

by Walt Schlender

由Walt Schlender

很少经验的编码工作 (How you can land a coding job with very little experience)

I got into Silicon Valley’s tech scene through the back door — by building my career with simple, quick freelance gigs. I highly recommend this approach. Not only is it a great way to learn a lot of different coding skills really quickly, it’s also a lot of fun!

我通过后门进入了硅谷的技术领域-通过简单,快速的自由职业演出来建立自己的职业生涯。 我强烈推荐这种方法。 这不仅是一种快速学习大量不同编码技能的好方法,而且还很有趣!

矛盾的是:您需要工作才能获得经验,但是您需要经验才能获得工作… (The paradox: you need a job to get experience but you need experience to get a job…)

The other day, a friend who was getting ready to graduate from college asked me for advice on how to get a developer job. He had spent hours poring over job boards, sending out cover letters, and had heard back from exactly zero companies. ?

前几天,一个正准备从大学毕业的朋友问我关于如何获得开发人员工作的建议。 他花了几个小时仔细研究工作板,发出求职信,并从公司那里得到了回音。 ?

I completely understood his pain. Having been one of the founding engineers at a tech recruiting company where I worked on data-science, I’ve had the opportunity to see actual numbers and the picture can be pretty glum.

我完全理解他的痛苦。 作为我从事数据科学工作的一家技术招聘公司的创始工程师之一,我有机会看到实际数字,而且情况可能非常糟糕。

It’s cut and dry. New grads and people without much past experience have a really hard time getting jobs. When we ask employers why they didn’t want to hire someone without much past experience, we usually hear the same thing, “we’re looking for someone experienced”.

切干。 新的毕业生和没有太多经验的人很难找到工作。 当我们问雇主为什么他们不想雇用没有太多过去经验的人时,我们通常会听到同样的事情,“我们正在寻找有经验的人”。

It sucks.


You need a job to get experience and you need experience to get a job… It’s the age old paradox.


Luckily, in the programming world, there is a solution to this puzzle.


All you have to do is find employers who are willing to hire programmers who have a little less experience. Seems impossible? It’s not. Believe it or not, employers like this are out there right now. They’re desperately looking for anyone to solve their problems and they will happily pay for your help.

您要做的就是找到愿意雇用经验较少的程序员的雇主。 似乎不可能? 不是。 信不信由你,像这样的雇主现在就在那里 他们拼命地寻找任何人来解决他们的问题,他们会很乐意为您提供帮助。

All you have to do is find them.


请允许我介绍自由职业和“演出”(Allow me to introduce freelancing and the ‘Gig’!)

I know what you’re thinking, freelancing? If no one would hire me for a job, why would anyone hire me as a freelancer? What’s so special about freelancing anyway? Isn’t it just working for a company except without the W-2, benefits, and job security? Wouldn’t I be better off sticking with the job hunt for a while?

我知道您在想什么,自由职业? 如果没有人会雇用我来工作,为什么有人会雇用我作为自由职业者? 自由职业到底有什么特别之处? 除了没有W-2,福利和工作保障外,它是否还为一家公司服务? 我会坚持一段时间找工作更好吗?

These are all valid concerns and freelancing isn’t always easy, but before you run off and start mailing more résumés into the abyss, let me explain.


Freelancing is a term that covers any work you do where you don’t have a formal employer-employee relationship with a company. In the developer world I would (very non-scientifically) break freelancing down into a few distinct categories. There are consultants, freelance-employees, and freelance-gig-doers.

自由职业 这个术语涵盖了您与公司没有正式的劳资关系的任何工作。 在开发人员世界中,我会(非常不科学地)将自由职业者分解为几个不同的类别。 有顾问自由职业者自由职业者

Consultants are usually very experienced expert developers who are being brought in to solve tough technical problems where they have unique insights and expertise. Since you are just learning to program, I suspect this is not you.

