

I often get asked this question by freelance developers:


“How much should I charge for this website?”


Before I get into my answer, let me mention that this is a disputed topic I am covering, but I aim to make this article valuable and understandable for all levels.

在回答问题之前,我要提一下,这是我要讨论有争议的话题 ,但我的目标是使本文对所有层次都有价值并可以理解。

My goal is to introduce or change your mindset on the value of pricing for existing web developers and designers.


If you earn more for less work, it allows you more freedom to spend with your family, go on vacation, and learn more things.


I don’t directly answer “How much to charge for a website?” in the first half of this article, but make sure to read everything as I mention it for a reason.

我不会直接回答“ 网站要收费多少? ”,但请务必阅读我提到的所有内容,这是有原因的。

Let’s start with some practical examples:


Example 1:


You want to buy a leather sofa.


How much does a leather sofa cost?


Example 2:


You want to buy a car.


How much does a car cost?


Example 3:


You want to buy a house.


How much does a house cost?


…can you see where I am heading with this?


The reason why these examples don’t make sense is because the question is too broad.


You need all the information first before knowing how much it will cost.


Sofa example:


Would you like synthetic leather, top grain leather uppers, or full grain genuine leather? What color?

您要合成皮革,顶级粒面皮革鞋面还是全粒面真皮? 什么颜色?

Car example:


Would you like a sedan or an SUV? A four seater or a two-seater? New or used?

您想要轿车还是SUV? 四人座还是两人座? 新的还是二手的?

House example:


How many rooms would you like? In which area would you like to live?

您要几个房间? 您想住在哪个地区?

Too many developers are quick to say $x for a 5-page website or $x for a 20-page website based on the ‘going rate’.

太多的开发人员很快就根据“行进费率”对5页网站说$ x或对20页网站说$ x。

This business model frustrates me.


It frustrates me because the developers have not been educated on how to price their services and to get paid what they are worth.

这让我很沮丧,因为开发商没有被教育如何定价他们的服务 ,并获得报酬他们的 价值

You are potentially changing someone’s business for the better (if you do it correctly). But are you happy to just get paid a small amount for it and then work so hard just to make a low-to-average income and then start over again the next month?

您可能会更好地改变某人的业务(如果操作正确)。 但是,您是否乐意只得到少量的报酬,然后努力工作,以赚取低至平均的收入,然后在下个月重新开始?

If that’s you or if that’s how you think, I hope I can persuade you to think differently about this.


When I first started out and wrestled with the practical side of how much to price a website, I thought a website costs as much as I am willing to accept and as much as the client is willing to pay.


It needs to be cheaper than everyone else for the client to go ahead with it — or so I thought.


Let’s move onto something else quickly:


My prediction is that as technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence) advances, the demand for developers to create websites will decrease. With more and more ‘drag-and-drop’ software available, it’s becoming a lot easier for businesses to just create websites themselves.

我的预测是,随着技术和AI(人工智能)的发展,开发人员创建网站的需求将会减少。 随着越来越多的“拖放”软件可用,企业自行创建网站变得越来越容易。

I wouldn’t be surprised if it leads to ‘speak-and-create’ software whereby the business owner could SPEAK to their version of ‘Siri’ and say something like:

如果它导致“ 说并创建 ”软件,使企业所有者可以说出他们的“ Siri”版本并说出类似以下内容,我不会感到惊讶:

“Siri, create 3 choices of a luxury watch e-commerce website for me based on the best conversion tactics to get the highest Return on Investment. Pull the data from the Watches Folder and set up the payment portal to allow for PayPal payments as well. Use the URL WatchBrand.com and create social media profiles as well.”

“ Siri,请根据最佳转换策略为我创建3个豪华手表电子商务网站选择,以获取最高的投资回报率。 从“监视”文件夹中提取数据,并设置付款门户以允许PayPal付款。 使用URL WatchBrand.com并创建社交媒体资料。”

If this becomes a reality, the ‘commodity market’ (i.e. the web developer who creates websites for under $1,000) will become more and more redundant and those who position themselves as experts will ALWAYS have their share of clients.


