

by Sun-Li Beatteay


快速学习的关键是保持沉默 (The key to learning fast is looking dumb)

A common trait I see in new developers is the fear of looking dumb. I know because I had the same concern. I thought that seeming stupid would cause others to question my capabilities and affect my career progression.

我在新开发人员中看到的一个共同特征是害怕显得愚蠢。 我知道,因为我也有同样的担忧。 我认为看似愚蠢的行为会导致其他人质疑我的能力并影响我的职业发展。

Nothing could have been further from the truth. To explain why let me tell a quick story.

没有什么比事实更遥远了。 为了解释为什么让我讲一个简单的故事。

One of my first tasks as a software engineer was to investigate a bug for an important customer. They were experiencing timeouts from one of our API endpoints and it was impacting their workload. Since I was still new to the company, I wanted to prove to my team that I didn’t need hand-holding. To show them that they had hired the right person.

作为软件工程师,我的首要任务之一是为重要客户调查错误。 他们遇到了来自我们API端点之一的超时,这正在影响他们的工作负载。 由于我还是该公司的新手,所以我想向我的团队证明我不需要手动操作。 向他们表明他们雇用了合适的人。

I spent hours parsing through the source code until I found the root of the problem: an inefficient SQL query. To fix the timeouts, I would need to optimize it. Unfortunately, the query was complex and took some time to understand what it did. But I determined to fix the issue myself. I wasn’t a SQL expert by any means, but I knew enough. After all, how hard could it be to optimize one SQL query?

我花了几个小时来解析源代码,直到找到问题的根源:效率低下SQL查询。 要解决超时问题,我需要对其进行优化。 不幸的是,查询很复杂,花了一些时间来了解它的作用。 但是我决心自己解决此问题。 无论如何我都不是SQL专家,但我知道的足够多。 毕竟,优化一个SQL查询有多困难?

Very hard.


I spent the rest of that day and the next attempting to improve it. I got stuck and beat my head against the wall several times. But eventually, using Stack Overflow and lots of manual testing, I was able to hack together a solution. It was even more complicated than the original, but it did the job. I felt satisfied and elated as I put together my Pull Request and sent it to my teammate to review.

我度过了剩下的那一天以及下一天的尝试来改善它。 我被卡住,头撞了墙几次。 但是最终,通过使用Stack Overflow和大量的手动测试,我得以破解了一个解决方案。 它甚至比原始版本还要复杂,但是可以完成工作。 当我整理我的“拉取请求”并将其发送给我的队友进行审核时,我感到既满意又高兴。

The happy feeling didn’t last long.


Upon opening my Pull Request, my teammate noted that there was a much simpler solution. My face immediately flushed beet red. All that hard work only to end up with egg on my face.

打开我的“拉取请求”后,我的队友注意到有一个更简单的解决方案。 我的脸立刻被红甜菜红了。 所有这些辛苦的工作最终使我的脸蛋生了。

Reluctantly, I asked if he could explain his simpler solution. I worried that he was going to scoff at my ineptitude, but he was more than happy to walk me through it. When we benchmarked it, it executed much faster than my Frankenstein solution.

我无奈地问他是否可以解释他更简单的解决方案。 我担心他会嘲笑我的无能,但他很乐意带我走过去。 当我们对其进行基准测试时,它的执行速度比我的科学怪人解决方案要快得多。

My teammate was patient and understanding. He even gave me some resources I could use to follow up and learn more. Still, I was embarrassed to have wasted two days of work. What made it worse was I had considered asking for his help several times over those two days. I had decided against it each time because I didn’t want to look dumb. I ended up looking even dumber as a result.

我的队友很有耐心和理解力。 他甚至给了我一些资源,我可以用来跟进和了解更多。 尽管如此,我还是因为浪费了两天的工作而感到尴尬。 更糟糕的是,我曾考虑过这两天几次寻求他的帮助。 我每次都决定反对它,因为我不想显得愚蠢。 结果我什至显得哑了。

When I expressed this to him, he was sympathetic and said something that stuck with me.


