

by Jenna Charmaine

珍娜·查曼(Jenna Charmaine)

毕业后的忧郁:最近的计算机科学专业毕业的十个技巧 (The Post-Graduation Blues: 10 Tips for the Recent Computer Science Grad)

I remember the day I graduated college like it was yesterday. Surrounded by hundreds of close friends, family and peers, I listened to the Dean of our University as she described the grandiosity of this occasion. This was the moment that I had been waiting for… the last four years had finally been worth it.

我记得昨天大学毕业的那天。 在数以百计的亲密朋友,家人和同龄人的包围下,我听了我们大学的院长的话,她描述了这次盛会的壮观之处。 这是我一直在等待的时刻……过去四年终于值得。

I remember sitting there and smiling with eager anticipation. I was ready to prove to the world how bright I could shine in the industry with a tenacity to pursue my dreams I had never had before.

我记得坐在那儿,满怀期待地微笑。 我随时准备向世界证明我在行业中的光辉,坚韧不拔地追求自己从未有过的梦想。

The six months prior to graduation, I remember filling my time with job fairs, coffees, and numerous interviews. “Just wait until you graduate” each recruiter told me, “You have a promising future ahead of you in this industry. Just hang in there. We always have room for young talent”.

毕业前的六个月,我记得在招聘会,咖啡和大量面试中花了很多时间。 每个招聘人员都对我说:“等到毕业,就可以了。在这个行业,你的前途是光明的。 挂在那里 我们总是有年轻人才的空间。”

I was told time and time again by family and professors alike how desperately businesses were looking for developers, and the vast amount of internet job postings I found only further proved their point. Everything I had read about the industry appeared to be true; professional Software Developers were in demand, and I was eager to join their ranks.

我的家人和教授一次又一次地告诉我,企业在拼命地寻找开发人员是多么的迫切,而我发现的大量互联网职位却进一步证明了他们的观点。 我所读到的有关该行业的所有内容似乎都是真实的。 专业的软件开发人员需求旺盛,我渴望加入他们的行列。

However, despite finally having my degree, I was in no way prepared for how difficult attaining my first job would be.


I remember staring at my email inbox a week after graduation, desperately hoping for some sign of life regarding my job search. “Position fulfilled”, “Thank you for applying”, and “We’ve decided to go with another applicant,” each email stated. Every rejection email cut me deeper and deeper than the one prior. How could this be happening to me? I was told my degree would be the key that unlocks the rest of my future, however 15…16…17 applications later, I was no closer to a full-time job than those 6 months prior.

我记得毕业后一个星期盯着我的电子邮件收件箱,拼命希望能找到一些与我求职有关的生命迹象。 每封电子邮件都说:“职位已完成”,“感谢您申请”和“我们已决定与另一位申请人一起去”。 每一封拒绝邮件比前一封邮件对我的影响越来越深。 这怎么可能发生在我身上? 有人告诉我,学位将是释放我未来的钥匙,但是后来15…16…17个申请,我比六个月前更接近全职工作。

The future I thought was so bright in front of me suddenly felt so out of reach.


The post-graduation job search is one of the most difficult and frustrating things I’ve encountered thus far in my career. How did I so greatly misunderstand what my job search would look like? You can imagine my surprise when I began chatting with others around me about their job-hunting experience, only to find out I was not alone. Between local meetups, clubs, and organizations, I was absolutely shocked to find how many individuals with a degree (or at least decent development experience) were working in the service industry simply because the job hunt had treated them just as mercilessly as it had me.

毕业后的工作寻找是我迄今为止在职业中遇到的最困难和最沮丧的事情之一。 我如何如此严重地误解了寻找工作的模样? 当我开始与周围的人聊天,寻找他们的求职经历时,您可以想象我的惊讶,但发现我并不孤单。 在当地的聚会,俱乐部和组织之间,我震惊地发现有多少具有学位(或至少具有体面的开发经验)的人在服务行业工作,这仅仅是因为求职对他们的待遇与对我一样无情。

Though we are taught how rewarding a career in Software Development would be, I feel that we under-prepare our graduates for what the world of job-hunting is like in this day and age. With a world around us changing so rapidly, I believe equipping our students with an understanding of how to approach their job search is just as important as knowing the technical skills.

