携程 雇主_开发人员-这是如何吸引潜在的雇主和客户注意您的方法

携程 雇主

by Goodness Kayode


开发人员-这是如何吸引潜在的雇主和客户注意您的方法 (Developers—here’s how to get potential employers and clients to notice you)

Note — any ideas I share are my personal views, based on my experience finding developers for companies and individuals.


问题-介绍您的工作 (The problem — presenting your work)

The way you dress is the way you will be addressed.

Often, developers find it hard to present their previous projects in an employable way. This denies them a lot of handsomely paying job roles.

通常,开发人员很难以一种可雇佣的方式来介绍他们以前的项目。 这剥夺了他们许多高薪的工作角色。

Many developers complain about not having projects to work on, and I always ask this simple question: “The projects you have worked on, how well have you presented them to potential clients?”


I understand it is hard work to make yourself as employable as possible — but it surely pays.


It is one thing to be a skilful and talented developer, but it is another thing for people who don’t know you from anyone else to recognize this.


解决方案 (The Solution)

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself” — Leo Tolstoy
“每个人都想改变世界,但没人想改变自己” –托尔斯泰

You wanna work for a company like Google, Facebook, Amazon? You gotta start presenting yourself that way.

您想在Google,Facebook,Amazon等公司工作吗? 您必须以这种方式展示自己。

Every company wants talented employees, and they are willing to go any length to get the best. You will be removing yourself from the path of people who might consider you as the best if you poorly present your work.

每个公司都希望有才华的员工,他们愿意竭尽全力获得最好的。 如果您的作品表现不佳,您将远离那些可能认为您是最好的人。

I will talk about key things I believe a developer should have in place before applying for any role or projects.


专注的思想 (A focused mind)

I decided to put this first, because it is really crucial — especially in a world where new technologies come out day by day.


Often, developers jump from one framework to another, without a good understanding of any of them. Then they risk becoming a “jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none.”

通常,开发人员从一个框架跳到另一个框架,却对它们都不了解。 然后,他们冒着成为“千篇一律而无所适从”的风险。

It is important that we focus on one thing. If it is web development or mobile development, do it with all your heart and soul. You cannot cheat nature. You can only be super awesome in what you spend more time on.

我们专注于一件事很重要。 如果是Web开发或移动开发, 请全力以赴 。 你不能欺骗自然。 您只有花更多的时间才能变得很棒。

个人网站 (Personal website)

It is important for developers to have a personal website that explains key things about them. One should be able to visit your website and get to know interesting things about you. There are several things you can include on your personal websites. For example: your projects, your personal blog posts, your CV, and so on.

对于开发人员而言,拥有一个个人网站来说明有关他们的关键事项很重要。 人们应该能够访问您的网站并了解有关您的有趣信息。 您可以在个人网站上添加几项内容。 例如:您的项目,您的个人博客文章,您的简历等等。

有形项目 (Tangible Projects)

It is good to learn from tutorials and build along, then push to your Github repository as a project. But it is not about the number of tutorial projects you have. It is about what you do after learning from those tutorials.

最好从教程中学习并进行构建,然后将其作为项目推送到Github存储库。 但这与您拥有的教程项目数量无关。 这是关于您从这些教程中学习后的工作。

A client that wants to build a FinTech solution will not look for a developer that has only built a calculator or To-do application but hasn’t built interesting projects worth showing. That is the truth. You need to go beyond the basics.

想要构建金融科技解决方案的客户不会寻找只构建了计算器或待办事项应用程序,却没有构建出值得展示的有趣项目的开发人员。 这是事实。 您需要超越基础知识。

证明书 (Certificates)

Certificates will do a lot for you, and give you the edge in some situations. But it is important to remember that a certificate does not mean you know all there is to know on that topic. Keep learning.

