jq 鼠标按住重复执行单击_如何在Excel中删除重复项-单击几下即可删除重复行

jq 鼠标按住重复执行单击

Excel has many applications, like keeping track of inventory, maintaining a mailing list, making sales reports, and many others.


As the database grows, one main issue many users encounter is getting duplicate values and rows. This can make your calculations inaccurate and will make people question your competency.

随着数据库的增长,许多用户遇到的一个主要问题是获取重复的值和行。 这会使您的计算不准确,并使人们质疑您的能力。

You could end up giving a summary report with duplicate values or even mailing a letter to the same person twice. So you'll need to find and remove the duplicates to avoid these small mistakes that could have serious implications.

您最终可能会给出带有重复值的摘要报告,甚至两次给同一个人发一封信。 因此,您需要查找并删除重复项,以避免可能引起严重影响的这些小错误。

选项1:使用删除重复工具 (Option 1: Using the remove duplicate tool)

Since this problem happens a lot, there is a dedicated command on a ribbon that makes it easy to deal with duplicates. This is the case with recent versions of Microsoft Office suite, such as excel 2007 up to 2016.

由于此问题经常发生,因此在功能区上有一个专用命令,可以轻松处理重复项。 最近版本的Microsoft Office套件就是这种情况,例如excel 2007到2016年。

选择要处理的表 (Select the table you'll work on)

First, you need to select the cells that are targeted, as the tool can be used to remove duplicates in entire rows or partially matching records.


You can do this by selecting the table and then pressing Ctrl + A. You should make sure the original file is saved as the process deletes the dupes permanently.

您可以通过选择表格,然后按Ctrl + A来执行此操作。您应确保原始文件已保存,因为该过程将永久删除重复对象。

点击屏幕顶部的数据标签 (Click on the data tab at the top of the screen)

Once you have selected the range, check the top of the screen and click the data tab. The different commands will be shown, and you should then check for ‘remove duplicates’ and click on it.

选择范围后,请检查屏幕顶部并单击数据选项卡。 将显示不同的命令,然后您应检查“删除重复项”并单击。

A small dialogue box will pop up on the screen. The first row is automatically selected as the ‘my data has header’ is ticked. If there is no header and the data starts at the 1st row, deselect that option.

屏幕上会弹出一个小对话框。 由于勾选了“我的数据具有标题”,因此自动选择了第一行。 如果没有标题,并在第1行的数据开始,取消选择该选项。

按确定按钮删除重复项 (Press the OK button to remove duplicates)

The entire table is now selected, and thus you should go ahead and press the OK button. This will delete all duplicates. The deletion details appear on the screen with unique values remaining and the number of duplicate entries removed shown.

现在已选择了整个表格,因此您应该继续并按“确定”按钮。 这将删除所有重复项。 删除详细信息显示在屏幕上,并保留唯一的值,并显示删除的重复条目数。

However, if you want to remove partial duplicates based on specific columns, you should select them, leaving the rest. If the table contains many columns, it is best to unselect all and then just select those that need dupes removal.

但是,如果要基于特定列删除部分重复项 ,则应选择它们,其余部分保留。 如果表包含许多列,则最好取消选择所有列,然后仅选择需要删除重复项的列。

Once done, you should click OK. Then the duplicated information will be removed, and the details will be shown on the screen.

完成后,应单击“确定”。 然后,将删除重复的信息,并且详细信息将显示在屏幕上。

选项2:在Excel中使用高级过滤器 (Option 2: Using advanced filters in Excel)

The advanced filter icon helps you to identify and delete duplicates in Excel. This can be used in the latest Microsoft Office suite and the 2003 version. You need to open your Excel spreadsheet and select all by clicking Ctrl + A.

高级筛选器图标可帮助您识别和删除Excel中的重复项。 可以在最新的Microsoft Office套件和2003版本中使用它。 您需要打开Excel电子表格,然后单击Ctrl + A来全选。

点击数据标签,然后点击排序和过滤器部分下的高级按钮 (Click the data tab then advanced button under the sort and filter section)

You should then click on the Data tab at the top of the screen where different sections appear beneath it. Look for the sort & filter section and click on the advanced button.

然后,您应该单击屏幕顶部的数据选项卡,其中不同的部分将显示在其下方。 查找排序和过滤器部分,然后单击高级按钮。

A dialogue box will pop up on the screen where you can either select ‘copy to another location’ or ‘filter the list in-place.’ The latter hides all rows with duplicates while the former generates a copy of the records.

屏幕上会弹出一个对话框,您可以在其中选择“复制到另一个位置”或“就地过滤列表”。 后者隐藏所有重复的行,而前者生成记录的副本。

在“列表范围”下调整数据范围 (Adjust the range of data under the "list range")

In the dialogue box, there is a list range field with data populated by Excel. If you want to change the range, you can do it by adjusting it under the ‘list range.’

