

The web development industry is booming.


This may be advantageous for freelancers, but it also has its negatives.


What negatives?


When it comes to freelancing, you are often competing with other freelance developers who are offering similar services.


According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the web development field is expected to grow by 15% by 2026.

根据美国劳工统计局的数据 ,到2026年,网络开发领域预计将增长15%

Companies already have the option to hire a freelance web developer in other parts of the world who will do the job for a much lower price.


So, what do you do not to become a commodity and not be so easily replaceable?


The solution is in building your personal brand.


什么是个人品牌? (What is a Personal Brand?)

Your personal brand portrays to your target audience who you are, what you stand for and what sets you apart from other freelancers.


Another way to think of it would be what you’re known for or what you’d like to be known for.


为什么要拥有个人品牌? (Why Have a Personal Brand?)

Many assume that personal branding is just for expert freelancers.


It’s not.


A personal brand is one of the most critical things to have in this competitive industry.


3 reasons why I say this:


1. You Stand Out From The Crowd


For many freelance web developers, getting new clients is like calling out to them in an overcrowded room where everyone’s talking at the same time.


Building your personal brand positions you in a unique way from others by highlighting your expertise, skills, values and other unique qualities that define you.


2. You Establish Yourself as an Expert


Companies prefer working with someone that’s an expert in a specific field.


It’s important to find your niche and to then establish yourself as an authority that can be trusted.

重要的是要找到自己的细分市场 ,然后将自己确立为可以信任的权威。

When you can prove to be an expert in the field, companies wouldn’t mind paying a premium price to consider working with you than with one of your cheaper competitors.


3. You Gain Trust


Clients would often do research before deciding on which web developer to hire.


Branding yourself as a freelance developer recommended by others instantly makes you more credible for prospective clients.


This often leads to more opportunities in the future.


Now that you understand the importance of branding and how it can drastically transform your freelancing business, let’s get into the meat.


Here are 10 actionable tips to brand yourself as a freelance developer:


1. Know Your Ideal Client


2. Develop a Unique Selling Proposition


3. Revisit Your Why


4. Share Your Story


5. Start Blogging


6. Create an Online Portfolio


7. Build the Right Connections


8. Leverage Social Media


9. Ask for Testimonials


10. Be Yourself


Let’s get into each of these in more detail.


1.了解您的理想客户 (1. Know Your Ideal Client)

Knowing your ideal client is essential. It will guide you in aligning your personal brand so you become relatable and appealing to your target audience.

了解理想的客户至关重要。 它将指导您调整个人品牌,从而与您建立联系并吸引目标受众。

One way to do this is to create a buyer persona. This persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal client. It is based on thorough market research and educated assumptions.

一种方法是创建购买者角色 。 此角色是理想客户的半虚拟代表。 它基于全面的市场研究和有根据的假设。

Most freelancers would do this by analyzing personal demographics like age, gender, income, business size, and industry. That’s a good start, but to build a strong personal brand, you’ll need to go deeper than that.

大多数自由职业者会通过分析个人人口统计信息(例如年龄,性别,收入,企业规模和行业)来做到这一点。 这是一个好的开始,但是要建立一个强大的个人品牌,您需要做得更多。

Here are some questions to ask about your ideal client/niche:


What are their most significant challenges?As a freelance web developer, your goal is to provide a solution for your ideal client. Knowing their challenges will guide you on what skills and expertise to highlight in your personal brand.

他们最重要的挑战是什么? 作为自由的Web开发人员,您的目标是为您的理想客户提供解决方案。 了解他们的挑战将指导您在个人品牌中突出哪些技能和专业知识。

What are their goals?In addition to generating revenue, find out what are the core values and principles that motivate and drive your ideal client.

他们的目标是什么? 除了产生收入之外,还要找出能够激发和驱动理想客户的核心价值和原则。

Where do they get information?The only way that your ideal client will find you is if you build a strong brand presence in the places where they go when they need answers to their problems. Do they do a search on Google? Or would they search for answers in a specific social media channel? You need to be there to offer the solution they are looking for.

