大三学生简历_不要再问那些没有的高级开发人员了。 开始指导大三学生。


by Ryan Bigg

通过瑞安·比格(Ryan Bigg)

不要再问那些没有的高级开发人员了。 开始指导大三学生。 (Stop asking senior developers who aren’t looking. Start mentoring juniors.)

“ D”字 (The “D” word)

We have a diversity problem in the community, and that’s been talked about quite a lot when it comes to tangible things like gender and race. A diversity of skill — an intangible thing — is also something we talk about struggling with.

我们社区存在多样性问题,在涉及性别和种族等有形事物时,已经讨论了很多问题。 技能的多样性(一种无形的东西)也是我们在努力挣扎的话题。

While I haven’t been a different gender or a different race, I have been someone who has been a junior Ruby on Rails developer.

虽然我没有不同的性别或种族,但我曾经是初级Ruby on Rails开发人员。

When I started out as a Rails developer, I was tinkering around with the framework in my spare time, which I had a lot of because I was single and working casually at Coles and doing the odd spot of PHP/Rails freelancing.

当我开始作为Rails开发人员时,我在业余时间会修改框架,这有很多原因,因为我很单身,在Coles上随便工作,并且做过PHP / Rails自由职业。

I heard that there was a Ruby meetup happening in Adelaide and I caught the train into town and ran to the meetup because I was running very late.


When I got there, people asked what I did and I told them about Coles, PHP and Rails. They said “you don’t need to work for Coles anymore” and three people gave me their business cards and said I should apply for a job. I applied for a job at SeaLink and was accepted.

当我到达那里时,人们问我做了什么,然后我告诉了他们有关Coles,PHP和Rails的信息。 他们说:“您不再需要为Coles工作”,三个人给了我他们的名片,并说我应该申请一份工作。 我在SeaLink申请了一份工作,并被录取。

At SeaLink, I got mentored by a team of “senior” Rails developers who had a whole bunch of patience for my 19-year-old antics. I am very thankful to them for the time that they spent mentoring me, as I believe it helped provide a foundation for a career that I’ve been doing for very close to 10 years.

在SeaLink上,我受到了一群“高级” Rails开发人员的指导,他们对我19岁的滑稽动作充满耐心。 我非常感谢他们为我提供指导的时间,因为我相信这为我从事近10年的职业奠定了基础。

There are plenty of juniors at the Melbourne Ruby Meetup. I know because I help run the Hack Night where a lot of them attend also. If a junior from this meetup was to tell you that they were actively looking for a job right now, would you hire them? Probably not. There seems to be quite an aversion to hiring juniors, and the main aversion is that juniors take up valuable shipping time with mentoring time instead.

墨尔本Ruby聚会上有很多大三学生。 我知道,因为我帮助举办了很多人参加的Hack Night。 如果这次聚会的大三学生告诉您他们现在正在积极寻找工作,您会雇用他们吗? 可能不是。 招聘初级员工似乎有很大的反感,而主要的厌恶之处在于,初级员工会占用宝贵的运输时间,而不是辅导时间。

In the early days, there was a lack of available talent and so companies had to hire whoever they could find. That’s why I found it easy to get a Rails job back then. I think we have once again reached that point where there just isn’t any talent to hire.

早期,缺乏可用的人才,因此公司不得不雇用任何可以找到的人。 这就是为什么我当时发现轻松获得Rails职位的原因。 我认为我们再次达到了一点,那就是没有人才可以雇用。

I’ve been having a lot of discussions recently in the Ruby community about why companies seem to be shying away from hiring juniors. Instead, these companies want to hire mid-to-senior developers and do not want to have apprentices who are learning alongside those mid-to-senior developers.

最近,在Ruby社区中,我一直在进行很多讨论,讨论为什么公司似乎不愿雇用初级员工。 相反,这些公司希望雇用中高级开发人员,而不希望有与这些中高级开发人员一起学习的学徒。

Lawyers, mechanics and plenty of other professions have apprenticeships, so why don’t programmers? It’s pretty strange. I think it’s because those professions have had turnover in their companies enough to learn the lesson about training for the future. This is still a young community where most people have been doing it for less than 15 years. We need to think long term about this: who will look after our code when we’re gone?

