such ……as……_9种流行的在线课程永远消失了……以及如何找到它们

such ……as……

Since free online courses first took off back in late 2011, more than 7,000 online courses have been created by over 700 universities worldwide.


But almost a third of these courses are listed as “finished” on Class Central. This means that we don’t know when (or if) these courses will ever be offered again.

但是这些课程中几乎有三分之一被Class Central列为“ 完成 ”。 这意味着我们不知道何时(或是否)将再次提供这些课程。

Last year, we lost a few hundred of these courses when Coursera shut down their old technology platform.

去年,当Coursera 关闭其旧技术平台时,我们损失了几百门此类课程。

Some of these courses have come back, or even migrated to a different course platform. But many of the courses have been offline for years and, in many cases, course platforms have removed the description pages for the courses from their websites. It’s like they never existed. A few of these courses have hundreds of reviews on Class Central and were taken by hundreds of thousands of learners.

这些课程中有些已经回来,甚至已经迁移到其他课程平台。 但是许多课程已经离线了很多年,而且在许多情况下,课程平台已经从其网站上删除了课程的描述页面。 就像它们从未存在过一样。 其中一些课程在Class Central上有数百条评论,并由成千上万的学习者参加。

Luckily, Class Central has an almost complete history of all the courses that have ever been offered. I combed through all the finished courses and made a list of a few popular courses. Where possible, I will recommend an alternative source to get access to the course videos.

幸运的是,Class Central在提供的所有课程中都有几乎完整的历史。 我梳理了所有已完成的课程,并列出了一些热门课程。 在可能的情况下,我将建议您使用其他资源来访问课程视频。

1. Dan Ariely的非理性行为新手指南 (1. A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior with Dan Ariely)

If you like to read articles or listen to podcasts about economics, you might know who Dan Ariely is. He is a Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University, and is often used as the subject matter “expert” in media. He is quite a popular figure — his TED talk has been watched by over seven million people, and he has written multiple New York Times bestsellers.

如果您喜欢阅读有关经济学的文章或收听播客,则可能知道Dan Ariely是谁。 他是杜克大学(Duke University)的心理学和行为经济学教授,经常被用作媒体的“专家”主题。 他是一个非常受欢迎的人物-超过700万人观看了他的TED演讲,并且他写了《纽约时报》的多个畅销书。

Back in March 2013, Dan Ariely also launched a hugely popular course on Coursera entitled A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior. The course page no longer exists on Coursera, but you can find it on Class Central here. It was last offered in March 2014 and has over 500 reviews on Class Central — and almost all of them are 5 star reviews. In fact it is still the highest rated course in psychology on Class Central.

早在2013年3月,丹·阿里利(Dan Ariely)还在科塞拉(Coursera)开设了非常受欢迎的课程,名为“非理性行为初学者指南”。 Coursera上不再存在该课程页面,但是您可以在Class Central上找到它。 它于2014年3月最后一次提供,在Class Central上有500多个评论-几乎所有评论都是5星评论。 实际上,它仍然是Class Central上评分最高的心理学课程。

You can read on Quora why the course was taken down.


在哪里可以找到课程资料? (Where to find the course materials?)

Another Quora user has backed up the course materials. You can find week 1 — week 5 here and week 6 here. If you search on YouTube you will also find a number of talks given by Dan Ariely. These are not videos from the course, but there might be some overlap.

Quora的另一位用户已备份了课程资料 。 您可以在此处找到第1周-第5 此处的 第6周 。 如果您在YouTube上搜索,还可以找到Dan Ariely的许多演讲。 这些不是本课程的视频,但可能会有一些重叠。

2. CS188.1x:人工智能 (2. CS188.1x: Artificial Intelligence)

It was disappointing to see this edX course taken down. UC Berkeley’s CS188.1X is one of Class Central’s Top 50 online courses of all time, as well as the #2 highest rated course on our Artificial Intelligence subject page. We even published a 1,100 word in-depth review for this course. Here is what the reviewer (Mal Minhas) had to say:

看到这本edX课程被取消很令人失望。 加州大学伯克利分校的CS188.1X是Class Central 有史以来前50名在线课程之一 ,也是我们人工智能主题页面上评分最高的课程中第二名 。 我们甚至为此课程发表了1,100字的深入评论 。 这是审稿人( Mal Minhas )所说的:

“It is not simply the best course on AI ever made available online. It is the best course ever made available on any subject.”

“这不仅仅是有史以来在线提供的关于AI的最佳课程。 这是有史以来最好的课程。”

According to Mal, CS188.1x was an extremely demanding and difficult course, but it was also rewarding. Here is a GIF of one of Mal’s project submissions.

根据Mal的说法,CS188.1x是一个极其苛刻且困难的过程,但它也很有意义。 这是Mal提交的项目之一的GIF。

You should seriously consider reading Mal’s entire review to learn about this amazing course that you will never get to experience.


