
by Alvaro Videla

通过Alvaro Videla

我从DuraznoConf中学到了编程的人性化方面 (What I learned from DuraznoConf about the human side of programming)

“I can’t believe I’ve convinced all of you to come to Durazno!” With those words, I welcomed nine Argentines and one American into my hometown. It was 3:00 AM on a cold spring night in Durazno, a city in the middle of Uruguay, which is almost like saying in the middle of nowhere.

“我不敢相信我已经说服了所有人来到杜拉兹诺!” 有了这些话,我欢迎九名阿根廷人和一名美国人来到我的家乡。 乌拉圭中部城市杜拉兹诺(Durazno)的一个寒冷的Spring之夜是凌晨3:00,这几乎就像在茫茫荒野中所说

We were just a day and a half away from the start of DuraznoConf. This event started as a tech conference, but as the hours went by, it became something much bigger than anything we could have ever hoped for.

我们离DuraznoConf的开始只有一天半的路程。 这项活动始于一次技术会议,但是随着时间的流逝,它变得比我们曾经希望的要大得多。

Before I keep going, what is DuraznoConf?


DuraznoConf is a conference that was held last year on October 23rd and 24th in Durazno, Uruguay (We are already preparing this year’s edition.).

DuraznoConf是去年10月23日至24日在乌拉圭Durazno举行的会议(我们已经在准备今年的版本 。)。

The conference started as a joke on Twitter—a joke that went on for too long—up to the point where it became an actual tech conference. Last year, at the end of July, I put out the following tweet:

该会议开始时是Twitter上的一个玩笑,这种笑话持续了太长时间,直到成为一个真正的技术会议为止。 去年7月底,我发布了以下推文:

As soon as the tweet went out, reply after reply came back with people that were eager to take part in such an event, just for the sake of visiting Durazno, a town of 30,000 people. But not just any town: a town where I promised that the unexpected would happen. Of course the city lived up to its fame, but more on that later.

推文发布后,急切地回覆了渴望参加此类活动的人们,只是为了参观拥有3万人的小镇杜拉兹诺。 但不仅是任何一个城镇:我保证会发生意想不到的事情。 当然,这座城市不负众望,但后来更多了。

召开会议 (Making the conference happen)

So how did we go from sending out a tweet to actually organizing a conference, all while living in Switzerland?


Once I saw that the people replying to my original tweet weren’t joking, I decided to make a phone call to no other than the city’s major, the Intendente Carmelo Vidalín. Right there I told him that I wanted to organize a unique tech event in Durazno, bringing top people from the tech scene to speak at the conference. He loved the idea, and told me I could count on the city’s support.

有一次,我看到了人回答我原来的鸣叫不是在开玩笑,我决定做比全市各大, 中因滕登特一个电话,没有其他卡梅隆Vidalin的 。 在那儿,我告诉他我想在杜拉兹诺(Durazno)组织一次独特的技术活动,让技术界的顶尖人士在会议上发表讲话。 他喜欢这个主意,并告诉我我可以指望这座城市的支持。

The next step was finding a venue. Here luck was also on our side. Not so long ago, UTEC, a new university, had just opened in Durazno. And it wasn’t just any kind of university — but a tech university.

下一步是寻找场地。 这里的运气也站在我们这一边。 不久前,一所新大学UTEC刚刚在杜拉兹诺 (Durazno)开业。 它不仅是一所大学,而且是一所科技大学。

So I got in touch with Daniela González, the university director, and told her about my idea. She loved it as well, and the next day she was already in talks with the city government to see how they could work together to make it happen.

因此,我与大学负责人DanielaGonzález取得了联系,并向她介绍了我的想法。 她也很喜欢它,第二天她已经与市政府进行了对话,以了解他们如何共同努力实现这一目标。

And that was something that I kept on seeing as we continued moving forward with the many details that involve making a tech conference a reality: People kept chiming in, asking if they could lend a hand in any way.


But before I get to that, let’s see how we built a website for the conference.


