
by Sanjay Ratnottar

由Sanjay Ratnottar

值得一试的10个Node.js框架:Express,Loopback,Hapi和其他 (10 Node.js Frameworks Worth Checking Out: Express, Loopback, Hapi, and Beyond)

As technology is changing at a rapid pace, developers are moving to use new technologies and adopting more convenient frameworks for their web development needs. Node.js is getting huge exposure from developers who love to use JavaScript for app development.

随着技术的快速变化,开发人员正在使用新技术并采用更方便的框架来满足其Web开发需求。 喜欢使用JavaScript进行应用程序开发的开发人员对Node.js的关注度很高

Being a developer, you can manage the same language for both client-side and server-side scripting, and this has brought huge adoption and use of Node.


Node.js frameworks are getting huge demand in the market and 2019 is bringing a lot more features and advantages. There are so many top programming languages available in the market but the best Node.js Frameworks of 2019 have drastically changed the development process.

Node.js框架在市场上的需求量很大,而2019年将带来更多的功能和优势。 市场上有太多顶级编程语言可用,但2019年最好的Node.js框架 极大地改变了开发过程。

但是在进行深入讨论之前,重要的是要了解什么是Node Framework。 (But before we go in deep discussion, it is important to understand what a Node Framework is)

Node.js is an open-source and a cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that runs JavaScript code outside the browser. You cannot ignore it when you prepare a list of JavaScript frameworks.

Node.js是一个开放源代码和跨平台JavaScript运行时环境,可在浏览器外部运行JavaScript代码。 准备JavaScript框架列表时,不能忽略它。

JavaScript is utilized chiefly for client-side scripting, in which scripts written in JavaScript are embedded in a website page’s HTML and run client-side by a JavaScript engine in the browser.


Node.js lets developers utilize JavaScript to get written command line tools. For server-side scripting, it runs the required scripts server-side to develop dynamic web page content before the page is driven to the available user’s browser. As a result, Node.js embodies a “JavaScript everywhere” paradigm, combining web application development across a particular programming language for both server side as well as client side scripts.

Node.js使开发人员可以利用JavaScript来获取编写的命令行工具。 对于服务器端脚本,它在服务器端运行必需的脚本以开发动态网页内容,然后将页面驱动到可用用户的浏览器。 结果,Node.js体现了“ JavaScript无处不在”范例,将针对服务器端和客户端脚本的跨特定编程语言的Web应用程序开发组合在一起。

Node.js框架的主要优点 (Top Benefits of Node.js Frameworks)

The use of Node.js frameworks is growing because they have tremendous functionalities like the best productivity, high speeds, and scalability. All these features make Node.js the first choice for developing enterprise level applications for huge companies.

Node.js框架的使用在不断增长,因为它们具有巨大的功能,例如最佳的生产率,高速和可伸缩性。 所有这些功能使Node.js成为为大型公司开发企业级应用程序的首选。

Node.js allows you to use the same language for both the front-end and backend. This saves you from the stress of learning new languages and implementing them for running the whole code structure and program.

Node.js允许您对前端和后端使用相同的语言。 这使您免于学习新语言并实施它们以运行整个代码结构和程序的压力。

With the help of Node.js frameworks, you can use different tools, refer to different guidelines and also you can recommend practices that will ultimately save you a lot of time. With such an approach, you can become a pro in the coding field.

借助Node.js框架,您可以使用不同的工具,参考不同的指南,还可以推荐一些实践,这些实践最终将为您节省大量时间。 通过这种方法,您可以成为编码领域的专家。

Here are some of the main benefits:


  • Functions with high speed

  • Supports data streaming

  • Works in real-time

  • Has a solution to all the database queries

  • Straightforward coding

  • Open Source

  • Cross Platform

  • In charge with the proxy server

  • Higher productivity

  • Competent with Sync problems

  • User and community friendly


Let’s have a look at the top Node.js frameworks that will shine in 2019 and the upcoming years.


1. 阿多尼斯 (1. AdonisJs)

AdonisJs is one of the most popular Node.js frameworks that runs on all the major operating systems. This framework has a static ecosystem for writing server-side web apps, and this way you can target your business needs and decide which package to use. It is the simplest framework and especially targets development.

AdonisJs是最受欢迎的Node.js框架之一 在所有主要操作系统上运行。 该框架具有用于编写服务器端Web应用程序的静态生态系统,通过这种方式,您可以确定业务需求并确定要使用的程序包。 这是最简单的框架,尤其是针对开发。

AdonisJs的功能 (Features of AdonisJs)
  • Supports ORM which is made up from SQL databases

  • Efficient SQL query creation which is based on active record idea

  • An easy-to-learn query builder that allows you to quickly build simple queries

  • It provides good support to No-SQL databases like MongoDB


2. Express.js (2. Express.js)

Express.js is the simplest, fastest, non-opinionated Node.js framework. It is a simple technology which is built on Node.js and acts as middleware to manage the servers and routes.

