magento 2.3_这是Magento 2.3所有重要功能的细分

Magento 2.3带来了显著的增强功能,包括渐进式Web应用(PWA)、多源库存(MSI)、页面构建器(仅限Magento Commerce)和Elasticsearch。PWA提供了类似移动应用的体验,提高转化率;MSI方便了多源库存管理;Page Builder简化内容管理;Elasticsearch提供了高级搜索选项。对于开发者,Magento 2.3引入了GraphQL、声明式架构和对PHP 7.2的支持。考虑其性能和安全升级,推荐升级到Magento 2.3。

magento 2.3

by Santhosh Sundararajan

由Santhosh Sundararajan

这是Magento 2.3所有重要功能的细分 (Here’s a breakdown of all the important features of Magento 2.3)

Magento 2.3 is finally here and it has come packed with significant enhancements and amazing features. Some of the features are so great that you might want your upgrade your online store to Magento 2.3 right now!

Magento 2.3终于面世了,它包含了重要的增强功能和惊人的功能。 其中一些功能非常强大,您可能希望立即将在线商店升级到Magento 2.3!

那么,Magento 2.3中有哪些功能? (So, what are those features in Magento 2.3?)

Magento 2.3 is packed with incredible features such as:

Magento 2.3具有不可思议的功能,例如:

  • PWA that enables businesses to deliver a superior mobile experience,

  • Multi-Source Inventory for managing inventory from various sources,

  • Page Builder with drag and drop interface functionality for easier content management, and

    具有拖放界面功能的Page Builder,可简化内容管理,并且
  • Elasticsearch with advanced search options which was available only in Magento Commerce is now available in Magento Open Source.

    仅在Magento Commerce中可用的具有高级搜索选项的Elasticsearch现在在Magento开源中可用。

Let’s go through each of these features now.


1. PWA (1. PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have been the hottest talk in the design and app communities for past few years. In 2017, Magento officially announced that it would collaborate with Google to bring native PWA features to Magento in 2018.

过去几年,渐进式Web应用程序(PWA)一直是设计和应用程序社区中最热门的话题。 2017年, Magento正式宣布它将与Google合作,在2018年将原生PWA功能引入Magento。

PWAs can deliver a rich experience similar to mobile apps and have features that can improve conversion rates. Customers using PWAs will have a similar experience to using an actual app. They also provide a seamless scrolling experience and easy transition between pages. Here’s more about Magento PWAs, and you can also check live Magento PWA demo here to see the features yourself.

PWA可以提供类似于移动应用程序的丰富体验,并具有可以提高转换率的功能。 使用PWA的客户将具有与使用实际应用程序相似的体验 。 它们还提供了无缝的滚动体验,并在页面之间轻松过渡。 这是有关Magento PWA的更多信息,您还可以在此处查看实时的Magento PWA演示以亲自了解其功能。

1.1使用PWA有什么优势? (1.1 What are the advantages of using PWAs?)

Incredible speed — PWAs use various optimization strategies to load the website content faster, thereby improving the customer experience.

令人难以置信的速度 -PWA使用各种优化策略来更快地加载网站内容,从而改善客户体验。

Offline support — Visitors can access and use PWAs either partially or completely in offline mode or when the internet is unstable.

脱机支持 —在脱机模式下或互联网不稳定时,访问者可以部分或全部访问和使用PWA。

Cross-browser compatibility — PWAs can function quite well on almost all leading web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.

跨浏览器兼容性 -PWA在几乎所有领先的Web浏览器(例如Chrome,Firefox,Safari和Edge)上都可以很好地运行。

Responsive design — Highly responsive design methods are used to deliver a consistent experience on desktops, mobile phones, and tablet devices. Also, PWAs use a mobile-first strategy, and this will help in boosting sales, as a major part of sales take place via mobile phones.

响应式设计 —高响应性的设计方法用于在台式机,手机和平板电脑设备上提供一致的体验。 而且,PWA使用移动优先策略,这将有助于促进销售,因为销售的主要部分是通过移动电话进行的。

Add to home screen — Customers can add PWA sites to the home screen of their mobile phones. This will enable them to launch the PWA right from the home screen by directly clicking on it. Hence the customers don’t have to go to the browser and then to the website. This can increase online traffic as well as improve the customer experience.

添加到主屏幕 —客户可以将PWA网站添加到手机的主屏幕。 这将使他们能够通过直接单击从主屏幕直接启动PWA。 因此,客户不必先浏览器再去网站。 这可以增加在线流量,并改善客户体验。

Push notification — Businesses can send push notifications to their customers via PWAs. Push notifications are the message popups that appear on mobile devices. For instance, if your business is running a limited offer, sending out a push notification for the same increases the chances of customers’ participation in the offer. This could significantly increase the conversion rate.

推送通知 -企业可以通过PWA向其客户发送推送通知。 推送通知是出现在移动设备上的消息弹出窗口。 例如,如果您的公司正在执行有限的报价,则发送相同的推送通知会增加客户参与报价的机会。 这可以大大提高转化率。

If you are a developer, this official Magento PWA documentation will be helpful in building a Magento PWA.