言出必行 (Getting the word out)

That’s when I called Pablo Franco, a great creative from Durazno that works as a web designer. I thought if we wanted to bring the tech scene to Durazno, we might as well start by showcasing the local talent. So Pablo was the perfect person to think of not only for designing the website, but for the overall image of DuraznoConf — logo, colors, banners, t-shirts, and so on.

那是我打电话给Pablo Franco的时候,他是Durazno的一位出色创意,担任网站设计师。 我以为如果想将技术领域带入Durazno,我们不妨先展示本地人才。 因此,帕勃罗不仅是设计网站的理想之选,而且对于DuraznoConf的总体形象(徽标,颜色,标语,T恤衫等)也都是最理想的人。

When I phoned Pablo, he accepted right away. Not only that, he said, “I know who can take care of the conference photography”. He got in touch with Javier Villasuso, a great photographer from Durazno, who also loved the idea of working with us.

当我给Pablo打电话时,他立刻接受了。 他还说:“不仅如此,我知道谁可以负责会议摄影”。 他与Durazno的杰出摄影师Javier Villasuso取得了联系,他也喜欢与我们合作的想法。

And just like that, word about the conference started circulating around the city, and more people kept calling in and offering their help. Here I should give a special mention to Marcelo Mondino, owner of the local TV Production Company “Zebra Televisión”, and director of Canal Seis, the local TV Channel.

就这样,关于会议的消息开始在全市范围内流传,越来越多的人不断致电并提供帮助。 在这里,我要特别提到当地电视制作公司“ ZebraTelevisión”的所有者,当地电视频道Canal Seis的负责人Marcelo Mondino。

Marcelo called me one night and told me that not only was he offering his TV Channel for broadcasting the conference to the whole city, but also that he would get in touch with people from Montevideo so the conference would end up being broadcast to the whole country!


And so he did! He got in touch with VeraTV, the streaming service from Uruguay’s main telco, where they broadcast the conference to the world.

所以他做到了! 他与来自乌拉圭主要电信公司的流媒体服务VeraTV取得了联系,在那里他们向世界广播了会议。

But Marcelo’s efforts didn’t stop there, he got in touch with the country’s main Cable Provider TCC, where, via their channel Asuntos Públicos, they broadcast the event to all their subscribers across the country. Thanks to all this exposure, some grandmas that couldn’t travel to see their grandkids speak at DuraznoConf were able to see them from the comfort of their living rooms!

但是Marcelo的努力并没有止步于此,他与该国主要的有线电视提供商TCC取得了联系,在那里,他们通过其频道AsuntosPúblicos向全国所有订户广播了该活动。 多亏了所有这些机会,一些无法出门看孙子孙女在DuraznoConf上讲话的祖母才得以在舒适的客厅里看到他们!

建立一个网站 (Creating a website)

The next thing to do was to create the website. That’s when one of our speakers, Aymará Samudio, jumped in and offered her help. Not only that, but during a chat with her, we brainstormed the tagline for the conference: The Human Side of Programming.

接下来要做的就是创建网站。 那时我们的一位发言人AymaráSamudio跳了起来并提供了她的帮助。 不仅如此,在与她的聊天中,我们为会议的标语集思广益: 编程的人性化。

代表事项 (Representation matters)

The goal was not to create just another tech conference. We wanted a conference that would get people together, and that would help form a community in far away places.

我们的目标不是仅仅创建另一个技术会议。 我们希望召开一次会议,将人们聚集在一起,这将有助于在遥远的地方形成一个社区。

Also we wanted to promote tech and programming, for people that might not have had the chance to take part in it yet.


Uruguay is a country of 3.5 million people, and half its population lives in the capital city. This means that across its history, we have seen a hugely centralized country where things like universities, hospitals, and many other things only exist in the capital.

