

by Rebecca Radding

由丽贝卡·拉丁(Rebecca Radding)

两个朋友如何改变职业,学习编码并建立起初创公司 (How two friends changed careers, learned to code, and built a startup)

Katerina Pascoulis和Ruth Uwemedimo谈论了他们从自由职业中学到的东西,以及为什么他们喜欢在Personably一起工作 (Katerina Pascoulis and Ruth Uwemedimo talk about what they learned from freelancing and why they love working together at Personably)

In 2016, Ruth and Katerina left jobs at Foxtons and Crowdcube, respectively, to join the sixth cohort of Founders and Coders, a peer-led web development training programme in London. After the course, they worked as freelancers, building MVPs for non-technical founders, before going their separate ways: Ruth joined the development team at JustGiving and Katerina co-founded Personably. In December 2017, Personably raised £500,000 of venture capital and hired Ruth as its first employee.

2016年, 露丝(Ruth)卡特琳娜(Katerina)分别离开了FoxtonsCrowdcube的职位,加入了创始人和编码者的第六个团队 ,这是伦敦由同行领导的Web开发培训计划。 课程结束后,他们以自由职业者的身份工作,为非技术创始人建立了MVP,然后按照自己的方式发展:露丝(Ruth)加入JustGiving的开发团队,而卡特琳娜(Katerina)共同创立了Personably 2017年12月,Personable 筹集了50万英镑的风险投资,并聘请露丝(Ruth)作为其第一名员工。

Rebecca: Ruth and Katerina, thank you so much for making time to chat with me. Katerina, you’ve written about how studying law helped you with programming and how you learned to code in a “scarily short space of time”, so let’s start with Ruth. Could you tell us a bit about your journey?

丽贝卡:露丝和卡特琳娜,非常感谢您抽出宝贵的时间与我聊天。 卡特琳娜(Katerina),您已经写过关于法律研究如何帮助您进行编程以及如何在“极短的时间间隔内 ”学会编程的文章 ,所以让我们从露丝开始。 您能告诉我们您的旅程吗?

Ruth: Of course! I studied maths and philosophy at university but wasn’t sure what I wanted to do afterwards. I took the job at Foxtons because selling houses sounded like fun and I wanted a car. After a year, I left Foxtons and started looking for a new job. I thought it might be exciting to work at a startup, and saw lots of listings for developer roles, like front-end developer and full-stack developer. I thought to myself, what’s this all about, and what’s the difference between these roles?

露丝:当然! 我在大学期间学习了数学和哲学,但不确定自己以后想做什么。 我之所以在Foxtons工作是因为卖房子听起来很有趣,而且我想要一辆汽车。 一年后,我离开了Foxtons,开始寻找新工作。 我认为在初创公司工作可能会令人兴奋,并且看到了很多开发人员角色的清单,例如前端开发人员和全栈开发人员。 我心想, 这是怎么回事,这些角色之间有什么区别?

I looked into learning to code and read about paid bootcamps, but as I wasn’t sure it would be for me, I wasn’t ready to commit to something so expensive. Finally I read an article in the Guardian where Dan talked about Founders and Coders, and thought, “hmm… a free, peer-led programme? I need to learn more about this!”. I met Dan in Bethnal Green (our home until the move to Finsbury Park in 2018) and he took me for a walk around Mile End park. By the time we got back to the space I knew I wanted to apply.

我研究了学习编码并阅读了有关付费训练营的信息,但由于不确定是否适合我,所以我还没有准备好承担如此昂贵的事情。 最后,我在《卫报》上读了一篇文章,其中Dan谈论了创始人和编码员,然后想,“嗯……一个免费的,由同行领导的计划? 我需要了解更多!”。 我在Bethnal Green(我们的住所直到2018年搬到Finsbury公园)之前遇到了Dan,他带我在Mile End公园周围散步。 当我们回到那个空间时,我知道我想申请。

Rebecca: Katerina, you’ve told me you wanted to code so you could build things yourself. Tell me about your experience learning to code in a peer-led environment at Founders and Coders.

