我从Windows切换到Linux。 这是我在此过程中学到的教训。

by Ofir Chakon

由Ofir Chakon

我从Windows切换到Linux。 这是我在此过程中学到的教训。 (I switched from Windows to Linux. Here are the lessons I learned along the way.)

People who spend most of their time in front of a computer need to question their basic habits. I’m talking about the operating system they use. The market share for Windows desktop computers is now over 90%!

大部分时间都花在计算机前的人需要质疑其基本习惯。 我说的是他们使用的操作系统。 Windows台式计算机的市场份额现在超过90%!

Everyone uses Windows for different reasons:


  • Windows OS (operating system) comes as the default OS on their PC (personal computer).

    Windows OS(操作系统)是其PC(个人计算机)上的默认操作系统。
  • Users grew up with different versions of the Windows OS, so it’s difficult to change.

    用户是在使用不同版本的Windows OS的环境中成长的,因此很难进行更改。
  • Most people think Windows is the only alternative for their desktop PC. Aside from the Mac OS, they are not exposed to more alternatives.

    大多数人认为Windows是台式计算机的唯一替代方案。 除了Mac OS,它们没有其他替代方案。

I must admit that Windows is well designed and convenient. It allows you to perform many tasks easily and is updated regularly.

我必须承认Windows的设计合理且方便。 它使您可以轻松执行许多任务,并定期进行更新。

But if you’re a Windows user who has little experience with other operating systems, you may not be aware of all your options.


The Windows alternative I’m presenting here is Linux.


Linux is an open-source operating system developed by the community. Linux is Unix-like, which means it’s based on the same principles as other Unix-based systems. Linux is free and has different distributions, for example Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian.

Linux是由社区开发的开源操作系统。 Linux与Unix类似,这意味着它基于与其他基于Unix的系统相同的原理。 Linux是免费的,并且具有不同的发行版,例如UbuntuCentOSDebian

Every distribution has its pros and cons. Each is used for different applications. Linux’s hard disk is considered a lightweight. It’s used in embedded systems, smart home devices, IoT (Internet-of-things), and much more. Android OS is also based on Linux.

每个发行版都有其优缺点。 每种用于不同的应用程序。 Linux的硬盘被认为是轻量级的。 它用于嵌入式系统,智能家居设备,IoT(物联网)等等。 Android OS也基于Linux。

As a tech entrepreneur with more than 7 years of experience, I have to say that switching from Windows to Ubuntu has allowed me to become more productive.

作为拥有超过 7年经验的技术企业家 ,我不得不说,从Windows切换到Ubuntu已经使我变得更有生产力。

I started looking closely at the OS when I noticed that the basic tools I was using did not allow me to make progress for latency. These tools include the Android Studio IDE and an Android simulator running on a Windows machine. I thought it was the hardware. So I upgraded to a Lenovo Y50–70 PC with 16GB of RAM and a 512MB SSD hard drive.

当我发现所使用的基本工具不允许我在延迟方面取得进步时,我开始仔细查看操作系统。 这些工具包括在Windows计算机上运行的Android Studio IDE和Android模拟器。 我以为是硬件。 因此,我升级到了具有16GB RAM和512MB SSD硬盘的Lenovo Y50–70 PC

After installing the necessary software, I realized I had similar latency issues with my new PC. I expected my new PC to be fast. But it wasn’t. At that point, I changed my strategy.

安装必要的软件后,我意识到新PC遇到类似的延迟问题。 我希望我的新PC很快。 但事实并非如此。 那时,我改变了策略。

I realized hardware was not the problem. So I started to conduct research on software. Ubuntu’s distribution of Linux is the most popular distribution for PC users. Ubuntu is available both in a client edition and a server edition. A huge advantage to switching over to Linux is that I am now familiar with Ubuntu. Also, I can use Linux on both my PC and the servers I operate.

我意识到硬件不是问题。 因此,我开始进行软件研究。 Ubuntu的Linux发行版是PC用户最受欢迎的发行版。 Ubuntu提供客户端版本和服务器版本。 切换到Linux的巨大优势是我现在对Ubuntu十分熟悉。 另外,我可以在PC和运行的服务器上使用Linux。

I read MANY online resources that debated which OS to use, for example, Linux versus Windows or Windows versus Ubuntu. I realized an OS that fits my needs will make me more productive in the long run.

