

by Rebecca Radding

由丽贝卡·拉丁(Rebecca Radding)

连接点—学习编码和回报的故事 (Connecting the Dots —a Story of Learning to Code and Giving Back)

Fatimat Gbajabiamila talks about challenging stereotypes, her love for pair programming, and why she’s committed to giving back

Fatimat Gbajabiamila谈论了具有挑战性的刻板印象,她对结对编程的热爱以及为何致力于回馈

I sat down with Fatimat Gbajabiamila at the end of her first week at 27Partners, a software development and consultancy in London. Though the average Founders and Coders applicant is in their late twenties, Fatimat, who was born in Nigeria and came to the UK as a child, completed the peer-led training programme in full-stack JavaScript when she was just 22.

在她上任第一周结束时,我在伦敦的软件开发和咨询公司27Partners与Fatimat Gbajabiamila坐了下来。 虽然普通的创始人和编码者申请人是20多岁,但Fatimat还是个孩子,他出生于尼日利亚,在英国出生,她22岁时就用全栈JavaScript完成了同行领导的培训计划。

Rebecca: Fatimat, thank you so much for making time to chat with me. How was your first week on the job?

丽贝卡:法蒂玛特,非常感谢您抽出宝贵的时间与我聊天。 您上班的第一周怎么样?

Fatimat: To be honest, it’s hard to believe I’m getting paid to code. It’s been quite the journey.

Fatimat :说实话,很难相信我会从代码中获得报酬。 这是一段漫长的旅程。

Rebecca: A journey you’ve undertaken without a university degree, as I understand.


Fatimat: Yeah, I left school after finishing my A levels, where I studied economics, business, and maths.


Rebecca: What were you doing before you heard about Founders and Coders?


Fatimat: I was working with a charity called Futureversity as a project coordinator, organizing summer programmes for young people and recruiting volunteers. I loved my colleagues, but I knew it wasn’t something I wanted to do as a career.

Fatimat:我曾与一家名为Futureversity的慈善机构一起担任项目协调员,为年轻人组织暑期活动并招募志愿者。 我爱我的同事,但我知道这不是我想做的职业。

Rebecca: How did you figure out you wanted to pursue a career as a software developer?


Fatimat: Well, when I was younger, I had my heart set on pursuing a career in business and finance. I remember visiting Bloomberg on a trip as part of the Brokerage Citylink programme during Year 10 and deciding right then and there that I wanted to work there one day.

Fatimat:嗯,当我年轻的时候,我就立志于从事商业和金融事业。 我记得在十年级时,我是作为Brokerage Citylink计划的一部分去彭博社旅行的,当时我当时决定要在那里工作。

Rebecca: Really? Right then and there, as a teenager? It’s hard for me to imagine a fifteen-year-old falling in love with financial services.

丽贝卡:真的吗? 在那时和那里,还是个少年? 我很难想象有一个十五岁的孩子爱上金融服务。

Fatimat: Honestly, I think the host just did a fantastic job of selling the company to us and inspiring us to aim high. They took us into the newsroom, where the trading numbers lined the walls, and then to an office, which was full of gadgets. That visit probably influenced my decision to study maths and economics, as I wanted to learn accounting so I could work for them.

法蒂玛特:老实说,我认为主持人在把公司卖给我们并激励我们向更高的目标方面做得非常出色。 他们把我们带到了新闻编辑室,那里的交易数字排成一列,然后到了一个充满小玩意的办公室。 这次访问可能影响了我学习数学和经济学的决定,因为我想学习会计,以便为他们工作。

Anyway, you grow up, life happens, dreams change and one day like me you start to ask yourselves important questions like, “What am I going to do with my life?” I was 21 and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life after Futureversity.

无论如何,你长大了,生活发生了,梦想改变了,像我这样的日子,你开始问自己一些重要的问题,例如:“我将如何生活?” 我那时21岁,不知道Futureversity之后我想做什么。

Rebecca: So how’d you land on coding?


Fatimat: It was a process of trial and error. I tried a few online courses, including G-suite administration and Salesforce Trailhead, but found that none of these programmes challenged me in the way that I wanted. In that kind of work, there’s a lot of fixed ways of doing things, and doing well is about trying to follow those ways. There was little room for me to be creative, to think for myself.