他们从哪里获得信息? 理想客户找到您的唯一途径是,当您需要解决问题的地方时,在他们所到之处建立强大的品牌影响力。 他们在Google上搜索吗? 还是他们会在特定的社交媒体渠道中寻找答案? 您需要在那里提供他们正在寻找的解决方案。

What blogs and publications have they subscribed to?These would give you more insight on what type of personality resonates with your ideal client the most. For example, if your ideal client follows the likes of Neil Patel, it’s likely that your ideal client prefers someone that’s detail-oriented.

他们订阅了哪些博客和出版物? 这些将使您对哪种类型的性格最能引起您的理想客户产生更多的见解。 例如,如果您的理想客户遵循尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)这样的人,那么您的理想客户可能会更喜欢注重细节的人。

This gives you get a better idea of what type of personality your ideal client is looking for in a freelance web developer. At the same time, you learn who you should build connections with.

这使您可以更好地了解理想的客户在自由网络开发人员中正在寻找哪种类型的个性。 同时,您将学习与谁建立联系。

A quicker way to do this is by using a tool like HubSpot’s persona generator. It gives you a list of questions to answer to help you create your freelance business buyer persona.

一种更快的方法是使用HubSpot的角色生成器之类的工具。 它为您提供了一系列要回答的问题,以帮助您创建自由职业者的商业购买者角色。

2.制定独特的销售主张 (2. Develop a Unique Selling Proposition)

A unique selling proposition (USP) is the one thing that you can offer to your clients to help you stand out. It answers one specific challenge faced by your client that you can solve exceptionally well.

您可以向客户提供独特的销售主张(USP) ,以帮助您脱颖而出。 它回答了客户所面临的一项特定挑战,即您可以出色地解决。

Here are the steps on how to create your own unique proposal:


1. Know What Your Client Wants


Clients can often be vague about what that they want to achieve. So you might have to dig a little deeper to know precisely what their main problem is that they want to be solved or what goal they want to accomplish.

客户通常会对他们想要达成的目标含糊不清。 因此,您可能需要更深入地研究,才能准确地知道他们要解决的主要问题是什么,或者要实现什么目标。

2. Provide Solutions


Your clients aren’t paying for your services. THEY PAY FOR THE SOLUTION.

您的客户无需为您的服务付费。 他们为解决方案付费。

You need to clearly present to them how your services and expertise can help them accomplish that.


Highlight things like:


  • How much their sales can potentially increase

  • How soon can they start expecting results

  • How their business’ brand might improve

  • How many clients they can potentially have


3. Make Your Services Indispensable


You need to be confident in your skills and what you are offering. It is important to convince your potential client that you are an expert and how you can make a difference in their business.

您需要对自己的技能和所提供的东西充满信心。 重要的是要说服您的潜在客户您是专家,以及如何在他们的业务中有所作为。

Do not be like every other freelancer out there who just sees a project as another project. Take time to research the business, its goals, and values.

不要像其他每个将一个项目视为另一个项目的自由职业者一样。 花时间研究业务,其目标和价值。

Make them aware of how your services can help them get there and how you are different from your competitors.


There are many ways on how you can prepare your personalized USP.


You can use the elevator speech formula which forces you to explain your USP within 30 seconds or less. This is crucial because studies now show you only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your target audience.

您可以使用电梯语音公式来强制您在30秒或更短的时间内解释您的USP。 这很关键,因为现在的研究表明,您只有几秒钟的时间就能吸引目标受众的注意力。

The elevator speech starts off with this one-sentence formula:


Your Offered Solution + Your Target Market + The Value You Provide


For example, here’s my USP for this website:


“I help developers become successful freelancers and create effective websites.”


My offered solution is to help launch and grow a freelance business. My target audience is developers. The value I provide is for them to freelance full-time and experience more freedom.