乌拉圭是一个拥有350万人口的国家,其一半的人口居住在首都。 这意味着在整个历史中,我们看到了一个高度集权的国家,那里的大学,医院和许多其他事物仅在首都存在。

The foundation of UTEC in Durazno represents an effort to change that, to bring higher education to the countryside. And since Durazno is located in the center of the country, it became one of its headquarters.

UTEC在杜拉兹诺(Durazno)的成立代表了为改变这种状况而做出的努力,以将高等教育带入农村。 由于杜拉兹诺(Durazno)位于该国中部,因此成为其总部之一。

That being the first step, with DuraznoConf we wanted to bring role models to people. We wanted to show them that other people just like them, with struggles similar to theirs, also were able to start a career in tech.

这是第一步,我们希望与DuraznoConf一起为人们带来榜样。 我们想向他们展示,像他们一样的其他人,与他们类似的挣扎,也能够开始从事科技事业。

Aymará said “You cannot be what you cannot see”, and I completely agree with her. Representation matters. With that in mind, we looked for speakers that could share stories of how they kickstarted their careers in tech, while being almost outsiders, or in other cases, did it against all odds. At the same time we wanted to bring people that had their feet on the ground — relatable people that could share their inspiring story while at the same time giving us the message of “If I did it, you can do it to”.

艾玛拉说:“你不能成为看不见的东西”,我完全同意她的看法。 代表性很重要。 考虑到这一点,我们寻找能够与他们分享如何启动技术职业生涯的故事的演讲者,而几乎是局外人,或者在其他情况下却千方百计做到这一点。 同时,我们希望让脚踏实地的人们—可以分享他们鼓舞人心的故事的亲密朋友,同时向我们传达“如果我做到了,您就可以做到”的信息。

With that in mind, we got speakers from Uruguay’s countryside, from towns that are even smaller than Durazno. These speakers work remotely for companies in Spain, or for the likes of StackOverflow, like Rodrigo Méndez and Gervasio Marchand.

考虑到这一点,我们从乌拉圭的乡村,甚至比杜拉兹诺(Durazno)都小的城镇里请来了发言人。 这些扬声器可以为西班牙的公司或像RodrigoMéndezGervasio Marchand这样的StackOverflow之类的公司提供远程服务。

Their remote work experience was particularly important, because one of UTEC’s goals is to educate people in the countryside so they can remain with their talent here. Otherwise, studying and then having to move to Montevideo to find a job makes no sense.

他们的远程工作经验特别重要,因为UTEC的目标之一是教育农村的人们,以便他们留住自己的才华。 否则,学习然后不得不搬到蒙得维的亚找工作是没有意义的。

We also got speakers from Argentina’s countryside, like Aymará Samudio who’s based in the Argentinean Andes, where she runs an academy to help women get into programming. Also from a nearby province, we invited Pablo Sanchez, who went to sell his startup to Mercado Libre, Latin America’s biggest online retailer. Both stories made perfect sense for DuraznoConf.

我们也有来自阿根廷乡村的演讲者,例如常驻阿根廷安第斯山脉的AymaráSamudio ,她在那里开设了一所学院,以帮助女性参与编程。 同样来自附近的省,我们邀请了Pablo Sanchez ,后者将其创业公司出售给了拉丁美洲最大的在线零售商Mercado Libre 。 这两个故事对于DuraznoConf来说都是非常合理的。

Then we got Laura Santana, a Cuban Engineer that moved to Uruguay to pursue a career in tech. She told an amazing story of how she learned programming in Cuba and later sent out job applications and exercises with almost no internet. Really inspiring.

然后我们得到了古巴工程师劳拉·桑塔纳 ( Laura Santana) ,他搬到乌拉圭从事技术职业。 她讲述了一个惊人的故事,告诉她如何在古巴学习编程,后来几乎没有互联网就发送了求职申请和练习。 真是鼓舞人心。

From Montevideo, we got New York-based Federica Pelzel, who’s director of Platform and Data analytics at MasterCard. She also worked for the government of Buenos Aires, so it was great to have her share her experience about how she end up working in one of the world’s top cities.