顾问 通常是非常有经验的专家开发人员,他们被引入来解决棘手的技术问题,他们具有独特的见识和专业知识。 由于您只是在学习编程,所以我怀疑不是您。

Freelance-employees are usually pretty much exactly like employees except that they got their job through an employment agency instead of by being directly hired by the company they work for. This usually happens for political reasons far too boring to discuss in this article. Suffice to say you probably don’t fall into this category.

自由职业者通常与雇员完全一样,只是他们是通过职业介绍所找到工作的,而不是直接由所工作的公司雇用。 这通常是由于政治原因而发生的,太无聊了,无法在本文中进行讨论。 可以说您可能不属于这一类。

Finally there are gig-freelancers.


Gig-freelancers fill a special gap in the software engineering world. They typically take on jobs that are too small, too specialized, or too experimental to warrant hiring a full-time employee. The employers they work for hire them because they need to get a temporary job done, and the gig worker is available and willing to do the work.

自由职业者填补了软件工程界的一个特殊空白。 他们通常从事的工作太小,太专业或太有实验性而无法雇用全职员工。 他们租用他们工作的雇主,因为他们需要得到一份临时工作完成,演出工作人员可出席愿意做的工作。

Some examples of employers who hire gig workers include:


  • entrepreneurs - looking to build a proof of concept for an idea

    企业家 -寻求建立一个想法的概念证明

  • intrapreneurs - entrepreneurs working on innovation inside a company that are also looking to build proof of concepts

    内部企业家 -在公司内部从事创新的企业家,他们也希望建立概念证明

  • small-businesses - usually looking for someone ‘handy’ to install or set up something

    小型企业 -通常寻找“方便”的人来安装或设置某些东西

  • individuals with a programming problem - maybe it’s a guy who needs help with his programming homework or something ?

    有编程问题的人 -也许是需要编程作业帮助的人?

The unifying characteristics of these customer jobs are that they’re small, well-defined, and temporary.


Gig-freelancing definitely has it’s drawbacks, and I would hesitate to recommend it as a place to build a long-term career. But for someone who is starting out in their programming journey, it is one of the quickest ways to simultaneously build skills, connections, and credibility. It also can be a whole lot of fun.

自由工作绝对有它的弊端,我会毫不犹豫地推荐它作为建立长期职业的地方。 但是对于刚开始编程之旅的人来说,这是同时建立技能联系信誉的最快方法之一 这也可能很有趣

为什么当您刚开始时值得进行演出自由职业 (Why it’s worth doing gig freelancing when you’re first starting out)

出乎意料的是,Gig职位很容易获得。 (Surprisingly, Gig jobs are fairly easy to get.)

Gigs are usually small — a few hours, a week…


They usually don’t pay that much money, so if you know where to look the competition isn’t that fierce.


The work usually requires less experience to complete. It’s “write a simple crawler” instead of “build out the next Facebook.”

这项工作通常需要较少的经验才能完成。 它是“编写一个简单的搜寻器”,而不是“构建下一个Facebook”。

For the employer, the stakes are much lower. No long-term commitments need to be made. No employee badges are printed. No HR department is involved. If you don’t do good work, very little has been lost.

对于雇主而言,赌注低得多。 无需做出长期承诺。 没有打印员工徽章。 没有人力资源部门参与。 如果您做的不好,损失的很少。

All of this means that getting these jobs is fairly easy. Be professional and prompt… don’t be hard to work with and you should be able to get hired in spite of your lack of experience.

所有这些都意味着获得这些工作相当容易。 专业,Swift……工作起来并不难,尽管您缺乏经验,但仍应能够被录用。

发现适合您的演出类型 (Discovering the type of gig that suits you)

When you get a gig job, you can use it to discover what kind of programming suits you.


Gigs give you the opportunity to work for a lot of different people and work on a lot of different projects. This is a great opportunity to do some exploration to find out what you like.

