

Keeping up to date and constantly improving is part of the job of a software engineer.


There are lots of ways to study new things on the internet like MOOCs, tutorials, and articles. However, sometimes a physical book is the best choice, especially when it is a "reference" that provides knowledge that will last for the years to come. We can put it on our bookshelf and go through it every time we feel it is necessary.

有很多方法可以研究Internet上的新事物,例如MOOC,教程和文章。 但是, 有时一本实体书是最佳选择 ,尤其是当它是提供可以持续多年的知识的“参考书”时。 我们可以将其放在书架上,并在每次我们认为有必要时进行遍历。

This is a list of reference books I keep on my software engineering bookshelf. I hope it can be a source of inspiration for everyone looking for something interesting to read! 😉

这是我保留在软件工程书架上的参考书的列表。 我希望它可以为每个寻找有趣的东西的人提供灵感! 😉

我在书架上有什么 (What I have on my bookshelf)

设计模式:可重用的面向对象软件的元素 (Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software)

This is a classic.


In this book, the so-called "Gang of Four" present the 23 design patterns that drove the Object-Oriented world for decades. New patterns have been created since then, but the ones in the book are considered the foundations of all other patterns.

在这本书中,所谓的“四人帮”提出了23种设计模式 ,这些模式驱动了面向对象的世界数十年。 从那时起,已经创建了新的模式,但是本书中的模式被认为是所有其他模式的基础。

It is not an easy read, but you should have a look at it just to understand where to find what you need on every occasion. Keep it on your desk, and go through it when you are building something and have the feeling, "What I'm doing sounds familiar." You will probably discover that you are trying to implement a design pattern already described in this book.

这不是一本容易阅读的书,但是您应该看看它,以了解每种情况下在哪里可以找到所需的内容。 将其放在桌上,当您正在构建某些东西时会经历一下,并感觉“我在做什么听起来很熟悉”。 您可能会发现您正在尝试实现本书已经描述的设计模式。

干净的代码:敏捷软件Craft.io手册 (Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship)

I read this book many years ago, but it has stuck with me since then.


This is a great source of best practices to produce clean, readable code and avoid code smells. The book is focused mainly on Java/OOP, but lots of advice can be applied to every language or programming paradigm.

这是产生干净,可读代码并避免代码异味的最佳实践的重要来源。 本书主要侧重于Java / OOP,但是许多建议可以应用于每种语言或编程范例。

Writing maintainable and readable code is not a luxury -- it is something every good software engineer should aspire to. This book will provide you with the knowledge to make that happen.

编写可维护且可读的代码并不是奢侈的事情,这是每个优秀软件工程师都应追求的目标 。 本书将为您提供知识,以实现这一目标。

Uncle Bob can be a little extreme sometimes, and I don't agree with him on all of the presented techniques. My suggestion: read it, and take with you only the things you feel are right. In any case, it is a book worth reading.

鲍勃叔叔有时可能有点极端,我在所有介绍的技巧上都不同意他的看法。 我的建议是:阅读并随身携带您认为正确的事情。 无论如何, 这是一本值得一读的书

向您了解Haskell的伟大成就!:初学者指南 (Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!: A Beginner's Guide)

This is a book on the Haskell programming language, so why buy it and keep it as a reference? My reasons are:

这是一本有关Haskell编程语言的书,那么为什么要购买它并留作参考呢? 我的原因是:

  • It is a very well written and easy-to-read book on a not-so-easy topic like functional programming

  • It gives you the foundation of functional thinking, not just Haskell syntax

  • Haskell is a very elegant language and I like it


This is the book that introduced me to functional programming. Right now I program mainly in Scala, but the transition has been a lot easier after learning the basics of Haskell.

这是向我介绍函数式编程的书。 现在,我主要在Scala编程,但是在学习了Haskell的基础知识之后,过渡变得容易了很多。

Functional programming is not easy, but it will open your mind. It can be very theoretical, and put it into practice using Haskell will help a lot.

函数式编程并不容易,但是会打开您的视野。 这可能是非常理论性的, 使用Haskell将其付诸实践将大有帮助

There are also very nice drawings in the book, so you have no excuse not to flip through it. 😁

书中还有非常漂亮的图纸,因此您没有借口不翻阅它。 😁

程序员的范畴论 (Category Theory for Programmers)

This book covers Category theory, which is the foundation of the functional programming paradigm.

本书涵盖类别理论 ,它是函数式编程范例的基础。

The topic is quite complex for non-mathematicians, but the author has put great effort into making it understandable for developers. I admit that I had some difficulties reading it, but I would like to go through it again.

对于非数学家来说,这个主题非常复杂,但是作者已经做出了很大的努力,使开发人员可以理解它。 我承认我在阅读它时遇到了一些困难,但我想再次阅读。

This book is not required to become a great functional programmer. Read it if you like challenges and want to go deeper on the theoretical foundations of functional programming.

成为一名出色的功能程序员并不需要本书。 如果您喜欢挑战并想深入了解函数式编程的理论基础,请阅读本手册。

设计数据密集型应用程序:可靠,可扩展和可维护系统背后的大创意 (Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems)

This is my favourite, maybe because I love distributed systems! :-D

这是我的最爱,也许是因为我喜欢分布式系统! :-D

In this book, Martin Kleppmann describes all the various aspects of distributed systems, from serialisation to consistency models and consensus, passing through the various database engines. He also explores new trendings regarding data-driven applications.