我提供的解决方案是帮助启动和发展自由职业者。 我的目标受众是开发人员。 我为他们提供的价值是让他们专职从事自由职业并体验更多自由。

Taking this further for your ideal client, you might say:


“I help doctors get more patients through effective websites and online marketing.”


3.重新审视您的原因 (3. Revisit Your Why)

Remembering why you decided to become a freelance web developer is powerful in building your personal brand. It gives you a broader purpose than just making money. It fuels your passion for what you do and it keeps you motivated and focused

记住您为什么决定成为一名自由网页开发人员,可以有效地建立您的个人品牌。 它为您提供了不仅仅是赚钱的更广泛的目的。 它激发了您对工作的热情,并保持了动力和专注力

More importantly, it’s your “why” that will help you connect with your potential clients and set you apart from the rest.


Simon Sinek said: “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.”

西蒙·西内克(Simon Sinek)说: “人们不买你做的事。 他们买你为什么这么做。”

Here are some questions to ask yourself:


  • What are the goals you want to achieve as a freelance web developer?

  • What made you choose freelance web development?

  • Why are you doing this? For freedom? For money? What is it?

    你为什么做这个? 为了自由? 为了钱? 它是什么?

4.分享你的故事 (4. Share Your Story)

This is probably the most challenging because it means you’ll need to become transparent, honest and vulnerable.


At the same time, I will say that it’s not a requirement to do, but it can be beneficial in some cases.


Humans relate with stories, especially those that are similar to what we might be experiencing.

与故事相关 ,尤其是与我们可能经历的故事相似的故事

Telling your story also helps you show your personality to your target audience and you connect with them on a deeper level.


When writing your story, don’t just focus on your successes, milestones and achievements. Be willing to share your struggles, challenges and failures.

在撰写故事时,不要只关注自己的成功,里程碑和成就。 愿意分享您的奋斗,挑战和失败。

The more real you present yourself, the more your target audience will be ready to trust you enough to start building a relationship.


5.开始写博客 (5. Start Blogging)

One effective way to quickly build your personal brand as a web developer is by starting a blog.


It not only provides an avenue to share your knowledge and advice, but it also establishes you as an expert or an authority in the eyes of your target audience.


If you create consistent and valuable articles, you will eventually become the go-to person for their questions and needs.


Make sure your blog posts are logical, structured well, straight-to-the-point and easy-to-read.


If you’re new to blogging, you can get started here.


6.创建在线投资组合 (6. Create an Online Portfolio)

To establish your brand, it is vital to have a portfolio website that displays your expertise.


An online portfolio is where you can bring in potential clients so that they can learn more about you, what you’ve done and how you can help them.


Here are the things to include in your online portfolio:


A Recognizable Domain Name Since you are your personal brand, it is recommended to use your name in your domain if possible. Otherwise, a company name is also fine.

可识别的域名由于您是个人品牌,因此建议您尽可能在域名中使用您的名字。 否则,公司名称也可以。

A Professional WebsiteFirst impressions count. Use a website design that doesn’t just look good, but is also easy to navigate. I like coding this from scratch, but another good alternative is a tool called Divi. Also, don’t forget about how the impact colors have on perception.

专业网站的第一印象很重要。 使用不仅外观漂亮而且易于浏览的网站设计。 我喜欢从头开始编写代码,但是另一个不错的选择是一个叫做Divi的工具。 另外,不要忘记颜色对感知的影响。

Add a Logo Your logo should be more than a fancy symbol that communicates nothing. It should be a visual representation of who you are, what you do and your values.

添加徽标 您的徽标不应该只是一个毫无意义的花哨符号。 它应该是您的身份,所从事的工作和您的价值观的直观表示

Display Your Previous Work Clients want to see proof of your previous work. This means you need to include a portfolio of your previous successful projects which will help you gain trust and credibility.

显示您以前的工作客户希望看到您以前的工作的证明。 这意味着您需要包括以前成功项目的投资组合,这将有助于您获得信任和信誉。

Personalize It People connect quicker with you when they can see you. No one likes to do business with someone they can’t see.