尽管我们被教导如何在软件开发事业中获得丰厚的报酬,但我感到我们对毕业生的准备不足以应对当今时代的求职世界。 随着我们周围世界的变化如此Swift,我相信让学生了解如何进行求职与了解技术技能一样重要。

Despite what I experienced, I know for a fact that there is room for new graduates in the world of Software Development. We simply lack the understanding of how to break into this industry from our university education alone.

尽管我有过很多经历,但我知道一个事实,即软件开发领域有很多新毕业生。 我们只是缺乏对如何从我们的大学教育中进入这个行业的理解。

Three years ago, I graduated having no idea what my future would look like, but today I can confidently say that I am a professional software developer with a bright future ahead of me. I write this article in hopes of comforting those whose job search looked like mine, and to share the valuable pieces of advice I received about the post-graduation job hunt. This information truly shaped my career for the better and I hope you find these tips as helpful as I did.

三年前,我不知道自己的未来会怎样毕业,但是今天我可以自信地说,我是一名职业软件开发人员,前途光明。 我写这篇文章的目的是希望安慰那些看起来像我的求职者,并分享我收到的有关毕业后求职的宝贵建议。 这些信息确实使我的职业生涯变得更好,我希望您能像我一样对这些技巧有所帮助。

Now without further ado… Here are my top 10 tips for the recent, job-hunting Computer Science graduate.


求职计算机科学专业毕业生的10个提示 (10 Tips for the Job-Hunting Computer Science Graduate)

Below each tip, I’ve included external articles where you can find more information on the subject matter. The authors and websites do not reflect my own personal beliefs, but I found their resources to be relevant and helpful for further research. Feel free to use these links as a springboard into your own research!

在每个技巧的下面,我都包含了一些外部文章,您可以在其中找到有关该主题的更多信息。 作者和网站并没有反映我个人的信念,但是我发现它们的资源是相关的,有助于进一步研究。 随意将这些链接用作您自己的研究的跳板!

1. 了解您最困难的障碍将是获得经验。 (1. Understand your most difficult obstacle will be getting experience.)

Everyone wants developers. Heck, everyone NEEDS developers. However, are most businesses willing to take the time to slow down and teach someone the skills they need to get the job done? No.

每个人都想要开发人员。 哎呀,每个人都需要开发人员。 但是,大多数企业是否愿意花时间放慢速度,并教某人完成工作所需的技能? 没有。

Time is money and when a business is rushing to get products and patches out the door, they are not able to slow down long enough to bring a new developer up to speed. That is why getting a job right out of college can be so difficult. You are going to be at a disadvantage when you first start out; even if you had internships, leadership experience, and numerous volunteer hours (like I did). Companies evaluate how long it will take until they start seeing a return on their investment.

时间就是金钱,当企业急于推出产品和补丁时,他们无法放慢速度足够长的时间以使新开发人员步入正轨。 这就是为什么大学毕业后很难找到工作的原因。 刚开始时,您将处于不利地位。 即使您有实习,领导经验和无数志愿服务时间(就像我一样)。 公司评估开始看到投资回报之前需要花费多长时间。

Be patient and understand that not every work environment will be conducive to your learning. There are positions out there though. Look hard, and look thoroughly, and you’ll find them.

请耐心一点,并了解并非每个工作环境都有助于您的学习。 虽然那里有职位。 看上去很硬,看上去很彻底,您会找到它们的。

2. 确保您的代码对潜在雇主可见。 (2. Make sure your code is visible to potential employers.)

This was one of the first pieces of advice I got regarding my job search and I wish I would have embraced it earlier. In college I took 3 different capstone courses, each producing a 2-inch-thick binder full of code and systems that I had personally constructed. Despite all of that hard work, not a single one of the interviews I had got to see the work I had made because it wasn’t available for them to view!