律师,机械师和许多其他专业都有学徒,那么为什么程序员不呢? 真奇怪 我认为这是因为这些职业在公司中的营业额足以学习有关未来培训的课程。 这仍然是一个年轻的社区,大多数人从事该社区不到15年。 我们需要对此进行长期考虑:走了之后,谁来照顾我们的代码?

雇用老年人 (Hiring seniors)

Let’s look at why companies want to hire mid-seniors in the first place. At the companies I’ve worked at, we’ve wanted to hire a new mid-to-senior person because our workload has gotten to the point where it’s exceeding our capacity. I figure that this is the same at other companies too. Like where I’ve worked — and currently work — you’ll have people breathing down your neck asking when bugs are going to be fixed or new features are going to be developed.

让我们看看为什么公司首先要聘用中高级人才。 在我工作过的公司中,我们想雇用一个新的中高级人才,因为我们的工作量已经超过了我们的能力。 我认为其他公司也是如此。 就像我在哪里工作和现在在工作的地方一样,您会让人喘不过气来,询问何时修正错误或何时开发新功能。

To address this problem, you hire a new developer or rather: you try to hire a new developer. You want a mid-to-senior developer because they have the skills to instantly dive straight into your application with little-to-no guidance and they can start shipping code.

要解决此问题,您可以雇用一个新的开发人员,或者更确切地说:您尝试雇用一个新的开发人员。 您需要一个中高级开发人员,因为他们具有在几乎没有指导的情况下立即直接进入您的应用程序的技能,并且他们可以开始发布代码。

However: the trick is finding someone who’s available at the moment. In this current climate, it’s nearly impossible to hire a mid-to-senior Ruby developer to come work for your company. What typically happens is that developers get aggressively poached between companies.

但是:诀窍是找到当前有空的人。 在当前的形势下,几乎不可能聘请中高级的Ruby开发人员来为您的公司工作。 通常情况是,开发人员会在公司之间激烈竞争。

Companies spend thousands of dollars on recruiters and lots of time posting to job boards, for often very little good return. Companies spend this money to hunt the elusive 10x Developer Rockstar Unicorns, but the Unicorns are no longer out grazing in the sunny meadows, readily available for capture. They’re already working somewhere else and the conditions of where they work are extremely good.

公司在招聘人员上花费数千美元,并花费大量时间发布到工作委员会,而获得的回报却很少。 公司花这笔钱去寻找难以捉摸的10倍开发人员Rockstar Unicorn,但是Unicorn不再在阳光明媚的草地上放牧,随时可以被捕获。 他们已经在其他地方工作,工作条件非常好。

We, as a community, have drained the talent pool dry.


We’re out of freely available Rockstar Unicorns and so it’s time that we started to grow our own.

我们没有免费提供的Rockstar Unicorn,因此现在是时候开始发展自己的了。

Companies are addicted to hiring the top 5% or 10% of developers and ignoring the rest. There is a lot of great talent in the remaining group of developers, just waiting to be mentored. If they got that mentorship, we would be able to bolster our community’s best and brightest. What if the next person your company mentored went on to become your next CTO? What if they went on to be that “10x engineer” who can help out anyone on the team with anything? I really believe companies are missing out on great talent by completely ignoring it when it is non-obvious.

公司沉迷于雇用前5%或10%的开发人员,而忽略其余人员。 剩下的开发人员群体中有很多伟大的人才,正等着接受指导。 如果他们得到了指导,我们将能够支持我们社区中最优秀,最聪明的人。 如果您的公司所指导的下一个人继续成为您的下一个CTO,该怎么办? 如果他们继续成为“ 10x工程师”,可以为团队中的任何人提供任何帮助,该怎么办? 我真的相信,如果人才不是显而易见的,那么他们会完全忽略人才,从而使他们失去了优秀人才。

Too many companies are focusing on the short-term goals of shipping code, rather than the long-term growth of their teams.


Companies hiring the best-of-the-best — the people with proven great track records — and getting them to build what is essentially CRUD applications which do, at best, a fancy version of string concatenation.


If we speak in terms of hiring piano players: you’re hiring the Chopins, Bachs, Liszts, and getting them to play Mary Had A Little Lamb.

如果我们说的是聘请钢琴演奏家:您正在聘请肖邦人,巴赫人,李斯特人,并让他们演奏Mary Had A Little Lamb

You do not need to hire senior developers. You need to hire developers of any skill level, mentor them and grow them into the next great bunch of developers. Give these people a chance and train them on real world applications that real people are using. These could be the next great people that your company needs and you are not giving them the opportunity.

