app store应用商店_如何在App Store上展示您的应用

app store应用商店

by Marie Denis


I’m a Swift developer and indie maker. I have made several apps, and they’ve been featured on the App Store every time. Threader, a Twitter client that curates good threads and displays them on a single page, even became featured as App of the Day.

我是Swift开发者和独立制作者。 我制作了多个应用程序,并且每次都在App Store中进行推荐。 Threader是Twitter的客户端,负责管理好的主题并将其显示在单个页面上,甚至被称为“今日应用”

Here is some advice from my experience that might help Apple consider your app for promotion as well.


Note: Although this advice applies to all app categories, the game category is a bit more specific. I won’t cover the game app category in particular in this post.

注意:尽管此建议适用于所有应用类别,但游戏类别则更为具体。 在这篇文章中,我不会特别介绍游戏应用类别。

一个干净的应用程序 (A clean app)

Of course, the first thing to consider is how to make a bug free app with a clean design. Think design, UX, and wording among other things. Don’t forget to test it (different devices, different OS, different people…).

当然,首先要考虑的是如何制作具有简洁设计的无错误应用程序。 考虑设计,UX和其他措辞。 不要忘记进行测试(不同的设备,不同的操作系统,不同的人……)。

Make things homogenous: use the same set of fonts and colors everywhere. Avoid text when you can. Don’t reinvent the wheel, especially if you’re not a designer. Use the standard iOS items: buttons, navigation bar, and so on.

使事物同质:在各处使用相同的字体和颜色集。 尽量避免输入文字。 不要重新发明轮子,特别是如果您不是设计师。 使用标准的iOS项目:按钮,导航栏等。

It’s not always possible, but it can be useful to see people use your app. If you see that they’re not using it as expected or don’t manage to perform certain actions, then you might need to review your UX.

并非总是可能的,但是看到人们使用您的应用程序会很有用。 如果您发现他们没有按预期使用它,或者没有设法执行某些操作,那么您可能需要检查UX。

使用Apple的API (Use Apple’s APIs)

Apple promotes their own products. They’ll be more inclined to feature an app that uses the latest Swift version and uses their own APIs. In 2017 they released ARKit and made a special category on the App Store to promote the apps using it.

苹果推广自己的产品。 他们将更倾向于提供使用最新Swift版本并使用自己的API的应用。 在2017年,他们发布了ARKit,并在App Store中创建了一个特殊类别来推广使用它的应用程序。

扩展名 (Extensions)

Although I don’t have solid proof of this, Apple likes when you take advantage of all their platforms. Think of iMessage, share & action extensions, and so on.

尽管我没有确凿的证据,但苹果喜欢使用它们的所有平台。 考虑一下iMessage,共享和操作扩展等。

For example, Threader has an action extension. It allows you to open a thread directly from Twitter and read it on a single page, just like on the app. It’s an extension of the main app. It’s useful and allows certain actions outside of it, without opening it.

例如,Threader具有操作扩展。 它允许您直接从Twitter打开一个线程并在单个页面上阅读该线程,就像在该应用程序上一样。 它是主应用程序的扩展。 它很有用,并且可以在不打开它的情况下进行某些外部操作。

绝佳的视觉效果 (Great visuals)

All the information about your app is important and plays a role in getting featured. You can (re)read my previous article explaining how to submit an app. There’s some useful info in there (like the “Prepare for submission” and “App previews & screenshots” sections). The most important thing is your visuals. Make something clean, simple to understand, and with fewer words…

有关您的应用程序的所有信息都很重要,并在获得精选功能方面发挥了作用。 您可以(重新)阅读我以前的文章,其中解释了如何提交应用程序。 那里有一些有用的信息(例如“准备提交”和“应用预览和屏幕截图”部分)。 最重要的是您的视觉效果。 使内容整洁,易于理解并且用更少的词来表达……

经常更新 (Frequent updates)

Apple likes frequent updates. Users like frequent updates. This doesn’t mean you need to create a new feature every day. But fix bugs, get feedback from your users, and push updates regularly.

