aws 重启会换ip吗_思科会成为AWS的下一个Roadkill吗?

aws 重启会换ip吗

I’m not keeping very close track, but it feels like months since Amazon Web Services (AWS) most recently turned a major tech industry upside down. But with all their resources and market power, I’m sure there’s always something interesting cooking in the kitchens of wherever Amazon’s headquarters happens to be right now.

我并没有保持非常密切的联系,但是自从Amazon Web Services(AWS)最近一次颠覆主要科技行业以来,似乎已经过去了几个月。 但是,凭借他们的所有资源和市场力量,我敢肯定,无论亚马逊总部现在正好在哪里,厨房中总会有一些有趣的烹饪。

So let me throw my purely speculative prediction into the silence. As I describe in my Learn AWS in a Month of Lunches book, AWS has happily replaced your server room with EC2, your SAN and NAS with S3, your data warehousing with Redshift, and your database with RDS (and Aurora). They’ve also invented entirely new deployment models: politely informing you, for instance, that you simply have to serve your mobile apps via serverless functions (Lambda).

因此,让我把我纯粹的投机性预测变成沉默。 正如我在“ 学习一个月的午餐中的AWS”一书中所描述的那样,AWS很高兴将您的服务器机房替换为EC2,将SAN和NAS替换为S3,将数据仓库替换为Redshift,并将数据库替换为RDS(和Aurora)。 他们还发明了全新的部署模型:例如,礼貌地告知您,您只需通过无服务器功能(Lambda)为移动应用程序提供服务。

So what’s next? Well how about enterprise routing?

下一个是什么? 那么企业路由呢?

这些天企业路由是什么? (What is enterprise routing these days?)

For decades, large organizations have controlled their internal network traffic with switches and routers configured by proprietary operating systems. The hardware is expensive (a single appliance can easily hit $10,000) and the cost of hiring the trained admins needed to maintain them can be much higher.

几十年来,大型组织一直使用由专有操作系统配置的交换机和路由器来控制其内部网络流量。 硬件价格昂贵(单个设备很容易达到10,000美元),雇用维护他们所需的受过训练的管理员的成本可能更高。

But is all that really still necessary?


These days your workloads are more likely to live in the cloud than in your actual office. Even in-house Internet of Things devices can easily be controlled from the cloud using, for instance, AWS IoT. I’m guessing that most modern on-premises enterprise routing involves controlling how people connect to production resources and to each other (email, VOIP, video) — but even that is more and more likely to be outsourced to SaaS solutions.

如今,您的工作负载更可能驻留在云中,而不是实际的办公室中。 即使是内部物联网设备,也可以使用例如AWS IoT从云轻松控制。 我猜想,大多数现代的本地企业路由都涉及控制人们如何连接生产资源以及如何彼此连接(电子邮件,VOIP,视频),但是,甚至越来越有可能外包给SaaS解决方案。

I may be missing something, but I just don’t see a compelling case for hardware switches here. Software-defined networking (SDN) should easily be up to the task. Why not just cover your campus in wireless access points, authenticate users using Kerberos or Active Directory, and configure your way to permissions/connectivity perfection.

我可能会遗漏一些东西,但是在这里我没有看到令人信服的硬件开关案例。 软件定义网络(SDN)应该很容易完成任务。 为什么不只是在无线接入点中覆盖您的园区,使用Kerberos或Active Directory对用户进行身份验证,以及配置完善权限/连接性的方法。

AWS如何统治路由世界? (How AWS can rule the routing world?)

Which brings me back to AWS. They’ve already got all the bases covered for authentication (AWS Directory Service) and high-end remote connectivity (AWS Direct Connect). It probably wouldn’t take much for them to extend their networks to your campus. Perhaps they’d allow you to create local VPCs — complete with configurable subnets — that you’d use to organize your local infrastructure.

这使我回到了AWS。 他们已经掌握了身份验证( AWS Directory Service )和高端远程连接( AWS Direct Connect )的所有基础。 他们将网络扩展到您的校园可能并不需要很多。 也许它们会允许您创建本地VPC (带有可配置的子网),用于组织本地基础结构。

I’m imagining a company’s admin logging into the AWS Console to onboard a couple of new hires from marketing. They’d be added to an AWS IAM “Marketing” group that’s already got access to Amazon QuickSight dashboards and streaming data from your public-facing web servers running on EC2. But the group could just as easily be configured to allow its members into a database that, for regulatory reasons, must remain local.

我正在想象一家公司的管理员登录到AWS控制台,以便从市场营销中招募一些新员工。 它们将被添加到一个AWS IAM“营销”组中,该组已经可以访问Amazon QuickSight仪表板并从运行在EC2上的面向公众的Web服务器中流式传输数据。 但是,可以很容易地将该组配置为允许其成员进入出于监管原因而必须保留在本地的数据库。

What do you think? Are the days of the proprietary system network admin numbered?

你怎么看? 专有系统网络管理员的日子有编号吗?

Looking for more? You might enjoy my books and Pluralsight courses on Linux, AWS, and Docker-related topics.

寻找更多? 您可能会喜欢我的 书籍和 有关Linux,AWS和Docker相关主题的 Pluralsight课程


aws 重启会换ip吗

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