
by YK Sugi

由YK Sugi

如何在Google和其他高科技公司获得软件工程师职位 (How to Get a Software Engineer Job at Google and Other Top Tech Companies)

Hi everyone!


I’ve already talked about how I personally got a software engineer job at Google in a few videos on my programming-education YouTube channel called CS Dojo.

我已经在我的编程教育YouTube频道CS Dojo上的一些视频中谈到了我个人如何在Google担任软件工程师的工作。

However, a lot of people still ask me about how to get a job at Google as a software engineer. So, here’s my article explaining the strategy I would use.

但是,仍然有很多人问我如何在Google担任软件工程师。 因此,这是我的文章,说明了我将使用的策略。

You can use the same strategy to get a software engineering job not just at Google, but also at other top tech companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook.


In this article, I’m going to show you the 6 step process for landing a job at one of these companies. Along the way, I’m also going to discuss:

在本文中,我将向您展示在这些公司之一中找到工作的6个步骤。 在此过程中,我还将讨论:

  • How to learn to code in the first place

  • What to learn after learning to code

  • How to get your first coding job or internship

  • The best ways to apply for software engineer jobs

  • How best to prepare for programming interviews

  • Is it important to get a computer science degree?

  • Is it important to go to a top university?


Okay, let’s get started!


步骤1:学习编码 (Step 1: Learn to code)

This is the absolute minimum qualification you need to become a software engineer.


For this, I’d recommend you get started with an interactive website such as Codecademy and freeCodeCamp. You can learn most of the programming fundamentals from these sites. I also heard that SoloLearn is good, too.

为此,我建议您开始使用诸如CodecademyfreeCodeCamp之类的交互式网站。 您可以从这些站点学习大多数编程基础知识。 我也听说SoloLearn也很好。

After that, I would use video tutorials to learn more advanced topics. I recommend websites like YouTube, Pluralsight, Lynda.com and Udemy for this. On these websites, you should be able to find tutorials on topics like:

之后,我将使用视频教程来学习更多高级主题。 为此 ,我建议使用YouTubePluralsightLynda.comUdemy之类的网站。 在这些网站上,您应该能够找到有关以下主题的教程:

  • Web development

  • Mobile development

  • Game development


depending on your interest.


但是,等等,我应该首先学习哪种编程语言? (But wait, what programming language should I learn first?)

My short answer would be, pick either JavaScript or Python, but it really depends on your interests. I have a longer answer to this question in this video.

我的简短答案是选择JavaScript还是Python,但这实际上取决于您的兴趣。 在此视频中,我对这个问题的回答更长一些。

步骤2:从事一些个人项目 (Step 2: Work on a few personal projects)

After you’ve followed a few programming tutorials, you should build a few personal projects to practice using what you’ve learned.


For this, you should find something you’re interested in building.


For example, if you like photography, maybe you can build a portfolio site for all your photos. If you like trading stocks, maybe you can build a system that analyzes stock charts for you. Or, if you enjoy problem-solving, you can try competing in a coding competition.

例如,如果您喜欢摄影,也许您可​​以为所有照片建立一个投资组合网站。 如果您喜欢交易股票,也许您可​​以构建一个系统来为您分析股票图表。 或者,如果您喜欢解决问题,则可以尝试参加编码竞赛。

When you work on a project, first build as much as possible by yourself. Then, if you get stuck, get help from others by using either online or offline resources. For example, you can use Stack Overflow to ask specific, technical questions if you get stuck on something programming-related.

当您处理项目时,请首先尽可能地自行构建。 然后,如果遇到困难,请使用联机或脱机资源获得其他人的帮助。 例如,如果您陷入与编程相关的问题,则可以使用Stack Overflow提出具体的技术问题。

步骤3:获得您的第一份编程工作或实习 (Step 3: Get your first programming job or internship)

Once you’ve built a few personal projects, you should be able to get your first programming job or internship. With it, you’ll have some experience before you start interviewing with top tech companies.

一旦构建了一些个人项目,您就应该能够获得第一份编程工作或实习机会。 有了它,您将有一些经验,然后再开始采访顶级高科技公司。

It is possible to get your first job at one of the top tech companies, but it is far easier and more common to get it at a less well-known company first.