Fatimat:这是一个反复试验的过程。 我尝试了一些在线课程,包括G-suite管理Salesforce Trailhead ,但发现这些程序都没有以我想要的方式挑战我。 在这种工作中,有很多固定的做事方式,而做好事就是尝试遵循这些方式。 我没有什么创造力,可以自己思考。

I was doing this experimentation while working with young people, which got me thinking a lot about improving access to education in Nigeria, which is where I’m from and where I spent my early years. Nigeria has the highest rate of out-of-school children in the world. I wanted to learn how to build a platform that would allow kids who can’t physically get to school to follow the curriculum online and still be able to take their exams.

我在与年轻人一起工作时进行了这项实验,这使我对如何提高尼日利亚的受教育机会进行了很多思考,尼日利亚是我的故乡,也是我早年生活的地方。 尼日利亚是世界上失学儿童率最高的国家。 我想学习如何构建一个平台,使那些无法亲自上学的孩子可以在线学习课程,但仍然可以参加考试。

Rebecca: This population of children who aren’t in school, do they have access to computers? To the internet?

丽贝卡(Rebecca):这些没有上学的儿童人口,他们可以使用计算机吗? 上网?

Fatimat: Most of them wouldn’t, but I had a plan for sponsorship to address that. I never did build that application, because I got fixated on the idea of building something that could solve a big problem, like education for a very disadvantaged population, and got so caught up in exploring the options for building things, like Wordpress and other CMS, that before I knew it, I was obsessed with learning to code.

法蒂玛特:大多数人不会,但是我有一个赞助计划来解决这个问题。 我从未构建过该应用程序,因为我一心想着构建可以解决大问题的东西(例如对处境不利的人群的教育)的想法,并且非常着迷于探索构建事物的选项(例如Wordpress和其他CMS) ,在我不知道这一点之前,我就沉迷于学习编码。

I wanted to hear from people in the industry so I did some googling and came across Codebar, a non-profit initiative that facilitates the growth of a diverse tech community by running regular programming workshops. I attended a session and realised, hey, I could make a career out of this.

我想听取业内人士的意见,所以我做了一次谷歌搜索,发现了Codebar ,这是一个非盈利性计划,通过举办定期的编程研讨会来促进多元化技术社区的发展。 我参加了一个会议并意识到,嘿,我可以以此为职业。

At this point I hit a roadblock, because I didn’t have a laptop, so I couldn’t teach myself coding at home. I got lucky, though, because Mohammed (a colleague at Futureversity) found me a Windows laptop.

在这一点上,我遇到了障碍,因为我没有笔记本电脑,所以我无法在家自学编程。 不过,我很幸运,因为Mohammed(Futureversity的一位同事)发现我是Windows笔记本电脑。

Rebecca: Tell me about your introduction to coding.


Fatimat: Once I got a laptop, I started going to Codebar every week. In one of the first sessions I attended, I was paired with a developer called Ben Scott, and his mentoring style really clicked with me. We were working on CSS, and when I got confused about the box model, he drew things out using pen and paper, which cleared things up for me right away. I actually asked Codebar to pair me up with him every time, as I found it so much more productive to stick with the same mentor instead of introducing myself to someone new every time. I learnt a lot of the fundamentals from him.

Fatimat:有了笔记本电脑后,我每周开始去Codebar 。 在我参加的第一批会议中,有一个叫Ben Ben的开发人员与我配对,他的指导风格确实吸引了我。 我们正在使用CSS,当我对盒子模型感到困惑时,他用纸和笔将东西画出来,这立刻就为我清除了东西。 我实际上要求Codebar每次都将他与他配对,因为我发现坚持同一个导师而不是每次都向自己介绍新朋友会更有效率。 我从他那里学到了很多基本知识。

Rebecca: How did you hear about Founders and Coders?


Fatimat: After a few months of teaching myself to code in my very limited free time, I decided I needed to go all-in. But I had no money, so a paid bootcamp was not really an option for me.

Fatimat:经过几个月的自我训练,在非常有限的空闲时间里,我决定需要全力以赴。 但是我没有钱,所以付费的训练营对我来说并不是一个选择。

I found out about Founders and Coders from an alumni at Codebar. She had me at “it’s free and it’s collaborative.” I went to the website, which explained the application process, and decided that before I went down that road, I should make sure it was really the right fit for me.

