“ Flutter很棒,但是我从哪里开始学习?”

by Rohan Taneja

由Rohan Taneja

“ Flutter很棒,但是我从哪里开始学习?” (“Flutter is awesome, but where do I start learning?”)

Flutter is Google’s mobile app SDK for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organisations around the world, and is free and open source.

Flutter是Google的移动应用SDK,可在创纪录的时间内在iOS和Android上制作高质量的本机界面。 Flutter可与现有代码配合使用,为世界各地的开发人员和组织所使用,并且是免费的开放源代码。

For a long time, I’ve been thinking about creating a list of awesome resources that would help anyone get started with Flutter. If you already know what Flutter is and why it is awesome, keep reading.

很长一段时间以来,我一直在考虑创建一个很棒的资源列表,以帮助任何人开始使用Flutter。 如果您已经知道Flutter是什么以及为什么它很棒,请继续阅读。

If you’d like to know more about Flutter, I’d recommend that you read about it here and here. Once you’re sold on the idea of Flutter, you can come back to this article.

如果您想进一步了解Flutter,建议您在这里这里阅读有关Flutter的信息 。 一旦对Flutter的想法产生了兴趣,就可以返回本文。

I’ve tried out most of the resources mentioned below, and they’ve helped me get acquainted with Flutter quickly. A few others mentioned below are very popular in the Flutter community.

我已经尝试了下面提到的大多数资源,它们帮助我快速熟悉了F​​lutter。 下面提到的其他一些在Flutter社区中非常受欢迎。

1. FragmentedCast (1. FragmentedCast)

This one is gold ?. Before you dive into coding Flutter apps, you should really go through the following two episodes. They’ll help you understand how Flutter came into existence and what it is capable of:

这是金币吗? 在开始编写Flutter应用程序编码之前,您应该真正完成以下两个步骤。 他们将帮助您了解Flutter是如何诞生的以及它的功能:

118: Flutter with GDE Eugenio Marletti — Part 1In this episode, we dive into one of our most requested topics and highly anticipated ones — Flutter. To help us…fragmentedpodcast.com119: Flutter with GDE Eugenio Marletti — Part 2In part 2 of this series, To help us understand Flutter in-depth we talk to Flutter’s GDE Eugenio Marletti. In Part 1…fragmentedpodcast.com

118:GDE Eugenio Marletti与Flutter —第1部分 在这一集中,我们深入探讨了我们最需要和最受期待的主题之一 -Flutter 为了帮助我们…… fragmentedpodcast.com 119:Flude与GDE Eugenio Marletti —第2 部分在本系列的 第2 部分中,为了帮助我们深入了解Flutter,我们与Flutter的GDE Eugenio Marletti进行了交谈。 在第1部分中… fragmentedpodcast.com

If I had not listened to these back in March, I probably wouldn’t have been excited to try out Flutter immediately. The two episodes include everything you need to know about the “What” and “How” of Flutter.

如果我三月份没有听过这些音乐,那么立即尝试Flutter可能不会让我感到兴奋。 这两个情节包括您需要了解的有关Flutter的“什么”和“如何”的所有信息。

2. Flutter Docs (2. Flutter Docs)

It may seem obvious, but the official documentation is really, really good and thorough. It includes easy to grasp examples for basic use cases. The best part is that it also includes documentation for seasoned Android, iOS, React Native and Web developers, so that you can easily relate Flutter to your current knowledge:

看起来似乎很明显,但是官方文档确实非常,非常周到。 它包括基本用例的易于理解的示例。 最好的部分是它还包括经验丰富的Android,iOS,React Native和Web开发人员的文档,因此您可以轻松地将Flutter与您当前的知识联系起来:

3. Google Codelabs (3. Google Codelabs)

A step-by-step guide to building awesome Flutter apps? What kind of a beginner wouldn’t want that? This is a must go-through for every beginner.

有关构建出色的Flutter应用程序的分步指南? 什么样的初学者不希望这样? 这是每个初学者都必须经历的过程。

Google CodelabsGoogle Codelabscodelabs.developers.google.com

Google Codelabs Google Codelabscodelabs.developers.google.com

4.令人振奋的:Github存储库 (4. awesome-flutter: Github repository)

Solido/awesome-flutterawesome-flutter — All Flutter resources to start and develop your projects !github.co

Solido / awesome-flutter awesome-flutter —所有Flutter资源都可以启动和开发您的项目! github.co

The ultimate guide to Flutter resources. A bit overwhelming for beginners, but have a look at the ‘Video Series’ section, ‘Blogs’ section, and the apps under ‘Templates’. You’ll utilise the other sections once you’ve begun your journey with Flutter!

Flutter资源 最终指南 。 对于初学者来说有点不知所措,但请查看“视频系列”部分,“博客”部分以及“模板”下的应用。 当您开始使用Flutter的旅程时,将利用其他部分!