从蒙得维的亚(Montevideo),我们得到了位于纽约的Federica Pelzel ,他是万事达(MasterCard)平台和数据分析总监。 她还曾在布宜诺斯艾利斯政府任职,因此很高兴能分享自己在世界顶级城市之一工作的经验。

Speaking of New York, we got one of the most talented Argentinean programmers I know, Dan Zajdband. He told the story of how basically with a tweet, he started a conversation that got him working at the New York Times. In his own words: “One day I saw myself sharing offices with Pulitzer Prize winning people”.

说到纽约,我们认识了最有才华的阿根廷程序员之一Dan Zajdband 。 他讲了一个基本的推文故事,他开始了一段对话,使他在《纽约时报》工作。 用他自己的话说:“有一天,我看到自己与普利策奖获奖者分享办公室”。

Also from Montevideo we invited Daniela Vázquez, an Economist turned Data Scientist, who ended up being part of the NASA Data Science community! What an experience. And it was really fitting for the message we wanted to transmit with the conference. As I said above, many people in Durazno didn’t have the opportunity to choose a career in tech before UTEC, because there were no careers in tech!

同样从蒙得维的亚,我们邀请了经济学家转变为数据科学家的DanielaVázquez,他最终加入了NASA数据科学界! 真是一个经验。 这真的很适合我们想在会议上传达的信息。 就像我在上面说的那样,Durazno的许多人在UTEC之前没有机会选择技术职业,因为没有技术职业!

Daniela showed that it was possible to pivot into tech even after having completed your studies.


And finally, we invited Joyce Park to speak at the conference. She’s a very special person to me, because, thanks to her book, I got started in programming. That was a bit over ten years ago, when in Durazno there were no universities. Joyce is a Silicon Valley veteran that told us about her experiences in the startup world, with the goal of sharing her tips for creating a startup scene in Durazno (and please tell no one, but her Korean mom makes the best palta-toast in the whole Silicon Valley).

最后,我们邀请了乔伊斯·帕克 ( Joyce Park)在会议上发言。 她对我来说是一个非常特别的人,因为多亏了她的 ,我才开始编程 。 那是十年前的事,当时在杜拉兹诺(Durazno)没有大学。 乔伊斯(Joyce)是一位硅谷资深人士,向我们介绍了她在创业世界中的经历,目的是分享她在杜拉兹诺(Durazno)创建创业场景的技巧(请不要告诉任何人,但她的韩国妈妈是当地最好的烤面包的人)整个硅谷)。

讲习班—亲身体验 (Workshops — Hands on Experience)

Once we had the talks sorted out, we wanted to set up some workshops for the conference. This would allow people to learn about new technologies, programming languages, and ways of working efficiently in teams.

进行完所有的讨论后,我们想为会议设置一些研讨会。 这将使人们能够了解新技术,编程语言以及团队中有效工作的方式。

For that we had Sebastián Waisbrot give us a Go workshop, Guido Vilariño ran his Docker workshop, Jacopo Romei, who came from Italy, showed us how to use the Dot Game to teach people an effective method for working in teams, and finally the amazing Aymará Samudio had her class about Initial Web Development.

为此,我们让塞巴斯蒂安·怀斯布罗特(SebastiánWaisbrot)为我们提供了围棋工作坊, 吉多 ·维拉里尼奥(GuidoVilariño)运营了他的Docker研讨会,来自意大利的杰科波·罗密 ( Jacopo Romei)向我们展示了如何使用点游戏来教人们一种有效的团队合作方法,最后令人惊奇AymaráSamudio上了有关初始Web开发的课程。

In Aymará’s workshop, we had teenagers learning to program alongside people that were past their fifties — all learning together. It was really great that UTEC could offer each of the participants their own computers, so nobody felt left out.