丽贝卡(Rebecca):卡特琳娜(Katerina),您已经告诉我您想编码,以便您可以自己构建东西。 告诉我您在Founders和Coders的同等领导环境下学习编码的经验。

Katerina: At Founders and Coders, not knowing how to do something was just the start of the process of figuring it out as opposed to the end. I learned to use the internet to help me ask the right questions and then identify who to ask or where I could find the answers. I think being in an environment where things are spoon fed to you doesn’t give you that skill. It was my main issue with tools like Codeacademy, when learning to code. It doesn’t push you to search for answers when you get stuck so it was hard for me to push myself past a beginner stage.

卡特琳娜(Katerina):在创始人和编码人员中,不知道如何做只是将其弄清楚而不是最终的过程的开始。 我学会了使用互联网帮助我提出正确的问题,然后确定要问的人或在哪里可以找到答案。 我认为,在一个把东西喂给你的环境中,这不会给你这种技能。 学习编码时,这是诸如Codeacademy之类的工具的主要问题。 当您陷入困境时,它不会促使您搜索答案,因此,我很难将自己超越初学者阶段。

Rebecca: Ruth, could you tell me a bit about your experience on the course?


Ruth: Doing the course confirmed for me that I loved coding and that I wanted to work as a developer. I also fell in love with the community at Founders and Coders, in particular how everyone is so willing to help each other learn and improve their coding skills.

露丝(Ruth):完成这门课程对我来说证明了我喜欢编码并且我想成为一名开发人员。 我也爱上了Founders和Coders的社区,尤其是每个人如何乐于互相帮助以学习和提高他们的编码技能。

Rebecca: Do you remember when you realised you wanted to make a career out of coding?


Ruth: It must have been about two or three weeks in, I was really enjoying the course, and I just knew - this is what I want to do. People look at code and think “oh my gosh, I’m never going to learn that”, so when you do understand it, it’s like, “I can’t believe I really understand this”. Also, being able to write some code that contributes to producing something tangible, something people can use - it’s an extraordinary feeling.

露丝:大概已经过了两三个星期,我真的很喜欢这门课程,而且我只知道-这就是我想要做的。 人们看着代码,然后想到“哦,天哪,我永远都不会学习”,所以当您理解它时,就好像是“我不敢相信我真的理解这一点”。 而且,能够编写一些有助于产生有形的东西,人们可以使用的东西的代码-这是一种非凡的感觉。

Rebecca: You mentioned being struck by the willingness of people at Founders and Coders to help each other. Was there a time when someone went out of their way to help you?

丽贝卡:您提到创始人和编码人员相互帮助的意愿而感到震惊。 有人会尽力帮助您吗?

Ruth: A couple of days a week, for the first half an hour, someone from the previous cohort would lead what we call a “morning challenge.” I remember Nikki doing a challenge on ES6, which had just come out, and she was talking about destructuring, which of course I now find so easy! I had just learned how to access properties inside objects in ES5, and couldn’t wrap my head around ES6. It felt like everyone else understood but me, but no matter how many questions I asked, Nikki happily made time to respond to all of them.

露丝(Ruth):在前半小时的一周中的几天中,前一班的某人将领导我们所说的“早晨挑战”。 我记得Nikki在刚刚问世的ES6上挑战,而她正在谈论解构,我现在当然觉得这很容易! 我刚刚学习了如何在ES5中访问对象内部的属性,而无法绕过ES6。 感觉就像其他人一样,只有我理解,但是无论我问了多少个问题,Nikki都高兴地抽出时间来回答所有问题。

Throughout the course we got a lot of support from recent graduates and alumni working in the space. I think the best thing about having past cohorts teach the current cohort is that the previous cohort has so recently been in the position of the new cohort, where they’re struggling to understand how a simple piece of code works, so they can easily relate. Sometimes I think much more experienced coders can forget what it’s like to be a beginner.