苹果喜欢经常更新。 用户喜欢经常更新。 这并不意味着您需要每天创建一个新功能。 但是,请修复错误,从用户那里获得反馈并定期推送更新。

Frequent updates are also recommended if you want to stay featured longer and stay on the top of the App Store. I push an update every two days or so when I’m featured. About once a week when I’m not.

如果您希望保持精选功能并保持在App Store顶部,还建议您频繁更新。 当我出现时,我每两天左右推送一次更新。 大约每周一次,当我不在的时候。

仅iOS (iOS only)

If your app is only available on iOS (meaning no Android version), I recommend you mention it. I suspect Apple likes exclusivity.

如果您的应用仅在iOS上可用(意味着没有Android版本),则建议您提及它。 我怀疑苹果喜欢独家经营。

等级 (Ratings)

Apple introduced a way to reply to users’ reviews on iTunes Connect. It’s useful to thank the good ones, but also to understand what went wrong for the bad ones and reply to those as well.

苹果推出了一种在iTunes Connect上回复用户评论的方法。 感谢好人,但也要了解坏人出了什么问题并予以答复,这很有用。

本地化 (Localizations)

Translate your app into different languages. Especially if your app is available in several countries. Apple will appreciate that you took the time to do it.

将您的应用翻译成不同的语言。 特别是如果您的应用在多个国家/地区可用。 苹果将​​感谢您花时间去做。

It’s an annoying task, and localization is pretty hard to update. That’s why you should do it in the latest possible phase of your app development. I hope Apple will improve this one day, since it’s really painful.

这是一个烦人的任务,本地化很难更新。 这就是为什么您应该在应用程序开发的最新阶段进行此操作。 我希望苹果有一天会有所改善,因为这真的很痛苦。

关键字和搜索结果 (Keywords & search results)

ASO (App Store Optimization) is the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app […] in an app store. — Wikipedia

ASO(应用商店优化)是提高应用商店中移动应用[…]可见性的过程。 — 维基百科

That’s why you need to choose your keywords carefully. I use App Annie sometimes to check the quality of my app’s keywords.

因此,您需要仔细选择关键字。 我有时使用App Annie检查我的应用程序关键字的质量。

最后,最重要的步骤:填写表格 (Finally, the most important step: Fill out the form)

There’s actually a form to fill out to contact the App Store Editorial Team to get promoted.

实际上,有一种表格可以填写,可以与App Store编辑团队联系以获得晋升。

Important to note: “please let us know 6–8 weeks in advance”. So think about it way before you submit your app. Especially for iOS where the market is way more crowded than the macOS market, for example.

重要说明:“请提前6​​-8周告知我们”。 因此,在提交应用程序之前先考虑一下。 例如,尤其是对于市场比MacOS市场拥挤得多的iOS。

For me, the two most important fields in the form are:


  • The “App Details / Describe your app” section

  • Your Story


Globally, this is like sending your resume to Apple for an application. Sell your app and yourself (or your dev team).

在全球范围内,这就像将简历发送给Apple进行申请。 出售您和您自己(或您的开发团队)的应用程序。

圣杯:如何成为当今的应用 (The Holy Grail: How to be App of the Day)

If you get featured, then Apple might consider making your app the App of the Day or featuring it in the App/Game tab. If that’s the case, you’ll receive an email. You’ll have to produce several pieces of artwork/visuals and submit them via iTunes Connect.

如果您获得推荐,Apple可能会考虑将您的应用制作为“每日应用”或在“应用/游戏”选项卡中进行展示。 如果是这样,您会收到一封电子邮件。 您必须制作几件艺术品/视觉作品,然后通过iTunes Connect提交它们。

A few pieces of advice from my one-time-being-App-of-the-Day experience:


  • Be creative and look at the other Apps of the Day to give you an idea of what they look like.

  • Carefully follow their guidelines for the artwork


  • Respect the deadlines

  • Consider releasing your app worldwide if that’s not already your plan. If you’re featured as App of the Day, you will get featured in all the countries where your app is available.

    如果您还没有计划,请考虑在全球发布您的应用。 如果您被选为“每日应用”,那么您将在所有可用应用的国家/地区获得推荐。

Just so you know, even if you submit your artwork, it doesn’t mean Apple is going to feature you. I know. You worked hard on this. And it might lead to nothing.