In fact, it’s already here with this AI software.

实际上, 该AI软件已经在这里。

But you’d always have your share of clients, right?


India is an economically growing country — and so is their population.


Did you know that there are many Ph.D. students who struggle to find jobs?

您是否知道有很多博士 努力寻找工作的学生?

If they do find jobs, it’s often very low paying or in some far away city.


I know that this can be disputed as there are a lot of variables to consider, but the overall point I am trying to explain has its truths.


Why is this the case?


Ph.D. students struggling to find jobs?

博士 学生努力寻找工作?

Here is what the issue is:


Demand vs Supply.


That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

而已。 仅此而已。

There’s an oversupply of Ph.D. scholars and an undersupply of jobs.

博士的供过于求。 学者和工作不足。

My point is this:


Web Development is like a Ph.D. The trend for people wanting to become developers is growing significantly each year as more and more businesses are exposed to the internet.

Web开发就像是博士学位。 随着越来越多的企业接触互联网,希望成为开发人员的人们的趋势每年都在显着增长。

Look at this chart below:


(Note the incredible growth and the use of internet from 52% — 88%)


2 takeaways from this data:


  • Businesses who are not online will realize they need to be online.

  • Businesses who are online, but don’t take it seriously, will start taking it more seriously.




Businesses will need freelance web developers to help them create or improve their websites.


The Conclusion of the Conclusion:


Be the go-to person in a niche that businesses come to for their solution.


Side note: the question is not whether you become a developer, it’s whether you become successful at it. Read this article for more info.

旁注:问题不是您是否成为开发人员,而是您是否成功。 阅读本文以获得更多信息。

The final point I want you to take away from this is the only way to work less and earn more is to position yourself as an expert.


You CANNOT do this if you are a commodity.


大多数开发人员对网站收费不足 (Most Developers Undercharge For Websites)

Do you know that there are many people who charge $10,000 — $50,000+ for websites?


Have you ever thought about how they can close deals at that price?


I have, and this is what I’ve noticed:


  • They don’t position themselves as a commodity, but rather as an expert

  • They write winning proposals

  • They bundle their services

  • They communicate effectively

  • They add value to the project and over-deliver

  • They charge a premium price for a premium service, even though it could be done much cheaper by someone else


The next important thing to consider is a mind shift change.


What you are selling is NOT a website

您所卖的不是网站 ...

You are selling a solution which gets the business more customers and/or to increase profits.


I don’t care whether it’s a coffee shop, a consulting business, an e-commerce store or a blog. The ultimate goal is to create something that gets the business more customers and to increase profits.

我不在乎是咖啡店,咨询公司,电子商务商店还是博客。 最终目标是创造能够为企业带来更多客户并增加利润的产品。

Selling your services this way comes with confidence. If you are always stuck creating websites under $1,000, you need to either be in the beginning phase of your career or you have to improve on your skillset.

以这种方式出售服务充满信心。 如果您始终坚持以低于1000美元的价格创建网站,则您需要处于事业的起步阶段,或者必须提高自己的技能。

And I don’t (necessarily) mean programming skills…


Most people think you can’t earn a decent income with just HTML and CSS knowledge. This is not true. I know many developers who make a good living with just this skillset, and I too have done the same.

大多数人认为仅凭HTML和CSS知识就无法获得可观的收入。 这是不正确的 。 我知道许多开发人员仅凭此技能就能过上不错的生活,我也做过同样的事情。

So, what is it then?


Why can someone who knows more earn less than someone who just knows the basics?


Is it which country they live in? (No)

他们住在哪个国家? (没有)

Is it their degree or qualification? (No)

是他们的学位还是学历? (没有)

Is it because they love chicken curry? (Not sure?)