在整个课程中,我们得到了来自该领域的应届毕业生和校友的大力支持。 我认为过去的同类群组教给当前同类群组的最好之处在于,先前的同类群组最近才处于新的同类群组的位置,他们正在努力了解简单的代码是如何工作的,因此它们可以轻松地关联。 有时,我认为经验丰富的编码人员会忘记成为初学者的感觉。

Rebecca: What was it like when you became a mentor yourself?


Ruth: I suggested introducing testing as a topic for the next cohort, as we hadn’t studied it explicitly on our course but I thought it was so valuable we should probably dedicate a week to it. With a partner, I led that week, and I loved sharing all the things I had recently just learnt with other people who wanted to learn the same thing! I also found that it consolidated all of my learning as I had to really understand it to be able to teach it.

露丝(Ruth):我建议将测试作为下一个队列的主题,因为我们在课程中没有明确研究它,但是我认为它是如此有价值,我们可能应该花一个星期的时间。 我和一位合伙人一起度过了那个星期, 我喜欢与其他想学习同一东西的人分享我最近学到的所有东西! 我还发现它巩固了我的所有学习能力,因为我必须真正理解它才能教它。

Katerina: When Ruth started at Personably, she started digging into the code, and one of the first things she said was, “where are all the tests?” To be fair, we had some - just not enough. So putting in more tests became one of her first projects, and now we have a really good testing infrastructure and everything is much more stable.

卡特琳娜:什么时候 露丝(Ruth)是从《有形人》开始的,她开始研究代码,她说的第一件事就是“所有测试都在哪里?” 公平地说,我们有一些-只是不够。 因此,进行更多测试成为她的第一个项目,现在我们有了一个非常好的测试基础架构,一切都变得更加稳定。

Rebecca: Tell me about the projects you worked on together at Founders and Coders.


Ruth: The first time we worked together was on an MVP for an app called Causr. Katerina was a great project manager for it!

露丝:我们第一次合作是为一个名为Causr的应用程序的MVP。 卡特琳娜(Katerina)是一位出色的项目经理!

Katerina: Ruth’s being generous there - I didn’t scope that project well and we basically ended up building Tinder for business with location matching in three weeks. Learning how to scope projects was trial by fire. Really that should have been a three-month project with a budget to match, not a three-week one!

卡特琳娜(Katerina) :露丝(Ruth)在那里很慷慨-我没有很好地计划该项目,我们基本上在三周内就完成了Tinder的业务定位。 学习如何对项目进行范围划分是一个火拼的尝试。 确实应该是一个为期三个月的预算匹配的项目,而不是一个三周的预算!

I realised that something being end-of-week-project-ready on the course was not the same as customer-in-production-ready. When you build something on the course, you might not finish the last twenty percent, which is fine, but for a client, those finishing touches take so much longer than you expect! You have to factor that in when you’re agreeing pricing or you can end up working for less than minimum wage.

我意识到课程中准备在周末进行的项目与准备在生产中的客户并不相同。 当您在课程中建立一些东西时,您可能不会完成最后的百分之二十,这很好,但是对于客户而言,那些最后的修饰花费的时间比您预期的长得多! 您必须考虑到当您同意定价时,否则您最终可能会以低于最低工资的价格工作。

Ruth: Our later projects went much more smoothly!


Katerina: I tried to pass that on to the next cohorts, coaching them on the kinds of things they should take on and also what to watch out for (such as early stage companies wanting lots of work but not being willing to pay anything for you to do it). I’ve been back a few times to speak on a similar topics.

卡特琳娜(Katerina):我试图将其传递给下一组人,指导他们应承担的工作种类以及需要注意的事项(例如,早期公司需要大量工作,但不愿为您支付任何费用)去做吧)。 我已经回过几次讲类似的话题。

At Crowdcube, I worked with early stage founders looking for funding, which meant I was in a position to contribute back to Founders and Coders by finding new graduates freelance projects and handling things that came inbound.