这是我获得的关于求职的第一批建议之一,我希望我早点接受。 在大学里,我参加了3个不同的高级课程,每个课程都制作了一个2英寸厚的活页夹,其中包含我亲自构建的代码和系统。 尽管进行了所有这些艰苦的工作,但我没有一个采访能看到我所做的工作,因为他们无法观看它!

Github and Bitbucket are incredible resources that you should utilize if you’re planning to contribute to enterprise-level codebases. It is becoming more common for job applications to request links to personal repositories of code so technical recruiters can review your skills before setting up interviews. Many individuals I know have received job offers based on their open-source contributions alone! Invest in learning about these source control management platforms. You won’t regret it.

GithubBitbucket是令人难以置信的资源,如果您打算为企业级代码库做出贡献,则应利用这些资源。 求职申请要求链接到个人代码仓库的链接变得越来越普遍,因此技术招聘人员可以在设置面试之前查看您的技能。 我认识的许多人仅根据他们的开源贡献就收到了工作机会! 投资学习有关这些源代码管理管理平台的信息。 你不会后悔的。

3. 开始通过社交媒体发展您的专业网络。 (3. Start growing your professional network through social media.)

LinkedIn is a popular professional social-networking site that I have used to network from the comfort of my own home. Between meeting new professionals, setting up coffees with people I admire, and reading the helpful articles, LinkedIn is a great resource for anyone looking to grow professionally. Also, it is a decent platform to utilize when searching for that first job.

LinkedIn是一个受欢迎的专业社交网站,我曾经在家中舒适地进行社交。 在结识新的专业人员,与我佩服的人喝咖啡以及阅读有用的文章之间,LinkedIn是寻求专业发展的任何人的绝佳资源。 而且,这是在寻找第一份工作时可以利用的一个不错的平台。

If you haven’t made an account already, look into creating a LinkedIn profile and take advantage of the recruiting resources available with the free membership. It is also important to note that other social media platforms, such as Twitter, are full of software developers sharing their knowledge and experience. Take advantage of these communities, and don’t be afraid to contribute to them yourself! Everyone has to start somewhere.

如果您尚未创建帐户,请考虑创建LinkedIn个人资料,并利用免费会员资格提供的招聘资源。 还需要注意的是,其他社交媒体平台(例如Twitter)到处都是软件开发人员,他们共享自己的知识和经验。 利用这些社区,不要害怕自己为他们做出贡献! 每个人都必须从某个地方开始。

4. 不要害怕找到招聘者。 (4. Don’t be afraid to find a recruiter.)

As I mentioned earlier, there are more positions available than there are developers to fill them. Because of this, companies have a challenging time finding the best qualified candidate. We all know, where there is a problem, there is money to be made. Cue the entrance of the Technical Recruiting industry.

正如我之前提到的,职位空缺的数量比开发人员要多。 因此,公司在寻找最合格的候选人方面充满了挑战。 众所周知,哪里有问题,哪里就有赚钱。 提示技术招聘行业的入口。

Technical recruiting agencies have helped close this gap by offering services to companies by providing them with talent at no cost to the individual being hired. Recruiters get paid by finding you the best fit with an employer. Recruiters have a pulse on local businesses tech requirements and where entry-level software engineering positions will be available.

技术招聘机构通过为公司提供服务,从而为他们提供了免费的人才,从而帮助公司缩小了这一差距。 招聘人员发现您最适合雇主,从而获得报酬 。 招聘人员对本地企业的技术要求以及入门级软件工程职位有何要求。

Don’t be afraid to contact an agency if you’re having a hard time getting businesses to respond to you on your own. In some cities, it might even be difficult to get a job without the help of a staffing agency simply because of the trust recruiting agencies have built with local businesses.

如果您很难让企业自行回应,请不要害怕与代理商联系。 在某些城市,仅由于招聘机构与当地企业建立了信任关系,在没有人员配备机构帮助的情况下甚至可能很难找到工作。

Work with a recruiting agency, understand their process and how that will directly affect your job hunt. Not all agencies or recruiters are alike, and it’s important that you and your recruiter have the same goals regarding positions you are interested in.

