

by Michael Tombor

迈克尔·汤博(Michael Tombor)

别担心,要开心:如何通过5个简单的步骤来建立自己的未来技术职业。 (Don’t worry, be happy: How to build your future tech career in 5 simple steps.)

“Instead of saying “I don’t have time” try saying “It’s not a priority,” and see how that feels.” — Laura Vanderkam
“与其说“我没有时间”,不如说“这不是优先事项”,然后看看感觉如何。” —劳拉·范德坎(Laura Vanderkam)

Changing careers is very difficult. Add in a full-time job and a couple of kids and the task seems nearly impossible. Yet, even if you are busy, you can prioritize and make the time to focus on what matters to you and build the skills to level up your career.

改变职业非常困难。 加上一个全职工作和几个孩子,任务似乎几乎是不可能的。 但是,即使您很忙,您也可以优先考虑并花时间专注于对您而言重要的事情,并建立技能来提升您的职业生涯

用代码设计您的未来 (Engineer your future with code)

I started my coding journey just six months ago. Now I am one project away from completing my front-end developer certificate on freeCodeCamp. I’ve also completed the web developer boot camp course by Colt Steele on Udemy. And I did this all while raising two kids and working in a full-time job.

六个月前,我开始了编码之旅。 现在,我距离在freeCodeCamp上完成前端开发人员证书还差一个项目。 我还完成了Colt Steele在Udemy上的Web开发人员新手训练营课程。 我在抚养两个孩子并从事全职工作的同时完成了所有这些工作。

When I began using these tips, I saw my progress increase tenfold. I know I would have accomplished much more if I had implemented them earlier in my journey. I have not only benefited from increased productivity, but I feel more balanced and am having more fun than ever before.

当我开始使用这些技巧时,我看到自己的进步增加了十倍。 我知道,如果我在旅​​途中较早地实施它们,将会取得更大的成就。 我不仅从生产力的提高中受益,而且我比以往任何时候都更加平衡和有趣。

我对Web开发的关注 (My pivot into web development)

After being in health care for the last five years, I realized that it wasn’t what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Don’t get me wrong - I loved helping people on their path to health, but I hated seeing the system break down for them. I hated when people could not afford their medication, or when their care plan wasn’t in sync with the treatment they needed.

在过去五年中一直从事医疗保健工作之后,我意识到这不是我一生想要做的事情。 不要误会我的意思-我很乐于帮助人们迈向健康之路,但我讨厌看到系统为他们崩溃。 我讨厌人们买不起药,或者他们的护理计划与他们所需的治疗不同步。

I wanted to do more to help these people. But I knew that I couldn’t do more unless I took a step back and looked at the bigger picture.

我想做更多的事情来帮助这些人。 但是我知道,除非退后一步,然后再看大图,否则我无法做更多的事情。

I was not always interested in coding, but the more I looked at the forces making real change in today’s world, the more I saw that tech was behind these advances.


I saw an opportunity to make meaningful change, and that is when I became interested in coding.


你为什么要编码? (Why are you coding?)

Whatever the reason is, really think about it and pin it down. Use it as motivation to propel you towards your coding goals. Having this end goal will help you bust through plateaus and push through the hard parts (coding is hard).

不管是什么原因,请认真考虑并确定下来。 用它来激励您实现编码目标。 达到这个最终目标将帮助您克服困难,并克服困难的部分(编码很困难)。

Every day that I spend at my current day job motivates me to get home, boot up my laptop, and continue my journey of learning how to code.


The good news is that building coding skills is simple. All you have to do is code a lot. But unfortunately, this is where the hard part comes in. Fitting time into your busy life to routinely code is difficult, to say the least.

好消息是,构建编码技能很简单。 您要做的就是编写很多代码。 但不幸的是 至少可以说,在忙碌的生活中进行例行编码非常困难。

如何攀登编码山 (How to climb the coding mountain)

There is a gap between where you are now and where you want to be. That is why you are reading this article. That is why you work day in and out, and end up sacrificing time with your family and loved ones.

您现在的位置和您想要的位置之间存在差距。 这就是为什么您正在阅读本文。 这就是为什么您日以继夜地工作,并最终牺牲了与家人和亲人在一起的时间。

If we are spending all this time working towards our goal, it is paramount to make the most of the time we spend learning how to code.

如果我们把这样的时间对我们的目标而努力,这是最重要的,使 我们花时间学习如何编码。

Here are five steps to turn this dream into a reality:


  1. Create your personalized goals


To make the most of your time, nothing is more important than making actionable short-term goals. This will not only help you feel a sense of accomplishment every time you meet a goal, but it will help make the coding journey feel a lot less daunting.