是因为他们喜欢咖喱鸡肉吗? (不确定?)

Do you have the answer to this?


I’d like to suggest that the reason why people who succeed with less knowledge in one area is because they have better knowledge and skillsets in other areas.


So, ‘Freelancer A’ who knows Java, Ruby, and 7 other programming languages should surely earn more than ‘Freelancer B’ who just knows HTML, CSS and other basic backend languages — right?

因此,懂Java,Ruby和其他7种编程语言的'Freelancer A'肯定比只懂HTML,CSS和其他基本后端语言的'Freelancer B'赚得多-对吗?

Again, what’s missing here is not seeing everything in its full context.


‘Freelancer B’ may just have better communication skills, better proposals and better business experience than ‘Freelancer A’ and as a result, may be earning more.


I’d argue that these skills may even be more important than focusing on “what’s the next big programming language to learn”.


It’s important to have programming knowledge as it’s a necessary skill to have, but it shouldn’t be the main focus.


It’s vital to have knowledge and skills that will help you become a more well-rounded in-demand developer as well — such as some of the points mentioned above.


“你以什么为生?” (“What Do You Do For A Living?”)

When someone asks you what you do — whether you are a full-time developer or a part-time developer, don’t say the common thing like:


“I create websites.”

Remember, this is what every person including your 12-year-old cousin after coding for one week says.


This limits you to the commodity market and it limits you to their prices.

将限制您进入商品市场 ,并限制您的价格

Depending on who asks me what I do for a living, my answer is generally:


“I do business transformations” or “I create websites that work” or “I help businesses get more sales online.”


This is a bold (somewhat overly confident) claim, but it’s a great starting point to the discussion.


The reason why this is more effective is because the two main questions that generally follow are:


“That’s interesting, what do you mean by business transformation?”



“What do you do that works?”

This is much better than:


“Oh, that’s great. I’ll let you know if ever I need a website done.”
“哦,太好了。 我会告诉您是否需要建立网站。”

Let’s use another practical example to illustrate this point:


Scenario 1:


Person A: “So, what do you do for a living?”


Person B: “I am a nutritionist.”


Scenario 2:


Person A: “So, what do you do for a living?”


Person B: “I help busy, professional working women to eat, live and feel healthier through the amazing benefits of healthy food.”




Scenario 1 = Commodity/Boring

方案1 =商品/无聊

Scenario 2 = Unique/Interesting/I want to know more/Shows your targeted niche/Positions you as an expert

方案2 =独特/有趣/我想了解更多/显示您的定位利基/您作为专家的位置

Next time someone asks you what you do for a living, respond with a different answer to the usual answer you normally give, and I am certain the conversation will go differently.


发送提案/报价 (Sending Proposals/Quotes)

When it comes to sending a quote to prospective clients, it can often be ‘make or break’.


It’s important to follow the basics and to present it professionally.


When writing proposals, I will be the first to say that it’s much easier to work with existing clients or clients who come to you directly compared with you approaching new clients.


You will communicate with existing clients completely differently than if it were new clients, but I am mainly speaking about new clients.


One important thing I notice most developers do in their proposals is they only give one option.


ALWAYS give three options.


You can download a free Proposal Template copy here.


客户并不总是追求便宜的选择 (Clients Don’t Always Go For The Cheaper Option)

W. Poundstone’s book, Priceless, covers an interesting experiment selling beer.

庞德斯通(W. Poundstone)的书《 无价 》涵盖了一个有趣的啤酒销售实验。

A group of people was offered 2 kinds of beer: premium beer for $2.50 and cheaper beer for $1.80.


Almost 80% chose the premium beer.


After this test, a third super bargain beer was added as an option for $1.60 in addition to the previous two. Now 80% bought the $1.80 beer and the rest bought the $2.50 beer. Nobody bought the cheapest option.