您无需雇用高级开发人员。 您需要雇用任何技能水平的开发人员,对其进行指导,然后将其发展为下一批优秀的开发人员。 给这些人一个机会,并对他们进行实际应用的培训。 这些可能是贵公司需要的下一位优秀人才,而您没有给他们机会。

回馈 (Contributing back)

You might be thinking: what do we (as a company) get out of this? I think that’s backwards. The thinking should be “we have earned so much from the community, and now it’s time to give back”. If you invest in the long term health of the community, it will pay dividends. In the long run, you will have an active talent pool of developers who will be able to maintain your application. In the short term, you’ll be bolstering your team’s productivity with fresh talent.

您可能在想: 我们 (公司)从中得到什么? 我认为那是倒退。 这种想法应该是“我们从社区中获得了很多收益,现在该回馈社会了”。 如果您对社区的长期健康进行投资,它将分红。 从长远来看,您将拥有一个活跃的开发人员人才库,他们将能够维护您的应用程序。 在短期内,您将通过新人才来提高团队的生产力。

You may think that you need to hire these best-of-the-best badasses because your application is a large unmaintainable behemoth monolith and only the badasses can understand it. That you need seniors to navigate the spaghetti that is your legacy code. That may indeed be the case. But in every monolith, there is a tiny bit of functionality that a non-senior developer can work on improving along with their skills, when that non-senior is paired with a senior developer.

您可能会认为您需要雇用这些最好的Badasse,因为您的应用程序是一个庞大且难以维护的庞然大物,只有Badasses才能理解。 您需要年长者来浏览意大利面条,这是您的遗留代码。 确实可能是这样。 但是,在每块巨石中,当非高级开发人员与高级开发人员配对时,非高级开发人员都可以进行一些功能上的改进。

It’s OK to hire non-senior developers to work on real live production code. We’ve done it at Marketplacer and we’re still in business. Your company will not go down in flames because you hire a junior.

可以雇用非高级开发人员来处理实际的实时生产代码。 我们已经在Marketplacer上做到了,并且仍在营业。 您的公司不会因为雇用一名初级人员而大跌眼镜。

Yes, it’s risky. Initially the cost of the employee is greater than what they provide for the company. But with the right fostering, they can grow into the best asset your company has ever had.

是的,这很冒险。 最初,员工的费用要高于他们为公司提供的费用。 但是通过适当的培育,它们可以成长为您公司拥有的最佳资产。

Julia Claven has a great graph for this:

Julia·克莱文(Julia Claven)为此提供了一个很好的图表:

When the junior is initially hired, their dollar value to the company is less than the output they produce. With good mentoring, they can get the other end of the graph where their value to the company outweighs their salary.

最初雇用初级员工时,他们对公司的美元价值小于他们产生的产出。 有了良好的指导,他们可以在图表的另一端看到他们对公司的价值超过其薪水。

There is an initial productivity hit — that’s true — but that plateaus out within 6 months if you do it right. At the end of it, rather than having one developer, you have two developers. Even if the junior is half as productive as the senior, then it’s still a 1.5x growth in the productivity of your team.

最初会影响生产力,这是对的,但是如果您做得对,则会在6个月内达到稳定状态。 最后,您只有两个开发人员,而不是只有一个开发人员。 即使初级人员的生产率是高级人员的一半 ,但团队的生产率仍然增长1.5倍。

At Marketplacer we’ve hired juniors within the last year that I would consider to be very productive members of the team,and they’re great people to work with to boot. We would’ve missed out on these people if we didn’t invest the time in hiring and mentoring them and instead focused on only hiring seniors who had existing Rails app development experience.

在Marketplacer我们已经聘请了在过去一年内晚辈,我会认为是球队非常有成效的成员他们是伟大的人来工作,来引导。 如果我们不花时间在招聘和指导他们上,而是只专注于招聘具有现有Rails应用开发经验的老年人,那么我们会错过这些人。

You might be thinking, “but what if they leave?” That’s a risk you take with any hire of any skill level. If people are leaving your company, you should be reflecting on why they’re leaving in the first place. Was it really them, or was it your company? Does your company have a culture that someone would want to leave? Is your company focused on building a culture that people want to stay in, or are they only interested in shipping code?