Next time, don’t hesitate to ask about anything you don’t understand — we don’t expect you to know everything. It’s better for me to spend 10 minutes explaining something than to have you running in circles for hours. It’ll save everyone time in the end.
下次,不要犹豫,询问您不了解的任何内容-我们不希望您了解所有内容。 对我来说,花10分钟来解释某件事比让您圈出几个小时好些。 最终可以节省每个人的时间。

While this story is specific to me, many new developers are going through similar ordeals. And it’s understandable. When I started my first job, everyone around me seemed like an expert. It was intimidating as hell. I thought the best way to get to their level was to persist and struggle on my own. After all, as a self-taught developer, that’s what I was used to.

虽然这个故事是我特有的,但许多新开发人员正在经历类似的磨难。 这是可以理解的。 当我开始第一份工作时,我周围的每个人都像专家一样。 真是可怕。 我认为达​​到他们的水平的最好方法是独自坚持和奋斗。 毕竟,作为一个自学成才的开发人员,这就是我习惯的。

The truth is, if you want to get to the level of your peers, you need to ask for their help. If this sounds like obvious advice, it’s because it is. Many of us already know this intuitively. But it’s important to be reminded of it. Common knowledge is rarely turned into common practice.

事实是,如果您想达到同龄人的水平,就需要寻求他们的帮助。 如果这听起来像是显而易见的建议,那是因为。 我们许多人已经凭直觉知道了这一点。 但是要记住这一点很重要。 普通知识很少转化为普通做法。

Have you ever stopped yourself from asking for help? Have you refused to ask for assistance even when the situation kept getting worse? There’s a good chance that you have.

您是否曾经停止寻求帮助? 即使情况持续恶化,您是否拒绝寻求帮助? 你很有机会

And why did you stop yourself? Maybe it wasn’t a good time to ask. Maybe you didn’t want to be bothersome. Or maybe, if you’re like me, fear played a big factor. However, this fear is holding us from back from an essential part of learning: feedback.

你为什么阻止自己? 也许现在不是问的好时机。 也许您不想打扰。 或者,如果您像我一样,恐惧起了很大的作用。 但是,这种恐惧使我们从学习的重要部分: 反馈中退缩了。

反馈至关重要 (Feedback is crucial)

In this context, I define feedback as any advice you get from a peer. It can come in the form of a teammate reviewing your code, brainstorming together about a particular bug, or simply asking them, “What does this do?”

在这种情况下,我将反馈定义为您从同行那里得到的任何建议。 它可以以团队成员的形式进行:检查您的代码,就某个特定的错误进行集体讨论,或者只是问他们:“这是做什么的?”

While it’s true that self-study is important, it’s only one aspect of learning. Feedback is another vital piece of the puzzle:

虽然自学确实很重要,但这只是学习的一个方面。 反馈是难题中另一个至关重要的部分

It has long been recognized, by researchers and practitioners alike, that feedback plays a decisive role in learning and development […] We learn faster, and much more effectively, when we have a clear sense of how well we are doing, and what we might need to do in order to improve.

And yet, it’s tough to ask for feedback. Receiving negative criticism can feel like a personal insult. You may feel like you “should know this already” and asking for help will be an admission of your naivety. But struggling with a task in isolation leads to stress, and stress makes you stupid.

但是,很难获得反馈。 接受负面批评可能感觉像是个人侮辱。 您可能会觉得自己“应该已经知道这一点”,而寻求帮助将是您的幼稚。 但是孤立地处理任务会导致压力, 压力会使您变得愚蠢

Being unwilling to look stupid in the short term will only make you appear more foolish in the long run. So instead of ruminating on the momentary unease, focus on your long term goal of mastery. The sting of negative comments are fleeting but the benefits of learning are timeless.

从短期来看,不愿意看起来很愚蠢,只会使你从长远来看显得更加愚蠢。 因此,与其沉思于暂时的不安,不如将注意力集中在您精通的长期目标上。 负面评论的comments绕是短暂的,但是学习的好处是永恒的。

立即结果 (Immediate Results)

The best thing about feedback is that the results are immediate. You will instantly know more than you did before. Consistently asking for feedback will make the pace of your learning skyrocket. You’ll find yourself asking questions much more often.