Rebecca: Any advice for prospective freelancers reading this interview?


Katerina: A lot! To start, make sure you have a clearly defined project scope for what you’re going to deliver within the time frame you’ve set, and link payment to those deliverables. That way, if the client requests something later that wasn’t in the original scope, you can charge more for the additional time. It also helps avoid “feature-creep”, when the client asks for “just one more thing,” several times over!

卡特琳娜:很多! 首先,请确保您在设定的时间范围内对要交付的内容有明确定义的项目范围,并将付款与这些可交付成果相关联。 这样,如果客户以后请求的内容不在原始范围内,则您可以为额外的时间收取更多费用。 当客户要求多次“再做一件事”时,它还有助于避免“特征蠕变”!

Also, it’s been said elsewhere but it bears repeating: if you’re building an MVP, pare down what the client is asking for to the most basic version. If your client says, “hey, our users need to be able to send messages, so can you build an in-app messaging service”, take a step back and explore whether you might be able to get the same functionality using Twilio or an API using someone else’s client.

另外,在其他地方也有提到,但需要重复:如果您要构建MVP,则将客户要求的内容减少到最基本的版本。 如果您的客户说:“嘿,我们的用户需要能够发送消息,那么您可以构建应用内消息服务吗?”,退后一步,探讨您是否可以使用Twilio或使用他人客户端的API。

Rebecca: Ruth, what did you learn from freelancing and how did it help you decide what to do next?


Ruth: In total, I freelanced for about a year after finishing Founders and Coders. Katerina and I worked together on projects for Juno (automating conveyancing), Causr (network with people around you), Piccnicc (Deliveroo but for airports), and WCRS. I also did several shorter projects with other people at Founders and Coders that lasted from one week to one month.

露丝:总体而言,在完成创始人和编码员工作后,我自由职业了大约一年。 我和Katerina和我一起合作完成了Juno (自动传输),Causr(与您周围的人建立网络),Piccnicc(但不限于机场的Deliveroo)和WCRS的项目 。 我还与Founders and Coders的其他人一起进行了一些较短的项目,历时一周至一个月。

There are pros and cons to being a freelancer, but overall I liked it. Freelancing allowed me to work with lots of different technologies to figure out which ones I liked best before starting something permanent. It also helped me gain the experience and confidence I needed to get a full time role. Also, since you manage your own time, if you want to go on holiday, you can!

成为自由职业者有优点和缺点,但总的来说,我喜欢它。 自由职业使我可以使用许多不同的技术来确定我最喜欢的技术,然后再开始永久性的工作。 这也帮助我获得了获得专职职位所需的经验和信心。 另外,由于您可以管理自己的时间,因此,如果您想去度假,就可以!

On the other hand, you always have to worry about finding your next project. The longest gap I had was five weeks, which is quite a long time to go without income. Luckily I was living at home at the time, so I didn’t have to worry about rent, but if you do it’s even more stressful.

另一方面,您总是要担心找到下一个项目。 我最长的差距是五个星期,这是一个很长的时间,没有收入。 幸运的是我当时住在家里,所以我不必担心房租,但是如果您这样做的话,压力会更大。

Katerina: When you’re a more senior developer, you can charge a day rate anywhere from £400 - 1000, which is high enough to account for days when you’re not getting paid, but as a junior it’s hard because £150/day doesn’t leave much leftover, especially in an expensive city like London.


Rebecca: Ruth, I’d love to hear about your experience applying for jobs. How many jobs did you apply for? What kind of roles were you looking for?

丽贝卡:露丝,我很想听听您的求职经历。 您申请了多少份工作? 您正在寻找什么样的角色?