在对话框中,有一个列表范围字段,其数据由Excel填充。 如果您想更改范围,可以在“列表范围”下进行调整。

Leaving the criteria range blank and copying to the field is only useful if you had chosen to copy to another place. Otherwise, leave it blank for the ‘filter the list in-place’ option.

将条件范围留为空白并复制到该字段仅在您选择复制到另一个位置时才有用。 否则,将其保留为“就地过滤列表”选项的空白。

勾选“仅唯一记录”框 (Tick the "unique records only" box)

Under the same dialogue box, there is a field labeled "unique records only" - tick that box. This tells Excel to filter out duplicates while retaining unique entries.

在同一对话框下,有一个标记为“仅唯一记录”的字段-选中该框。 这告诉Excel在保留唯一条目的同时过滤出重复项。

单击确定以删除重复项 (Click OK to remove duplicates)

After you've followed this process, you can click the OK button to get rid of the duplicates. The document then contains duplicate data except for the ones which have been removed.

完成此过程后,您可以单击“确定”按钮删除重复项。 然后,该文档包含重复的数据(已删除的数据除外)。

As the process assumes there are headers in the document, if the 1st row contains a duplicate, it will not be removed. Delete it manually if it is not a header.

由于过程假定有文档中的标题,如果第一行包含重复的,也不会被删除。 如果它不是标题,请手动将其删除。

When you're using the advanced filter process, you can only remove duplicates in the entire table as there is no choice of doing it partially. However, you can remove duplicates and, at the same time, create a copy of the data.

使用高级筛选过程时,您只能删除整个表中的重复项,因为无法选择部分执行此操作。 但是,您可以删除重复项,并同时创建数据的副本。

选项3:点击两次鼠标即可使用重复的卸妆工具 (Option 3: Using a duplicate remover tool with 2 mouse clicks)

Apart from the in-built duplicate removers, you can use add-ons such as Ablebits duplicate remover to get rid of dupes. The tool is multi-purpose and can perform other functions as well. It works on all operating systems, and all Excel versions. Here we will focus on one way of using the tool that takes just 2 mouse clicks.

除了内置的重复删除器,您还可以使用诸如Ablebits重复删除器之类的附件来消除重复 。 该工具是多功能的,还可以执行其他功能。 它适用于所有操作系统和所有Excel版本。 在这里,我们将重点介绍一种使用该工具的方法,只需单击两次鼠标即可。

在感兴趣的表中选择单元格 (Select the cell in the table of interest)

Check the table where you need to dedupe records, and on the Ablebits data click "dedupe table". This selects the the entire table, and the dialogue box will open with all columns chosen automatically.

检查需要对记录进行重复数据删除的表,然后在Ablebits数据上单击“ dedupe table”。 这将选择整个表,并且对话框将打开,并自动选择所有列。

从“选择操作”字段下的下拉列表中选择删除重复项 (Select delete duplicates from the drop-down list under "select the action" field)

On the lower-right, there is a drop-down list under the select action field. Choose the delete duplicate option and press OK. The duplicate values will be deleted except for 1st occurrences.

在右下角的“选择操作”字段下有一个下拉列表。 选择删除重复选项,然后按确定。 重复的值将被删除,除非是第一次出现。

删除关键列中的重复项 (Removing duplicates in key columns)

The 2 mouse click process can be used to remove duplicates on specific rows under crucial columns. To do this, uncheck the other columns leaving the ones you want to dedupe checked. Follow two points above, and the duplicates will be removed.

2鼠标单击过程可用于删除关键列下特定行上的重复项。 为此,请取消选中其他列,然后选中要删除重复项的列。 请遵循上述两点,然后将删除重复项。

The select action can be used for other operations such as copying duplicates to another location without deleting them. Use the drop-down menu to select accordingly so your Excel sheet is neat and without errors.

select动作可用于其他操作,例如将副本复制到另一个位置而不删除它们。 使用下拉菜单进行相应选择,以使您的Excel工作表整洁且没有错误。

最后的话 (Final Word)

Wiping duplicates on Excel is simple using the three options highlighted above. The process is easy, and with this guide you can do it with a few clicks to get the ultimate assignment help and work assistance from Excel.

使用上面突出显示的三个选项,在Excel上清除重复项很简单。 此过程很容易,您只需单击几下即可从本指南中获得Excel的最终任务帮助和工作帮助。

When you're working in Excel you should always clean your data set, eliminating any unprofessional errors. If you come across any challenges, check that the data being processed is not subtotaled or outlined.

在Excel中工作时,应始终清除数据集,以消除任何非专业性的错误。 如果遇到任何挑战,请检查正在处理的数据没有小计或概述。

In such cases, you need to remove the subtotals and outline then use any of the methods above. The data will then be cleaned, making it much easier to work on them.

在这种情况下,您需要删除小计并勾勒出轮廓,然后使用上述任何一种方法。 然后将清除数据,使其更容易处理。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-remove-duplicates-in-excel-delete-duplicate-rows-with-a-few-clicks/

jq 鼠标按住重复执行单击





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