Express.js是最简单,最快,不受质疑的Node.js框架 这是一项基于Node.js的简单技术,可作为管理服务器和路由的中间件。

Node.js has an asynchronous nature and Express.js has the ability to develop light-weight apps that can process multiple requests seamlessly and depends on the capability of the express technology.


Express.js的功能 (Features of Express.js)
  • Fully customizable

  • Standard for Node.js web middlewares

    Node.js Web中间件的标准
  • Low learning curve

  • More focus on browser


3. Hapi.js (3. Hapi.js)

Hapi.js is the best Node.js web framework that is utilized for developing application program interfaces. This framework has a strong plug-in system which helps developers to manage the whole development process.

Hapi.js是用于开发应用程序接口的最佳Node.js Web框架。 该框架具有强大的插件系统,可帮助开发人员管理整个开发过程。

Hapi.js comes under the top Node.js frameworks for web application development and is loved by developers as they find it easy to work with and manage the whole script.


Hapi.js的功能 (Features of Hapi.js)
  • Strong input validation

  • Configuration-based functionality

  • Caching implementation

  • Improved error handling


4. Meteor.js (4. Meteor.js)

Meteor.js is used for building modern web and mobile applications and is defined as a full-stack JavaScript platform. The most important feature of Meteor.js is that it provides real-time updates so that all your changes on the web will get updated on the template instantly.

Meteor.js用于构建现代Web和移动应用程序,并被定义为全栈JavaScript平台。 Meteor.js的最重要功能是它提供实时更新,因此您在Web上的所有更改都将立即在模板上更新。

The framework has a simplified platform for the whole tier of the app and it’s in the same language (JavaScript). This makes this framework work in a more efficient manner on the server side as well as the client side.

该框架为整个应用程序层提供了一个简化的平台,并且使用相同的语言(JavaScript)。 这使该框架在服务器端和客户端都可以更有效地工作。

Meteor.js的功能 (Features of Meteor.js)
  • It has the capability to manage larger projects

  • Has rich and organized documentation community

  • It leverages the Facebook GraphQL data stack

    它利用了Facebook GraphQL数据堆栈
  • It’s easy to understand for most developers


5. Sails.js (5. Sails.js)

Sails.js is yet another popular Node.js framework that is used to develop custom enterprise-grade Node.js applications. It has all the capability to build the best apps with the support that modern apps need. Sails.js consists of the APIs which are data-driven attached to a scalable service-oriented architecture.

Sails.js是另一个流行的Node.js框架,用于开发自定义企业级Node.js应用程序。 它具有通过现代应用程序所需的支持来构建最佳应用程序的全部功能。 Sails.js由数据驱动的API组成,这些API附加到可扩展的面向服务的体系结构。

Sails.js的功能 (Features of Sails.js)
  • A lot of automated generators

  • No need for additional routing

  • Awesome frontend compatibility with different frontend technologies

  • Clear support for Web Sockets

  • Compatible with all databases


6. Koa.js (6. Koa.js)

The team that created Express.js developed Koa.js. It has been developed for filling the gaps of Express.js. Koa has a unique script and methods that make it work on different browsers. It helps you to work without any callbacks and will provide you with a strong effort in error handling.

创建Express.js的团队开发了Koa.js。 它是为填补Express.js的空白而开发的。 Koa具有独特的脚本和方法,使其可以在不同的浏览器上运行。 它可以帮助您进行工作而无需任何回调,并且可以为您提供大力的错误处理能力。

Koa.js的功能 (Features of Koa.js)
  • Utilizes required generators to manage and handle callbacks

  • Has strong and efficient error handling processes

  • Building blocks based on components

  • Cascading middlewares and ditched callback hell


7. LoopBack.js (7. LoopBack.js)

LoopBack.js is yet another famous and well-used Node.js framework having an easy-to-use CLI and an API explorer which is dynamic in nature. It helps you create different models depending on your required schema (or even if there is no requirement of a schema). It has good compatibility with different REST services and different varieties of databases that cover MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, Postgres and more.