5. Udacity课程 (5. Udacity Course)

Build Native Mobile Apps with Flutter | UdacityLearn from experts at Google how to use Flutter to craft high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android devices in…in.udacity.com

使用Flutter构建本机移动应用| Udacity 向Google专家学习如何使用Flutter在以下地区的iOS和Android设备上制作高质量的本机界面: in.udacity.com

A free course from the Flutter team at Google. Having learned from Udacity for over three years now, I’d highly recommend that you go through this course when you start. It’d take you approximately two weeks to get through it (or two days if you’re really passionate about Flutter). You’ll come out with a much better understanding of how Flutter works and the best practices for coding Flutter apps.

Google Flutter团队提供的免费课程。 从Udacity那里学习了三年多的时间,我强烈建议您在开始学习本课程。 您大约需要两周的时间才能完成此过程(如果您真的对Flutter充满热情,则需要两天)。 您将更好地了解Flutter的工作原理以及编码Flutter应用程序的最佳实践。

Even if you don’t have prior experience with Dart, you can go ahead with this course as it is really easy to pick up, especially if you already have experience with Java or JS.


6.每周颤振 (6. Flutter Weekly)

Flutter Weekly is a newsletter that brings you the top Flutter posts, blogs, tutorials, and so on right to your inbox every week. So you don’t need to go around looking for the best blogs. Just practice hands-on throughout the week and learn from the latest Flutter resources on the weekend. You can also submit yours when you write one.

扑周刊是每周为您带来顶级扑的帖子,博客,教程等权到您的邮箱通讯。 因此,您无需四处寻找最佳博客。 整个星期只需动手实践,并在周末从Flutter的最新资源中学习。 您也可以在撰写论文时提交。

Flutter WeeklyA weekly newsletter for flutter fans by flutter fans.flutterweekly.net

Flutter Weekly (每周 颤动)每周 一次的颤振爱好者通讯。 flutterweekly.net

7. @r_FlutterDev:Twitter (7. @r_FlutterDev: Twitter)

This twitter bot tweets everything from the r/FlutterDev Flutter sub-reddit. To get the latest updates as soon as they are out, use the ‘Turn on mobile notifications’ feature on Twitter for this account.

这个推特机器人在r / FlutterDev Flutter子reddit中发布了所有推文。 要尽快获得最新更新,请使用此帐户在Twitter上的“打开手机通知”功能。

FlutterDev (@r_FlutterDev) | TwitterThe latest Tweets from FlutterDev (@r_FlutterDev). New posts from r/FlutterDev, a subreddit about Google’s new UI…twitter.com

FlutterDev(@r_FlutterDev)| Twitter 来自FlutterDev(@r_FlutterDev)的最新推文。 来自r / FlutterDev的新帖子,有关Google新UI的子目录… twitter.com

8. MTechViral:YouTube (8. MTechViral: YouTube)

MTechViral is a YouTube channel that provides tutorials for mobile apps. The channel contains a playlist for Flutter tutorials. The tutorials are really good and a new one comes up quite frequently. There’s a corresponding Facebook group called ‘Let’s Flutter’ and you’ll find a lot of Flutter enthusiasts there answering queries for each other.

MTechViral是一个YouTube频道,提供有关移动应用程序的教程。 该频道包含Flutter教程的播放列表。 这些教程非常好,并且经常出现新教程。 有一个名为“ Let's Flutter ”的相应Facebook组,您会发现很多Flutter爱好者都在互相回答问题。

MTechViralMake the most of now. Perfection-obsessed Software Developer, teacher, and consultant currently living in Faridabad…www.youtube.com

MTechViral 现在 充分利用。 痴迷于完美的软件开发人员,老师和顾问,目前居住在法里达巴德… www.youtube.com

结语 (Wrapping up)

If you already have an idea about Flutter and have been using it for a while, there are a few places that can provide you help immediately if you ever get stuck implementing a particular functionality:


  1. Gitter Chat: You’ll find Flutter GDEs, Googlers, and other Flutter enthusiasts answering your queries here.

    Gitter聊天 您会在这里找到Flutter GDE,Google员工和其他Flutter爱好者。

  2. Slack: Mindorks.

    松弛 敏多克斯

  3. Twitter: You can find Eugenio Marletti (Flutter GDE), Seth Ladd (Product Manager, Google) and Nilay Yener (Flutter Developer Relations team) spreading the Flutter love on Twitter and helping the Flutter community grow. Keep an eye on their tweets to know about the latest Flutter events, conferences, live streams, and so on.

    Twitter 您可以找到Eugenio Marletti (Flutter GDE) Seth Ladd (Google产品经理)和Nilay Yener (Flutter开发人员关系团队)在Twitter上传播了Flutter的爱,并帮助Flutter社区发展。 密切关注他们的推文,以了解最新的Flutter活动,会议,直播等。

  4. Facebook: Flutter Mobile App Developers, Let’s Flutter

    Facebook Flutter移动应用程序开发人员让我们Flutter

If you want to learn with a group full of Flutter enthusiasts, you can also connect with your nearest Google Developers Group and ask them to host a #FlutterExtended event.

如果您想和一群Flutter爱好者一起学习,也可以与最近的Google Developers Group联系,并要求他们举办#FlutterExtended活动。

So… how do you feel about Flutter?


Thought so.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-flutter-best-resources-18f88346ed0f/

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