我从Codebar的一位校友那里了解了创始人和编码员。 她让我感到“它是免费的,而且是协作的。” 我去了网站,解释了申请程序,并决定在走那条路之前,我应该确保它真的很适合我。

So I called the number on the website and, to my surprise, Dan (founder and executive director of Founders and Coders) picked up. He was really encouraging and spoke to me in depth about the application process and the course. I remember thinking to myself, “how can he be so nice when he doesn’t even know me?” After that phone call all my doubts went away and I threw myself into the application process.

因此,我在网站上拨打了电话,令我惊讶的是Dan(Founders and Coders的创始人兼执行董事)接了电话。 他的确令人鼓舞,并向我深入介绍了申请过程和课程。 我记得自己在想:“当他甚至不认识我时,他怎么能变得如此友善?” 打完电话后,我所有的疑虑都消失了,我全身心地投入了申请程序。

Rebecca: Tell me about your experience on the course.


Fatimat: From the course content, to the teaching and learning methods, to the environment and the people…just, everything. Founders and Coders was such a great experience for me. For the first time in my life, I had no problem waking up early, even though I was often up late working, because I looked forward to every day on the course.

Fatimat:从课程内容到教学方法,再到环境和人,……无所不包。 创始人和编码员对我来说真是太棒了。 这是我一生中第一次,即使我经常工作到很晚,也可以很早起床,因为我非常期待课程的每一天。

Rebecca: Any specific highlights?


Fatimat: Honestly, it was just good to be in an environment where I was challenged everyday and didn’t feel pressured to be less myself.


Rebecca: How do you mean?


Fatimat: People often have misconceptions or stereotypes of how you’re supposed to behave when you’re from a certain background. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk The danger of a single story sums it up perfectly. For me, when I enter a new environment, especially a professional one, I behave as you’d expect any young professional to behave but someone usually questions whether I’m being genuine. Like they expect me to be the loudest one in the room or act outrageous in some way, because it’s the only story they’ve heard about black women. So it can often take longer for me to build relationships, which has at times hindered my progress.

Fatimat:当您来自某个背景时,人们通常会对您的行为有误解或刻板印象。 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie的TED演讲单一故事的危险性完美地概括了这一点。 对我来说,当我进入一种新的环境,尤其是一个专业的环境时,我的表现会像您期望的任何年轻专业人士那样表现,但通常有人会质疑我是否是真实的。 就像他们希望我成为房间里最大的声音或以某种方式表现得令人愤慨一样,因为这是他们所听到的关于黑人女性的唯一故事。 因此,建立人际关系通常需要更长的时间,这有时阻碍了我的进步。

Also, as I said earlier, I didn’t go university after A levels. Even though most of my cohort went to university, I never felt judged or less than them for having not gone to uni. What mattered was what we did on the course, and I always felt respected by my peers for what I brought to the table.

而且,正如我之前说的,A Level考试后我没有上大学。 即使我的大多数人都上过大学,但我从未因为没有上大学而受到评判或比他们少。 重要的是我们在课程中所做的事情,我一直感到受到同行的尊敬,因为我把自己带到餐桌上。

Rebecca: What do you think it is about the environment at Founders and Coders that lets you be yourself?


Fatimat: Well, on first day of the course at Founders and Coders, Dan gave a talk about what the programme and community are all about, and from the way everyone responded and the vibes in the room, I felt I could be myself. I think the idea that we’re all in it together, that it’s not a competition…it eased the pressure I usually feel and helped me focus with a clear head.

Fatimat:好吧,在Founders and Coders课程的第一天,Dan谈到了计划和社区的全部内容,从每个人的回应方式和会议室的氛围中,我感到自己可以成为我自己。 我认为我们在一起的想法,不是竞争,它减轻了我通常感觉到的压力,并让我头脑清晰。

I didn’t feel self-conscious asking questions, because I knew that our mentors were people who had just been through the programme, and that they understood what it was like to be confused. Knowing our mentors had finished the course, and were working in the industry, helped me keep the faith that eventually I’d get there too.

我没有自觉地问问题,因为我知道我们的导师是刚刚参加该计划的人,他们知道被混淆的感觉。 知道我们的导师已经完成了该课程,并且正在从事该行业,这帮助我保持了自己的信念,即我最终也将到达那里。

On my laptop, I have a sticker with the quote,


“Trust that the dots will somehow connect,”

and almost every time someone paired with me they would joke,


“Have the dots connected yet?”

Rebecca: Tell me more about your experience with peer-led learning at Founders and Coders.