与招聘机构合作,了解他们的流程以及这将如何直接影响您的求职。 并非所有的代理机构或招聘人员都一样,重要的是,您和您的招聘人员在感兴趣的职位上要有相同的目标。

5. 知道您要寻找的东西。 (5. Know what you’re looking for.)

Though you may not know exactly what you want to do for the rest of your life, you will probably know the type of hours you want to work during the week, the salary you will expect and whether or not you will want/need benefits.


One of the biggest things I discovered when I entered the industry was the differences between full-time employees and contractors. Though the titles themselves don’t inherently have a difference in the work at hand, it will affect how much you get paid, time-off, benefits, and overall job security. Before you begin your search and negotiating your salary, write down the things that you’ll need to take into consideration:

我进入该行业时发现的最大事情之一就是全职员工与承包商之间的差异。 尽管标题本身与手头的工作并没有本质上的区别,但这将影响您的薪资水平,休假时间,福利和整体工作安全性。 在开始搜索并协商薪水之前,请写下您需要考虑的事项:

  • Do you have any big vacations in the near future?

  • How often do you need your paycheck?

  • How much do you spend each month? Personal? Bills? Other responsibilities?

    你每个月花多少钱? 个人? 账单? 其他责任?
  • Are you planning on moving anytime soon?


Some individuals wish for a full-time position with a certain organization (full benefits, PTO, and holidays off), but you may have to work as a contractor there before the employer is willing to hire you full-time. Research the market in your area while you are networking. You might be financially flexible now but require more stability in a few years, you never know.

有些人希望在某个组织担任全职职位(全额福利,PTO和假期休假),但是在雇主愿意全职雇用您之前,您可能必须在那里担任承包商的工作。 建立网络时,研究您所在区域的市场。 您现在可能在财务上很灵活,但是几年后就需要更高的稳定性,这是您所不知道的。

Also… important tidbit.


Wherever you land, the likelihood of you being there for more than 3 years is very low. In 2017, the Software Engineering industry had the highest turnover of any other industry, and for good reason. Between the demand and the rising compensation to entice talented engineers, the cost of your time will significantly increase the more you work. Take this into consideration as you look forward to accepting your first position; you probably won’t be there forever, so what are some compromises you can make for a year or two?

无论您在何处着陆,您在那里呆了3年以上的可能性都非常低。 在2017年,软件工程行业的营业额是所有其他行业中最高的,这是有充分理由的 在需求和不断增加的薪酬以吸引才华横溢的工程师之间,您的工作时间越多,您的时间成本就会大大增加。 当您期望接受您的第一职位时,请考虑到这一点; 您可能不会永远存在,那么您在一两年内可以做出哪些妥协?

6. 您的价值!=您将获得的报酬 (6. Your worth != what you’ll be paid)

One of the most difficult pieces of advice for me to accept was the reality that the salary I am offered will not directly equal my worth as a professional.


Hypothetically, let’s say I am great candidate for an entry-level position. I’m hard-working, eager, and willing to learn and I’m worth a specific amount in the workforce. Though this is very logical thinking, it isn’t necessarily how businesses think when it comes to salary negotiation. Despite their eagerness to get talented developers, they are still in the business of making a profit. Which can mean offering a lower salary to someone who’s willing to accept it.

假设,我是入门级职位的理想人选。 我工作努力,渴望并且愿意学习,在劳动力中我值得一定数量的钱。 尽管这是非常合乎逻辑的想法,但不一定涉及薪资谈判时企业的想法。 尽管他们渴望获得有才华的开发人员,但他们仍在盈利。 这可能意味着向愿意接受的人提供较低的薪水。

You might need to view your potential salary as “how much will get me motivated to go to work in the morning” versus “how much am I ‘worth’”. This change in mindset can save your self-esteem and stress-level as you begin salary negotiations. The likelihood of them aiming lower than you think you’re ‘worth’ is high. As long as there are individuals willing to accept a lower salary, you will have a hard time finding someone who’s willing to pay you what you think you are worth.