Ruth: I actually only applied for that one job at JustGiving. I was still on a three-month freelance project and I wasn’t seriously looking for a permanent role but I also knew that I didn’t have a next freelance project lined up so when I read the job description for the role at JustGiving I couldn’t pass it up.

露丝:我实际上只在JustGiving申请了那一份工作。 我仍在进行为期三个月的自由职业项目,我并没有认真寻找一个永久性职位,但我也知道我没有下一个自由职业项目,因此当我阅读JustGiving职位的职位描述时,无法通过。

Rebecca: What in particular got your attention?


Ruth: Mainly that the job involved using React, which at the time I found really challenging. I remember before going to JustGiving I didn’t like using React because I didn’t understand it very well.

露丝:主要是工作涉及使用React,这在我当时觉得非常具有挑战性。 我记得去JustGiving之前我不喜欢使用React,因为我不太了解它。

Katerina: When we learned React back in 2015, it had just come out, and it was so early in the ecosystem that there weren’t the resources we have now.


Ruth: I remember looking at Stack Overflow questions about React and there was no activity, literally no answers. Now it’s much better!

露丝:我记得我看过关于React的Stack Overflow问题,没有活动,实际上没有答案。 现在好多了!

Katerina: We actually use React at Personably. When my co-founder started looking into what technology we were going to use (while I was finishing up working on a project with Ruth), he told me he was going to use React, to which I was like, “do we have to?

卡特琳娜:实际上,我们在Personably使用React。 当我的联合创始人开始研究我们将要使用的技术时(当我完成与露丝的项目合作时),他告诉我他将要使用React,我当时想,“我们必须?

Rebecca: Ruth, tell me about the interview at JustGiving.


Ruth: I wasn’t expecting to get the job since it was my first ever technical coding interview, I mainly applied to get interview practice and to see what it was like. But the interview process at JustGiving turned out to be so enjoyable: I was relaxed, and everyone who interviewed me was so friendly. I left feeling confident I would get the support I needed to learn more and improve my skills.

露丝(Ruth):我没想到会得到这份工作,因为这是我第一次进行技术编码面试,我主要是申请面试练习并了解情况。 但是事实证明,JustGiving的面试过程非常愉快:我很放松,面试我的每个人都很友好。 我感到有信心,我会获得所需的支持,以学习更多和提高技能。

Rebecca: Katerina, after freelancing you co-founded Personably. How did you figure out you wanted to be the CEO, rather than the CTO of your venture?

丽贝卡(Rebecca):卡特琳娜(Katerina),在获得自由职业权后,您与人共同创立了Personably。 您如何确定自己想成为首席执行官,而不是企业的首席技术官?

Katerina: I think it came down to the fact that I had more experience with the external side of a company - investment, public speaking and sales. It made me a better fit to be CEO. Lewis, my co-founder, was constantly researching new technologies, signing up to random products to try and looking for best practices which is exactly what you need in an early stage CTO. We both spent the first six months doing pretty much the same job though - building things and talking to customers/potential customers.

卡特琳娜(Katerina):我认为这归因于我在公司外部方面有更多经验-投资,公开演讲和销售。 这使我更适合担任首席执行官。 我的联合创始人Lewis一直在研究新技术,注册随机产品以尝试并寻找最佳实践,而这正是您在早期CTO中所需要的。 我们在头六个月都做了几乎相同的工作-建造东西并与客户/潜在客户交谈。

Rebecca: Ruth, you left a job you loved to work for Katerina. Why did you do it?

丽贝卡:露丝, 您离开了自己喜欢为Katerina工作的工作。 你为什么要那么做?

Ruth: I did love working at JustGiving, it was the perfect first engineering role for me, I was surrounded by people who had lots of experience and I learnt lots! I was inspired by the organisation’s mission to support charities, nonprofits and individuals through crowdfunding.