您可能会想,“但是如果他们离开了该怎么办?” 雇用任何技能水平的人,这都是冒险。 如果有人要离开您的公司,您应该首先反思他们为什么要离开。 真的是他们,还是您的公司? 贵公司是否有某人想离开的文化? 贵公司是否专注于建立人们想要保留的文化,还是仅对运输代码感兴趣?

寻找少年 (Finding Juniors)

Where can you find those juniors to start with? Well, let’s start with Code Academies. Not any particular one — although Turing is my favorite. Code Academies solve part of this lack of mentoring problem.

您在哪里可以找到这些初级人员? 好吧,让我们从Code Academies开始。 虽然我最喜欢图灵 ,但没有任何一个特别的。 院校代码解决这种缺乏指导问题的一部分

Code academies get new programmers to pay thousands of dollars to learn the tricks of the trade. Sometimes, these new programmers even get a “guarantee” from the code academy that they’ll get a job at the end of the course. The code academies teach these newbies a range of programming skills. At the end of this, the newbie programmers have enough skills to know the basics of things like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Ruby and can usually find their way around a Rails app easily enough. These people are very “green” and then they’re thrust out into the community to work at companies.

代码学院让新的程序员支付数千美元来学习交易技巧。 有时,这些新程序员甚至会从代码学院获得“保证”,他们将在课程结束时得到一份工作。 代码学院向这些新手教授一系列编程技能。 最后,新手程序员具有足够的技能来了解HTML,CSS,JavaScript和Ruby之类的基础知识,并且通常可以很容易地在Rails应用程序中找到自己的出路。 这些人非常“绿色”,然后被迫进入社区,在公司工作。

Unfortunately, due to our senior hiring addiction, we’re not hiring these fresh faces. The code academies produce great talent, and we’re not picking it up. These people are left to struggle for months at a time in developing their skills before they can even get a look in at a company. I’ve spoken to many juniors in that position.

不幸的是,由于我们的高级招聘成瘾,我们没有招聘这些新鲜面Kong。 代码学院产生了巨大的才能,我们没有选择。 这些人不得不一次数月地为发展技能而奋斗,甚至没有机会去看一家公司。 我曾在这个职位上和许多大三学生交谈过。

Not all of these graduates have the time to spend doing that skill development, as they often have full time jobs or other responsibilities to take care of. Thankfully, they get a lot of assistance from their code academies after they’ve graduated. Well, at least the good code academies do that.

并非所有这些毕业生都有时间花时间进行这种技能发展,因为他们通常有全职工作或其他职责要照顾。 值得庆幸的是,他们毕业后从代码学院获得了很多帮助。 好吧,至少好的代码学院能做到这一点。

I would love to see companies breaking their addiction to seniors and more actively hiring from these code academies. More companies need to make mentorship / apprenticeship a part of what they do. The students that graduate from code academies are eager to learn and are, in my experience, very highly motivated.

我希望看到公司打破对高级人员的迷恋,并更积极地从这些代码学院招聘人才。 更多的公司需要将导师制/学徒制作为他们工作的一部分。 从代码学院毕业的学生渴望学习,并且根据我的经验,他们非常有动力。

There are definitely juniors who have that same kind of eagerness-to-learn and motivation who have never been to a code academy. These people have learned by themselves and by being mentored by people in the community. I can think of at least 5, perhaps even 10, of these people who would make great hires in a company’s mentorship / apprenticeship program.

肯定有一些初中生有着同样的渴望学习和动力,他们从未去过代码学院。 这些人自己学习,并受到社区人民的指导。 我可以想到至少有 5人,甚至10人,这些人会在公司的指导/学徒计划中获得出色的录用。

If I were in charge of hiring at Marketplacer, I would hire a motivated junior, pay them a wage well enough to live off and mentor them.


Asim Aslam (@chuhnk) had a good tweet about this too:

Asim Aslam(@chuhnk)对此也有很好的推文:

There’s a great book I encourage you all to read: it’s called The Talent Code. As the subtitle says “Greatness isn’t born. It’s grown.” The book covers how skills of all varieties are grown in sports, music and plenty of other areas. All the industries that are covered in the book have active mentorship and apprenticeship programs. Yet, this is not cared about in the programming community for reasons mentioned earlier: we’re still quite a young community.

