

One common question people ask me is whether they should go the “freelance” route as opposed to getting a job or starting their own company. If you’re like me, and prefer to learn by reading, then read on. If you prefer to learn through discussion, then here’s a video I recently did on this topic:

人们问我一个普遍的问题是,他们应该走“自由职业”路线,而不是去找工作或创办自己的公司。 如果您像我一样,并且喜欢阅读学习,请继续阅读。 如果您喜欢通过讨论来学习,那么以下是我最近就此主题制作的视频:

Whether you should become a freelancer will depend on your particular situation. With that said, you can make a very comfortable living if you choose to freelance. So, let’s have a discussion about whether you should go the freelance route and, assuming it is for you, how you can make money doing so.

是否应成为自由职业者取决于您的具体情况。 话虽如此,如果您选择自由职业者,则可以过上舒适的生活。 因此,让我们讨论一下您是否应该走自由职业路线,并假设适合您,该如何赚钱。

In this article I’m going answer the following questions:


  1. Should become a freelance developer?

  2. How to stand out from other freelancers.

  3. How to sell your services

  4. Where to sell your services


Those who choose to go full speed ahead, and go about it the right way, have a chance to be in a situation which looks like this:


Those who freelance, without trying to take their business to the next level, may wind up being failure. Like thirty percent of small businesses that fail within their first year. (See this article)

那些自由职业者,如果不尝试将自己的业务提升到一个新的水平,可能最终会失败。 大约有30%的第一年失败的小型企业。 (请参阅本文 )

I’m assuming you want to be in the seventy percent of people that succeed. Assuming you’re not opposed to prosperity, let’s get to it.

我假设您想成为成功人士的百分之七十。 假设您不反对繁荣,那就开始吧。

您应该成为一名自由开发人员吗? (Should you become a freelance developer?)

The first question in deciding your career path is to determine whether freelancing is even a good fit for you. That boils down to two questions.

决定您的职业道路的第一个问题是确定自由职业是否更适合您。 这归结为两个问题。

  • Do you have the personality type to freelance?

  • Can you make money doing so?


Let’s look at each of those in turn.


Whether or not you have the personality to be a freelancer depends on whether your have a strong sense of discipline. Do you need structure provided for you?

您是否具有成为自由职业者的个性取决于您是否具有较强的纪律意识。 您是否需要为您提供的结构?

When you’re working for yourself there is no one to tell you that,


  • you have to be at your desk by a certain time

  • you need to start working on a project on the first of the month to get it done by the end of the month

  • you have to return phone calls to your customers, etc.


This means that you need to be able to force yourself to do these things and to avoid the many distractions which exist in today’s world. This includes the ability to binge watch Star Trek on Netflix (which is the best way to spend one’s time IMHO).

这意味着您需要能够强迫自己去做这些事情,并避免当今世界上存在的许多干扰。 这包括在Netflix上狂欢观看《星际迷航》的能力(这是消磨时间的最佳方式恕我直言)。

If you have the ability to “self regulate” then you have the personality type to freelance. If you lack this ability then you’re better suited to be working in an environment where your employer provides that structure for you.

如果您具有“自我调节”的能力,那么您就有自由职业者的性格类型。 如果您缺乏这种能力,那么您就更适合在雇主为您提供该结构的环境中工作。

If you’re someone who needs structure provided for you then, I can’t stress enough, that it is nothing to worry about. Many people who thrive in a freelance environment wouldn’t do well in a workplace and vice versa. It’s just a matter of personality types.

如果您是需要为您提供结构的人,那么我就没有足够的压力,这没什么好担心的。 在自由职业者环境中壮成长的许多人在工作场所都做得不好,反之亦然。 这只是性格类型的问题。

When answering whether you can make money as a freelancer, the answer is “YES!”. Here’s why. Roughly thirty percent of small U.S. businesses don’t currently have a website (see this article from Other studies have put the number even higher, but to be conservative let’s stick with thirty percent. The country has roughly 24 million small businesses. This means that 7.2 million small businesses (30 percent of 24 million) need web work. If you charge the average company $3,000 for a website then that means there is $21,600,000,000 worth of work to be done (7.2 m x $3,000). Last time I checked that’s a really frickin’ big market. So, yes, you can make money as a freelancer.