我阅读了许多在线资源,这些资源都在争论使用哪种操作系统,例如Linux vs Windows或Windows vs Ubuntu。 我意识到,可以满足我的需求的操作系统从长远来看将使我的工作效率更高。

So I waited for a sign. The sign arrived — it was a virus that forced me to backup all my files and reformat my PC. But this time I was using an Ubuntu operating system. I thought about installing Windows and Ubuntu side-by-side for a soft landing. I’m happy I didn’t. I left Windows because I was committed to Ubuntu. I didn’t want Windows as a fall-back alternative.

所以我等待一个迹象。 信号到了-这是一种病毒,迫使我备份了所有文件并重新格式化了PC。 但是这次我使用的是Ubuntu操作系统。 我考虑过并排安装Windows和Ubuntu以进行软着陆。 我很高兴没有。 我离开Windows是因为我致力于Ubuntu。 我不希望Windows作为备用替代方案。

Here are the lessons I learned after I switched from Windows to Linux. The lessons are mostly aimed at developers, programmers, and anyone who creates products.

这是我从Windows切换到Linux之后学到的课程。 这些课程主要针对开发人员,程序员和创建产品的任何人。

性能 (Performance)

Thanks to its lightweight architecture, Linux runs faster than both Windows 8.1 and 10. After switching to Linux, I’ve noticed a dramatic improvement in the processing speed of my computer. And I used the same tools as I did on Windows. Linux supports many efficient tools and operates them seamlessly.

由于其轻巧的体系结构,Linux的运行速度比Windows 8.1和Windows 10都快。切换到Linux后,我注意到计算机的处理速度有了显着提高。 而且我使用的工具与Windows相同。 Linux支持许多有效的工具并无缝运行它们。

安全 (Security)

Linux is an open-source software. Anyone can contribute code to help enhance the users’ experience with Linux. As well, anyone can add features, fix bugs, reduce security risks, and more.

Linux是一种开源软件。 任何人都可以贡献代码来帮助增强用户对Linux的体验。 同样,任何人都可以添加功能,修复错误,降低安全风险等等。

Large-scale, open-source projects benefit from having many pair of eyes examine them. As such, Linux is more secure than Windows. Instead of installing antiviruses to clean malware, you just have to stick to the recommended repositories. Then you are good to go.

大型开放源代码项目得益于多双眼睛的检查。 因此,Linux比Windows更安全。 不必安装防病毒软件来清除恶意软件,您只需遵循建议的存储库即可。 那你很好。

软件开发 (Software development)

The terminal in Linux is a wild card. You can do almost anything with it. This includes software installation, application and server configurations, file system management, and much more.

Linux中的终端是通配符。 您几乎可以用它做任何事。 这包括软件安装,应用程序和服务器配置 ,文件系统管理等等。

If you are a developer, the terminal is the sweet spot. There is nothing more convenient than running servers, training machine learning models, accessing remote machines, and compiling and running scripts from the same terminal window. It’s a huge productivity booster. By using the terminal, automation becomes a game changer.

如果您是开发人员,那么终端就是您的最佳选择。 没有什么比从同一终端窗口运行服务器, 训练机器学习模型 ,访问远程机器以及编译和运行脚本更方便了。 这极大地提高了生产力。 通过使用终端,自动化将改变游戏规则。

模块化 (Modularity)

With Linux, you can easily configure and access your computer, check processes, and manage virtual environments. Because your server will probably be Linux-based, it will be easier to mimic behaviours, use similar software and packages, and automate workflows.

使用Linux,您可以轻松配置和访问计算机,检查进程以及管理虚拟环境。 因为您的服务器可能是基于Linux的服务器,所以模仿行为,使用类似的软件和软件包以及自动化工作流程将变得更加容易。

使用远程Linux服务器 (Working with remote Linux servers)

Most servers are Linux-based for reasons that are not listed here. Linux provides tools for developers to operate scalable and secure servers. Therefore, technological entrepreneurs who operate end-to-end applications must master Linux to configure and maintain servers.