Fatimat: I had experience pair programming from Codebar, but at Founders and Coders it is mostly pairing from ten in the morning til six at night. That’s a lot of time to spend next to someone! After the first project, when we worked as a team of four to build a one-page website, I couldn’t imagine working in any other way though.

Fatimat:我曾经在Codebar上有过结对编程的经验,但是在Founders和Coders中,大多数是从早上十点开始到晚上六点之间进行配对。 那是很多时间陪在某人旁边! 在完成第一个项目之后,当我们由四个人组成的团队来构建一个一页的网站时 ,我无法想象以任何其他方式工作。

I guess you could say my experience at Founders and Coders spoiled me!


Rebecca: How so?


Fatimat: Well, when I interviewed for jobs, I was clear about not wanting to code alone all the time. I truly believe that in this field, two heads are better than one.

Fatimat:嗯,当我面试工作时,我很清楚自己不想一直都独自编写代码。 我坚信,在这个领域,两个负责人胜过一个。

Also, at Founders and Coders, your cohort is like a family. It’s not one of those places that claim to be a family but their actions prove otherwise. We make decisions about the organisation together, we code together and best of all we party together. I am no longer worried about going to meetups/tech events alone because I know when I get there I will most likely meet an alumnus of Founders and Coders and even though they might not have been from my cohort, we will be buddies.

此外,在创始人和编码员那里,您的同伙就像一个家庭。 不是那些声称拥有家庭的地方之一,但是他们的举动证明了事实并非如此。 我们共同做出有关组织的决定,我们共同编写代码,并且一起进行聚会时最好。 我不再担心仅参加聚会/技术活动,因为我知道到达那里后,我很可能会遇到创始人和编码员的校友,即使他们可能不是我的同伙,我们也会是伙伴。

So when I started interviewing I knew I wanted to work somewhere that it really felt like a community.


Rebecca: During the second half of the course, you worked on two longer projects. I’d love to hear about the apps you built.

丽贝卡:在课程的后半段,您从事了两个较长的项目。 我希望知道您构建的应用程序。

Fatimat: For the first project, we pitched app ideas to each other. My idea was for a web app called HomeSafe, which would allow parents to notify their child’s school if someone other than the regular guardian would be collecting the child, and three of my fellow students chose to work on it with me.

Fatimat:在第一个项目中,我们将应用程序的想法相互联系在一起。 我的想法是开发一个名为HomeSafe的网络应用程序,该应用程序可以让父母通知孩子的学校,如果有除常规监护人以外的其他人来接孩子的话,我的三个同学选择了与我一起工作。

We got off to a slow start, because we spent a lot of time talking about how to spend the two weeks allocated to build all of the features we wanted. Finally, I was assertive with the team about starting with something small, and working from there, adding one feature at a time to the MVP. In the end we built a beautiful web app that had an impressive number of features for a two-week build.

我们起步很慢,因为我们花了很多时间讨论如何花两个星期的时间来构建我们想要的所有功能。 最后,我对团队充满信心,从小事开始,然后从那里开始,为MVP一次添加一个功能。 最后,我们构建了一个漂亮的Web应用程序,该应用程序在为期两周的构建过程中具有许多功能。

Rebecca: What about your client project? Tell me about who you worked with and the development process.

丽贝卡 :您的客户项目呢? 告诉我您与谁一起工作以及开发过程。

Fatimat: During the final month of the course we built an application for the Courtauld Institute of Art, the world’s leading centre for the study of history and conservation of art and architecture. They had been working with volunteers to catalogue and digitise a huge collection of photographs and art for their Courtauld Connects initiative, and at the time were preparing to more than triple the current number of volunteers in order to accelerate the multi-year project.

Fatimat:在课程的最后一个月中,我们为Courtauld艺术学院(学院是全球历史研究和艺术与建筑保护的领先中心)构建了一个应用程序。 他们一直与志愿者合作,为他们的Courtauld Connects计划对大量照片和艺术品进行分类和数字化,并且当时正准备将目前的志愿者人数增加三倍以上,以加速这个多年期项目。

Initially they wanted us to help with the digitisation, but after we did a design day with them we realised that was too big of a project for us to accomplish in three weeks. Instead we decided to focus on improving the volunteer experience. We spoke with volunteers and learned they wanted to feel like a community as well as to get regular progress updates to see their impact on the organisation as a whole.