在哪里可以找到课程资料? (Where to find the course materials?)

Just kidding. The professors of the course have made all the course materials available on their website.

开玩笑。 该课程的教授已在其网站上提供了所有课程资料。

3.社会心理学 (3. Social Psychology)

This is another highly popular psychology course. In fact, it’s the #3 rated psychology course on Class Central. Launched in August 2013, Social Psychology has been taken by more than half a million learners worldwide. The course once boasted the single largest course session in the world, with 250k learners enrolled. Even in the heyday of free online courses, this number was pretty impressive.

这是另一种非常流行的心理学课程。 实际上,它是Class Central上排名第三的心理学课程 。 自2013年8月推出以来,全球超过半百万的学习者都采用了社会心理学 。 该课程曾经是全球最大的课程,拥有25万名学习者。 即使在免费在线课程的鼎盛时期,这个数字也令人印象深刻。

The instructor of the course, Scott Pious, is Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Wesleyan University. He is also the founder of the Social Psychology Network (SPN), the world’s largest online community dedicated to social psychology.

该课程的讲师Scott Pious是卫斯理大学心理学系的心理学教授。 他还是社会心理学网络(SPN)的创始人,该网络是世界上最大的致力于社会心理学的在线社区。

The course went down when Coursera shut down their old platform last year.

去年 ,Coursera关闭了他们的旧平台后 ,课程就结束了

在哪里可以找到课程资料? (Where to find the course materials?)

An earlier version of the article pointed to a different course uploaded to Academic Torrents. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find an alternative source for Social Psychology.

文章的早期版本指向上载到学术洪流的另一门课程。 不幸的是,我找不到社会心理学的替代来源。

Update: Mohammad Yasser has uploaded Social Psychology videos to Google Drive. Thanks Mohammad Yasser.

更新Mohammad Yasser已将“社会心理学”视频上传到Google云端硬盘 。 谢谢Mohammad Yasser

4.人类简史 (4. A Brief History of Humankind)

Dr. Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli historian and a tenured professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Like Dan Ariely, you might come across him in mainstream publications.

尤瓦尔·诺亚·哈拉里(Yuval Noah Harari)博士是以色列历史学家,也是耶路撒冷希伯来大学历史系的终身教授。 像Dan Ariely一样,您可能会在主流出版物中遇到他。

He is the author of a number of books, including the highly rated Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. According to Amazon Author Beta, which ranks authors, Dr. Yuval is the #3 author for history. Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to take a course directly from such a popular and mainstream figure?

他是许多著作的作者,其中包括获得高度评价的《 智人:人类简史》 。 根据对作者进行排名的亚马逊作者Beta,尤瓦尔博士是历史排名第三的作家。 能够直接从这样一个受欢迎的主流人物那里学习课程,这真是太神奇了吗?

The last time you could do that was in August 2014, when the course was offered on Coursera. His course, A Brief History of Humankind, is another highly-rated course on Class Central that we might never see again. You can check out the syllabus by visiting the course page on Class Central. Lecture 17 is entitled “Lecture 17: The End of Homo Sapiens.”

您最后一次可以这样做是在2014年8月,当时在Coursera上提供了该课程。 他的课程《人类简史》是关于Class Central的另一门评价很高的课程,我们可能再也看不到了。 您可以通过访问Class Central上的课程页面来查看课程提纲。 第17讲题为“第17讲:智人的终结”。

在哪里可以找到课程资料? (Where to find the course materials?)

You don’t have to break the law to get access to the course materials for this one. Dr, Yuval has uploaded the course on YouTube. here is the link to the playlist.

您不必违反法律就可以获取该课程的材料。 Yuval博士已将课程上传到YouTube。 这是播放列表的链接

5. 6. 7.自然语言处理(3门课程) (5. 6. 7. Natural Language Processing (3 courses))

This course might as well be called Defence Against the Dark Arts. For some reason, there have been three iterations of the Natural Language Processing course on Coursera, and none of them are available right now. Here is the list of these three courses.

这门课也可以称为“ 防御黑暗艺术” 。 由于某种原因,Coursera上的“自然语言处理”课程进行了三次迭代,但现在都无法使用。 这是这三门课程的清单。

  1. Natural Language Processing: Dan Jurafsky and Christopher Manning, Stanford University. First taught in March 2012, it was one of the first 20 courses offered on Coursera (now there are more than 2,000).

    自然语言处理 :斯坦福大学的Dan Jurafsky和Christopher Manning。 它是2012年3月首次授课的,是Coursera开设的前20门课程之一(现在有超过2,000门)。

  2. Natural Language Processing: Michael Collins, Columbia University. Offered in February 2013.

    自然语言处理 :哥伦比亚大学的Michael Collins。 2013年2月提供。

  3. Introduction to Natural Language Processing: Dragomir Radev, University of Michigan. This course is a relatively new one and has been offered a few times since it first launched on Coursera in October 2015. The Coursera course page for this course still exists, but it does not have an upcoming course date. I am hopeful that this one will come back online eventually.