LoopBack.js是又一个著名且使用良好的Node.js框架,具有易于使用的CLI和动态的API资源管理器。 它可以帮助您根据所需的架构(甚至不需要架构)创建不同的模型。 它与不同的REST服务和涵盖MySQL,MongoDB,Oracle,Postgres等的不同种类的数据库具有良好的兼容性。

LoopBack.js的功能 (Features of LoopBack.js)
  • Rapid creation of dynamic end-to-end REST APIs

    快速创建动态端到端REST API
  • Better connection amid different devices and browsers

  • Improved correlation between diverse data and services

  • Utilization of Android, iOS and Angular SDKs for creating client apps

    利用Android,iOS和Angular SDK创建客户端应用
  • Runs on its own premises and even in the cloud


8. Derby.js (8. Derby.js)

Derby.js provides seamless data synchronization between the server and the client. Derby.js is well-known as a full stack Node.js framework for writing modern web apps. It provides you an opportunity to add customized code and build highly efficient web apps. Derby.js is going to get massive exposure in 2019 as it has some great features.

Derby.js在服务器和客户端之间提供无缝的数据同步。 Derby.js是众所周知的用于编写现代Web应用程序的全栈Node.js框架。 它为您提供了添加自定义代码和构建高效Web应用程序的机会。 Derby.js具有一些强大的功能,将在2019年获得大量关注。

Derby.js的功能 (Features of Derby.js)
  • MVC architecture for both client-side and server-side

  • Best utilized for creating mobile and web applications

  • It uses server rendering for fast page loading, HTML templates and search engine support


9. Total.js (9. Total.js)

Total.js needs very little maintenance and gives a strong performance and a flawless scaling transition. The whole team of Total.js is working hard to match user requirements and make it a lovable and highly usable Node.js framework worldwide. This indicates that the Total.js framework will likely get good exposure in the coming years.

Total.js几乎不需要维护,并具有强大的性能和完美的伸缩过渡。 Total.js的整个团队都在努力满足用户需求,并使之成为全球范围内可爱且高度可用的Node.js框架。 这表明Total.js框架在未来几年中可能会获得良好的曝光。

Total.js的功能 (Features of Total.js)
  • Model-view-controller software architecture

  • Highly extensible and asynchronous framework

  • Provides full support to RESTful routing mechanism

  • Full support to web sockets and media streaming


10. Nest.js (10. Nest.js)

Nest.js is a type of Node.js framework which is used for developing professional and scalable Node.js server-side applications. It uses JavaScript and has been written in TypeScript. Since it’s built with TypeScript, this means it comes with powerful typing and combines all the elements of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming (FP), and Functional Reactive Programming (FRP).

Nest.js是一种Node.js框架,用于开发专业且可扩展的Node.js服务器端应用程序。 它使用JavaScript,并已用TypeScript编写。 由于它是用TypeScript构建的,这意味着它具有强大的键入功能,并且结合了面向对象编程(OOP),功能编程(FP)和功能响应式编程(FRP)的所有元素。

Nest.js的功能 (Features of Nest.js)
  • It has an out of the box application architecture

  • Effortless creation of highly testable and scalable applications

  • Nest CLI is used for generating Nest.js applications

    Nest CLI用于生成Nest.js应用程序

如何选择节点框架 (How to select a Node Framework)

This can be a tough decision to make as there are so many Node.js frameworks in the market as we’ve seen here. But the decision solely depends on your project and business requirements. Different Node.js frameworks have different specialties ranging from speed, learning curve, coding structure, flexibility, configuration, and more.

这是一个艰难的决定,因为市场上有如此众多的Node.js框架。 但是决定仅取决于您的项目和业务需求。 不同的Node.js框架具有不同的专业,包括速度,学习曲线,编码结构,灵活性,配置等。

重要要点 (Key Takeaways)

The pervasion of technology is getting greater in today’s digital world. This means that the level of competition between frameworks and different technologies is getting higher and higher. There are so many Node.js frameworks available in the market but you just need to choose the best one to meet your business’s demands.

在当今的数字世界中,技术的普及程度越来越高。 这意味着框架与不同技术之间的竞争水平越来越高。 市场上有许多Node.js框架可用,但是您只需要选择最佳的框架即可满足您的业务需求。

The features and functions of Node.js frameworks have all the capabilities to allow you to build a strong and error-free application for your enterprise. You can also hire the best Node.js developers for that.

Node.js框架的特性和功能具有允许您为企业构建强大且无错误的应用程序的所有功能。 您也可以为此聘请最好的Node.js开发人员

Choosing the best NodeJS framework is a tough task as it takes a lot of research and analysis to understand the details of each particular framework. It’s up to you to do that further research and select the framework that will help you develop top website applications.

选择最好的NodeJS框架 这是一项艰巨的任务,因为要进行大量研究和分析才能了解每个特定框架的细节。 您需要进行进一步的研究并选择可以帮助您开发顶级网站应用程序的框架。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/10-node-js-frameworks-worth-checking-out-express-loopback-hapi-and-beyond-7b537b590f89/





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