

by David Venturi

大卫·文图里(David Venturi)

互联网上每个数据可视化课程的概述 (An overview of every Data Visualization course on the internet)

A year ago, I dropped out of one of the best computer science programs in Canada. I started creating my own data science master’s program using online resources. I realized that I could learn everything I needed through edX, Coursera, and Udacity instead. And I could learn it faster, more efficiently, and for a fraction of the cost.

一年前,我退出了加拿大最好的计算机科学程序之一。 我开始使用在线资源创建自己的数据科学硕士课程 。 我意识到我可以通过edX,Coursera和Udacity学习所需的一切。 而且我可以更快,更有效地学习它,而费用却只有一小部分。

I’m almost finished now. I’ve taken many data science-related courses and audited portions of many more. I know the options out there, and what skills are needed for learners preparing for a data analyst or data scientist role. A few months ago, I started creating a review-driven guide that recommends the best courses for each subject within data science.

我现在快要完蛋了。 我参加了许多与数据科学相关的课程,并对更多课程进行了审计。 我知道那里的选择,以及学习者准备数据分析师或数据科学家角色需要哪些技能。 几个月前,我开始创建一个以评论为导向的指南,为数据科学中的每个学科推荐最佳课程。

For the first guide in the series, I recommended a few coding classes for the beginner data scientist. Then it was statistics and probability classes. Then it was intros to data science itself.

对于本系列的第一个指南,我为初学者数据科学家推荐了一些编码类 。 然后是统计和概率分类 。 然后是数据科学本身的介绍

现在进入数据可视化。 (Now onto data visualization.)

For this guide, I spent 10+ hours trying to identify every online data visualization course offered as of March 2017, extracting key bits of information from their syllabi and reviews, and compiling their ratings. For this task, I turned to none other than the open source Class Central community and its database of thousands of course ratings and reviews.

对于本指南,我花了10多个小时来尝试确定截至2017年3月提供的每项在线数据可视化课程,从其教学大纲和评论中提取关键信息,并编制其评分。 对于此任务,我只选择了开放源码的Class Central社区及其包含数千个课程评分和评论的数据库。

Since 2011, Class Central founder Dhawal Shah has kept a closer eye on online courses than arguably anyone else in the world. Dhawal personally helped me assemble this list of resources.

自2011年以来, Class Central的创始人Dhawal Shah一直在关注在线课程,这一点可以说是世界上其他任何人所不及的。 达瓦尔亲自帮助我整理了这份资源清单。

我们如何选择要考虑的课程 (How we picked courses to consider)

Each course must fit three criteria:


  1. The majority of the course must be focused on explanatory data visualization. Coverage of data preparation, for example, is permitted given it is an important part of the data visualization process. Courses that cover less relevant topics (statistical modeling, for example) are excluded. More on the explanatory distinction below.

    本课程的大部分内容必须侧重于解释性数据可视化。 例如,允许覆盖数据准备,因为它是数据可视化过程的重要组成部分。 涵盖较少主题的课程(例如统计建模)被排除在外。 更多关于下面的解释区别。

  2. It must be on-demand or offered every few months.


  3. It must be an interactive online course, so no books or read-only tutorials. Though these are viable ways to learn, this guide focuses on courses.

    它必须是交互式的在线课程,因此没有书籍或只读教程 。 尽管这些是可行的学习方法,但本指南重点介绍课程。

We believe we covered every notable course that fits the above criteria. Since there are seemingly hundreds of courses on Udemy, we chose to consider the most-reviewed and highest-rated ones only. There’s always a chance that we missed something, though, so please let us know in the comments section if we left a good course out.

我们相信,我们涵盖了符合上述条件的所有重要课程。 由于关于Udemy的课程似乎有数百 ,因此我们选择只考虑评论次数最多和评分最高的课程。 但是,总有可能我们错过了一些东西,因此,如果我们留下了好的课程,请在评论部分告诉我们。

我们如何评估课程 (How we evaluated courses)

We compiled average rating and number of reviews from Class Central and other review sites to calculate a weighted average rating for each course. We read text reviews and used this feedback to supplement the numerical ratings.

