

一些工具可以帮助您私下浏览网页 (A few tools to help you surf the web privately)

In the aftermath of Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal, now might be a good time to take care of the data that is being harvested thru your browser when you surf the web.

在Facebook的剑桥分析(Cambridge Analytica)丑闻之后,现在可能是时候在浏览Web时处理通过浏览器收集的数据的好时机。

Below is a non-exhaustive list of the tools I use when surfing the web that help make my online experience more secure. Let me know if you use any others you think are important — I’m happy to add them.

以下是我浏览网络时使用的工具的详尽列表,这些工具有助于使我的在线体验更加安全。 让我知道您是否使用了您认为重要的任何其他内容-我很高兴添加它们。

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浏览器-看着你的肩膀 (Browser — watching over your shoulder)

If you are not entirely comfortable with the Google Privacy White Paper, there are plenty of options: Firefox Quantum, Brave and Chromium, and Firefox Focus (for mobile).

如果您对Google隐私权白皮书不完全满意,则有很多选择: Firefox QuantumBraveChromium以及Firefox Focus (用于移动设备)。

If you are worried about losing speed, WIRED says Firefox Quantum is faster than Chrome:

如果您担心速度下降,WIRED表示Firefox Quantum比Chrome更快

It’s a browser built with privacy in mind, automatically stopping invisible trackers and making your history available to you and no one else. It’s better than Chrome, faster than Chrome, smarter than Chrome. It’s my new go-to browser.
这是一款专为隐私而设计的浏览器,可自动停止不可见的跟踪器并使您的历史记录对您有用,而没有其他人可用。 它比Chrome更好,比Chrome更快,比Chrome更智能。 这是我的新浏览器。

You have no reason not to switch — unless you don’t care about your private life.


By the way, you can check to see what Google knows about you in “My Activity.”

顺便说一句,您可以在“ 我的活动 ”中查看Google对您的了解。

搜索引擎-就像您的BBF:您将所有内容告诉他们。 (Search Engine — it is like your BBF: you tell them everything.)

Q: Would you show your mom everything you type in your search engine?


A: I would not.


Remember: companies leak data — and we give a lot of data to companies.


Below is an example of what you give to Google when you use their search engine:


And if you you sign up for an account — and remain logged in — they collect the following:


Even Apple collects data through Safari to gather user’s habits.


Again, why should you care about the data collected through your browser? Information profiles build up — and sometimes data leaks.

同样,为什么还要关心通过浏览器收集的数据? 信息配置文件会建立,有时还会泄漏数据。

The bad news is that those leaks are becoming ubiquitous. Check out the graphic below, and keep scrolling down — I’ll see you at the bottom:

坏消息是这些泄漏无处不在。 查看下面的图形,并继续向下滚动-在底部,您会看到您:

I think you can safely assume that your personal data will be leaked at some point in your life.


Google has leaked data in the past.


Imagine for a sec, if you can, the whole data set that Google has (owns?) about you.


Actually, back in the day, AOL leaked the data of 650,000 users. An AOL user who discussed the leak with a reporter at the time said:

实际上,在过去, AOL泄漏了65万用户的数据 。 一位当时与记者讨论了泄漏事件的AOL用户说:

“My goodness, it’s my whole personal life,” she said.
“I had no idea somebody was looking over my shoulder.”

So, which search engine can you use instead?


DuckDuckGo has done a fantastic job over the last few years. I have also tried Ixquick and Qwant in the past.

DuckDuckGo在过去几年中做得非常出色。 我过去也曾尝试过Ixquick和Qwant。

A few more tips to protect your search privacy:


1. Don’t put personally identifying information in your search terms


2. Don’t use your ISP’s search engine


3. Don’t login to your search engine or related tools


4. Block “cookies” from your search engine

4.阻止搜索引擎中的“ cookies”

5. Vary your IP address (intermediate)


6. Use web proxies and anonymizing software like Tor (advanced)


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What about the rest of your browser?


浏览器扩展 (Browser extensions)

A tremendous part of your online life goes thru your browser.


You should set it up right.


HTTPS无处不在 (HTTPS everywhere)

I use HTTPS everywhere to encrypt all my traffic.


HTTPS Everywhere […] encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.
HTTPS Everywhere […]可以加密您与许多主要网站的通信,从而使您的浏览更加安全。

Many sites on the web offer some limited support for encryption over HTTPS, but make it difficult to use. For instance, they may default to unencrypted HTTP, or fill encrypted pages with links that go back to the unencrypted site. The HTTPS Everywhere extension fixes these problems by using clever technology to rewrite requests to these sites to HTTPS.