我鼓励大家阅读一本很棒的书: 《人才守则》 。 正如副标题所说:“伟大不是天生的。 它长大了。” 本书涵盖了体育,音乐和许多其他领域中各种技能的发展方式。 本书涵盖的所有行业都有积极的指导和学徒计划。 但是,由于前面提到的原因,编程社区对此并不关心:我们仍然是一个年轻的社区。

I’ll let you in on the secret that’s in that book: for anyone to get better at anything, they need to practice the hell out of it. How do we expect to have seniors to hire if we’re not hiring juniors and letting them improve their skills by practicing on real world applications?

我会让您了解那本书中的秘诀:为了使任何人在任何事情上都能变得更好,他们都需要从中练习。 如果我们不雇用低年级学生,让他们通过在现实世界中的应用程序练习来提高技能,那么我们如何期望有年长者来雇用?

So many people are talking about mentoring and hiring juniors. Let’s start doing it.

许多人都在谈论指导和雇用初级人员。 让我们开始吧。

导师制 (Mentorship)

Now that I’ve (hopefully) convinced you to hire a junior developer, you might be wondering what you do once you have one.


I help run the Melbourne Ruby Hack Night and it’s a judgement-free environment where anyone and everyone can bring along a Ruby project and work on it. Some people are even there for the first time learning about Ruby itself, which is great to see. These Hack Nights work because these new developers feel safe and welcome and that no question is too “dumb” to ask.

我帮助运行“墨尔本Ruby骇客之夜”,这是一个无需评判的环境,任何人和每个人都可以参与Ruby项目并进行工作。 甚至有人第一次在那里了解Ruby本身,这真是太好了。 这些“黑客之夜”之所以起作用,是因为这些新开发人员感到安全和受到欢迎,而且毫无疑问,这个问题“太愚蠢”。

You can start mentoring at your company by fostering that Hack Night-esque environment. It should be OK to put up your hand and ask a question about anything. If the questioner is getting eye rolls, sighs, or other passive aggressive signals from someone else, then that’s not the kind of environment where a junior is going to learn.

您可以通过培养类似于Hack Night之类的环境来开始在公司中进行指导。 它应该是OK忍受你的手,询问关于任何问题。 如果发问者正在从其他人那里获得视线,叹息或其他被动的攻击性信号,那么这不是初中生要学习的环境。

A great way to build that kind of fostering environment is to encourage pair programming. Pairing with juniors on small tasks initially is a great way to build up their confidence. When I’ve been mentoring juniors, the number one thing that I find that they’re lacking isn’t the skill, but the confidence. They know the answer, but they aren’t sure if it’s the rightanswer. They question if they’re using the right syntax or even if they should be writing the code that particular way. When a senior pairs with a junior, they can encourage them to try out things and learn from the things that they try. If the junior gets it wrong, the senior can ensure them that it’s OK to get things wrong and to guide them back on track. Pairing is the quickest way to upskill a junior and I can highly, highly recommend it.

建立这种培育环境的一种好方法是鼓励结对编程。 最初,与大三学生结成对子是建立他们信心的一种好方法。 当我指导初中生时,我发现他们缺乏的第一件事不是技能,而是信心。 他们知道答案,但不确定是否正确的答案。 他们质疑他们使用的是正确的语法,还是应该以特定的方式编写代码。 当年长者与大三学生配对时,他们可以鼓励他们尝试事物并从尝试的事物中学到东西。 如果大三学生弄错了,大四学生可以确保他们可以做错事并引导他们回到正轨。 配对是提高初中生技能的最快方法,我可以高度推荐。

I paired daily with some developers when I worked at GetUp and in a few months time they were confident Rails developers who could find their way easily around that Rails application. I’ve done the same at other companies too and each time I’ve seen great professional growth in the juniors that I’ve mentored. One of the best feelings in the world is when a junior says “Ahhh, I understand!”.

在GetUp工作时,我每天都会与一些开发人员结成对子,在几个月的时间里,他们对Rails开发人员充满信心,他们可以轻松地围绕该Rails应用程序找到自己的方式。 我也曾在其他公司做过同样的事情,每次在我所指导的初级人员中看到专业的飞速发展。 世界上最好的感觉之一就是大三学生说“啊,我明白!”。

Pairing also helps reinforce your own knowledge. If you can’t explain something to someone clearly, then you do not understand it well enough yourself. Pairing is helpful to the junior because they get knowledge out of it, but it’s also helpful to the senior: they learn how to share what’s in their brain with other people in a clearer fashion.

