ios healthkit_如何使用Swift从iOS的HealthKit中读写Mindful Minutes

ios healthkit

by Ben Church


如何使用Swift从iOS的HealthKit中读写Mindful Minutes (How to read and write Mindful Minutes from iOS’s HealthKit with Swift)

I took the time to figure out how to read and write from HealthKit so you don’t have to!


I absolutely love the route Apple has been going with their iOS SDK’s. (Their hardware not so much). Apple’s focus on security has allowed it to become a reliable company to trust your sensitive information with. This has allowed iPhones to make headway as the device best suited to host medical data. As a result, they’re also the best device to make software that interfaces with a user’s sensitive personal info.

我绝对喜欢Apple使用其iOS SDK的路线。 ( 他们的硬件没那么多 )。 苹果公司对安全性关注使它成为一家可以信任您的敏感信息的可靠公司。 这使iPhone成为最适合托管医疗数据的设备。 因此,它们也是制作与用户的敏感个人信息对接的软件的最佳设备。

With this in mind, I believe it’s essential to know how to read and write from Apple’s HealthKit so that we as developers can leverage the position Apple has put itself in. So today’s tutorial is going to focus on Reading and writing Mindful Minutes from Apple’s HealthKit.

考虑到这一点,我相信了解如何从Apple的HealthKit进行读写非常重要,以便我们作为开发人员能够利用Apple本身的地位。因此,今天的教程将着重于阅读和编写Apple的HealthKit的Mindful Minutes

By the end of this tutorial, you will have learned how to:


  • Setup a basic iOS app

  • Request permission to read and write data from HealthKit

  • Read and query data from HealthKit

  • Write data back to HealthKit


Alright let’s jump into setting up the XCode Project. ?

好吧,让我们进入建立XCode项目的过程。 ?

设置骨架 (Setup the Skeleton)

Every great project starts from the same screen (if you’re just looking for code, then you can skip this section).


1.创建一个新项目 (1. Create a new project)

Let’s kick this off by creating a new Single View App project in XCode.

让我们从XCode创建一个新的Single View App项目开始。

2.包括HealthKit (2. Include HealthKit)

Once we’ve created the project, we need to bundle HealthKit with our application:


and update the info.plist file to contain what the user will see when we ask for their permission to access their data.


Add the following xml to the info.plist file:


3.创建一个基本的UI (3. Create a basic UI)

To finish up the setup, we will want to create a simple UI that will allow us to view the data we have read from the HealthKit and provide an action that will allow us to trigger a write back to the HealthKit.


Start by opening the storyboard and:


  1. Add a label and connect it to the ViewController.swift file under the name mindfulMinuteLabel


  2. Add a button and connect it to an Action in the ViewController.swift file titled addMinuteAct


呼吸一些生命…… (Breath some life into it…)

Now that we’ve put the infrastructure in place, it’s time to write the logic that will do all the interfacing with HealthKit we have been talking about.


1.寻求许可 (1. Ask for permission)

Every HealthKit app needs to explicitly ask for a user’s permission for every type of read and write it needs to do. To accomplish this, we want to ask on viewDidLoad for permission to read Mindful Sessions and for permission to write Mindful Sessions.

每个HealthKit应用程序都需要针对其需要执行的每种类型的读写操作明确请求用户的许可。 为此,我们想在viewDidLoad上请求读取Mindful Session的权限和写入Mindful Session的权限。

Now when the app is run, you should be prompted by the screen below.


If you are running this right now, you will want to comment out self.retrieveMindfulMinutes()


2.阅读正念的纪要 (2. Reading Mindful Minutes)

So far this has been very straight forward: Create UI, ask for permission. Next we’re going to come into reading from HealthKit. While Apple gives us a powerful UI, it’s not necessarily intuitive. So I’m going to begin by showing you the code, and then I’ll explain it after.

到目前为止,这非常简单:创建UI,征求许可。 接下来,我们将阅读HealthKit的内容。 尽管Apple为我们提供了功能强大的UI,但它不一定直观。 因此,我将向您展示代码,然后再对其进行解释。

The query we execute to retrieve our Mindful Sessions can be broken into four components:

我们执行的检索我们的Mindful Session的查询可以分为四个部分:

1. Sort by End Date


The first section of this code is optional but useful to know. What we are doing is asking the query to give us the list of Mindful Sessions ordered by their end time with the most recent session being first.