在此测试之后,除了前两个啤酒外,还增加了第三个超级低价啤酒,价格为$ 1.60。 现在,有80%的人买了$ 1.80的啤酒,其余的人则买了$ 2.50的啤酒。 没有人购买最便宜的选择。

On the third test, they removed the $1.60 beer and replaced it with a more expensive $3.40 beer. Most people chose the $2.50 beer, a small number $1.80 beer and around 10% opted for the most expensive $3.40 beer.

在第三个测试中,他们移除了1.60美元的啤酒,并换成了更贵的3.40美元的啤酒。 大多数人选择了$ 2.50的啤酒,少数选择了$ 1.80的啤酒,大约10%的人选择了最昂贵的$ 3.40的啤酒。

Takeaway: stay away from being the cheapest option.


Clients LOVE developers who ask more questions about the project.


Add suggestions where necessary and don’t be afraid to recommend something completely different from what they might have in mind.


For more about pricing (value vs hourly), read this.

有关定价(价值与每小时)的更多信息, 请阅读此内容

Here are some great articles on pricing as well:


Don’t Be the Cheapest, Be the Best


5 Psychological Studies on Pricing That You Absolutely MUST Read


There is a common misconception going around which is depending on the CMS or programming languages that you use, it should directly relate to the amount the client has to pay.


What I mean by this is many programmers think that because they use a $50 website theme on WordPress, they need to charge a small fee due to the site being pretty much done.

我的意思是,许多程序员认为,由于他们在WordPress上使用了$ 50的网站主题,因此由于网站工作量很大,他们需要收取少量费用。

Or they think that if they code it by scratch, it should be worth much more.


2 main reasons why this thinking is wrong:


  • You are not running an NGO or NPO. You are a business and businesses need to make a profit.

    您没有在运行NGO或NPO。 您是一家企业,企业需要获利。
  • The client is paying for your experience and skillset and you are not selling an ‘off-the-shelf’ commodity product, you are selling a solution to help grow their business.


认真定位目标市场 (Target A Niche, Seriously…)

What I’m going to explain next is very important. If you can just take note of this section, it would be worth your time reading this article.

接下来我要解释的内容非常重要。 如果您可以仅注意本节,那么值得您花时间阅读本文。

Do you want clients coming to you?


Do you want to work less and earn more?


If you answered yes to the two questions above, you need to do these 3 things:


  • Find a web design niche


  • Position yourself as an expert in that niche

  • Offer services to clients only within that niche


Practical Example:


  • I choose the niche: Chiropractors

  • I create a website all about Chiropractors, the market, what they could be doing to improve sales, etc.

  • I offer website development services, SEO, AdWords, and other digital marketing skills only to the Chiropractor niche.


Now, if you had to give a proposal to chiropractor companies from your business, ‘ChiroWebUSA’ (random business name) vs someone who just does websites for every single niche out there, what do you think will happen?

现在,如果您必须从您的业务中向脊椎治疗师公司,“ ChiroWebUSA”(随机公司名称)和仅针对每个利基网站的人提供建议,您认为会发生什么?

  • You will instantly be seen as a professional in the industry.

  • You will close many more deals compared with someone who just does websites for everyone.

  • You can charge a premium price.

  • Because you know the industry well (after researching it) you are able to create websites faster and offer the services quicker and more effectively compared with other developers.


I know I oversimplified it, but I am not talking fluff here. This strategy works much more effectively than just doing websites for every niche out there.

我知道我简化了,但是我在这里不是在谈论绒毛。 这种策略比仅仅为每个利基市场创建网站更有效。

The reason I mentioned this is because this strategy directly effects how much you can charge for your projects, your conversion rate of getting clients and the hours worked on the project.


Just pause right here and think this through for a few seconds…


网站收费多少—正确的方法 (How Much To Charge For A Website — The Right Way)

The main thing you need to do is to figure out how much the site is worth to the business.




A business sells 3D Printers and they want a website.