申请软件工程师职位的最佳方法 (The best ways to apply for software engineer jobs)

Simply applying for jobs online is not necessarily the best strategy, because that’s what pretty much everyone else does.


Instead, I’d recommend using LinkedIn and in-person networking to get your first programming job.


On LinkedIn, first find recruiters of the company you’re interested in working at. Then, ask them if you’d be qualified for the position you’re interested in. You should also ask them how you can better prepare yourself if you’re not qualified yet.

在LinkedIn上,首先找到您感兴趣的公司的招聘人员。 然后,问他们是否适合您感兴趣的职位。您还应该问他们,如果您还没有资格,该如何更好地做好准备。

For in-person networking, I’d recommend websites like Meetup to meet engineers and recruiters at local companies.


等等,但是,这还不是全部。 (Wait, wait, but that’s not all.)

Using LinkedIn and in-person networking work well if you’re applying to small-to-medium-sized companies. However, I’ve found that these strategies are less effective for more popular companies such as Google and Facebook.

如果您要申请中小型公司,则使用LinkedIn和面对面的网络非常有效。 但是,我发现这些策略对于诸如Google和Facebook之类的更受欢迎的公司而言效果较差。

For these big companies, instead, I recommend combining the following three strategies:


  1. Career fairs and recruiting events at universities near you.

  2. Get referred by friends who work at one of these companies

  3. Simply apply online.


Combining all of these strategies will help you increase the chance of getting an interview with one of these top tech companies.


By the way, I’m not exactly sure why LinkedIn is less effective with these big companies, but I think it might be because they get too many messages. Basically, they’re too popular there :P

顺便说一下,我不确定为什么LinkedIn在这些大公司中的效率较低,但我认为这可能是因为它们收到了太多信息。 基本上,它们在这里太受欢迎了:P

步骤4:了解数据结构和算法 (Step 4: Learn data structures and algorithms)

Top tech companies like Google and Microsoft often ask questions about data structures and algorithms in their interviews. So, you should learn them if you haven’t yet.

像Google和Microsoft这样的高科技公司在面试中经常会问有关数据结构和算法的问题。 因此,如果您还没有的话,应该学习它们。

To learn the basics, I’d recommend my video series on data structures and algorithms. It’s all on YouTube. I’ve made these videos to make it as easy as possible to get to know this topic.

要学习基础知识,我建议您观看有关数据结构和算法的视频系列 。 全部在YouTube上。 我制作了这些视频,以使其尽可能容易地了解该主题。

Since there are only 7 videos in this series, you’ll need more material to learn more advanced topics.


There are several popular options for this, including:


You should try a few of these and continue with the one you like the most.


第5步:准备编码面试 (Step 5: Prepare for coding interviews)

Coding interviews at companies like Google and Microsoft are hard, but it is somewhat straight-forward to prepare for them.


Once you have a solid understanding of data structures and algorithms, I’d recommend these three resources for practice:


After practicing on your own for a few weeks, you should start doing mock interviews.


如何进行模拟面试 (How to do mock interviews)

Basically, pair up with your friends, and give each other problems from the resources I mentioned above.


Then, solve each problem on paper or on a Google doc. Explain your solution to your friend.

然后,通过纸质文档或Google文档解决每个问题。 向您的朋友解释您的解决方案。

Make sure to practice both as the interviewee and interviewer so that you can see what it’s like to be in the interviewer’s shoes.


Once you do 20 or so mock interviews, you should be ready to start interviewing with the companies you want to work for.


第6步:申请,申请,然后再次申请:) (Step 6: Apply, apply, and apply again :))

Use the three strategies I mentioned above to apply to top tech companies:


  • recruiting events / career fairs

  • getting your friends to refer you

  • and applying online.


If you don’t get in the first time, don’t worry. In fact, you should expect some failures since getting into any of these companies is competitive.

如果您不是第一次来,请不要担心。 实际上,您应该会遇到一些失败,因为进入这些公司中的任何一家都具有竞争力。

For me personally, I needed to apply to Google 5 times before I landed my software engineer job there.