露丝(Ruth):我确实喜欢在JustGiving工作,这对我来说是最完美的第一工程职位,我周围有很多经验丰富的人,而且我学到很多东西! 该组织的使命是通过众筹来支持慈善机构,非营利组织和个人,这使我受到启发。

However, six months in, JustGiving was bought by an American company and it was obvious there would be a lot of changes over the next year or so. I don’t think that was necessarily a bad thing and it didn’t really bother me much but I also knew that I wanted to move on from my role as a junior developer at some point. So when Katerina asked me about working for Personably it was an opportunity I couldn’t refuse.

然而,六个月后,JustGiving被一家美国公司收购,很明显,明年左右会有很多变化。 我认为这不一定是一件坏事,并没有真正让我感到困扰,但我也知道我想在某个时候摆脱担任初级开发人员的角色。 因此,当卡特琳娜(Katerina)问我有关为《可耻》工作的机会时,这是我无法拒绝的机会。

Rebecca: Tell me about the transition from large organisation to first employee at a small startup.


Ruth: The main difference between a large organisation and a small startup is how quickly things move. In a large organisation, it can take a long time for things to get to a final decision but in a small early-stage startup things tend to move more quickly.

露丝(Ruth):大型组织和小型创业公司之间的主要区别在于事情的移动速度。 在大型组织中,事情要花很长时间才能做出最终决定,但在小型早期阶段,事情往往会更快地发展。

Rebecca: What’s an example of something that moved more quickly at Personably than at JustGiving?


Ruth: Literally any feature release! At JustGiving the first project I worked on took two months to be released, and the second hadn’t even been released by the time I left - and I’d been working on it for six months. At Personably, we do small projects, and release them quickly.

露丝:从字面上讲,所有功能都发布! 在JustGiving上,我从事的第一个项目花了两个月的时间发布,而第二个项目在我离开时还没有发布-我已经从事了六个月。 在Personperson,我们会做一些小项目,并Swift发布它们。

Katerina: For example, Ruth rebuilt our entire home page using new designs in two, three weeks tops. We try to release things quickly and get people to try them out, so we can collect feedback and iterate! Otherwise you can spend a long time building things that you then have to scrap as they’re not what your customers need.

卡特琳娜(Katerina):例如,露丝(Ruth)在两三个星期的上衣中使用新设计重新构建了我们的整个主页。 我们尝试快速发布内容,并让人们尝试一下,以便我们收集反馈并进行迭代! 否则,您可能会花费很长的时间来构建某些东西,然后这些东西就不再是客户所需的东西,因此必须废弃。

Rebecca: Katerina, tell me why you made Ruth your first hire.


Katerina: Because she’s great! We’d worked together for the best part of a year (and lived together at one point) so I knew we worked well together. I’m building this company and I have big plans for it, and I knew Ruth well enough to know she’d be up for it. She’s always really positive and never scared by problems being difficult to solve. And after I saw how well she dealt with the unpredictability of our freelance work, I was confident she could handle the uncertainty of a start-up. Plus, she’s always been a better developer than me!

卡特琳娜:因为她很棒! 我们在一起工作了一年的大部分时间(并且一次生活在一起),所以我知道我们在一起工作得很好。 我正在建立这家公司,并且我有很大的计划,而且我对露丝非常了解,知道她会为此而努力。 她总是非常积极,从不害怕难以解决的问题。 在我看到她如何处理我们的自由职业的不可预测性之后,我确信她可以应对初创企业的不确定性。 另外,她一直是比我更好的开发商!

Also, I don’t directly manage Ruth, as my co-founder, Lewis, is the head of her team, so it still feels like we’re peers!


Ruth: It’s nice going to work for someone you’ve already worked with before, because you know how they work, and, at least in our case, there are no surprises.

露丝(Ruth) :很高兴为以前与您一起工作过的人工作,因为您知道他们的工作方式,至少在我们看来,这并不奇怪。

Rebecca: Katerina, you’ve been an employee, a freelancer, and now your own boss. Tell me about this journey.