在回答您是否可以作为自由职业者赚钱时,答案是“是!”。 。 这就是为什么。 目前,大约有30%的美国小型企业没有网站(请参阅来自smallbusiness.com的本文 )。 其他研究使这一数字更高,但保守起见,让我们坚持百分之三十。 该国大约有2400万家小型企业。 这意味着有720万家小型企业(占2400万家企业的30%)需要网络工作。 如果您向一家公司的网站平均收取$ 3,000的费用,则意味着需要完成$ 21,600,000,000的工作(7.2 mx $ 3,000)。 上次我检查那是一个非常诱人的大市场。 因此,是的,您可以作为自由职业者赚钱。

如何在其他自由软件开发人员中脱颖而出 (How to stand out from other freelance software developers)

If you decide to freelance it’s important that you stand out from your competition. Otherwise you might as well have a plaque on your desk which says:

如果您决定自由职业,那么在竞争中脱颖而出很重要。 否则,您的办公桌上也可能有一块牌匾,上面写着:

I don’t know about you — but I think being average is no fun. Fortunately, standing out from the crowd is not difficult. This is because most developers fail to truly connect with their customers. If you choose to connect with your customers the right way then you’ll have work lined up for many moons to come.

我不认识你-但我认为保持平庸无聊。 幸运的是,从人群中脱颖而出并不困难。 这是因为大多数开发人员无法真正与客户建立联系。 如果您选择以正确的方式与客户联系,那么您的工作将排得很长,以备不时之需。

I strongly believe there’s a disconnect between the development community and businesses who would hire a developer. Do a Google search in your city for local web designers. There is no shortage of people willing to build websites for small businesses. In spite of this labor surplus, roughly thirty percent of small businesses don’t have a website. Whenever you have a surplus of providers, whose services aren’t be utilized, you have a situation where those providers are failing to connect with their customers.

我坚信开发社区与雇用开发人员的企业之间存在脱节。 在您所在的城市进行Google搜索以查找本地网络设计师。 没有人愿意为小企业建立网站短缺。 尽管劳动力过多,但仍有大约30%的小型企业没有网站。 每当您有过多的提供商(不使用其服务)时,就会遇到这些提供商无法与其客户建立联系的情况。

The reason why developers don’t connect with customers is obvious. When you carry out the search I mentioned above, to find developers, you’ll notice a common pattern. Developers fill their websites with techno babble about coding languages, etc.

开发人员不与客户联系的原因很明显。 当您进行上面提到的搜索时,要找到开发人员,您会注意到一种常见的模式。 开发人员在他们的网站上充斥着有关编码语言等的技术no语。

Here’s a news flash.


If a small business owner doesn’t have a website in 2017 then chances are that they don’t have a clue of what any of that coding jargon means.

Also, if a small business owner is thinking “I need a website to help get more customers”. How would they know whether that technical jargon will actually help them get more customers. In other words, most developers aren’t speaking to the questions which their clients are asking. This is reason for the disconnect between the development community and small businesses.

此外,如果小型企业主在考虑“我需要一个网站来帮助吸引更多客户”。 他们将如何知道该技术行话是否会真正帮助他们获得更多客户。 换句话说,大多数开发人员不会谈论客户所提出的问题。 这就是开发社区与小型企业之间脱节的原因。

Bridging the “developer disconnect” isn’t hard. You just need to speak to what your potential clients are looking for and discuss how you are going to solve their problems. First, your own website should explain how you help businesses solve the problems they are facing. Do not use your first impression (your website) to talk about things which people don’t understand and don’t care about. You have to present yourself as a problem solver and tell potential clients how you are going to solve their problems. You will then be able to bridge the disconnect between developers and small businesses. That, in turn, will make your freelance gig grow by leaps and bounds. Let’s have a discussion on how to sell your services so you can see methods for presenting yourself as a problem solver.