个性化 人们在看到您时会更快地与您联系。 没有人喜欢与看不见的人做生意。

Focus on the End GoalIt is fine to include the programming languages and tools you specialize in, but make sure not to let this become the main focus of your website.


Most clients don’t care about the programming languages or frameworks you know or how well you know it. All they want to know is if what you know will result in growing their business.

大多数客户并不关心您所知道的编程语言或框架,也不关心您对它的了解程度。 他们只想知道您所知道的是否会促进他们的业务发展。

Link Your GitHub and CodePen AccountsHaving these links will help boost your credibility amongst potential clients as it showcases your knowledge and expertise among the community.


Call-to-ActionDon’t assume that your potential clients know what the next step is that you want them to take.


Adding the right call-to-actions in different areas of your website can give visitors that needed push to become a client.


Contact FormI know this sounds so obvious, but it’s amazing how people overlook the basics of a clear email address to contact or a simple contact form.


7.建立正确的连接 (7. Build the Right Connections)

A study done by Nielsen shows that 82% of people are more likely to consider product and service recommendations from people who they trust.


That’s why it’s important to make sure you connect and build relationships with the right people.


One way to do this is by attending local business meetups in your area.


These are great places to introduce yourself as a web developer/marketing consultant to the local business community. It can open up doors of opportunity for client work in the future.

这些都是向本地商业社区介绍自己作为Web开发人员/营销顾问的好地方。 它可以为将来的客户工作打开机会之门。

Industry conferences and events where your ideal clients are should also not be neglected.


8.利用社交媒体 (8. Leverage Social Media)

On average, a person spends two hours daily on social media.


Being active on the social media platforms where your ideal clients are increases the chance of them finding you.


That said, make sure that the bulk of your posts here provide value to those in your network. A study published by Bop Design shows that 80% of customers evaluated how they would perceive a brand based on their social media accounts.

就是说,请确保此处的大部分帖子为您网络中的帖子提供价值。 Bop Design发布的一项研究表明,有80%的客户根据其社交媒体帐户评估了他们对品牌的看法。

Look for relevant groups that you can join where you can share your expertise with others. This will get the attention of potential clients who will eventually reach out to you outside of the group.

寻找可以加入的相关小组,与他人分享您的专业知识。 这将吸引潜在客户的注意,他们最终将在小组之外与您联系。

9.要求证明 (9. Ask for Testimonials)

Despite the different kinds of marketing strategies out there, nothing beats the power of word-of-mouth advertising.


You can leverage this when building your personal brand by including testimonials from previous clients on your online portfolio.


You need to take the initiative to ask your current and previous clients.


Sending a short email to your clients immediately after completing the project is the easiest way to do this.


All you need to do is ask them: “Would you be happy to provide me with a short testimonial of how you found working with me?”

您需要做的就是问他们: “您愿意为我提供一份简短的证明书,以证明您与我合作的方式吗?”

The more, the better. So try to get at least 3–6 testimonials.

越多越好。 因此,尝试获得至少3–6个推荐。

10.做你自己 (10. Be Yourself)

Remember that you are your personal brand.

记住, 是你的个人品牌

Don’t be afraid to let your personality show. It’s who you are and what makes you unique.

不要害怕让自己的性格表现出来。 这就是你是谁,是什么让你与众不同。

Be true to yourself, don’t be fake and keep improving your knowledge, how you deal with clients and just general growth in all areas of your life.


Branding yourself as a freelance developer takes time and effort. Start right and more importantly; finish right.

将自己塑造为自由开发者需要花费时间和精力。 从正确开始,更重要的是; 正确完成。

Start establishing yourself as an expert in what you do and not a commodity.


The results will soon follow.


Thanks for reading and I hope this article has helped you :)


Let me know in the comments if you have any questions.


If you’re interested in more freelancing related articles, check out my blog StudyWebDevelopment.com or follow me on Twitter :)


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-brand-yourself-as-a-freelance-developer-in-2019-and-beyond-78a5d58ecd29/


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