C ++编程语言

什么是C ++? (What is C++?)

  • C++ is a general purpose programming language which has been used since the 1990’s

    C ++是自1990年代以来一直使用的通用编程语言
  • It was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup under with the name “C with classes”.

    它由Bjarne Stroustrup设计,名称为“ C with classes”。
  • It is a version of C that includes Object-Oriented elements, including classes and functions.

  • It is considered one of the biggest programming languages, as you can see in the following image:


source: Github


您的第一个C ++程序 (Your First Program in C++)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    cout << "Hello World" << endl;
    return 0;
该程序的输出将简单地为: (The Output of this program will simply be :)
Hello World!

Now, let’s break down the code:


第1和2行 (Lines 1 and 2)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
  • The first line tells the computer to use the “iostream” header file for this specific program . A header file is a seperate file with prewritten C++ code. There are many other header files which are requireed for a specific program to run properly. Some of them are : math , vector and string. Header files are generally represented by a “.h” extension (you don’t need to add .h when including C++ standard library files)

    第一行告诉计算机将“ iostream”头文件用于此特定程序。 头文件是带有预先编写的C ++代码的单独文件。 要使特定程序正常运行,还需要许多其他头文件。 其中一些是:math,vector和string。 头文件通常以“ .h”扩展名表示(包括C ++标准库文件时无需添加.h)
  • iostream stands for input-output stream . The “iostream” file contains code for allowing the computer to take input and generate an output, using the C++ language.

    iostream代表输入输出流。 “ iostream”文件包含用于允许计算机使用C ++语言进行输入并生成输出的代码。

  • The second line tells the computer to use the standard namespace which includes features of standard C++. You could write this program without this line, but you’d have to use std::cout instead of cout and std::endl instead of endl on line 4. It makes the code more readable and our lives as programmers easier.

    第二行告诉计算机使用标准名称空间,其中包括标准C ++的功能。 您可以在没有此行的情况下编写此程序,但是必须在第4行上使用std::cout代替coutstd::endl而不是endl 。这使代码更易读,并且我们更容易成为程序员。

3号线和4号线 (Line 3 and 4)
int main()
  • C++ starts execution of a program from the -main function- int main() . During execution , the computer starts running the code from every line from {(opening bracket) till }(closing bracket) NOTE : Every function starts with an opening curly brace ”{” and ends with a closing curly brace ”}“.

    C ++从-main function- int main()开始执行程序。 在执行过程中,计算机从{ (右括号)到} (右括号)的每一行开始运行代码。 注意:每个函数都以一个大括号“ {”开头,以一个大括号“}”结尾。

  • Line 4 indicates the start of the main() function.

第5、6和7行 (Lines 5, 6 & 7)
cout << "Hello World" << endl;
    return 0;
  • The word cout in C++ is used to output.

    C ++中的单词cout用于输出。

  • It is followed by << , the insertion operator .

    其后是插入运算符 <<

  • Whatever is in the double quotes "" is printed . Certain special characters have a different syntax for print statements

    双引号中的任何内容都将打印"" 。 某些特殊字符的打印语句语法不同

  • Now to print any other kind of data , you have to add << .


Challenge: Try to change Hello World to any other sentence or word(s). What will be the output ?

挑战:尝试将“ Hello World”更改为任何其他句子或单词。 输出是什么?

  • endl is a reserved word when using the C++ language to end this line and go to the next line during output . - cout stands for “console output”

    当使用C ++语言结束此行并在输出期间转到下一行时, endl是保留字。 -cout代表“控制台输出”

  • Finally, finish the command with a semicolon ;.


NOTE : Every command except the main function definition and the #include directive needs to be ended by the semicolon. Without a ”;” , you may encounter an error.

注意:除主函数定义和#include指令以外的所有命令都必须以分号结尾。 没有 ”;” ,您可能会遇到错误。

  • return 0; safely terminates the current function i.e. ‘main()’ in this case and since no function follows after ‘main()’ the program is terminated.

    return 0; 在这种情况下,安全地终止当前函数,即“ main()”,并且由于在“ main()”之后没有函数跟随程序终止。

  • Don’t forget to tell the computer that this is end of the main() function. To do this , you add the closing curly brace ”}“. You will encounter an error before program execution if you do not include the } .

    不要忘记告诉计算机这是main()函数的结尾。 为此,可以添加右花括号“}”。 如果不包含},则会在程序执行前遇到错误。

代码应如下所示: (The code should look something like this:)

Programmers use a Hello World program (like this one) as a ritual on using a new programming language. It is a symbol of good luck.You have finished coding your first C++ program and have understood most of the code you have written/typed. CONGRATULATIONS!

程序员使用Hello World程序(如该程序)作为使用新编程语言的一种习惯。 这是好运的象征。 您已经完成了第一个C ++程序的编码,并且已经理解了您编写/键入的大多数代码。 恭喜!

Good Luck to all of you and happy coding! :)

祝大家好运,并祝您编程愉快! :)

Happy Coding ! :)

快乐编码! :)

Feel free to ask any questions on FreeCodeCamp’s GitHub page or FreeCodeCamp’s Forum.


Try it yourself ! :)

自己尝试! :)

You may need some software to write and execute C++ code. I recommend using CodeBlocks. There’s a download link below :

您可能需要一些软件才能编写和执行C ++代码。 我建议使用CodeBlocks。 下面有一个下载链接:

Download Link : Download Here

下载链接: 在这里下载

  • Click the link with the GNU/GCC compiler for windows. This will not require an additional installation

    单击用于Windows的GNU / GCC编译器的链接。 这将不需要额外的安装

Other alternatives could be visual studio, using a compiler or an online IDE such as Cloud9 or repl.it

其他替代方案可以是Visual Studio,使用编译器或在线IDE(例如Cloud9或repl.it)。

Link #2 for Mac : Download for Mac #2 here

Mac的链接2: 在此处下载Mac的2

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-c-plus-plus-programming-language/

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