture #designandbuild #paperprototyping #wireflow #wireframes #invite #startups #mvp #startuplife #mobiledesign #mobile #formandfunction #designerlife #dayinthelife #dottedpaper #pennpaper #chatapps #instaui #instaux #designthinking

正在为创建群组而在用户流程上工作---#userexperience #ux #userinterface #ui #userflow #digitaldesign #appdesign #designwork #workflow #createagroup #apparchitecture #designandbuild #paperprototyping #wireflow #wireframes #invite #startups #mvp #startuplife# #design #life #life #life #life #life #daytthelife#design#ink #chatapps #instui#设计#移动

A post shared by Miriam Isaac (@misaac85) on Nov 13, 2016 at 1:10am PST

Miriam Isaac (@ misaac85)在2016年11月13日太平洋标准时间上午1:10分享的帖子

事情6:开始制作原型 (Thing 6: Start prototyping)

Of course you’ll need to learn some sort of prototyping tool. Remember that this doesn’t actually make you a good UX designer, it’s just a tool that connects your mock-ups together.

当然,您需要学习某种原型制作工具。 请记住,这实际上并不能使您成为优秀的UX设计人员,而只是将您的模型连接在一起的工具。

The purpose of prototypes is to show stakeholders the interactivity that you and your developers can imagine, but they can’t. Don’t think its more than that. Its not magic.

原型的目的是向利益相关者展示您和您的开发人员可以想象的,但他们无法想象的交互性。 不要以为更多。 它不是魔术。

Invision has a small learning curve and plays nicely with Sketch and Photoshop. The first 3 projects are free! It is by far the simplest of all cloud based prototyping tools. Plus the collaboration feature is pretty sweet. Here’s the link.

Invision的学习曲线很小,可以与Sketch和Photoshop很好地配合使用。 前三个项目是免费的! 到目前为止,它是所有基于云的原型制作工具中最简单的。 另外,协作功能非常出色。 这是链接

问题7:进入Google Analytics(分析) (Thing #7: Get into Google Analytics)

Put the script in your website header, then start tracking. Seek opportunities. If your company has Google Analytics, ask for permission to access it.

将脚本放入您的网站标题中,然后开始跟踪。 寻求机会。 如果您的公司有Google Analytics(分析),请寻求访问权限。

It’s easy to learn, and if you want to get really into it, there are online courses. If you’re a freelancer, offer this service to one of your clients. Of course you’ll have to do it for free initially, but you’ll get there.

它很容易学习,如果您想真正了解它,可以在线学习。 如果您是自由职业者,请向您的客户之一提供此服务。 当然,一开始您必须免费进行,但是您会到达那里。

The main area of value to you is the pages area. (Found under the behavior section) Here you can see which pages your users bounce off or spend the longest time on. These pages will highlight your highest areas of opportunities as a UXer.

对您来说最有价值的区域是页面区域。 (位于“行为”部分下),您可以在此处查看用户跳出的页面或花费时间最多的页面。 这些页面将重点介绍您作为UXer的最高机会。

Now, go to those pages you identified and do the following:


  1. Run a Heatmap

  2. Gather User Feedback

  3. Conduct User Testing


All you need for these three tactics is one tool called Hotjar


Hotjar is incredible. It’s super cheap and super useful. Its actually free for your first 3 websites. It has all, yes, all of the UX tools you need to create user centric experiences. Includes, heat-maps, customer feedback and user testing, everything else is meh. Here’s the link.

Hotjar令人难以置信。 它超级便宜而且超级有用。 它实际上对您的前3个网站免费。 它拥有所有,是的, 所有的UX工具,你需要创建用户为中心的体验。 包括热图,客户反馈和用户测试,其他一切都是如此。 这是链接

第8点:运行热图 (Thing 8: Run heatmaps)

OK, what you’ll need to do here is run a heatmap for a few weeks, depending on your website traffic. Then you can look for what they call, “opportunities.”

好的,您需要在此运行一个热图几个星期,具体取决于您的网站流量。 然后,您可以寻找他们所谓的“机会”。

Basically you’re looking for broken patterns. The ones that do well are great validation, so give kudos to the designer who designed that.

基本上,您正在寻找损坏的图案。 做得好的那些是很好的验证,因此对设计该方法的设计师表示敬意。

The most valuable heatmaps will be the ones where the call to action (CTA) isn’t the color red, which shows users are clicking in the wrong places.


If you are seeking to design an engaging article, what you want is warm colors all the way down and red on the CTAs. If this is not happening: OPPORTUNITY!

如果您要设计引人入胜的商品,那么您所需要的就是从头到尾一直是暖色,在CTA上是红色。 如果这没有发生:机会!

第9件事:使用客户反馈表 (Thing 9: Use A Customer Feedback Form)

Yep, Hotjar has one of those too, plus it will generate one of those cute word clouds for you. (Everyone loves those.) Plus there’s the option to customize the question being asked. Make use of this feature.

是的,Hotjar也有其中之一,而且它将为您生成这些可爱的词云之一。 (每个人都喜欢。)此外,还可以自定义所提出的问题。 利用此功能。

When analyzing customer feedback look for patterns. If you have a Customer Service department, go speak to them and note the patterns in what they are saying. If you have a company event, seek out the reps and hear what they have to say, the advantage being the informal setting. By the way, CS REPS LOVE VENTING, THEY WILL LOVE YOU!

分析客户反馈时,请寻找模式。 如果您有客户服务部门,请与他们交谈,并注意他们所说的方式。 如果您有公司活动,请找出代表并听他们说些什么,其好处是非正式的场合。 顺便说一句,CS REPS爱通风口,他们会爱你!