反馈最好的是,结果是立竿见影的。 您将比以前立即了解更多。 始终如一的要求反馈将使您的学习步伐飞速增长。 您会发现自己经常问问题。

Take it from me. Searching for the phrases What does that do? or What does that mean? in my Slack search reveals the litany of “stupid” questions I’ve asked.

从我这拿走。 搜索短语这是做什么的?这是什么意思? 在我的Slack搜索中,发现了我所提出的“愚蠢”问题的连串。

Did I feel dumb asking those questions? Oh yeah. Did I learn a lot because of it? Absolutely.

问这些问题我感到傻吗? 哦耶。 因此我学到了很多东西吗? 绝对。

提问使您看起来更聪明 (Asking questions makes you look smarter)

If I haven’t convinced you yet, then I’ve saved the best for last. The truth is that asking questions won’t make you stupid. Quite the opposite:

如果我还没有说服您,那么我会把最好的留到最后。 事实是,问问题不会让你变得愚蠢。 相反

We actually view people who seek our advice as much more competent than people who forego the opportunity to seek advice. This is because being asked for advice is flattering, it feels good. They’re asking for my advice because they think I’m smart and I know the answer. I think they’re smart because I’m going to tell them things that will be useful and help them do the task better.
实际上,我们认为寻求建议的人比那些放弃寻求建议的人更有能力。 这是因为被征询意见很讨人喜欢,感觉很好。 他们问我的建议是因为他们认为我很聪明,而且我知道答案。 我认为他们很聪明,因为我会告诉他们一些有用的东西,并帮助他们更好地完成任务。

Asking peers for their input makes them feel important and needed. It turns out, people like to feel that way. And in return, they view you as competent for having the courage to ask. It’s a page straight out of Dale Carnegie’s How to Make Friends and Influence People.

向同龄人询问他们的意见使他们感到重要和需要。 事实证明,人们喜欢那种感觉。 作为回报,他们认为您有勇气提出要求。 这是Dale Carnegie的“ 如何交友和影响人”一书的直接内容

Lastly, you will be a godsend to those who are struggling with the same problems. More than once have I asked for help on a specific issue only to have another engineer privately thank me for asking. They had been struggling with the same issue but were too self-conscious to ask. Everybody is a “junior” in something.

最后,您将是那些同样面临同样问题的人的天赐之物。 我不止一次地在一个特定的问题上寻求帮助,只是让另一个工程师私下感谢我的询问。 他们一直在同一个问题上挣扎,但过于自觉,无法提出要求。 每个人在某些方面都是“初级”。

In the end, the fear of seeming stupid is exactly that: a baseless fear propped up by insecurity. Not only will asking for feedback and showing vulnerability make you appear more competent, but it will also make you competent.

最后,恐惧似乎是愚蠢的:不安全感助长了毫无根据的恐惧。 征求反馈和显示脆弱性不仅会使您看起来更称职,而且还将使变得称职。

So the next time you find yourself stuck, do yourself a favor and ask for help. You may feel dumb now but give it time. They’ll be one seeking your advice soon enough.

因此,下次您发现自己陷入困境时,请帮个忙,并寻求帮助。 您现在可能会觉得很蠢,但请花点时间。 他们将很快成为您的建议。

我的更多信息: (More From Me:)

Am I a “real” Software Engineer yet?medium.freecodecamp.orgA Tale of Two WebsitesThe importance of slow progress and self-reflectionmedium.freecodecamp.orgWhat it took to land my dream software engineering jobEven before I started my job search in January 2018, I knew I wanted to work at DigitalOcean. The culture, the learning…hackernoon.com

我是“真正的”软件工程师吗? medium.freecodecamp.org 两个网站 故事 缓慢进步和自我反思的重要性medium.freecodecamp.org 取得梦想的软件工程工作需要 什么 即使在我于2018年1月开始求职之前,我也知道我想在DigitalOcean工作。 文化,学习…… hackernoon.com

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/sometimes-the-key-to-learning-fast-is-looking-dumb-9166fb78c234/


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