要充分利用自己的时间,没有什么比制定可行的短期目标更为重要了。 这不仅可以使您在每次实现目标时都感到成就感,还可以使编码过程不再那么艰巨。

Goals Exercise!


To help you come up with focused goals, I want to encourage you to do a quick exercise that I picked up from Laura Vanderkam.

为了帮助您提出目标明确的目标,我想鼓励您进行从劳拉·范德卡姆(Laura Vanderkam)那里挑选的快速练习。

1. Picture yourself one year from now. You have crushed ALL your coding goals and landed your dream job. You have given five talks at conferences around the world, and you built up your App and it was successful. Whatever success looks like to you, picture your future self. Please be ambitious, maybe even dream a little.

1.从现在开始想象一下自己。 您已经粉碎了所有编码目标,并完成了理想的工作。 您已经在世界各地的会议上进行了五次演讲,并且构建了自己的App,并成功了。 不论成功对您而言如何,请描绘您的未来自我。 请 雄心勃勃,甚至可能梦到一点。

2. What 3 - 5 goals did you accomplish in that year that made it so successful?


3. Write these goals down.


4. Repeat this exercise for your personal life goals. It is impossible to work all the time, and to be successful you need work life balance (or you will burn out).

4.为您的个人生活目标重复此练习。 不可能一直工作,要取得成功,就需要平衡工作与生活(否则就会精疲力尽)。

Now you have 6 - 10 ambitious goals that you want to accomplish during the next year. To break these larger goals down into action items, think about and plan about how you can meet these goals.

现在,您有6-10个雄心勃勃的目标要在明年完成。 要将较大的目标分解为行动项目,请考虑并计划如何实现这些目标。

For example, if you want to complete the freeCodeCamp front end certificate, you need to schedule time to work on it throughout the week. If you want to run a marathon, you need to buy running shoes, sign up for a marathon, and schedule time to train regularly.

例如,如果您想完成freeCodeCamp前端证书,则需要安排时间在整个星期内进行处理。 如果要参加马拉松比赛,则需要购买跑鞋,报名参加马拉松比赛并安排定期训练的时间。

2. Make a Schedule

2. 制定时间表

I’ll be honest - I am definitely not the scheduling type. I thought that I could wing it day by day. But realistically, you need to set time aside to focus, or your goals will pour over into the rest of your life. I found myself feeling anxious about coding during time with my family or when I was putting my kids to bed, because I hadn’t coded yet that day.

老实说-我绝对不是调度类型。 我以为我可以日复一日地飞翔。 但实际上,您需要留出时间专注于目标,否则您的目标将淹没您的余生。 我发现自己在与家人在一起或让孩子上床睡觉时对编码感到焦虑,因为那天我还没有编码。

The thing I looked forward to all day (coding) started to negatively impact my quality of life.


Splitting your time into focused blocks allows you to be 100% in the present moment. When it is coding time, you can have tunnel vision and hack away. When it is time to unwind, or hang out with people you care about, you can be present because you coded that morning, or have time scheduled later in the day.

将您的时间分成几个重点,可以让您在当下成为100%的人。 编码时间到了,您便可以洞察隧道并进行破解。 当您该放松一下或者与您关心的人一起闲逛时,您可以在场,因为您是在当天早上编码的,或者是在当天晚些时候安排的时间。

Here is an example of my personal schedule:


As you can see, I schedule a lot of family time. Family is really important to me. Your schedule will look a lot different, but the point is to create a schedule that will allow you to meet your goals without you hating life along the way. Just try to account for everything, so you can stick to your schedule.

如您所见,我安排了很多家庭时间。 家庭对我来说真的很重要。 您的日程安排看起来会有很大的不同,但是重点是要创建一个日程安排,使您可以实现自己的目标,而不会一生中讨厌生活。 只要尝试考虑所有事情,就可以按照时间表进行。

3. Audit yourself to find time opportunities

3. 审核自己以寻找时间机会

Write down all the activities in a given day or week and see what you really do with your time. You will likely be surprised by exactly how much time you spend mindlessly scrolling through your Instagram feed, or binge watching a new Netflix show (I love Stranger Things).

写下给定日期或一周中的所有活动,并查看您的真实情况 用你的时间做。 您可能会因不知不觉地花了多少时间无意间滚动浏览Instagram feed或狂饮观看新的Netflix节目而感到惊讶(我喜欢Stranger Things)。

I’m not telling you to cut all of it out but keep a balance. You can definitely turn some of that idle time into some serious coding gains.

我不是要告诉您削减所有费用,而是要保持平衡。 您绝对可以将其中的空闲时间转化为可观的编码收益。

There is more time than you think


If you are still thinking to yourself, “yeah, but I still work a lot and (insert excuse here) so I can’t find time”, then here is a fun fact! There are 168 hours in a week. If you work a full 40 hour week and subtract 8 hours of sleep per night (which I definitely don’t get) you still end up with 72 hours of “free” time.