在本书中,马丁·克莱普曼(Martin Kleppmann)描述了分布式系统的所有各个方面,从序列化到一致性模型和共识,并通过各种数据库引擎进行了介绍。 他还探讨了有关数据驱动应用程序的新趋势。

In a world of cloud-native microservices-based applications, it is fundamental to know the various aspects of a distributed system. The knowledge provided by this book is not tied to a specific technology and will be valuable your entire career in software engineering.

在基于云原生微服务的应用程序世界中,了解分布式系统的各个方面至关重要。 本书提供的知识与特定技术无关, 将对您整个软件工程职业有价值

发布它!:设计和部署可用于生产的软件 (Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software)

I'm reading this one now.


Are we finished once our software is sent to production? Nope, that is just the beginning!

将软件交付生产后,我们完成了吗? 不, 那仅仅是开始!

This book highlights what can go wrong after the software is put in production and has to face real users. It describes anti-patterns that can undermine the stability of our software, as well as solutions to such problems.

本书重点介绍了该软件投入生产后必须面对实际用户的问题。 它描述了可能会破坏我们软件稳定性的反模式,以及针对此类问题的解决方案。

What I like the most about this book is that every chapter starts with an example taken from real life. Then the author analyses the problems that caused the software to fail in production. I think learning from concrete examples is a very effective approach.

我最喜欢这本书的是,每一章都以一个现实生活中的例子作为开篇。 然后作者分析了导致软件无法生产的问题。 我认为从具体示例中学习是一种非常有效的方法。

算法导论 (Introduction to Algorithms)

What can I say about this book? Just buy it and keep it on your desk.

关于这本书我能说些什么? 只需购买并将其放在桌上即可

If you are a software engineer, there is a high chance you had to study data structures and algorithms. It is not always easy to deal with complexity or to choose the right data structure.

如果您是软件工程师,则很有可能必须学习数据结构和算法。 处理复杂性或选择正确的数据结构并不总是那么容易。

When doubts arise, open this book and you will find what you need for.


For most people (including me) this is a very hard read. I usually just read what I need to know at that moment, and keep the book in sight on my desk.

对于大多数人(包括我)来说,这是一本很难读的书。 我通常只阅读那一刻需要知道的内容,然后将书放在桌子上看。

Hyperfocus:如何在分散注意力的世界中管理注意力 (Hyperfocus: How to Manage Your Attention in a World of Distraction)

This is not a technical book, but it is in the set of readings that changed my life in better.


Our work as software engineers consists of solving problems with our minds. To be effective in this task, we need the ability to completely focus on the problem we are solving.

我们作为软件工程师的工作包括解决我们的思想问题。 为了有效地完成这项任务, 我们需要有能力完全专注于我们要解决的问题

Here you can find lots of suggestions and techniques to maximise the time you can focus on a task. The author discusses also the importance of letting your mind wander when you need to be more creative.

在这里,您可以找到许多建议和技巧,以最大限度地利用时间专注于一项任务。 作者还讨论了当您需要更具创造力时让您的思想飘动的重要性。

Mastering how to use your attention is something that will improve not only your performance at work, but also every other aspect of your life.


我将添加到书架中的内容 (What I will add to my bookshelf)

实用程序员 (The Pragmatic Programmer)

This is one of the most famous books in software development.


The suggestions and techniques presented in this book influenced the careers of many developers and engineers for the better. The book was been published in 1999, but it is now available as new and updated 20th-anniversary edition.

本书中提出的建议和技术影响了许多开发人员和工程师的职业生涯。 该书于1999年出版,但现在可以作为20周年的新版本和更新版本使用。

You can't miss this. :-)

你不能错过。 :-)

重构:改进现有代码的设计 (Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code)

It is hard to always deliver high-quality code. Deadlines, urgency, a bad day all affect the quality of your work.

总是很难交付高质量的代码。 截止日期,紧迫性,糟糕的一天都会影响您的工作质量。

That's why refactoring is so important. If we couldn't provide quality the first time, we can improve it later for better maintainability. Martin Fowler (one of my idols in the world of software development) describes the best techniques for an effective refactoring.

这就是重构如此重要的原因。 如果我们第一次不能提供质量,则可以稍后对其进行改进,以实现更好的可维护性。 Martin Fowler(我在软件开发领域的偶像之一)描述了有效重构的最佳技术。

There will be always space on my bookshelf for books that help me write better code.


结论 (Conclusion)

This is my list of must-have books on software engineering. It is by no means a comprehensive list of "important" books in this field, and I'm sure I will add more and more books in the years to come.

这是我有关软件工程的必备书籍清单。 这绝不是该领域中“重要”书籍的完整列表,我相信在未来的几年中,我将添加越来越多的书籍。

Hopefully I gave you some nice tips on the next book you should read. 😄

希望我在您应该读的下一本书上给您一些不错的提示。 😄

See you!🚀


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/my-software-engineering-bookshelf/


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