该代码的第一部分是可选的,但很有用。 我们正在做的是让查询提供给我们Mindful Sessions列表,这些列表按其结束时间排序,最近的会话排在第一位。

2. Use the Predicate to define the Query


The next portion of our code deals with the actual specifics of a “query”: What subset of data are we looking for. In our case, we want all samples from the last 24 hours.

我们代码的下一部分处理“查询”的实际细节:我们正在寻找什么数据子集。 在我们的情况下,我们需要过去24小时内的所有样本。

3. Compose and Run your Query


Finally, we want to combine the sortDescriptor, the predicate, and the sampleType we want from the HealthKit together with the function that will handle whatever is returned by the query (resultsHandler). After this is all composed into a HKSampleQuery, the only step left is to execute it!

最后,我们希望将sampleType想要的sortDescriptorpredicate和sampleType与处理查询返回的结果的函数( resultsHandler )结合起来。 将其全部组成一个HKSampleQuery ,剩下的唯一步骤就是执行它!

4. Aggregating the session data and updating the UI


Inside the function we defined as our resultsHandler in the previous section, we want to:


  1. Get the total time for each Mindful Session

  2. Sum all total times to get the total number of Mindful minutes over the last 24 hours.

  3. Update our label with the total.


This should all be relatively straightforward if you understand the concepts of map and reduce. If these are new to you, I recommend taking the time to learn them. They are found in most programming languages and are a great introduction into the wonderful world of Functional Programming.

如果您了解map和reduce的概念,那么所有这些都应该相对简单。 如果您不熟悉这些,我建议您花些时间学习它们。 在大多数编程语言中都可以找到它们,并且很好地介绍了函数式编程的美好世界。

The only piece that may not be straightforward is why we wrap


self.meditationMinutesLabel.text = labelText

in DispatchQueue.main.async . The reason we do this is so we can update the UI without blocking the main thread of the application. This is a convention enforced by the compiler itself!

DispatchQueue.main.async 。 这样做的原因是,我们可以更新UI而不阻塞应用程序的主线程。 这是由编译器本身强制执行的约定!

写入数据 (Writing the data)

In the above, we went over how to read from HealthKit. But how do we write data to it? Thankfully the process is a lot simpler. The following code is going to:

在上面,我们讨论了如何从HealthKit读取信息。 但是我们如何向其中写入数据? 值得庆幸的是,此过程非常简单。 以下代码将转到:

  1. Complete addMinuteAct function we added during setup, and as a result, the rest of the application.


  2. Create a MindfulSession of 1 minute starting now


  3. Save this new MindfulSession to the HealthKit


  4. Update the label to reflect the new total Mindful Minute count

    更新标签以反映新的Mindful Minute总数

开始吧! (Start it up!)

With all that finished and the code written, you should be able to start this app in your simulator, accept the request to read and write from your HealthKit, and begin viewing how often you’ve Meditated in the last 24 hours!


结语 (Wrap up)

At the beginning of this project, I was very excited to jump into HealthKit. I do see it being positioned to change the way we and others interact with sensitive personal information.

在这个项目的开始,我很高兴能进入HealthKit。 我确实看到它可以改变我们和其他人与敏感个人信息互动的方式。

However, I think that Apple, in contrast to other platforms, makes their API’s a little too hard to discover both through their documentation and through XCode. Hopefully they will improve this experience, but until they do, learning how to use HealthKit can be an exercise in pulling teeth.

但是,我认为与其他平台相比,Apple使得通过其文档和XCode都难以发现其API。 希望他们会改善这种体验,但是直到他们这样做之前,学习如何使用HealthKit可以成为拔牙的练习。

I hope this post saves you from having to stumble around and can get you shipping your products faster!


?‍ This is open source! you can find it here on Github

?这是开源的! 您可以在Github上找到它

❤️ I only write about programming and remote work. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time.

❤️我只写关于编程和远程工作的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。


ios healthkit





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