关系抽取 代码_免费代码营不能赚钱,没关系

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by freeCodeCamp


免费代码营不能赚钱,没关系 (Free Code Camp Doesn’t Make Money, and That’s OK)

When people hear that Free Code Camp is completely free, their reflexive question is: “then how does Free Code Camp make money?” If you’ve watched the popular investment-themed reality TV show “Shark Tank”, profit is usually the first thing its investors ask about. And that totally makes sense for the capital intensive businesses they tend to feature on that show. There are really only two ways to fund your business: 1) take venture/angel capital, or 2) bootstrap your business with early sales. But what if you don’t need to fund your business?

当人们听说Free Code Camp完全免费时,他们反省的问题是:“那么Free Code Camp如何赚钱?” 如果您看过热门的以投资为主题的真人秀节目“鲨鱼坦克”,则利润通常是投资者所要求的。 对于他们倾向于在该节目中展示的资本密集型业务而言,这完全有意义。 实际上,只有两种方法可以为您的企业提供资金:1)接受风险/天使资本,或者2)通过早期销售引导您的企业。 但是,如果您不需要为业务筹集资金怎么办?

Free Code Camp isn’t a capital-intensive business. Let’s compare Free Code Camp to traditional coding bootcamps, which use traditional private school business models. A traditional coding bootcamp’s overhead:

Free Code Camp不是资本密集型业务。 让我们将Free Code Camp与使用传统私立学校商业模式的传统编码训练营进行比较。 传统编码训练营的开销:

  • A campus. Usually an office space with desks and monitors. In San Francisco, renting one floor of an office building costs about a million dollars per year.

    一个校园。 通常是一个带桌子和显示器的办公空间。 在旧金山,租用办公楼的一层每年花费约一百万美元。
  • Teachers. If they’re good enough to be working as software engineers, you have to pay them like software engineers to attract them, which means at least $50 per teacher per hour of instruction.

    教师。 如果他们足以胜任软件工程师的工作,则必须像软件工程师一样付钱给他们以吸引他们,这意味着每位老师每小时的教学费用至少为50美元。
  • Marketing. If you’re paying a millions per year for office space and payroll, you need hundreds of students to pay your $15,000 tuition in order to break even. To do so, you’ll need to spend money on marketing professionals and advertisements.

    行销 如果您每年要支付数百万美元的办公空间和薪资,则需要数百名学生支付15,000美元的学费才能收支平衡。 为此,您需要花钱在营销专家和广告上。
  • Administrators. You have to manage the HR, leases, taxes, scheduling, counseling, and everything else necessitated by the first three.

    管理员。 您必须管理人力资源,租赁,税收,计划,咨询以及前三项所需的其他一切。

Free Code Camp’s overhead:

Free Code Camp的开销:

  • No campus. Your kitchen table is our campus. If you want to meet another student to pair program in person, your tax dollars have already paid for nice public spaces like your local library.

    没有校园。 您的厨房餐桌是我们的校园。 如果您想与其他学生面对面结对编程,则您的税金已经用于支付不错的公共场所(如您当地的图书馆)的费用。
  • No advertising. We market ourselves through our product: people who can code. We also blog, tweet relevant links, and live stream pair programming sessions. We’re not paying money to expose people to annoying ads.

    没有广告。 我们通过我们的产品推销自己:可以编码的人。 我们还发布博客,鸣叫相关链接和实时流对编程会议。 我们不会花钱让人们接触到烦人的广告。
  • No administrators. Once you’ve removed all these above things, there’s not much left to administer.

    没有管理员。 删除所有上述所有内容后,就没有多少可管理的了。

I make enough money consulting that I can afford to hang out in co-working spaces, eat subway, and work on Free Code Camp, indefinitely. I don’t need to please investors or figure out some short term path to profitability.

我赚到了足够的咨询费用,我可以负担得起可以在同事间闲逛,吃地铁和无限期地参加Free Code Camp。 我不需要取悦投资者或想出一些短期的盈利途径。

Free Code Camp isn’t a startup. The most popular definition of a startup comes from Y-combinator founder Paul Graham: “A startup is a company designed to grow fast”. Free Code Camp meets neither of these criteria. It’s more of a community than a company. It’s not designed to grow fast, it’s designed to help people break into coding. When Free Code Camp needs to ‘monetize’, it will get money from employers, not users. And seeing that many companies have scaled infrastructure similar to ours into the hundreds of thousands of users without growing pains, I don’t think we’ll even need to charge employers any time soon.

Free Code Camp不是一家初创公司。 Y-combinator创始人Paul Graham提出了最流行的创业公司定义:“ 创业公司是一家旨在快速成长的公司 ”。 Free Code Camp不满足这两个条件。 它比公司更像一个社区。 它并非旨在快速增长,而是旨在帮助人们突破编码。 当Free Code Camp需要“货币化”时,它将从雇主而不是用户那里获得收益。 而且,看到许多公司都将与我们类似的基础架构扩展到成千上万的用户而又毫不费力,我认为我们甚至都不需要很快向雇主收费。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/free-code-camp-doesnt-make-money-and-thats-ok-19bcbff64b5c/

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