演出使您有机会为许多不同的人工作,并从事许多不同的项目。 这是进行探索以发现自己喜欢的事物的绝好机会。

Curious about data? Pick up a scraping or data processing gig.

对数据好奇吗? 挑选一个抓取或数据处理演出。

Want to learn about hardware? There are Arduino a Raspberry pi gigs.

想了解硬件? 有Arduino a Raspberry pi演出。

Found something you like? Find another similar job.

找到喜欢的东西了吗? 寻找其他类似的工作。

I personally used gigs to try all sorts of areas of programming. When I was gigging, some categories of projects I got a chance to try included:

我个人使用演出来尝试各种编程领域。 当我演出时,我有机会尝试了一些类别的项目:

  • web sites

  • custom video players

  • audio players

  • micro-controller programming

  • live streaming and video conferencing

  • data scraping and crawling

  • simple games


and the list goes on.


Use gigs to figure out what you like and don’t like as a programmer. The learning is super valuable. Maybe more valuable than the money you could have earned working a job you weren’t really interested in.

用演出来找出你喜欢和不喜欢做程序员的东西 。 学习是非常有价值的。 也许比您自己并不真正感兴趣的工作所获得的金钱更有价值。

演出让您提高自己的技能并磨练自己的技巧。 (Gigs let you polish your skills and hone your craft.)

When you’re early in your programming career, you’re probably not ready for big projects. They’re too complicated. They involve skills (like reading other people’s code) you may not have mastered yet.

在您编程生涯的初期,您可能还没有准备好进行大型项目。 他们太复杂了。 它们涉及您可能尚未掌握的技能(例如阅读其他人的代码)。

You also need to hone your architecture and chosen platform API chops. There’s nothing like a real client asking you to perfect some CSS to get you to learn how flex-boxes work. And having to build single-page apps for four different clients really helps you get really clear on how React apps handle routing.

您还需要磨练您的体系结构和选择的平台API。 没有什么比一个真正的客户要求您完善一些CSS来让您学习flex-boxes如何工作的了。 而且必须为四个不同的客户端构建单页应用程序确实可以帮助您真正弄清React应用程序如何处理路由。

Also, just having to do everything yourself will be beneficial. You’ll have to build entire systems. You’ll have no choice. You will learn how everything works.

同样,只需要自己做所有事情将是有益的。 您将必须构建整个系统。 你别无选择。 您学到一切。

演出常常带来更好的结果 (Gigs often lead to better things)

When I started doing gigs, I never really expected them to open doors for me, but that’s what ended up happening.


I would bill out a gig for 2 hours (the gig actually took me a bit longer) and I would deliver exactly what my client asked me for. The next day the client would ask if I had time for another project.

我要花2个小时的演出费(演出实际上花了我更长的时间),并且我会按照客户的要求准确交付。 第二天,客户会问我是否有时间进行另一个项目。

Every project I created was another project I could add to my portfolio. Every project also expanded my network. People I met would refer their friends and colleagues to me. Over the years I ended up working for some pretty big name companies.

我创建的每个项目都是可以添加到我的投资组合中的另一个项目。 每个项目也扩大了我的网络。 我遇到的人会将他们的朋友和同事推荐给我。 多年来,我最终在一些知名公司工作。

Eventually I didn’t really even have to look for new work. It sort of just came to me.

最终,我什至不必真正寻找新工作。 这只是来找我的。

It was fun… and although it was scary at first, it got easier over time.


那么,您如何获得演出呢? 这是我建议的过程: (So how do you get gigs? Here is the process I recommend:)

找到适合您情况的良好演出市场 (Find a good gig marketplace that fits your situation)

You want to start your gig search by finding a ‘marketplace’ where employers will see you as a good solution to the problems they’re trying to solve. They typically look online in a ‘marketplace’: job board, mailing list, slack channel, forums, and so on. When I say ‘marketplace’ I really mean any community where a particular group of people post jobs.

