

On-Page optimization and Off-page optimization are two major factors that affect the optimization of a website.


On-Page SEO is a technique for search engine optimization which helps bots from Google and other search engines to navigate through your website and understand what it is about.

On-Page SEO是一种用于搜索引擎优化的技术,可帮助Google和其他搜索引擎的机器人在您的网站中导航并了解其含义。

The optimization of some of your website features such as internal links, Meta title, Heading tags, and description can help you rank higher on search engines.


On the other hand, off-page optimization has to do with optimizing other signals that are not within your website.


For this article, we will be considering the best on-page SEO techniques that you can implement to help your website rank well in search engines.

对于本文,我们将考虑可以采用的最佳页面SEO技术 ,以帮助您的网站在搜索引擎中排名良好。

元标题 (Meta Title)

If you’re looking for the best on-page SEO technique, then you are looking at your Meta Title. If your title is well optimized and attractive, this will lead to more clicks for you. And your post will rank higher the more clicks you get.

如果您正在寻找最佳的页面SEO技术,那么您正在寻找元标题。 如果您的标题经过了优化和吸引人,这将为您带来更多点击。 您获得的点击次数越多,您的帖子的排名就会越高。

The start of your title (H1) tag should include the targeted keyword phrase. But if you can’t do that, you should just make sure you add the keyword in the title.

标题(H1)标签的开头应包含目标关键字短语。 但是,如果不能这样做,则应确保在标题中添加关键字。

One mistake that people make with this is adding the keyword in the title more than once. They often think this will help them rank better but that is not true. More often than not, it hurts your ranking. So, you should avoid making this mistake.

人们这样做的一个错误是在标题中多次添加关键字。 他们通常认为这将帮助他们提高排名,但事实并非如此。 通常,它会损害您的排名。 因此,您应该避免犯此错误。

You should also keep your title length short. It should be around 65 characters.

您还应该使标题长度短一些。 它应该是65个字符左右。

正确使用标题标签 (Use Your Heading Tags Properly)

Your articles should include heading tags that you can use to highlight important points, sub-headings, and various headings.


If your website is a WordPress website, the title tag is usually at H1. So, your articles should not include any H1 tags anywhere in them again. Just that once is enough. You should use H2 tags and H3 tags for your section breaks.

如果您的网站是WordPress网站,则标题标签通常位于H1。 因此,您的文章不应在其任何地方再次包含任何H1标签。 仅仅一次就足够了。 您应该在分节符中使用H2标签和H3标签。

在您的文章中添加目录 (Add a Table of Contents to Your Article)

More and more, content writers are writing lengthy, in-depth articles. And many blog posts these days are quite long. Some of these posts are thousands of words, which is a lot to get through.

越来越多的内容编写者在撰写冗长而深入的文章。 如今,许多博客文章都相当长。 这些帖子中有些是成千上万的单词,需要花很多时间才能理解。

For articles as long as this, it is important to include a table of contents. This will help the readers navigate your lengthy article with ease. Also, and just as important, it helps you rank better in Google search.

对于这样的文章,重要的是要包含目录。 这将帮助读者轻松浏览您冗长的文章。 同样重要的是,它可以帮助您在Google搜索中排名更高。

注意您的关键字密度 (Watch Your Keyword Density)

The density of keywords in your articles should be close to 1.5 percent and should be mixed with LSI (latent semantic indexing) keywords. The LSI keywords help google understand what your page is about. These are words that have close relations with the keyword you are using.

您文章中关键字的密度应接近1.5%,并应与LSI(潜在语义索引)关键字混合使用。 LSI关键字可帮助Google了解您的网页内容。 这些词与您使用的关键字有密切关系。

Words that are semantically related will have the same meaning and effect in the article. So, you can make use of synonyms to reduce keyword density.

语义上相关的词在本文中将具有相同的含义和作用。 因此,您可以利用同义词来降低关键字密度。

The main keyword should appear just once in the article’s first and last paragraph. You should also try to make use of the keywords only in places where it makes sense.

main关键字应仅在文章的第一段和最后一段出现一次。 您还应该尝试仅在有意义的地方使用关键字。

You can, as well, search for other posts that have the same keywords that you are targeting and see how the keywords are used and how many times they appear. This will give you an idea of how you can use them in your articles.

您也可以搜索与您定位的关键字相同的其他帖子,并查看关键字的使用方式和出现次数。 这将使您了解如何在文章中使用它们。

元标记 (Meta Tags)

For every long post that you write, you should include a unique meta description that is also relevant to the post. Your meta description should also include your targeted keyword.

对于您撰写的每篇长篇文章,都应包括与该文章也相关的唯一元描述。 您的元描述也应包括您的目标关键字。

Many people advocate that meta description is not as important because it is not used as a factor for ranking. But both assertions are untrue. Meta descriptions are important to your blog post and are a useful factor for ranking as well. There is a massive connection between Google rankings and optimized meta descriptions.

许多人主张,元描述不那么重要,因为它不用作排名的因素 。 但是,这两种说法都是不正确的。 元描述对您的博客帖子很重要,也是排名的有用因素。 Google排名与优化的元描述之间有着密切的联系。

What search engines do is pick up the keywords. But it is also important that Google users click on your post. So, you need meta descriptions that are related to the article and are also very friendly.

搜索引擎所做的就是选择关键字。 但是Google用户点击您的帖子也很重要。 因此,您需要与文章相关且非常友好的元描述。

Google has cleared the air about meta keywords and has claimed that it does not care about them. But Bing and some other search engines might still care about meta keywords.