请注意,即使您提交艺术品,也并不意味着Apple会推荐您。 我知道。 你为此努力了。 它可能不会导致任何结果。

Also, after you’ve submitted your artwork, you probably won’t get any news from Apple about the status of your app. You just wait. And that’s it.

此外,提交艺术品后,您可能不会从Apple得到有关应用程序状态的任何消息。 你等一下 就是这样。

Let’s take my example: our apps have been considered two times for promotion. Both times we provided the artwork. Both times we waited for weeks. Both times we didn’t get any news. We didn’t get any replies to our emails. One app did not get featured. The other has been App of the Day. Without notice.

让我们以我的例子为例:我们的应用已两次被考虑推广。 两次我们都提供了艺术品。 两次我们都等了几个星期。 两次我们都没有得到任何消息。 我们没有收到任何回复。 一个应用未获得推荐。 另一个是“今日应用”。 不知不觉中。

其他一般建议 (Additional general advice)

竞赛 (The competition)

Remember that the iOS App Store is very crowded. A lot of apps go out every single day. For example, I published IP Man (a Mac menu bar app to easily copy/paste your IP) to the Mac App Store. Even though I didn’t respect the deadline of ‘6–8 in advance’ (I know I didn’t respect my own guidelines), they featured it. And I can tell you it helps a lot with sales.

请记住, iOS App Store非常拥挤 。 每天都有很多应用程序停止运行。 例如,我发布了IP Man (Mac菜单栏应用程序,可轻松复制/粘贴IP)到Mac App Store。 即使我不遵守“提前6-8”的截止日期(我知道我不遵守自己的指导方针),他们还是推荐了它。 我可以告诉您这对销售有很大帮助。

The Mac App Store is a good place to sell apps. There are way fewer apps available, so there is less competition. That’s likely why IP Man got featured.

Mac App Store是销售应用程序的好地方。 可用的应用程序更少,因此竞争也更少。 这可能就是IP Man成为特色的原因。

谁是您的竞争对手 (Who are your competitors)

Another piece of advice I can give you is to look at your competitors who have been featured, and other featured apps in general. I’m not saying all apps look the same, but there is definitely a pattern. Sell your app the Apple way. Use their vocabulary and their design style.

我可以给您的另一条建议是看一下您的竞争对手 ,这些竞争对手已经被推荐使用,以及其他一般推荐的应用程序。 我并不是说所有应用程序看起来都一样,但是肯定有一种模式。 以Apple方式出售您的应用。 使用他们的词汇和设计风格。

Note, though: You don’t have to say everywhere that your app is “insanely great”.


What you can do: on the App Store, go on the central bottom ‘Apps’ tab. Scroll until you find ‘Top Categories’ and click on ‘See All’. Now you see all the categories. Select the ones your app is in and navigate through the top apps: these are you competitors.

您可以做什么:在App Store的中央底部的“应用程序”标签上。 滚动直到找到“热门类别”,然后单击“查看全部”。 现在您将看到所有类别。 选择您的应用程序所在的应用程序,然后浏览最热门的应用程序:您就是竞争对手。

You can also check the Today tab and see the last week’s Apps of the Day. This gives you at least 6 examples.

您还可以查看“今天”标签,查看上周的“每日应用”。 这至少为您提供了6个示例。

Apple doesn’t notify you. So like us, you’ll just notice a pickup of new users. You’ll check where they came from, not understanding what is happening. Then check the App Store to see if you are featured. And celebrate.

苹果不会通知您。 因此,像我们一样,您会注意到新用户的增加。 您将检查它们的来源,而不了解发生了什么。 然后,在App Store上查看您是否具有特色。 并庆祝。

In general, follow Apple’s guidelines. I think it’s the most important. If you think of any other rules/tips, please let me know! I’ll add it with your name :)

通常,请遵循Apple的准则。 我认为这是最重要的。 如果您有其他任何规则/提示,请告诉我! 我将使用您的名字添加它:)



I’m on Twitter if you want to see if my next apps will be featured or not. ??

如果您想查看我的下一个应用程序是否具有特色, 我在Twitter上 。 ??

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