您想通过寻找一个“市场”来开始找工作,在这里雇主会把您看作是他们要解决的问题的很好的解决方案。 他们通常会在“市场”中上网:工作板,邮件列表,闲暇频道,论坛等。 当我说“市场”时,我的意思是任何特定群体在其中发布工作的社区。

Finding the proper marketplace is probably the most important part of doing a job search, and many people don’t approach the where of their job search very strategically.

找到合适的市场可能 很多人做了求职的最重要的部分,不接近他们的工作很搜索战略上。

The truth is that each marketplace has different ‘client mixes’ with different needs, desires, and hiring criteria.


If you spend time hunting on the wrong kind of marketplace, you’ll have a really tough time getting work. So it really pays to spend some time looking around for appropriate marketplaces.

如果您在错误的市场上花费时间,那么您将很难 上班。 因此,花一些时间寻找合适的市场确实值得。

So what do you want to look for?


First it goes without saying: look for a gig-focused marketplace. This likely means a place where entrepreneurial employers are posting small focused projects. This means you’ll want to avoid full-time job boards. Any post where you’d need to submit a resume and go through rounds of interviews is probably not what you are looking for.

首先,不用说:寻找以演出为主的市场。 这可能意味着企业家雇主正在发布小型重点项目。 这意味着您将要避免全职工作。 您需要提交简历并经过几轮面试的任何帖子都可能不是您想要的。

In addition to looking for marketplaces that are ‘gig’ focused, you’ll have the most luck with marketplaces that are ‘niched’.


What do I mean by ‘niched’? Well, you want marketplaces that have some sort of focus that your skills or experience fit into.

我所说的“小生”是什么意思? 好吧,您希望市场中具有您的技能或经验适合的某种重点。

Niche Marketplaces include:


  • Geographical focus: Some marketplaces are built for local communities. People often hire through these sites when they want to work with someone local.

    地理重点:某些市场是为当地社区建造的。 当人们想与当地人合作时,人们通常会通过这些网站进行招聘。

  • Technology focus: Some marketplaces focus on particular technologies. If you have been spending lots of time with a particular technology, these boards will be places where you will have an advantage.

    技术重点:某些市场专注于特定技术。 如果您花费大量时间使用特定技术,那么这些板将是您将获得优势的地方。

  • Problem-space focus: Some marketplaces are not targeted at a technology per-se, rather they focus on a particular audience. Software projects exist in every community. If you are a member of a community, you may be able to get access to gigs that are not available to other developers.

    关注问题空间:某些市场并非针对技术本身,而是针对特定的受众。 每个社区都有软件项目。 如果您是社区的成员,则可以访问其他开发人员不可用的演出。

Picking a good niched marketplace will vastly increase your odds of getting a gig.


In an niched marketplace, the employers will be more relevant. You will face less competition than you would on a more general freelancing site. Most importantly niching gives you a chance to ‘stack the deck’ in your favor as you will be applying with an advantage over the competition even if that advantage is only ‘we live in the same city’.

在利基市场中,雇主将更加相关。 与在更一般的自由职业者网站上相比,您面临的竞争更少。 最重要的是, 利基为您提供了一个“堆砌甲板”的机会,因为您将在竞争中获得优势,即使该优势仅仅是“我们住在同一座城市”。

If I had to start gigging again today, some places I might look include:


  • craigslist (the gigs section) — it’s local / geographically focused, so you have some of the above-mentioned built-in advantages.

    craigslist (演出部分)-它是本地/地理位置集中的,因此您具有上述内置的优势。

  • in person physical meetups — again local and niched. In my experience, when you show up at these events, there is almost always someone looking for someone to help with their projects. The fact that you’re a local is a huge advantage.

    面对面的身体聚会 -又是本地的和固定的。 以我的经验,当您参加这些活动时,几乎总是有人在寻找帮助他们的项目的人。 您是本地人是一个巨大的优势。

  • public-entrepreneur-focused slack chat groups and topical mailing lists (again they’re niched and a little less main-stream). You can find these by googling ‘public slack channels’— many of these have a specific section devoted to jobs, and most of the jobs on entrepreneur-focused channels will be gig-based.