Web上的许多站点都对HTTPS加密提供了有限的支持,但使它难以使用。 例如,它们可能默认为未加密的HTTP,或使用返回到未加密站点的链接来填充加密页面。 HTTPS Everywhere扩展通过使用巧妙的技术将对这些站点的请求重写为HTTPS来解决这些问题。

For you to understand why you should encrypt your traffic, take a look at Eric Butler’s Firesheep — from a WIRED article in 2010:

为了让您理解为什么应该加密流量,请看一下Eric ButlerFiresheep ,该文章摘自2010年的《 有线》杂志

The Firefox add-on Firesheep created quite a controversy by making it easy to capture unencrypted web traffic.

Firesheep sniffs unencrypted cookies sent across open wi-fi networks. That means anyone with Firesheep installed can watch your browsing sessions while you lounge at Starbucks and grab your log-in credentials for Facebook, Twitter or other popular sites. Armed with those credentials, anyone using Firesheep can essentially masquerade as you all over the web, logging in to other social sites, blogs and news sites using your Facebook or Twitter username and password.

Firesheep会嗅探通过开放Wi-Fi网络发送的未加密Cookie。 这意味着安装了Firesheep的任何人都可以在您在星巴克休闲时观看您的浏览会话,并获取Facebook,Twitter或其他流行网站的登录凭据。 有了这些凭据,使用Firesheep的任何人都可以在整个网络上伪装成您,使用您的Facebook或Twitter用户名和密码登录到其他社交网站,博客和新闻网站。

That is why you should encrypt your traffic.


Now, on to the next one.


电子前沿基金会的隐私Bad (Privacy Badger by Electronic Frontier Foundation)

What is it?


Privacy Badger is a browser add-on that stops advertisers and other third-party trackers from secretly tracking where you go and what pages you look at on the web. If an advertiser seems to be tracking you across multiple websites without your permission, Privacy Badger automatically blocks that advertiser from loading any more content in your browser. To the advertiser, it’s like you suddenly disappeared.

Privacy Badger是一种浏览器附加程序,可阻止广告商和其他第三方跟踪器秘密跟踪您的去向以及您在网络上看到的页面。 如果某个广告客户似乎在未经您许可的情况下跨多个网站跟踪您,则Privacy Badger会自动阻止该广告客户在浏览器中加载更多内容。 对于广告客户而言,就像您突然消失了一样。

Fair enough, and you might already be using an ad blocker, right? Like Disconnect, Adblock Plus, or Ghostery?

足够公平,您可能已经在使用广告拦截器,对吗? 像是断开连接,Adblock Plus还是Ghostery?

And you might be wondering: why use Privacy Badger instead if it does not block all ads? From the Electronic Frontier Foundation team who built Privacy Badger:

您可能会想:如果不阻止所有广告,为什么要使用Privacy Badger? 来自电子前沿基金会(Electronic Frontier Foundation)团队的成员,他们创建了Privacy Badger:

[…] none of them are exactly what we were looking for. In our testing, all of them required some custom configuration to block non-consensual trackers. Several of these extensions have business models that we weren’t entirely comfortable with.
[…]它们都不是我们一直在寻找的东西。 在我们的测试中,所有这些都需要一些自定义配置来阻止非自愿的跟踪器。 其中一些扩展具有我们并不完全满意的业务模型。

A note: Electronic Frontier Foundation’s founder John Perry Barlow passed away last month. If you still haven’t read his beautiful and visionary memorandum on the web: here it is.

注意事项: 电子前沿基金会的创始人约翰·佩里·巴洛(John Perry Barlow)上个月去世。 如果您还没有在网上阅读他的精美而富有远见的备忘录,请访问这里

Back to extensions — last but not least:


DuckDuckGo的浏览器扩展—网站的黑镜 (DuckDuckGo’s browser extension— Black Mirror for websites)

It does a few things and has some overlap with the above extensions. But above all, its Privacy Grade shows how a website can be trusted — it is like Black Mirror for websites.

它做一些事情,并且与上述扩展有一些重叠。 但最重要的是,其“隐私等级”显示了如何信任网站-就像网站的“黑镜”一样。

Here is Medium’s grade, for instance:


Not too bad — but I think you can do better, Medium Staff.

还不错-但我认为您可以做得更好, 中级人员

Drum roll — and just because we are in the midst of Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal:

鼓声翻滚-仅仅是因为我们身处Facebook的Cambridge Analytica丑闻之中:

“Your data is used for many purposes.”

Boom. Worst grade. Well done Facebook.

繁荣。 最差的成绩。 做得好Facebook。

I guess you can #DeleteFacebook.


(Interestingly, you’ll note that no tracker tracks you while you are on Facebook’s website.)


I hope this post was useful and will allow you to practice more secure web browsing!


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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-you-should-take-care-of-your-online-private-life-now-ff53db45f58a/


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