我们汇总了Class Central和其他评论网站的平均评分和评论数量,以计算每个课程的加权平均评分。 我们阅读了文字评论,并使用此反馈来补充数字等级。

We made subjective syllabus judgment calls based on two factors, with the first given preference over the second:


  1. Coverage of data visualization theory. Are the motivations for visualization choices explained? Does the course only teach the tool? More on this in the next section.

    数据可视化理论的覆盖范围。 是否解释了可视化选择的动机? 课程只教工具吗? 下一节将对此进行更多介绍。

  2. Coverage of chosen data visualization tool(s). Does the course effectively teach common visualization tools (Tableau, ggplot2, Seaborn, etc.)? Do students have opportunities to practice these skills? No preference for tool choice is given.

    所选数据可视化工具的覆盖范围。 该课程是否有效地教授常见的可视化工具(Tableau,ggplot2,Seaborn等)? 学生有机会练习这些技能吗? 没有选择工具的偏好。

为什么要优先考虑可视化理论 (Why prioritize visualization theory)

Mastery of a specific tool is wasteful without knowledge of the fundamentals of effective visualization. Plus, tools are often interchangeable depending on the setting.

在不了解有效可视化基础知识的情况下,对特定工具的掌握非常浪费。 另外,根据设置,工具通常可以互换。

More importantly, doing good data visualization is more complex than most people think. Careful thought is required from the planning stages to execution. Choosing the right chart, balancing complexity and clutter, leveraging preattentive properties, and more, data visualization is both an art and a science. It is easy to go wrong, and sometimes horribly (see below).

更重要的是,进行良好的数据可视化比大多数人想象的要复杂。 从计划阶段到执行,都需要仔细考虑。 选择正确的图表,平衡复杂性和混乱状况,利用细心的属性等,数据可视化既是一门艺术,也是一门科学。 这很容易出错,有时甚至很可怕(见下文)。

探索性与解释性可视化 (Exploratory vs. explanatory visualization)

As described by Indiana University professor Yong-Yeol Ahn, the aim of explanatory data visualization is to communicate insights and messages, while the aim of exploratory visualization is to discover hidden patterns.

所描述由印第安纳大学教授永烈安, 说明数据可视化的目的是要进行通信的见解和消息,而试探性可视化的目的是发现隐藏的模式。

This article focuses on explanatory data visualization courses. Courses like Udacity’s Data Analysis with R (exclusively an exploratory course) are therefore excluded from this article. The topic is important; there just aren’t enough courses to justify a standalone article. It will be covered briefly in the summary article for this series.

本文重点介绍解释性数据可视化课程。 因此,本文不包括Udacity的R数据分析之类的课程(排他性的探索性课程)。 这个话题很重要; 只是没有足够的课程来证明独立文章的合理性。 本系列的摘要文章将对此进行简要介绍。

有时需要编码经验 (Coding experience sometimes required)

Some courses listed below require basic coding skills in the course’s language of instruction. If you have very little programming experience, our recommendations in the first article in this series — the best intro to programming courses for data science — would be a great start. Both Python and R courses are covered.

下面列出的某些课程需要使用该课程的教学语言的基本编码技能。 如果您几乎没有编程经验,那么本系列第一篇文章中的建议(关于数据科学的编程课程的最佳入门)将是一个不错的开始。 涵盖了Python和R课程。

审查资料不足 (Review data lacking)

Compared to the other articles in this series, there is a lack of review data for data visualization courses that fit the above criteria. There is also no clear best data visualization course yet. The recommendations below are therefore not as conclusive as past articles. As always, but especially here, try to pick the course that best fits your needs.

与本系列的其他文章相比,缺少符合上述条件的数据可视化课程的评论数据。 还没有明确的最佳数据可视化课程。 因此,以下建议并不像过去的文章那样具有决定性。 与往常一样,尤其是在这里,请尝试选择最适合您需求的课程。

我们选择的最佳数据可视化课程是… (Our pick for the best data visualization course is…)

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