在艾玛拉(Aymará)的讲习班中,我们让青少年与五十多岁的人一起学习编程,他们都是一起学习。 UTEC可以为每个参与者提供自己的计算机,这真是太好了,因此没有人感到被淘汰。

召开会议 (Making the Conference Happen)

So we had the speakers, we had the design and image for the conference, and the website. Then it was time to make things happen. That’s when Daniela González from UTEC and her secretary Pablo Salazar stepped in and worked out all the logistics so the university would be ready to host the event.

因此,我们有发言人,会议的设计和图像以及网站。 然后是时候让事情发生。 那时,UTEC的DanielaGonzález和她的秘书Pablo Salazar介入并解决了所有后勤问题,因此大学将准备举办该活动。

They also took care of coordinating all the details with the city government, from getting the streaming for the conference, to arranging the transport and accommodation for the speakers. The city government even provided a guided tour for the speakers so they could see all the touristic places around town, plus the city’s main industries.

他们还负责与市政府协调所有细节,从获取会议的流媒体到安排演讲者的交通和住宿。 市政府甚至为演讲者提供了导游,使他们可以看到镇上所有的旅游景点以及城市的主要产业。

杜拉兹诺,发生魔法的城市 (Durazno, the City where magic happens)

Speaking of accommodation, the night before the conference, we realized that the people arriving from Argentina would reach Durazno at about 3:00 AM — but their hotel reservations had check ins at noon. I called the owner of Hotel Durazno, telling him about our problem. “I call you back in five minutes”. Five minutes later and he got us accommodation for two people, at no extra cost. That was the people of Durazno trying to make things happen.

说到住宿,在会议的前一天晚上,我们意识到从阿根廷来的人们将在凌晨3:00到达杜拉兹诺-但他们的酒店预订在中午才入住。 我打电话给杜拉兹诺酒店的老板,向他介绍了我们的问题。 “我会在五分钟内给您回电”。 五分钟后,他免费为我们提供了两个人的住宿。 那是杜拉兹诺(Durazno)的人们试图使事情成真。

But we still had to fit 8 more somewhere else. That’s when the university called the Air Force—yes, don’t act surprised, Durazno has an international airport.

但是我们仍然必须在其他地方再安装8个。 那时候大学叫空军-是的,别惊讶,杜拉兹诺(Durazno)有一个国际机场。

The Air Force shared one of their soldier barracks with us so the rest of our Argentinean guests could stay there for the night. The next day in the morning, the military airplanes were waking them up with their engines, while the pilots started their training maneuvers. For some of the Argentinean crowd, that was an unforgettable experience.

空军与我们共享了一个士兵营房,因此我们其余的阿根廷客人可以在那过夜。 第二天早上,军用飞机用引擎将他们叫醒,而飞行员则开始进行训练。 对于某些阿根廷人来说,这是一次难忘的经历。

But help didn’t stop there. We had to pick them up from the bus station at 3:00 AM, and take them to their hotel or to the Air Force outside of town. That night I was talking with some friends from Diaro El Acontecer about our preparations for the conference. They had helped us in promoting the conference via their newspaper by writing articles about it, and running ads about it. Martín Román, the newspaper owner asked for my phone and told me he would try to help me out. Half an hour later and he had volunteered a minibus to go pick up people from the bus station!

但是帮助并不仅限于此。 我们不得不在凌晨3:00从汽车站接他们,然后将它们带到他们的酒店或镇外的空军。 那天晚上,我正与Diaro El Acontecer的一些朋友谈论我们为会议做的准备。 他们通过撰写报纸上的文章并投放广告来帮助我们通过报纸宣传会议。 报纸老板马丁·罗曼(MartínRomán)要求我打电话,并告诉我他会尽力帮助我。 半小时后,他自愿乘坐小巴去汽车站接人!

Those are some of the many experiences we had during the conference, where we saw a city coming together to make the conference happen. That makes me really proud, because I wanted to show that if Durazno gets to it, we can make things happen.