Collect all this feedback and now you get to:


第10点:进行用户测试 (Thing 10: Conduct user testing)

Hotjar does offer this, but you can also user test with people in the office, if they’re in your target market. If you’re a freelancer, use your very nice friends.

Hotjar确实提供了此功能,但是如果他们在目标市场中,您还可以与办公室中的人员进行用户测试。 如果您是自由职业者,请使用非常友善的朋友。

What you do is, sit them down with the app or website, do not say a word and watch them use it. Write notes on where they struggled or where they easily flowed through the app/website.

您要做的是,让他们与应用程序或网站坐下来,不要说一个字并看着他们使用它。 写下他们在哪里挣扎或容易流经应用程序/网站的注释。

有了这三个数据点 (With These Three Data Points)

…you can now make a UX plan for your clients or manager. What you’ll need to do is create mock ups of the improvements with these key data points. Then present them, then execute.

…您现在可以为客户或经理制定UX计划。 您需要做的是使用这些关键数据点创建改进的模型。 然后呈现它们,然后执行。

事情11:不要害怕A / B测试 (Thing 11: Don’t be afraid of A/B testing)

The best way to prove your worth as an UXer is by testing your designs via A/B testing.

证明您是UXer的价值的最佳方法是通过A / B测试来测试您的设计。

Now, there are not many free ones out there, but luckily you can do this with Google Analytics, with their feature content experiments. It has a steep learning curve though.

现在,那里没有免费的免费软件,但是幸运的是,您可以使用Google Analytics(分析)及其功能内容实验来实现这一目的。 它的学习曲线陡峭。

Or, the quick ‘n dirty way is, make a mark of your goals in Google Analytics (conversion / average order value / average time spent on page) and then publish your changes. After around 4 weeks (depending on your traffic), make a new mark and compare. If you did your homework, you should be seeing the results you want.

或者,一种快速的'n肮脏的方式是,在Google Analytics(分析)中标记您的目标(转化/平均订单价值/平均在页面上花费的时间),然后发布您的更改。 大约4周后(视您的流量而定),重新标记并进行比较。 如果您完成了作业,那么您应该会看到想要的结果。

If you are in a company, and you have the budget, try and advocate for a third party vendor. I do recommend Qubit. Plus, they have awesome customer service.

如果您在公司中并且有预算,请尝试倡导第三方供应商。 我确实推荐Qubit 。 此外,他们还有很棒的客户服务。

事情12:掌握交流的艺术 (Thing 12: Master the art of communication)

You’ll need to learn how to convince people of your designs. I’m not gonna sugar coat this, it’s hard. It is — in essence — selling.

您将需要学习如何使人们相信您的设计。 我不会为此加糖衣,很难。 本质上,它是销售。

OK, so how do you achieve this?


听,听,再听一些 (Listen, Listen, Listen and then Listen Some More)

Understanding the client is key in your work. In your kick off meeting, start noting down the words the client / manager / director / CEO consistently repeats, circle them, and then say hello to your new vocabulary.

了解客户是您工作的关键。 在您的启动会议上,开始记下客户/经理/董事/ CEO不断重复的单词,圈出它们,然后对新词汇打个招呼。

Now when its your turn to present, use those words in your presentation. But don’t just use them, make sure your designs integrates them. This is a form of mirroring and shows you know how to integrate business objectives into your work.

现在轮到您演示时,在演示文稿中使用这些单词。 但是,不仅要使用它们,还要确保您的设计将它们集成在一起。 这是一种镜像形式,向您展示了如何将业务目标集成到您的工作中。

They want people to buy more? Suggest making the CTA bigger and in an accent color, You can also talk about the artsy-farsty stuff of using a warm color on a cool background to make it “pop.” (Yep. I said that.)

他们希望人们购买更多? 建议增加CTA并使其具有突出的颜色,您也可以谈论在柔和的背景上使用暖色使之“流行”的艺术气息。 (是的,我这么说。)

They want people to sign up? Recommend giving the form field more contrast and adding an incentive, think, sign up and receive 10% off.

他们希望人们签约吗? 建议给表单字段更多的对比并添加激励,思考,签名并获得10%的折扣。

Customers don’t understand the product? Recommend designing diagrams for the info section or highlighting the FAQs.

客户不了解产品? 建议为信息部分设计图表或突出显示常见问题解答。

They want more branding? You put that logo everywhere: think in the chat icon, store locator map icons, in the footer, create a library of custom icons!

他们想要更多品牌? 您可以在任何地方放置该徽标:在聊天图标,商店定位器地图图标,页脚中创建自定义图标库!

But seriously,


You must always be thinking of ways design, can solve business problems.


The crux of being a UXer is solving problems. If the customer is having a hard time checking out, you can fix that. (Well, not if it’s server issues.) If your customer doesn’t understand what your website does, you can solve that. If your CEO wants to decrease bounce rate, boom you are there.

成为UXer的关键在于解决问题。 如果客户很难结帐,则可以解决该问题。 (嗯,不是服务器问题。)如果您的客户不了解您的网站的工作,则可以解决。 如果您的CEO希望降低跳出率,那么您就兴高采烈了。

You are a problem solver, not a pixel pusher.


The best thing you can do in a large company is combine customer feedback and management wishes ($$$). It is actually quite simpler than it sounds, because most of the time it’s two sides of the same coin. You be the one to connect the dots.

在一家大公司中,最好的做法是结合客户反馈和管理愿望($$$)。 实际上,它实际上比听起来简单得多,因为在大多数情况下,它是同一枚硬币的两个侧面。 您是连接点点滴滴的人。

Thanks for reading please feel free to inbox me with any questions or feedback.


You can also find me here:


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-become-a-ux-designer-8f5c8567aefd/

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