就我个人而言, 我需要5次申请Google才能在此找到软件工程师的工作

而已! 快速回顾一下: (That’s it! Here’s a quick recap:)

  • Step 1: Learn to code

  • Step 2: Work on a few personal projects

  • Step 3: Get your first programming job or internship

  • Step 4: Learn data structures and algorithms

  • Step 5: Prepare for coding interviews

  • Step 6: Apply, apply, and apply again :)

等等,真的那么简单吗? (Wait, is it really that simple?)

Yes, it is. Still, it takes a lot of time and dedication to go through all 6 steps.

是的。 尽管如此,完成所有6个步骤仍需要大量时间和奉献精神。

一些注意事项: (A few more notes:)

我需要获得计算机科学学位吗? (Do I need to get a computer science degree?)

The short answer is no. However, getting a computer science degree helps a lot. If you take a solid CS program, it takes care of most of Step 1, 2, 3, and 4 (learning to code, doing personal projects, getting your first programming job or internship, and learning data structures and algorithms).

最简洁的答案是不。 但是,获得计算机科学学位会有所帮助。 如果您使用扎实的CS程序,则它将完成第1、2、3和4步的大部分工作(学习代码,进行个人项目,完成第一个编程工作或实习以及学习数据结构和算法)。

Without taking a CS degree, you’ll just need to learn more on your own.


Also, please note that even with a CS degree, it takes a lot of work to get a software engineer job at one of these companies.


我需要去麻省理工学院,斯坦福大学,卡内基·梅隆大学等顶级大学吗? (Do I need to go to a top university like MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, etc.?)

Again, the short answer is no. It probably helps a little bit, but it’s far from necessary.

同样,简短的答案是“否”。 它可能会有所帮助,但这不是必需的。

Laszlo Bock, a former Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google, also agrees.

Google的前人事运营高级副总裁Laszlo Bock也表示同意。

According to the book he wrote, Work Rules!, Google prefers top-performing students at less-known schools over mediocre-performing students at top schools like MIT.

根据他写的书, 工作规则! ,相对于麻省理工学院(MIT)等顶尖学校中表现平平的学生,谷歌更喜欢那些鲜为人知的学校中表现最好的学生。

I think this makes sense, because if you’re smart and dedicated, it shouldn’t matter too much which school you went to.


我需要高GPA吗? (Do I need to have a high GPA?)

The short answer is no, again.


Having a high GPA probably helps a little bit for getting an interview as well, but it’s probably much more important to have solid practical experience and interesting projects to show on your resume.


In fact, according to Work Rules!, Google used to care a lot about candidates’ GPAs in the past. However, they’ve found that having a high GPA is not strongly correlated to having a strong workplace performance in the long term. After that finding, they stopped placing such a strong emphasis on GPAs.

实际上,按照工作规则! ,过去Google一直很在乎候选人的GPA。 但是,他们发现,从长远来看,拥有较高的GPA并不会与拥有良好的工作场所表现紧密相关。 在发现之后,他们不再把重点放在GPA上。

那我需要什么 (What do I need then?)

Basically, all you need is strong coding and problem-solving skills, a good understanding of CS fundamentals, and interesting projects and experience to show on your résumé.


You’ll be able to build all of these if you follow the 6 steps I explained above.


等等,我该如何撰写一份不错的简历 (Wait, how can I write a good résumé though?)

If you’d like, you can use the resume I used to apply to Google as a template.


That’s the actual résumé I used to get a job at Google as a software engineer. It should really have been one page, so I would say my résumé was too long. Still, feel free to use it as a starting point.

那是我在Google担任软件工程师所使用的实际简历。 它本来应该是一页,所以我的简历太长了。 不过,请随时以它为起点。

编写简历的其他资源 (Additional resources for writing a résumé:)

Okay, good luck, and thank you for reading this article!


If you have any questions, please let me know in a comment below or on Instagram or Twitter (@ykdojo on both).

如果您有任何疑问,请在下面的评论中或在InstagramTwitter (两者均为@ykdojo)上让我知道。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-get-a-software-engineer-job-at-google-and-other-top-tech-companies-efa235a33a6d/

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