配对还有助于增强您的知识。 如果您不能清楚地向某人解释某些事情,那么您自己对此的理解就不够好。 配对对大三学生很有帮助,因为他们会从中获得知识,但对大三学生也有帮助:他们学习如何以更清晰的方式与他人分享大脑中的事物。

What should you pair with your junior on? Well, Lydia Guarino has some good tweets about that.

您应该和初中生配对什么? 好吧,Lydia Guarino对此有一些不错的推文。

I agree with both of these. Juniors thrive best when they’re given quick wins. You want that nice tight feedback loop to keep their confidence growing. Every time they “win” at code, their confidence gets that little bit more boosted.

我都同意。 大三学生在获得快速胜利的情况下表现最好。 您希望有一个很好的紧密反馈回路来保持他们的信心增长。 每当他们“赢得”代码时,他们的信心就会得到更大的提升。

Once they’ve built up a bit of confidence, you can let them go solo on a task. There isn’t a set timeframe for when this happens; it’s all about how confident the junior is with their own abilities.

一旦他们建立了信心,您就可以让他们独自完成一项任务。 何时发生没有固定的时间范围; 这一切都是关于大三学生对自己能力的信心。

Let them loose on something small and make it clear that they can ask any questions about what they’re doing and that there is no wrong way of doing it. Once they’re done, get them to submit their work in a pull request — you might have to teach them what one is first — and then sit together and review it.

让他们松懈一些小事情,并明确表示他们可以就自己在做什么提出任何问题,并且没有错误的做法。 完成工作后,让他们在请求请求中提交工作-您可能必须先教他们什么是工作-然后坐在一起审阅。

Sitting together is important here because “why are you doing this?” written in text has no emotion, compared to it spoken with body language. Juniors may interpret a “why are you doing this?” comment as aggressive like “UGH! Why are you doing this?”.

在这里坐在一起很重要,因为“你为什么要这样做?” 与肢体语言相比,用文字书写没有情感。 初中生可能会解释为“您为什么要这样做?” 像“ UGH! 你为什么做这个?”。

Focusing on in-person communication helps establish a rapport between the developers much better than text-based communication ever will.


If a junior has made a mistake in the pull request then you can discuss it with them and correct the mistake. This way, that mistake will never make it to a live production environment.

如果大三在上拉请求中犯了一个错误,那么您可以与他们讨论并更正错误。 这样,该错误将永远不会出现在实际的生产环境中。

Code review also allows the senior to assess how well the junior has been doing on the tasks they’ve been given. If they’re doing well on a 2-day task, then it’s probably going to be OK to give them a 4-day task too. If not, then some more mentoring may be required.

通过代码审查,高级人员还可以评估大三学生在完成任务方面的表现。 如果他们在2天的任务中表现良好,那么也可以给他们4天的任务。 如果没有,那么可能需要更多的指导。

Ultimately, your mentorship should be about making the junior feel welcome and safe within your team. In fact, this should be what’s happening with everyone in your team. Google ran a project that they called “Project Aristotle”, wherein they attempted to find how to build effective teams. They interviewed hundreds of their own employees and they came up with 5 things:

最终,您的指导应该是让大三学生在团队中感到受欢迎和安全。 实际上,这应该是团队中每个人都在发生的事情。 Google运行了一个名为“亚里士多德项目”的项目, 他们试图找到如何建立有效团队的方法 。 他们采访了数百名自己的员工,并提出了5件事:

The #1 item on this list is “Psychological safety”: “Team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other.”


Google is not special. They’re made up of people just like your company is made up of people. You should keep this in mind when mentoring your juniors, and working with other people in your team.

Google并不特别。 他们是由人组成的,就像您的公司是由人组成的一样。 在指导初级人员并与团队中的其他人一起工作时,应牢记这一点。

Thanks for reading! If you found this article helpful, click the green heart below.

谢谢阅读! 如果您发现本文有帮助,请单击下面的绿色心脏。

This was originally published on my blog.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/hiring-juniors-52e4aaf9d778/


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