您可能需要将您的潜在薪水看成是“多少钱让我有动力去早上去上班”而不是“我多少钱”。 在开始薪资谈判时,这种观念上的改变可以节省您的自尊心和压力水平。 他们的目标低于您认为自己“值得”的可能性很高。 只要有些人愿意接受较低的薪水,您将很难找到愿意付给您您认为自己值得的东西的人。

Though this might be frustrating at first, understand that the number it takes you to “get up in the morning” will increase over time. You won’t be at the low end of the pay scale forever. The more experience you have, the more power you will have in negotiating your salary. Rest assured that there are plenty of ways to climb in the technology industry.

尽管起初可能会令人沮丧,但要了解,“早晨起床”所花费的人数会随着时间而增加。 您不会永远处于薪资表的低端。 您拥有的经验越多,您在谈判薪水方面的能力就越大。 请放心,技术行业有很多方法可以攀登。

7. 熟悉测试和测试框架 (7. Get familiar with testing and testing frameworks)

Though it’s rarely covered in an undergraduate degree, software testing is something that you will encounter in almost every development job.


As an engineer, your job is to develop great solutions alongside ensuring those solutions don’t break previous functionality. Through utilizing testing frameworks, developers are able to identify when bugs produced in newly produced code.

作为工程师,您的工作是开发出色的解决方案,同时确保这些解决方案不会破坏以前的功能。 通过利用测试框架,开发人员可以识别何时在新产生的代码中产生错误。

By addressing these issues early on, you can eliminate a large portion of the bugs a client may find through regular interaction with the product. Though you can never truly eliminate all bugs, you can take responsibility for the product by using testing best-practices.

通过尽早解决这些问题,您可以消除客户通过与产品进行定期互动而可能发现的大部分错误。 尽管您永远无法真正消除所有错误,但是您可以通过使用测试最佳实践来对产品负责。

Testing can help you become a better developer. As Boris Beizer, an American software engineer and author, once said…

测试可以帮助您成为更好的开发人员。 正如美国软件工程师兼作家Boris Beizer所说的那样……

“More than the act of testing, the act of designing tests is one of the best bug preventers known. The thinking that must be done to create a useful test can discover and eliminate bugs before they are coded — indeed, test-design thinking can discover and eliminate bugs at every stage in the creation of software, from conception to specification, to design, coding and the rest.”

“比起测试行为,设计测试行为是已知的最好的错误预防程序之一。 创建有用的测试必须进行的思考可以发现并消除错误,然后再进行编码-实际上,测试设计的思考可以发现和消除软件创建过程中从概念到规范,设计,编码的每个阶段的错误。还有其余的。”

8. 利用学校的研究生资源 (8. Utilize your school’s post-graduate resources)

This might sound like a no-brainer, but don’t forget that your university has an incredible amount of resources at their fingertips. They have made it their business to produce young, talented professionals who are ready for the workforce. Don’t be shocked that businesses reach out to them on a regular basis asking for candidates. You will only discover these opportunities if you take the time to talk with them and ask!

这听起来似乎很简单,但是请不要忘记您的大学拥有触手可及的大量资源。 他们的业务是培养能够为劳动力做好准备的年轻,才华横溢的专业人员。 企业会定期与他们联系以征聘候选人,不要感到震惊。 如果您花时间与他们交谈并提出要求,您将发现这些机会!

I graduated from a small, private university and even there I had an impressive amount of resources to aid me in securing my first job. Between resume reviewers, local company contacts, and even exclusive job opportunity postings, Universities have a wealth of resources. Let’s not forget about job fairs that are constantly happening throughout the city! Take the time and investigate the resources available. You might be pleasantly surprised at the help they provide.