弥合“开发者的脱节”并不难。 您只需要说说潜在客户的需求,并讨论您将如何解决他们的问题 。 首先,您自己的网站应说明您如何帮助企业解决所面临的问题。 不要用您的第一印象(您的网站)来谈论人们不了解和不关心的事情。 您必须将自己表现为问题解决者,并告诉潜在客户您将如何解决他们的问题。 然后,您将能够弥合开发人员和小型企业之间的脱节。 反过来,这将使您的自由职业突飞猛进。 让我们讨论一下如何出售服务,以便您看到将自己介绍为问题解决者的方法。

如何以自由开发人员的身份出售服务 (How to sell your services as a freelance developer)

Selling is something that a lot of people aren’t comfortable with. But, one of the biggest parts of being successful is being willing to learn about and do things which make you uncomfortable. I’m sure you were nervous about learning how to code, and now you’re doing it through freeCodeCamp. You can learn how to sell your services also. Don’t worry that it makes you uncomfortable. Just remember that one’s comfort zone is where their dreams go to die. I know this is easy for me to say, since selling comes naturally to me, but you can learn to do this and after a while it will seem as easy as pushing a button.

销售是很多人不满意的东西。 但是,成功的最大部分之一就是愿意学习和做一些让您不舒服的事情。 我确定您对学习编码感到紧张,现在您正在通过freeCodeCamp进行编码。 您还可以学习如何出售服务。 不用担心它会让您不舒服。 只要记住,一个人的舒适区就是他们梦dream以求的地方。 我知道这很容易说出来,因为销售对我来说是自然而然的,但是您可以学习这样做,过了一会儿就像按一下按钮一样容易。

Selling your services can be broken down into three parts


  • your initial contact with a potential client

  • putting together a proposal

  • closing the deal


Let’s look at each of these.


The initial meeting (usually over the phone) is the most important contact you’ll have with a potential customer. This is your first impression. Most developers swing and miss by using this meeting to talk about their skills, coding, etc.

首次会议(通常是通过电话)是您与潜在客户之间最重要的联系。 这是您的第一印象。 大多数开发人员会通过这次会议谈论他们的技能,编码等而摇摆不定并怀念。

As I just ranted about in the discussion above, it’s a mistake to take such an approach. You should use this meeting to ask questions about your potential client’s business and to determine the problems that they want to solve.

正如我在上面的讨论中所言,采用这种方法是错误的。 您应该使用该会议来询问有关潜在客户的业务的问题,并确定他们要解决的问题

If you’re speaking to a pizza shop owner, who needs a website, then you need to be asking questions about his business. For example,

如果您要与需要网站的比萨店老板交谈,那么您需要询问有关其业务的问题。 例如,

  • Is it take out only or do they have a dining room?

  • Do they have a bar?

  • How many locations do they have?

  • What are the demographics of their customers?


There are plenty of questions to ask on top of these. Once you have an understanding of the business then you can identify their problems.

除了这些,还有很多问题要问。 一旦了解了业务,就可以确定他们的问题。

Once you’ve identified your client’s problems then you can tell him how you can fix them. This is the proposal stage. Sticking to the same example , if the pizza shop has a dining room, you can propose including plenty of photos which show how much fun it can be to dine there. If they have a bar then that’s something the website should feature as well. Are they near a college? If so, then there should be a section featuring “college specials” and they may also want a mobile app so that students can order online. These are just a few examples of proposing solutions to potential problems.

一旦确定了客户的问题,就可以告诉他如何解决。 这是建议阶段。 坚持同样的例子,如果比萨店有一个饭厅,您可以建议包括很多照片,这些照片可以显示在那里用餐的乐趣。 如果他们有酒吧,那么网站也应该提供特色。 他们在大学附近吗? 如果是这样,那么应该有一个“大学特色”部分,他们可能还需要一个移动应用程序,以便学生可以在线订购。 这些只是为潜在问题提出解决方案的几个例子。

When you try to close the sale, it’s important that you explain how your proposed solutions will meet the need of the client. While having this discussion, it’s important to speak from the perspective of a “problem solver” and not from that of a “developer.” The more you speak the language of your client then the more likely they are to hire you.