证书将为您带来很多帮助,并在某些情况下为您提供优势。 但是重要的是要记住,证书并不意味着您知道有关该主题的所有知识。 保持学习。

Github档案 (Github Profile)

Github is a good way of recruiting talented developers, and it is important that you have a presentable Github profile.


People will not remember you for the help you gave yourself. But they will remember you if you have made an impact that makes their lives easier. Github gives you the opportunity to make life easy for other developers like you.

人们不会记得您为您提供的帮助。 但是,如果您做出了使他们的生活更轻松的影响,他们会记住您的。 Github让您有机会使像您这样的其他开发人员的生活变得轻松。

The truth is, GitHub is a developer’s resume. Push projects, and also collaborate on projects. I am often surprised when people say “I cannot use Github,” and that they use Google Drive instead, so the world will not steal their code (LMAO!). GitHub gives you a lot of advantages.

事实是,GitHub是开发人员的简历。 推动项目,并在项目上进行协作。 当人们说“我不能使用Github”,而他们使用Google云端硬盘时,我常常会感到惊讶,因此世界不会窃取他们的代码(LMAO!)。 GitHub给您带来很多优势。

堆栈溢出 (Stackoverflow)

I learned that StackOverflow can earn you jobs you never expected in a simple way.


You face some issues, but you eventually solve them. Document the solution for other people with the issue, so in the future they can learn from it. Many developers have gotten jobs and recommendations based on StackOverflow questions they have been able to answer. Your StackOverflow points can be a bragging right for you. A good rating helps you to get jobs via StackOverflow.

您面临一些问题,但最终可以解决。 为有此问题的其他人记录解决方案,以便将来他们可以从中学习。 许多开发人员已经根据他们能够回答的StackOverflow问题获得了工作和建议。 您的StackOverflow点可能对您来说是个吹牛。 良好的评分可以帮助您通过StackOverflow获得工作。

技术文章 (Technical Articles)

Some people will say I like talking about technical articles, but they are a good way of showing that you know what you are doing. Also, they show you are not only looking at making money for yourself, but also looking at helping other developers grow.

有人会说我喜欢谈论技术文章,但它们是表明您知道自己在做什么的好方法。 而且,它们表明,您不仅在寻找自己的赚钱机会,而且还在寻找帮助其他开发人员发展的机会。

Adding technical posts, videos and so on to your portfolio has a lot of advantages. I discussed them here.

将技术文章,视频等添加到您的投资组合中具有很多优势。 我在这里讨论了他们。

优秀的简历 (A Good C.V.)

Your C.V. (or résumé) speaks a lot about you. Some developers have résumés that look like a class assignment they were forced to do!

您的简历(或简历)谈到了您很多。 有些开发人员的简历看起来像是他们被迫做的课堂作业!

Your C.V should be attractive. Use tools like cvmkr.com or visualcv.com (to mention but a few). These help you create a C.V. based on your field. You should know that when applying for roles, it is important to write good cover letters as well.

您的简历应该很有吸引力。 使用cvmkr.comvisualcv.com之类的工具(仅举几例)。 这些可以帮助您根据自己的领域创建简历。 您应该知道,在申请职位时,写好求职信也很重要。

我最后的话 (My final words)

Doing most of the key points highlighted above shows that you are serious about your career, and that you are ready to do anything to make the best out of it. Also, it is important to note that having a good portfolio decorated with certificates does not translate to being a good programmer/developer.

进行上面突出显示的大多数关键点表明,您对自己的职业是认真的,并且您已准备好尽一切努力充分利用自己的职业。 同样,重要的是要注意,拥有由证书装饰的良好作品集并不意味着成为一名优秀的程序员/开发人员。

I have decided to make this article an open article. So, if you feel that there are things I didn’t mention, you can comment below and I will include your advice.

我决定将本文设为开放文章。 因此,如果您觉得有些事情我没提到,可以在下面评论,我会提供您的建议。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/developers-why-potential-clients-employees-ignore-you-1982d3d1186d/

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