丽贝卡(Rebecca):卡特琳娜(Katerina),您曾经是一名雇员,一名自由职业者,现在是您自己的老板。 告诉我这个旅程。

Katerina: They all contributed to where I am now! Being an employee at a high-growth start-up was a great experience, I had a lot of responsibility early on and built my network in London tech through it. Freelancing was my first experience of finding work for myself, managing a project and having to be fully responsible for its delivery. I also got to see how other founders went about launching their businesses.

卡特琳娜:他们全都为我现在的生活做出了贡献! 作为一家高成长型初创公司的员工,这是一次很棒的经历,我很早就承担了很多责任,并通过它在伦敦的技术领域建立了自己的网络。 自由职业是我自己寻找工作,管理项目并必须完全负责其交付的第一次经历。 我还看到了其他创始人如何开展自己的业务。

Personably now with a team of six, venture capital investment and paying customers is very different to the first few months when it was Lewis and I trying to build something that we thought might be useful someday. We’ve got a lot more responsibility to our customers, team and investors so it’s a lot more like a real job - just higher stakes. It’s exciting though!

现在拥有六人团队,风度翩翩,风险投资和付费客户与刘易斯和我试图建立某些我们认为有朝一日有用的东西的最初几个月大不相同。 我们对客户,团队和投资者负有更多责任,因此,这更像是一份真正的工作-只是赌注更高。 真是令人兴奋!

Rebecca: Katerina, tell me more about your responsibilities as CEO. What do you most enjoy? What’s the toughest part?

丽贝卡:卡特琳娜,告诉我更多有关您担任首席执行官的职责。 您最喜欢什么? 最难的部分是什么?

Katerina: I’m responsible for hiring, sales, investment and anything marketing related. I most enjoy seeing the awesome team we’ve hired do the things we’ve hired them to work on better than Lewis or I could. I also really like speaking to happy customers and people who we’re saving hours of time!

卡特琳娜:我负责招聘,销售,投资和任何与营销相关的工作。 我最喜欢看到我们聘请的敬畏团队做我们聘请的团队所做的工作,这些工作要比刘易斯或我能做的更好。 我也非常喜欢和开心的客户以及节省时间的人交谈!

My job changes approximately every three months as the company changes and the team evolves. It means I never feel completely at ease with whatever problem I’m working on as often it’s for the first time! I like the uncertainty but it means you never feel like you’re smashing it. I need to get better at reflecting on what we’re doing well and celebrating those things. I think it’s my personality but I’m constantly pushing forward to what next — once I become an expert at something it means I’m too focused on it and I need to hire someone else to do it!

随着公司的变化和团队的发展,我的工作大约每三个月变化一次。 这意味着我从来没有完全放松过我第一次遇到的任何问题! 我喜欢这种不确定性,但这意味着您永远不会感到自己粉碎了它。 我需要更好地反思我们做的很好并庆祝这些事情。 我认为这是我的个性,但我一直在不断前进,下一步是成为专家-这意味着我太专注于此,需要聘请其他人来做!

Rebecca: I imagine working at a startup doesn’t leave you with a lot of free time, but tell me about your interests outside of work/tech.


Ruth: I’ve recently just bought a house! So for the last 3 - 4 months every single bit of my time outside of work has been spent doing that!

露丝:我最近刚买了房子! 因此,在过去的3-4个月中,我花在工作以外的时间都花在了这样做上!

Katerina: Trying out all the different pizza places in Shoreditch? My current favourite is HomeSlice!

卡特琳娜:在肖尔迪奇(Shoreditch)尝试所有不同的披萨店吗? 我当前的最爱是HomeSlice!

To learn more about the Founders and Coders tuition-free training programme, and to read more interviews with our graduates, visit www.foundersandcoders.com


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-two-friends-changed-careers-learned-to-code-and-built-a-startup-e40c0b060de8/






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