当您尝试完成销售时,请务必说明您提出的解决方案将如何满足客户需求。 在进行讨论时,重要的是要从“问题解决者”的角度而不是从“开发者”的角度出发。 您说的客户语言越多,他们雇用您的可能性就越大。

Most developers try to “sell” but tout their technical expertise and talk about software. If you want to sell yourself effectively then you need to think about solving the problems of your customers instead.

大多数开发人员尝试“出售”但吹捧他们的技术专长并谈论软件。 如果您想有效地推销自己,那么您需要考虑解决客户的问题。

自由开发者可以在哪里出售他们的服务 (Where freelance developers can sell their services)

Freelancers can be just as frustrated over figuring out where to sell their services, as they can be about the topic of how to sell. Let’s look at three places where you can start getting some clients.

自由职业者对于弄清楚在何处出售他们的服务可能会感到沮丧,因为他们可能是关于如何出售的话题。 让我们看一下可以开始获得一些客户的三个地方。

A good way to connect with potential customers is through networking events. One of the biggest mistakes I see developers making, is that they go to networking events where most of the attendees are other developers. Don’t do this. Instead, you want to go to events with lots of small business owners and where you are the only developer. A great way to do this is to join BNI. This is a group where you’ll meet many different types of small business owners and you’ll all open your address books up to each other. For example, if an auto mechanic in the group comes across someone who needs a developer then you will get the referral. You, in turn, will refer people other members of the BNI chapter. You’ll find this far more effective than talking to other developers.

与潜在客户建立联系的一种好方法是通过社交活动。 我看到开发人员犯的最大错误之一是,他们参加了大多数参与者都是其他开发人员的社交活动。 不要这样 相反,您想参加与许多小型企业主一起的活动,而您是唯一的开发人员。 加入BNI的一种好方法。 在这个小组中,您将遇到许多不同类型的小型企业所有者,并且您将彼此打开地址簿。 例如,如果小组中的汽车修理工遇到需要开发人员的人,那么您将获得推荐。 反过来,您将推荐BNI章节的其他成员。 您会发现这远比与其他开发人员交谈更为有效。

Another way to get business is to sell your services through third-party services such as Fiverr or Thumbtack.


The upside of using these services is that they have a lot of people looking for the same services you are willing to provide.


The two downsides are that,


  1. You have to pay a fee for each client you get through these services and

  2. You’ll tend to do work for customers at a rate much lower than what you would normally charge. That website you would normally build for $3,000 may only go for $1,200 on one of these services. These types of platforms can get you a good number of clients but you’ll be working with really small profit margins.

    您倾向于以比通常收取的费用低得多的费率为客户服务。 您通常可以以3,000美元的价格建立该网站,而其中一项服务的价格仅为1200美元。 这些类型的平台可以为您带来大量的客户,但是您的利润率非常低。

A third option for getting business is to do so through your own website. The upside here is that you’ll be charging customers your full rate. The one thing to think about is paying for the promotion of your site. The easiest way to promote your web presence, in a manner which will actually bring you business, is to use Google’s Adwords platform. These are the ads which you see on top of search results. Paying for the ads can be expensive but you should certainly see a return on investment.

获得业务的第三种选择是通过自己的网站进行业务。 这里的好处是,您将向客户收取全额费用。 要考虑的一件事是为您的网站推广付费。 可以真正为您带来业务的最简单的方式来提升您的网站形象,就是使用Google的Adwords平台。 这些是您在搜索结果顶部看到的广告。 支付广告费用可能很昂贵,但是您肯定会看到投资回报。

This discussion was a quick overview of “basics” for starting a freelance business. Do these things and you’ll get ahead of your competition. Are you currently freelancing? What has your experience been so far? Let me know in the comments.

讨论是快速入门自由职业者的“基础”。 做这些事情,您将在竞争中领先。 您目前在自由职业吗? 到目前为止,您的经历如何? 在评论中让我知道。

You may follow me through our website at SEO For Lawyers or on Twitter.

您可以通过SEO For LawyersTwitter上的网站关注我。







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