最初,他们希望我们为数字化提供帮助,但是在与他们一起设计一天之后,我们意识到这对我们来说是一个很大的项目,无法在三周内完成。 相反,我们决定专注于改善志愿者体验。 我们与志愿者交谈,了解到他们希望成为一个社区,并定期获得进度更新,以了解他们对整个组织的影响。

Rebecca: How did it turn out? Have the volunteers been using it?

丽贝卡:结果如何? 志愿者们一直在使用它吗?

Fatimat: In the end we built an app with a volunteer directory that enables volunteers to share interesting pictures with each other, and staff/volunteers to post regular updates on the project, and the app is still in use today.

Fatimat:最后,我们构建了一个带有志愿者目录的应用程序 ,使志愿者之间可以共享有趣的图片,并且职员/志愿者可以定期发布项目更新,并且该应用程序今天仍在使用中。

Rebecca: When you finished the course, you spent a week mentoring the next cohort. I’d love to hear about your experience as a mentor. Did the dots finally connect?

丽贝卡:完成课程后,您花了一个星期的时间指导下一组学生。 我很想听听您的导师经历。 点终于连通了吗?

Fatimat: I actually chose to mentor on week two, test driven development, which I originally found really difficult, because I wanted to spend more time with the material. I hoped that by explaining the content to the new students it might click for me. I was a bit intimidated, to be honest. Before mentoring the new cohort, I’d met a few of them and seen their personal websites, and it seemed to me like they knew more before starting the course than I did after completing it. I wasn’t really sure if I’d be able to teach them anything.

Fatimat:实际上,我选择在第二周进行测试驱动的开发指导,我最初觉得这很困难,因为我想花更多的时间在材料上。 我希望通过向新生解释这些内容,可能会对我有所帮助。 老实说,我有点被吓到了。 在指导新成员之前,我遇到了其中一些人,并查看了他们的个人网站,在我看来,他们比开始学习这门课程之前了解的更多。 我不确定我是否能教他们任何东西。

We pair up to mentor, and I found the whole process of preparing with a partner so valuable — in fact, by the time we had finished planning I was already feeling more capable and confident I’d have something useful to share with the new cohort. In the end I really enjoyed mentoring and to my relief, the dots finally did connect on the topic of testing for me!

我们与导师结伴同行,我发现与合作伙伴进行准备的整个过程非常有价值-实际上,当我们完成计划时,我已经变得更有能力和自信,可以与新的团队分享一些有用的东西。 最后,我真的很享受指导,这让我感到欣慰,我终于找到了测试的话题!

Rebecca: You’re known around Founders and Coders for your sense of humour. Any particularly silly moments you’d like to share?

丽贝卡(Rebecca) :以幽默感而闻名于创始人和程序员。 您想分享任何特别愚蠢的时刻?

Fatimat: I was the DJ at our “End of Founders and Coders” party. I got good feedback; so who knows, if coding doesn’t work out, DJ Fatz might be another option. I should probably start taking lessons now.

Fatimat:我是“创始人和编码者的终结”聚会上的DJ。 我得到了很好的反馈; 所以谁知道,如果编码无法解决,DJ Fatz可能是另一种选择。 我现在应该开始上课了。

Rebecca: You joked earlier that Founders and Coders spoiled you for your interviews. Could you tell me more about your experience looking for work?

丽贝卡(Rebecca):您早些开玩笑说,创始人和编码员破坏了您的面试。 您能告诉我更多有关您找工作的经历吗?

Fatimat: Joe, our commercial manager, was supportive during and after Founders and Coders. Everybody’s situation is different, which Joe recognises and takes it into account when advising us. After completing the bootcamp, I had some things I had to sort out so I could not look for work straight away, Joe would message me often just to see how I was doing and asked if he could be of help in any way. When I was ready to look for work, he listened to my concerns about working in the industry and paid attention to the kind of environment I wanted to work in, which helped him place me with my current employer, 27Partners. He also bought me food during our one-to-one chats so this might be the free food talking. I’m joking — Joe really is great at what he does.