    自然语言处理简介 :密西根大学德拉戈米尔·拉德夫(Dragomir Radev)。 自2015年10月在Coursera上首次推出以来,该课程是一门相对较新的课程。此课程的Coursera课程页面仍然存在,但没有即将上线的课程日期。 我希望这个最终会重新上线。

在哪里可以找到课程资料? (Where to find the course materials?)

Each of these courses can be found in two places: YouTube and Academic Torrents. The advantage of Academic Torrents is that you can also download the supplementary course materials, like transcripts, PDFs, or PPTs.

这些课程中的每一个都可以在两个地方找到:YouTube和学术洪流。 学术洪流的好处是您还可以下载补充课程材料,例如成绩单,PDF或PPT。

  1. Natural Language Processing: Dan Jurafsky and Christopher Manning, Stanford University. YouTube | Academic Torrents

    自然语言处理:斯坦福大学的Dan Jurafsky和Christopher Manning。 YouTube | 学术洪流

  2. Natural Language Processing: Michael Collins, Columbia University. YouTube | Academic Torrents

    自然语言处理:哥伦比亚大学的Michael Collins。 YouTube | 学术洪流

  3. Introduction to Natural Language Processing: Dragomir Radev, University of Michigan. YouTube | Academic Torrents

    自然语言处理简介:密西根大学Dragomir Radev。 YouTube | 学术洪流

8. 1300年以来的世界史/全球历史实验室 (8. A History of the World since 1300 / Global History Lab)

This Princeton University course has an interesting history (hah!). It been offered on three different platforms. First it was offered on Coursera in September 2012 under the name A History of the World since 1300. In September 2014 it moved to NovoEd, and it was called Global History Lab. Finally, it showed up on edX in September 2016. Maybe Professor Adelman likes to offer this course every two years. The materials might have changed partially or completely between these iterations of the course.

普林斯顿大学的这门课程有一段有趣的历史(哈哈!)。 它在三个不同的平台上提供。 首先,它于2012年9月在Coursera上以“ 自1300年以来的世界历史”的名称提供 。 2014年9月,它移至NovoEd,并称为全球历史实验室 。 最后,它于2016年9月出现在edX上。也许阿德尔曼教授喜欢每两年开设一次该课程。 在课程的这些迭代之间,材料可能已部分或完全更改。

在哪里可以找到课程资料? (Where to find the course materials?)

Unfortunately, I could not find the course materials. If you can find it, leave a comment below. If you still have access to the edX iteration of the course, maybe you can create a playlist of the videos. EdX hosts all their videos on YouTube in unlisted mode. You can’t search for them, but if you have access to them then you can create a playlist and let us know in the comments below :)

不幸的是,我找不到课程资料。 如果可以找到它,请在下面留下评论。 如果您仍然可以访问该课程的edX版本 ,则可以创建视频的播放列表。 EdX以不公开模式将所有视频托管在YouTube上。 您无法搜索它们,但是如果可以访问它们,则可以创建一个播放列表,并在下面的评论中告诉我们:)

9.启动工程 (9. Startup Engineering)

Startup Engineering is a Stanford course that “Bridges the gap between academic computer science and production software engineering.”

Startup Engineering是斯坦福大学的一门课程,“弥合学术计算机科学与生产软件工程之间的鸿沟”。

It was offered once on Coursera, back in June 2013. The course is taught by Balaji S. Srinivasan; he was CTO and co-founder of Counsyl, a genomics startup that began in a Stanford dorm room and now tests ~4% of all U.S. births. Early this year he was also considered by the Trump administration to lead the FDA (yes, Balaji hates the FDA). Currently, he is a board member at VC firm A16Z and a CEO/co-founder at

早在20136月 ,它就在Coursera上提供了一次。 该课程由Balaji S. Srinivasan教授; 他是Counsyl的首席技术官和联合创始人,该公司是一家基因组学初创公司,始于斯坦福大学宿舍,目前对全美出生的婴儿进行了约4%的测试。 今年年初,特朗普政府还考虑将他领导FDA(是的,Balaji讨厌FDA)。 目前,他是风险投资公司A16Z的董事会成员,以及21.co的首席执行官/联合创始人。

The course had another instructor, Dr. Vijay Pande, a professor at Stanford, but it looks like all the videos in the course feature Balaji.

该课程还有一位讲师,斯坦福大学的教授Vijay Pande博士,但看起来该课程中的所有视频都带有Balaji。

在哪里可以找到课程资料? (Where to find the course materials?)

You can find all the videos of the course in this playlist on YouTube.


I’m sure I missed a lot of courses. Do let me know in the comments if your favorite course has disappeared from the online course platforms.

我确定我错过了很多课程。 如果您最喜欢的课程已从在线课程平台中消失,请在评论中让我知道。


such ……as……

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