    以公共企业家为中心的闲聊组主题邮件列表 (同样,他们被固定下来了,主流减少了)。 您可以通过搜索“公共松弛渠道”来找到这些资源-其中许多都有专门针对工作的部分,并且以企业家为重点的渠道上的大多数工作都基于演出。

  • finally,,, or some other freelance focused work site. These sites have plenty of employers looking to hire people, but it can be a bit hard to get started. You’ll be competing for jobs with people from all over the world who already have a lot of platform reviews. When you eventually get some 5-star ratings things will get easy, but until then it’s a numbers game so be prepared for a lot of rejections.

    最后,是upwork.comfreelancer.com或其他专注于自由职业者的工作网站。 这些站点有大量的雇主希望招聘人才,但是入门可能有些困难。 您将与世界各地已有很多平台评论的人们竞争工作。 当您最终获得五星级评级时,事情会变得容易,但是在那之前这是一个数字游戏,因此要做好应对很多拒绝的准备。

申请演出 (Apply for the gig)

Applying for a gig is pretty simple. You will be having a conversation with an employer and you want to convince them that you can solve their problem.

申请演出非常简单。 您将与雇主进行交谈,并且您想说服他们您可以解决他们的问题。

Usually you will be sending an email. In some cases you might be filling in a form or something. It doesn’t really matter though as long as you can somehow have a conversation.

通常,您将发送一封电子邮件。 在某些情况下,您可能会填写表格或其他内容。 只要您能以某种方式进行对话,那都没有关系。

What do you say?


You want to let the employer know that you understand the problem that they’re trying to solve and that you think you can solve it for them.


You want to tell them how long you think it will take and include a little bit of information about yourself that explains why you specifically are a good match.


You want to include a few links to some pieces of work you have done that are similar to what the employer is looking for if you have them.


You may be thinking, I have no experience. Doesn’t that immediately disqualify me?’

您可能在想,我没有经验。 那不是立即取消我的资格吗?

Not necessarily. You can actually use your weakness as your strength! Here are some examples of how you might do this.

不必要。 实际上,您可以利用自己的弱点作为优势! 以下是一些有关如何执行此操作的示例。

  • Let the employer know you’re new to freelancing, but tell them that you are interested in their project because you need great portfolio pieces. This means that you are happy to revise and polish as much as necessary to create something really spectacular.

    让雇主知道您是新来的自由职业者,但是告诉他们您对他们的项目感兴趣,因为您需要大量的投资组合。 这意味着您很乐意根据需要进行修改和完善,以创造出真正令人赞叹的作品。
  • Let the employer know that you’re new to freelancing and that is why the rates you are quoting are so low - likely lower than the competition. They will be getting a great deal.

    让雇主知道您是新来的自由职业者, 就是为什么您报价的利率如此之低 -可能低于竞争对手。 他们会得到很多。

  • Let the employer know that although you are new to coding, you have a lot of experience in his / her particular industry. You have knowledge that uniquely qualifies you to do the gig better than the more generic competition.

    让雇主知道,尽管您不熟悉编码,但是您在其特定的行业中有很多经验。 您所拥有的知识使您比一般竞争者更有资格做演出。

The fact that you are just starting out is a strength in some respects, as you can justify doing projects that more experienced developers won’t pick up because the payoff for you is different - experience and portfolio evidence vs money. Communicate this message effectively and you will have no problem landing a few of the gigs you apply for.

在某些方面,您刚刚起步的事实是一种优势 ,因为您可以证明自己所做的项目是有经验的开发人员不会接受的,因为您的收益是不同的- 经验投资组合证据 与金钱。 有效地传达此消息,您就可以毫无疑问地申请一些演出。

跟进 (Follow up)

What is often said in many job search books and articles is true! Following up is really important.