This is the system I follow:


  1. Find out if the business has an existing website

  2. Find out what their competitors are doing that they aren’t doing

  3. Find out how much the average 3D printer costs

  4. Find out how many printers the business sells every month


With this information, I’d be able to figure out if I can really make an improvement in the sales of this business and I’d know exactly how much to charge for the project.


So if the business sells an average of ten 3D printers at an average of $2,000 each per month ($20,000 sales per month) and after calculating that I could potentially increase sales by 30% month after month, it then equals an extra three sales per month (or $6,000).

因此,如果该公司平均每月销售十台3D打印机,平均每月2,000美元(每月销售20,000美元),并且在计算出我有可能逐月增加30%的销售额后,则等于每月增加三笔销售(或$ 6,000)。

I then mention this to the prospective client and say even if we work on just 2 extra sales per month, it adds up to an extra $48,000 per year just by the changes and improvements I will be doing.


Therefore, spending $8,000 once-off for the website to potentially increase sales by almost $50,000 in one year is a no-brainer…


If this method is new to you, it may sound a bit confusing or you may have a lot of practical questions running through your head, so I will attempt to answer some of them:


How Can You Be So Sure That The Business Will Achieve Success?


Honestly, there’s no guarantee… but after analyzing the business and following the steps above, I can get a pretty good idea about if I can increase sales for the business. If I am confident about it, I go ahead with the proposal. Otherwise, I politely decline and say I am not able to do much for improvements.

坦率地说,我们无法保证……但是在分析了业务并按照上述步骤进行操作之后,我对是否可以增加业务销售额有了一个很好的了解。 如果我对此有信心,我将继续执行该提案。 否则,我有礼貌地拒绝,说我不能做太多改进。

How Successful Are You With This Method?


70% on average. I’ve lost a few decent projects this year by using this method, however, the ones that came through far outperform the projects lost. This is me though, you may be better or worse, but it’s something you will always improve on the more you do it.

平均70%。 通过使用这种方法,我今年损失了一些不错的项目,但是,那些表现出色的项目却远远超过了丢失的项目。 虽然这是我,但您可能是好是坏,但这是您在做得越多时就会不断改进的地方。

How Can You Rip The Business Off Like This?


Very harsh question :) But it’s not ripping the business off… I am merely getting paid a fair amount for the work input and the potential output is a good financial return.


What if the business doesn’t tell you their sales figures?


For medium to large businesses, I’ve never had an issue with them not telling me as I explain I am not just doing a website, I want to improve sales and in order for me to know that I need to know the current sales (and I’m willing to sign a non-disclosure form). For large corporations, I can understand why they wouldn’t and I personally don’t work with any, nor do I want to.

对于大中型企业,我从来没有遇到过让他们不告诉我的问题,因为我解释说我不仅在做网站,我还想提高销售量,以便让我知道我需要知道当前的销售量(并且我愿意签署保密表)。 对于大型公司,我可以理解为什么他们不这样做,而我个人也不与任何公司合作,我也不想这样做。

What if I only know how to make websites?


You can still do well by just creating the website and not any digital marketing things for the business. I just recommend it as I find it easier to get clients with this knowledge and I’ve seen it work many times in the ‘real-world’.

您仍然可以通过仅创建网站而不是为企业创建任何数字营销产品来做得很好。 我只是推荐它,因为我发现它更容易使客户了解这些知识,并且我已经看到它在“现实世界”中工作了很多次。

If you are interested in growing as a freelancer, join 1,000+ others and take a look at my freelancing bundle.


Thanks for reading and I hope this article has helped you :)


Let me know in the comments if you have any questions.


If you’re interested in more freelancing related articles, check out my blog StudyWebDevelopment.com or follow me on Twitter :)


Similar article published on https://studywebdevelopment.com/how-to-charge-for-a-website.html

https://studywebdevelopment.com/how-to-charge-for-a-website.html上 发布的类似文章

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-charge-for-a-website-the-right-way-e3a4bbbadbcf/






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