如果您是开发人员,此Magento PWA官方文档将对构建Magento PWA有所帮助。

1.2 Magento为什么使用PWA? (1.2 Why is Magento using PWAs?)

Almost 63.5% of all the e-commerce sales in 2018 took place via mobile phones, and by 2020 it is expected to reach 70.4%.


Even during Black Friday in 2018, mobile and tablet devices accounted for almost half of the online sales. Hence, it is no wonder that Magento is looking for ways to effectively tap the m-commerce market. PWAs are the next big thing in web development, so Magento has decided to incorporate PWAs in its online stores.

即使在2018年的黑色星期五期间,移动和平板电脑设备仍占在线销售额的近一半 。 因此,毫不奇怪,Magento正在寻找有效开发移动商务市场的方法。 PWA是Web开发中的下一件大事,因此Magento决定将PWA纳入其在线商店。

2.多源库存(MSI) (2. Multi-Source Inventory (MSI))

This can be expected to be the most loved feature for business owners and store admins who handle inventory from multiple sources.


With Multi-Source Inventory (MSI), effective and easy management of inventory in various locations and shipping networks is possible. Earlier, to use this feature, businesses have to install third-party extensions. MSI includes features such as inventory tracking across various sources, the option to set rules to control operations as planned, and so on.

借助多源库存(MSI),可以在各个位置和运输网络中进行有效且轻松的库存管理。 以前,要使用此功能,企业必须安装第三方扩展。 MSI包括诸如跨各种来源的库存跟踪,设置规则以按计划控制操作的选项等功能。

3.页面构建器(仅适用于Magento Commerce) (3. Page Builder (only for Magento Commerce))

The Page Builder feature is a great addition to the Magento Content Management System (CMS). Handling a site and its content is a difficult job if you have to use HTML and CSS all the time. So Magento has come up with Page Builder.

页面构建器功能是Magento内容管理系统(CMS)的重要补充。 如果您必须一直使用HTML和CSS,则处理网站及其内容是一项艰巨的工作。 因此,Magento提出了Page Builder。

Content Management Systems are crucial for e-commerce websites since various content formats such as image, text and video are used to give information about the product. The way the content is presented is equally important to what the content says. Also, managing content should be hassle-free and less time-consuming.

内容管理系统对于电子商务网站至关重要,因为使用各种内容格式(例如图像,文本和视频)来提供有关产品的信息。 呈现内容的方式与内容所说的内容同样重要。 同样,内容管理应无忧且耗时。

WordPress is one of the best CMS systems currently, and it is used by millions of websites. Two main reasons that WordPress is successful are its user-friendly interface and SEO optimized nature. Since WordPress is more like a destination for bloggers and regular websites, it is expected to have these features. Magento has also decided to deliver a similar yet more powerful CMS to store owners by adding Page Builder to its existing CMS.

WordPress是目前最好的CMS系统之一,它已被数百万个网站使用。 WordPress成功的两个主要原因是其友好的用户界面和SEO优化的特性。 由于WordPress更像是博客作者和常规网站的目的地,因此有望具有这些功能。 Magento还决定通过向其现有CMS中添加Page Builder,向商店所有者提供类似但功能更强大的CMS。

Page Builder has a drag and drop interface and a flexible grid system which helps non-technical business owners easily handle content on their website. Store owners can blend content with commerce and deliver an impactful experience to their customers.

Page Builder具有拖放界面和灵活的网格系统 ,可帮助非技术企业所有者轻松处理其网站上的内容。 商店所有者可以将内容与商业融合在一起,并为他们的客户提供有意义的体验。

New pages, categories, and products can be created and launched without the need of a front-end developer.


It is currently available in the Early Adopter Program. To participate, contact Magento via

当前在“早期采用者计划”中可用。 要参与,请通过PageBuilderEAP@adobe.com与Magento联系。

4. Elasticsearch (4. Elasticsearch)

Until now, Elasticsearch was available only to Magento Commerce versions. Starting from 2.3, this feature will be available in Magento Open Source as well.

到目前为止,Elasticsearch仅适用于Magento Commerce版本。 从2.3开始,此功能还将在Magento Open Source中可用。

Elasticsearch provides advanced search capabilities such as filtering by attributes. The fuzzy query is also an attribute of Elasticsearch that gives the right suggestions for keywords with incorrect spelling entered by users. It can also provide predictive search results that can save time and effort for customers. Also, it can deliver results quickly, and the database is scalable to a great extent since it uses distributed search.

Elasticsearch提供高级搜索功能,例如按属性过滤。 模糊查询还是Elasticsearch的属性,它为用户输入的拼写错误的关键字提供正确的建议。 它还可以提供预测性搜索结果,从而可以为客户节省时间和精力。 而且,它可以快速提供结果,并且由于数据库使用分布式搜索,因此可以在很大程度上扩展数据库。

This can help customers to narrow down what they are looking by just using the filtering options.