在许多求职书和文章中经常说的是真的! 跟进非常重要。

Think about it from an employers perspective (I know because I’ve hired people before).


You (as the employer) post a gig and start to receive messages from contractors. Many messages are terrible. The messages are poorly written or the contractor wants too much money or it doesn’t seem like the contractor understands what you want. A few applicants look promising but naturally you want to wait a bit for more applications to come in. Maybe someone spectacular will show up.

您(作为雇主)张贴演出并开始接收承包商的消息。 许多消息太糟糕了。 消息写得不好,或者承包商要太多钱,或者承包商似乎不了解您想要什么。 一些申请人看上去很有前途,但是自然地,您想要稍等片刻,等待更多的申请加入。也许有人会出现。

Eventually you move on to some other task and forget about the gig you posted. A few days go by and the applications stop showing up. You’re busy… and then you receive a follow-up email from one of the few promising applicants. This person seemed like they could get the job done and they seem professional (after all they followed up). Your decision is made.

最终,您继续执行其他任务,而忘了发布的演出。 几天过去了,应用程序停止显示。 您很忙……然后您从几个有前途的申请人之一中收到一封后续电子邮件。 这个人似乎可以完成工作,而且看起来很专业(毕竟他们一直在跟进)。 您的决定已作出。

As the contractor you want to be that person that looks promising and follows up. You would be surprised how few people follow-up when applying for gigs. It really does make all the difference.

作为承包商,您想成为一个有前途并能跟进的人 。 您会惊讶地发现,申请演出的人很少。 确实的确有很大的不同。

So, how do you do it?


After you send your initial email you wait a day or two and then send a quick email saying,


Hey, I hadn’t heard back from you and thought I’d follow up. Have you found someone to help you out with your gig? If you’re still in need I am still available.
嘿,我没有收到您的回音,以为我会跟进。 您是否找到可以帮助您的演出的人? 如果您仍然有需要,我仍然可以提供。

In my experience this is when you get the job. Give it a try and see if it works for you.

以我的经验,这是您获得工作的时间。 试试看,看看是否适合您。

不要气our (Don’t be discouraged)

Getting gigs can be a bit of a numbers game at first. Don’t take rejection personally. In the beginning you won’t have built a reputation, so it’s only natural that people will be wary to hire you.

首先,获得演出可能是一场数字游戏。 不要个人拒绝。 在一开始,您就不会树立声誉,因此人们会警惕地雇用您,这是很自然的。

Keep on applying to postings and don’t be discouraged! I recommend thinking of success as ‘applying’ instead of actually ‘getting’ the job. It will help keep things in perspective. Eventually you will land your first gig.

继续申请职位,不要气!! 我建议将成功视为“应用”,而不是“实际”获得工作。 这将有助于保持事物的远景。 最终,您将完成自己的第一场演出。

That first gig you get is well worth the effort. After that first gig when someone asks you what you do for a living you will have something new to say to them:

您获得的第一场演出是值得的。 在第一次演出之后,当有人问你以谋生为生时,你会对他们说些新话:

I’m a professional programmer ?

我是专业人士 程序员?

我希望我已经说服了你 (I hope I have convinced you)

I hope I have convinced you that gigs can be a great way to start a programming career.


If you can build basic programs you can use gigs to start your programming career today.


Over time, gigs are a stepping stone to bigger and better things, so go out there and get a gig or two. You’ll be surprised at what you can do if you try.

随着时间的推移,演奏会成为更大更好的事情的垫脚石,所以出去那里参加一场或两次演奏会。 如果尝试尝试,您会感到惊讶。

Thank you for taking the time to read my article.


You can also read other articles of mine on my personal blog


You can find me on Medium where I publish articles about programming, entrepreneurship and data. You can also follow me on Twitter.

您可以在Medium上找到我,我在那里发表有关编程,企业家精神和数据的文章。 您也可以在Twitter上关注我。

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