Google公开了有关meta关键字的信息,并声称它不在乎它们。 但是Bing和其他一些搜索引擎可能仍然在意meta关键字。

Search engines pick up on the keywords. But it is also important that google users click on your post. So, you need meta descriptions that are related to the article and are also very friendly.

搜索引擎选择关键词。 但是Google用户点击您的帖子也很重要。 因此,您需要与文章相关且非常友好的元描述。

Google has cleared the air about meta keywords and has claimed that it does not care about them. But Bing and some other search engines might still care about meta keywords.

Google公开了有关meta关键字的信息,并声称它不在乎它们。 但是Bing和其他一些搜索引擎可能仍然在意meta关键字。

使用有意义的标题和替代文字的图像 (Use Images with Meaningful Title and Alt Text)

The use of images in your content is a good way to drive traffic to your website through image searches. So, optimizing your image for your post is important.

在您的内容中使用图片是通过图片搜索吸引网站流量的好方法。 因此,优化帖子的图像很重要。

For example, using keywords in your alt text and image title will ensure that your blog post is targeted and better focused. When people search for images related to this keyword, your website will rank for this as well.

例如,在替代文字和图片标题中使用关键字将确保您的博客文章具有针对性和重点。 当人们搜索与此关键字相关的图片时,您的网站也会对此排名。

So make sure that your images have meaningful names before you upload them. After you have added the image to your article or WordPress website, you should also add an alt text.

因此,在上传图像之前,请确保它们具有有意义的名称。 将图像添加到文章或WordPress网站后,还应该添加替代文本。

Images also keep the user engaged. This will, in turn, make them stay on your website longer and increase your website’s ranking.

图像还可以保持用户的参与度。 反过来,这会使它们在您的网站上停留的时间更长,并提高了您网站的排名。

However, you should also know that large images reduce your website's speed and your rank on Google will be negatively affected. To avoid this, you should:

但是,您还应该知道,大图片会降低网站的速度,并且您在Google上的排名将受到负面影响。 为避免这种情况,您应该:

  • Use a CDN: a content delivery network is a network of servers positioned in strategic locations around the globe. It is very effective for increasing website speed.

    使用CDN:内容交付网络是位于全球战略位置的服务器网络。 这对于提高网站速度非常有效。
  • Use a caching plugin: this helps to reduce load time and increases your website's speed. It converts your webpages into static pages for first-time users. So, when the same user requests a page the second time, it loads the page from this cache. This reduces the load on your server and makes it work faster.

    使用缓存插件:这有助于减少加载时间并提高网站速度。 它将您的网页转换为静态页面供首次使用的用户使用。 因此,当同一用户第二次请求页面时,它将从此缓存中加载页面。 这样可以减少服务器上的负载并使其工作更快。
  • Compress your images before uploading: heavy images take longer to load. So, reducing image size is important for your website's load time.

    上传之前先压缩图像:沉重的图像需要更长的时间才能加载。 因此,减小图像大小对于网站的加载时间很重要。

检查您的字数 (Check Your Word Count)

According to content writers at assignment help, blog posts, or articles that are not very long or do not have plenty of words rank poorly on search engines. This is because they seem to lack enough information to make them valuable.

根据任务帮助中的内容作者的说法,博客文章或篇幅不长或单词不多的文章在搜索引擎上的排名很低。 这是因为它们似乎缺乏足够的信息来使其有价值。

Generally, blogs that are based on information have a standard word count of at least 1300 words. It is also important that your content contains a lot of information that is well-researched, especially if your keywords are highly competitive.

通常,基于信息的博客的标准字数至少为1300个字。 同样重要的是,您的内容包含大量经过精心研究的信息,尤其是在关键字竞争激烈的情况下。

内部连结 (Internal Linking)

Adding internal links to your blog posts will ensure that your audience stays on your blog for an extended time. This is because they will keep reading articles on your blog that have been linked together. It will also help other pages of your website rank better, as it provides traffic to those pages.

在博客文章中添加内部链接将确保您的受众在博客上停留的时间更长。 这是因为他们将继续阅读您博客上已链接在一起的文章。 这也将帮助您网站的其他页面获得更好的排名,因为它可以为这些页面提供访问量。

When you are adding links to your other pages, you can use keywords as the anchor text. But don't overdo it. Adding internal links to other pages with relevant information shows that you are giving extra information, and the search engines rank you better.

当您添加到其他页面的链接时 ,可以将关键字用作锚文本。 但是不要过度。 将内部链接添加到其他具有相关信息的页面,表明您在提供额外的信息,并且搜索引擎将您的排名提高了。

外部连结 (External Linking)

Adding links to external websites with relevant information also helps your ranking. But make sure that the websites that you are linking to are authoritative in your niche or industry and are trustworthy. This will increase your website's credibility.

将链接添加到具有相关信息的外部网站也可以帮助您提高排名。 但是,请确保您链接到的网站在您的细分市场或行业中是权威的并且值得信赖。 这将增加您网站的信誉。

Of course, if you have any reason to doubt the integrity of the website, you should not link to them to avoid ruining your credibility.


结论 (Conclusion)

If you want your site to rank on the first page of Google searches, you should implement these on-page SEO techniques. All of these techniques work together to help you rank better.

如果您希望您的网站在Google搜索的第一页上排名,则应实施这些页面SEO技术。 所有这些技术可以共同帮助您提高排名。

I hope this article was useful for you. Happy coding!

希望本文对您有所帮助。 编码愉快!







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