我毕业于一所小型私立大学,即使在那里,我也拥有大量资源来帮助我获得第一份工作。 在简历审阅者,本地公司联系人乃至专属工作机会职位之间,大学拥有丰富的资源。 让我们不要忘记整个城市不断举办的招聘会! 花时间研究可用资源。 您可能会对他们提供的帮助感到惊讶。

9. 经常面试 (9. Interview often)

Oftentimes, we put an extreme amount of pressure on ourselves during a job search. If you’re anything like me, interviews are anxiety producing, nerve-wracking, and an overall unpleasant experience. However, all of this is simply because of inexperience in the actual act of interviewing itself. If you’re not comfortable in who you’re speaking with and knowledgeable of what exactly they’re looking for, you are going to be nervous! What’s the best way to combat interview anxiety? … More interviews.

通常,在求职期间,我们给自己施加了极大的压力。 如果您像我一样,面试会产生焦虑,不安和整体不愉快的经历。 但是,所有这些仅仅是由于采访本身的实际行为缺乏经验。 如果您不喜欢与谁交谈,并且不知道他们在找什么,那您会感到紧张! 对抗面试焦虑的最佳方法是什么? …更多采访。

Throughout your career you are going to work in numerous places so it will benefit you to become a “professional interviewer”. You already know you won’t be staying in the same place forever, so what’s the harm in having a conversation about other job opportunities? If you interview for positions you are not necessarily wanting to accept, it will be that much easier to interview for jobs you’re very interested in.

在您的整个职业生涯中,您将在许多地方工作,因此成为“专业面试官”将使您受益。 您已经知道您不会永远待在同一个地方,所以谈论其他工作机会有什么害处? 如果您面试您不一定要接受的职位,那么对您非常感兴趣的工作进行面试会容易得多。

Always make sure to keep your options open. It really sets you up for success when it comes to embracing tip #10.

始终确保打开您的选择。 当涉及到技巧10时,它确实为您成功做好了准备。

And lastly…


10. 确保您和您的家人排名第一。 总是。 (10. Make sure you and your family are #1. ALWAYS.)

This is truly the beginning of one of the biggest adventures of your life. You’re in far too great of a field to hate your job and that’s an amazing thing. If I’ve learned anything these last three years, I would say that nothing is worth sacrificing my relationships for; not even a really great paying job.

这确实是您一生中最大的冒险之一的开始。 您实在是太强大了,无法讨厌您的工作,这真是一件了不起的事情。 如果最近三年我学到了什么,我会说没有什么值得牺牲我的人际关系的。 甚至不是一个很棒的高薪工作。

You have one of the most sought-after skill sets in the world right now… don’t forget that.


Once you’ve landed that first job, getting the next will be that much easier. The idea of leaving a job that has taught you so much can be scary but remember that at the end of the day capitalism doesn’t play well with sentimentality.

一旦找到了第一份工作,下一份就容易多了。 丢掉一份可以教会你很多知识的工作的想法可能会让人感到恐惧,但请记住,资本主义最终并不能很好地解决多愁善感。

In a world that changes quickly, it is important to put yourself and your continuing education as a priority in your continual job hunt. The better of a position you’re able to put yourself in, the better you’ll be able to take care of your family and your future; and at the end of the day that’s the most important thing.

在这个瞬息万变的世界中,重要的是要把自己和继续接受的教育作为继续求职的重中之重。 您所能担任的职务越好,您将能够更好地照顾家人和您的未来; 归根结底,这是最重要的。

I hope that these pieces of advice resonate with you as much as they did with me. There is plenty of room in this industry for all of us, and everyone you meet with have experiences that you can learn from. If you have a great piece of advice that you think new grads should know, please share it in the comments below!

我希望这些建议能引起您与我的共鸣。 这个行业对我们所有人都有很大的空间,您遇到的每个人都有可以学习的经验。 如果您认为新毕业生应该知道很多建议,请在下面的评论中分享!

Thanks for reading and I wish you the best of luck in your job hunt.


Jenna Palmer, @jpalmerproject (Twitter)

珍娜·帕尔默(Jenna Palmer),@jpalmerproject(Twitter)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-post-graduation-blues-10-tips-for-the-recent-computer-science-grad-2b48f27c1deb/






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