由于此处未列出的原因,大多数服务器都是基于Linux的。 Linux为开发人员提供了操作可伸缩和安全服务器的工具 。 因此,操作端到端应用程序的技术企业家必须掌握Linux才能配置和维护服务器。

Windows use third-party tools like PUTTY to connect and interact with Linux-based servers. This is not so convenient. For example, to copy files with Windows, you need to download another tool.

Windows使用第三方工具(如PUTTY)连接基于Linux的服务器并与之交互。 这不是那么方便。 例如,要使用Windows复制文件,您需要下载其他工具。

An advantage of a Linux-based local machine is that it can connect to remote servers with a single command line. This is done in the terminal. Hosts can be stored in a file as well as with SSH keys and usernames. All you have to do to connect with SSH is to type the following command:

基于Linux的本地计算机的一个优点是它可以通过单个命令行连接到远程服务器。 这是在终端中完成的。 主机可以与SSH密钥和用户名一起存储在文件中。 使用SSH连接所要做的就是键入以下命令:

ssh ofir-server

And you’re in! No passwords required.

你进来了! 无需密码。

This is an example of the capability a Linux-based local machine has to configure and maintain Linux-based servers. The ability to work via the terminal for both machines is a no-brainer. Most of the popular cloud providers also have command-line-interface (CLIs) for easy integration.

这是基于Linux的本地计算机必须配置和维护基于Linux的服务器的功能的示例。 两台机器都可以通过终端进行工作,这很容易。 大多数流行的云提供商还提供了易于集成的命令行界面(CLI)。

熟悉底层操作系统原则 (Familiarity with low-level OS principles)

Windows implementation is very high level. Developers are rarely exposed to internal issues and to implementations. Linux is the opposite. Configurations have to be implemented by the terminal. This includes editing OS files, adding scheduled tasks, updating software, installing drivers, and more.

Windows的实现水平很高。 开发人员很少接触内部问题和实现。 Linux相反。 配置必须由终端实施。 这包括编辑OS文件,添加计划任务,更新软件,安装驱动程序等等。

When you use Ubuntu, AskUbuntu.com is your friend. You not only learn skills, but you also learn how to solve issues (sometimes the hard way). As well, you learn to monitor your machine for problems, configure different components, and more.

使用Ubuntu时, AskUbuntu.com是您的朋友。 您不仅可以学习技能,还可以学习如何解决问题(有时是艰难的方式)。 同样,您还将学习监视机器中的问题,配置不同的组件等等。

虽然并非一切都完美 (Not everything is perfect, though)

  • There is a learning curve if you switch to Ubuntu. Some things you didn’t need help with when you used Windows, you might need help when you use Linux. You can use AskUbuntu.com for assistance, though. Expect to experience issues if you have special hardware installed on your computer, for example GPUs.

    如果您切换到Ubuntu,则有一个学习过程。 使用Windows时某些不需要帮助的东西,使用Linux时可能需要帮助。 不过,您可以使用AskUbuntu.com寻求帮助。 如果您在计算机上安装了特殊的硬件(例如GPU),则可能会遇到问题。

  • Every technological entrepreneur should be a designer with minimal graphic design skills. Unfortunately, Adobe hasn’t released any of its products to Linux users. So it’s impossible to run them directly. The Ubuntu alternative is GIMP. This is a free software and has the basic features for a developer-designer. Despite the disadvantages, I have no regrets about switching. I’m all Ubuntu now and wish I had moved years ago.

    每个技术企业家都应该是具有最低平面设计技能的设计师。 不幸的是,Adobe尚未向Linux用户发布其任何产品。 因此不可能直接运行它们。 Ubuntu的替代品是GIMP 。 这是一个免费软件,具有开发人员-设计人员的基本功能。 尽管有缺点,但我对切换没有后悔。 我现在都是Ubuntu,希望几年前能搬家。

Linux is not for everyone. Check to see if it fits your needs before you decide to switch. If you consider yourself either a technological entrepreneur, developer, data scientist, or programmer, you should definitely check out Ubuntu.

Linux并非适合所有人。 在决定切换之前,请检查它是否满足您的需求。 如果您认为自己是技术企业家,开发人员,数据科学家或程序员,则绝对应该查看Ubuntu。

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/i-switched-from-windows-to-linux-here-are-the-lessons-i-learned-along-the-way-434da84ab63f/





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