这些是我们在会议期间的许多经验中的一部分,我们在那里看到一座城市聚集在一起使会议得以举行。 这让我感到非常自豪,因为我想表明,如果杜拉兹诺(Durazno)做到这一点,我们就能使事情成真。

促进会议 (Promoting the Conference)

As said above, thanks to Marcelo Mondino the conference reached national television, via cable, and also via streaming. Diario El Acontecer helped us promote the conference via their local newspaper, but we also wanted to go national.

如上所述,多亏了Marcelo Mondino,会议才能通过电缆和流媒体到达国家电视台。 Diario El Acontecer通过他们当地的报纸帮助我们推广了会议,但我们也想成为全国性的。

We got Uruguay’s main newspaper, El País, to write a couple of articles about DuraznoConf. El Observador also wrote about it as well in their tech portal.

我们得到了乌拉圭的主要报纸ElPaís撰写了几篇有关DuraznoConf的文章。 El Observador也在其技术门户网站上也对此进行了介绍。

We also got coverage in Argentina’s main newspaper, Clarín, who wrote a story about our speaker Daniela Vázquez. InfoQ Brazil also ran a story about the conference.

我们还获得了阿根廷主要报纸Clarín的报道,后者写了一篇有关我们发言人丹妮拉·瓦兹克斯 ( DanielaVázquez )的故事。 InfoQ Brazil还发布了有关会议的故事。

During the conference, we toured the local radios and TV channels, and after the event, the speakers got invited to discuss at the local parliamente about the importance of creating a tech scene in Durazno.


多样性很重要 (Diversity Matters)

All in all, we tried to make a lot of noise about the conference, because we wanted to show people that it’s crucial to bring tech to the countryside, to far away places. Important events don’t only happen in capital cities in big countries.

总而言之,我们试图在会议上大声喧noise,因为我们想向人们表明,将技术带到农村,到遥远的地方至关重要。 重要事件不仅发生在大国的首都。

Also, from a logistical point of view, it’s just as easy to bring 10 great speakers to a far away city, as it is to force everyone from far away cities to fly to conferences that only happen in the US or Europe.


Sometimes people in Latin America struggle to attend tech events in the US or Europe because of economical reasons. Bringing tech conferences to Latin America helps broaden the access to tech to everyone there. These shared experience enrich everyone’s perspectives, which is something that the tech world really needs. We need to make tech accessible and affordable.

有时,出于经济原因,拉丁美洲的人们很难参加美国或欧洲的科技活动。 将技术会议带到拉丁美洲有助于扩大那里所有人的技术获取范围。 这些共享的经验丰富了每个人的观点,这是科技界真正需要的。 我们需要使技术易于使用和负担得起。

社区 (Community)

My big takeaway from the conference was the community that formed around the speakers, and the city itself. Everyone felt like they were part of a family, and we tried to help each other so the conference would end up being a success.

会议的最大收获是围绕演讲者组成的社区以及城市本身。 每个人都觉得他们是一家人,我们尽力互相帮助,使会议最终成功。

I made a lot of new friends, and had experiences that will be hard to forget. So in closing, I’d like to share some lyrics from Atahualpa Yupanqui’s song, Los Hermanos.

我结识了很多新朋友,并且经历了难以忘怀的经历。 最后,我想分享Atahualpa Yupanqui的歌曲Los Hermanos的一些歌词

Yo tengo tantos hermanos que no los puedo contar. En el valle, la montaña, en la pampa y en el mar. Cada cual con sus trabajos, con sus sueños, cada cual. Con la esperanza adelante, con los recuerdos detrás.

Yo tengo tantos hermanos que no los puedo contar。 恩厄尔瓦莱,蒙大拿州,恩帕潘塔和恩厄尔马尔。 Cada cual con sus traabajos,con sussueños,cada cual。 Con con esperanza adelante,con los recuerdosdetrás。

笔记 (Notes)
  • Photos by Javier Villasuso.

    Javier Villasuso的照片。
  • You can watch the talks from DuraznoConf 2017 here.

    您可以在此处观看DuraznoConf 2017的演讲。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/duraznoconf-the-human-side-of-programming-12b5f679b312/





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