Magento 2.3对开发人员意味着什么? (What does Magento 2.3 mean for developers?)

Magento 2.3 has surprises for developers too. GraphQL which was officially introduced by Facebook has been incorporated in Magento 2.3. Upgradation and installation processes are now easier, thanks to the declarative schema. Support for PHP 7.2 is included in Magento 2.3. Asynchronous APIs and Web APIs are also added

Magento 2.3也为开发人员带来惊喜。 由Facebook正式推出的GraphQL已合并到Magento 2.3中。 现在,借助声明式架构,升级和安装过程变得更加容易。 Magento 2.3中包含对PHP 7.2的支持。 还添加了异步API和Web API

1. GraphQL (1. GraphQL)

GraphQL is the main reason that PWAs function even on a slow network. It was released by Facebook in 2015, and it is one of the best methods with which to build an API.

GraphQL即使在速度较慢的网络上 PWA仍起作用的主要原因。 它由Facebook于2015年发布,是构建API的最佳方法之一。

This query language makes the PWAs request only the exact data. Since GraphQL requests only small amounts of exact data, it allows PWAs to run even on a weak network.

该查询语言使PWA仅请求确切的数据。 由于GraphQL仅请求少量的准确数据,因此它允许PWA在弱网络上运行。

If this is difficult to understand, let me put in simple words. GraphQL is a syntax that sends requests for fetching data from the server and loading data in the client.

如果这很难理解,请允许我简单地说一下。 GraphQL是一种语法,它发送请求以从服务器获取数据并在客户端加载数据。

2.声明式架构 (2. Declarative schema)

Upgrade and installation process is made easier in Magento 2.3 with the declarative schema. It uses an XML file to alter the schema which eliminates the need for numerous database scripts.

使用声明式架构,在Magento 2.3中使升级和安装过程变得更加容易。 它使用XML文件来更改架构,从而消除了对大量数据库脚本的需求。

Another main advantage of using a declarative schema is the rollback feature. The database changes made on a module can be rolled back to the previous version.

使用声明性架构的另一个主要优点是回滚功能。 可以将对模块进行的数据库更改回滚到以前的版本。

3. PHP 7.2 (3. PHP 7.2)

It looks like Magento has decided to deliver nothing but the best. Magento has decided to add support for the latest PHP 7.2 version. Since PHP has officially announced that support for PHP 5.6 is ending by 2018, this move by Magento is not a surprise. If your online store is built on any of the Magento 1.x versions, it is likely to be running on PHP 5.6. Failing to secure your Magento 1.x website will make it vulnerable to hacks.

看起来Magento决定只提供最好的东西。 Magento已决定增加对最新PHP 7.2版本的支持。 由于PHP正式宣布对PHP 5.6的支持将于2018年结束 ,因此Magento的这一举动并不令人惊讶。 如果您的在线商店建立在任何Magento 1.x版本的基础上,则可能会在PHP 5.6上运行。 无法保护您的Magento 1.x网站将使其容易受到黑客攻击。

PHP 7.2 has plenty of performance and security improvements. Magento websites using PHP 7.2 will be faster, and can handle more requests per second. Also, 7.2 is also more secure and stable.

PHP 7.2具有许多性能和安全性改进。 使用PHP 7.2的Magento网站将更快,并且每秒可以处理更多请求。 另外,7.2也更加安全和稳定。

4.异步API和批量API (4. Asynchronous APIs and Bulk APIs)

Asynchronous APIs can process numerous API requests without the need for the server to respond. In previous versions, Magento used REST API which would wait for sometime to process the response.

异步API可以处理大量API请求,而无需服务器进行响应。 在以前的版本中,Magento使用REST API,该API将等待一段时间来处理响应。

This message queue feature that enables asynchronous execution was available only in the Magento Commerce. It has now been extended to Magento Open Source.

仅Magento Commerce中提供了启用异步执行的消息队列功能。 现在,它已扩展到Magento开源。

Bulk Web APIs will enable REST APIs to take payloads with multiple entities. These APIs eliminate the conventional method of round-trip overhead.

批量Web API将使REST API能够通过多个实体获取有效负载。 这些API消除了传统的往返开销方法。

您应该升级到Magento 2.3吗? (Should you upgrade to Magento 2.3?)

Considering the features such as PWAs, MSI and performance upgrades, it is highly recommended to switch to Magento 2.3. Especially with PWAs booming in the e-commerce industry, online stores that fail to leverage PWAs will lose their customers to their competitors who utilize PWAs.

考虑到PWA,MSI和性能升级等功能, 强烈建议切换到Magento 2.3。 尤其是随着PWA在电子商务行业中的蓬勃发展,无法利用PWA的在线商店将把客户吸引给使用PWA的竞争对手。

Magento 2.3 has more than 30 Magento core security fixes, two-factor authentication, and Google reCAPTCHA.

Magento 2.3具有30多个Magento核心安全修复程序 ,两要素身份验证和Google reCAPTCHA。



If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comment section.


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