Fatimat:我们的商业经理Joe在创始人和编码员期间及之后均给予了支持。 每个人的情况都不一样,乔在向我们提供建议时会认识到并考虑到这一点。 在完成新手训练营之后,我不得不整理一些事情,所以我不能立即找工作,乔经常给我发消息,只是看看我的工作情况,并询问他是否可以提供任何帮助。 当我准备去找工作时,他听了我对在该行业工作的担忧,并注意了我想工作的那种环境,这帮助他与现任雇主27Partners一起工作。 在我们一对一的聊天中,他还给我买了食物,所以这可能是免费的食物谈话。 我在开玩笑-乔真的很擅长他的所作所为。

Rebecca: What is your role at 27Partners? What kind of projects will you be working on?

丽贝卡:您在27Partners扮演什么角色? 您将从事什么样的项目?

Fatimat: It’s a junior JavaScript developer role. I will be working on the company’s client products and its own platform StoryShare. The company is looking to grow soon so it seems like an exciting time to be joining them and hopefully I can be a part of that for a while. So far, I’ve had the freedom to get on with contributing to their project with the option to ask for help if I need it. We’ve had conversations about how we can be more collaborative and I will be teaching the team some of the things I’ve learnt from Founders and Coders, including pair programming, of course!

Fatimat:这是初级JavaScript开发人员角色。 我将研究公司的客户端产品和自己的平台StoryShare。 该公司希望尽快成长,因此加入他们似乎是一个激动人心的时刻,希望我能在一段时间内参与其中。 到目前为止,我有继续为他们的项目做贡献的自由,可以选择在需要时寻求帮助。 我们已经进行过关于如何提高协作能力的对话,我将在团队中学习一些我从创始人和编码员那里学到的东西,当然包括结对编程!

Rebecca: Look towards the future for me. What are your goals?

丽贝卡:为我展望未来。 你的目标是什么?

Fatimat: For now, I’m just focused on getting through my first year as a professional developer! But I am definitely still keen on building the learning platform I told you about earlier.

Fatimat:目前,我只是专注于完成作为专业开发人员的第一年! 但是我绝对仍然热衷于构建我之前告诉您的学习平台。

I’m also a big believer in giving back. It would be selfish of me to go forward in life and not give back to the community who gave so much to me. Growing up, a lot of people worked with me, through charitable organisations and empowerment schemes. I did Prince’s Trust Team Programme, Uprising Leadership Programme, Career Ready, Allen & Overy Smart Start Experience, and FutureVersity summer courses. I am committed to helping others build themselves up, especially young people— starting with my siblings—and being a role model.

我也是回馈的坚定信徒。 我会自私地生活,而不回馈给我这么多钱的社区。 长大后,很多人通过慈善组织和授权计划与我一起工作。 我参加了Prince's Trust团队计划Uprising Leadership计划Career ReadyAllen&Overy Smart Start Experience和FutureVersity夏季课程。 我致力于帮助他人,尤其是年轻人,从我的兄弟姐妹开始,并成为榜样。

Learning to code, I got support from Codebar, Nodegirls, Rob from Thoughtbot through the Thoughtbot Mentoring Scheme, and Fabio from YLD through Recwork Meet a Mentor scheme and Peter Rhodes at Founders and Coders meetups.

在学习编码的过程中,我得到了CodebarNodegirls的支持, Thoughtbot的 Rob通过Thoughtbot辅导计划获得了Rob的支持,YLD的Fabio通过Recwork Meet Mentor计划获得了 Fabio的支持,Founders and Coders聚会的Peter Rhodes 给予了支持

So this summer, I ran two Introduction to Coding (HTML and CSS) workshops for teenagers. I did one at WAC Arts College, which was through Founders and Coders, and the other at Futureversity. I am definitely interested in running more workshops in future, as well as mentoring at Codebar and CodeYourFuture.

因此,今年夏天,我为青少年举办了两次编码入门(HTML和CSS)研讨会。 我通过创始人和编码员在WAC艺术学院做过一个,而在Futureversity做过另一个。 我绝对有兴趣在将来举办更多的研讨会,以及在Codebar和CodeYourFuture进行指导。

Rebecca: I’m inspired by your commitment to connecting the dots for the next generation!


Fatimat: What can I say, it’s just important to me that I do for others what many people have done for me, and y’know pay it forward.


Rebecca: Thanks again for the chat, Fatimat.

丽贝卡 :再次感谢您的聊天,法蒂玛特。

Fatimat: It’s cool. Thank you!

Fatimat:太酷了。 谢谢!

To learn more about the tuition-free training programme, visit www.foundersandcoders.com.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/connecting-the-dots-a-story-of-learning-to-code-and-giving-back-c8867cdffcb1/






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