如果您仍然想着自己:“是的,但是我仍然很努力,并且(在这里插入借口)所以我找不到时间”,那么这是一个有趣的事实! 一周有168个小时。 如果您每周工作40个小时,并且每晚减去8个小时的睡眠时间(我肯定没有),那么您仍然会有72个小时的“空闲”时间。

Look at all the time you have in your life situation and squeeze as much “good” stuff into that time as you can. There IS time.

查看生活中的所有时间,并尽可能多地挤出“好”东西。 时间。

4. Fill your time with quality

4. 充实您的时间

Here are some tools that I use to help me accomplish my coding goals and stay focused on my learning path:




Seriously one of the best tools for meeting goals. The curriculum is right there for you to follow and work on, it even tracks your progress!

认真地实现目标的最佳工具之一。 课程就在那里供您遵循和研究,甚至可以跟踪您的进度!

JavaScript 30

JavaScript 30

30 JavaScript projects really help you master array methods while filling up your portfolio with projects (plus it is tons of fun). Wes Bos is a solid instructor who provides a quality free course. You can complete it in 30 consecutive days, or work it into your learning schedule.

30个JavaScript项目确实可以帮助您掌握数组方法,同时用项目填充您的项目组合(而且很有趣)。 韦斯·波斯(Wes Bos)是一位可靠的讲师,提供免费的优质课程。 您可以连续30天完成学习,也可以按照学习时间表进行学习。

100 Days of code on Twitter


This 100 day challenge consists of coding every day and tweeting about what you did. It is a great tool for tracking progress and measuring how far you have come. This community is full of inspiring people from all over the world and is a great way to meet like minded developers.

这项100天的挑战包括每天编码并在推文中发布您的工作。 这是跟踪进度并衡量您的目标的好工具。 这个社区充满了来自世界各地的鼓舞人心的人,是结识志趣相投的开发人员的好方法。

The Web Developer Boot Camp


I am almost finished with this course, and it has patched a lot of holes in my coding knowledge. Colt doesn’t just show you how to do something, he also explains why you do it a certain way. Plus, there is now an advanced web developer boot camp that I am going to take once I’m done.

我几乎完成了这门课程,并且为我的编码知识打了很多漏洞。 柯尔特不仅向您展示了 做某事,他还解释了为什么 你以某种方式做到这一点。 另外,一旦完成,我将参加一个高级的Web开发人员新手训练营。

Live It!


This isn’t a resource, but you should embrace the tech community by living it. Listen to podcasts while you drive to work or do the dishes. Follow leaders in the industry on Twitter. Read articles. Immerse yourself in tech and you will learn without realizing you are learning.

这不是资源,但是您应该通过生活来拥抱技术社区。 在开车上班或洗碗时收听播客。 在Twitter上关注行业领导者。 阅读文章。 沉浸于技术中,您将在没有意识到自己正在学习的情况下学习。

5. Multiply your time

5. 乘以你的时间

We have set goals, and now have several larger goals broken down into actionable goals. We have gone through how to fit these goals into your busy life and I have helped give you some ideas on how to fill your time. Now, I want to tell you how you can make the most out of the time you put into coding.

我们已经设定了目标,现在将几个较大的目标分解为可操作的目标。 我们已经研究了如何使这些目标适应您的忙碌生活,并且我为您提供了一些有关如何充裕时间的想法。 现在,我要告诉你如何最大限度地利用你投入的编码时间。

The Answer: Be Happy!


What does being happy have to do with managing time, you ask? Simply put: it is everything. The idea is called multiplying your time.

你问,快乐与安排时间有什么关系? 简而言之:就是一切 。 这个想法称为倍增您的时间。

Being present and deeply focused leads to increased productivity. This in turn multiplies the time you spend by increasing efficiency. Plus, who doesn’t want to be happy?

在场并集中精力可以提高生产率。 反过来,这会通过提高效率来增加您花费的时间。 另外,谁不想快乐?

According to Shawn Achor, who studied the effects of happiness and its link to productivity, your brain performs 31% more productively when you feel happy.

研究了幸福的影响及其与生产力的联系的肖恩·阿科尔(Shawn Achor)表示,当您感到幸福时,大脑的生产力将提高31%

Dopamine, which floods into your system when you feel positive, does two things:


  1. It makes you happier (duh!)

  2. It turns on the learning centers in your brain. They help you learn things more easily, and allow you to spend less time on learning while retaining more information.

    它开启了您大脑中的学习中心。 它们可以帮助您更轻松地学习事物,并在保留更多信息的同时减少学习时间。

Turn your brain into a dopamine producing machine!


You can release more dopamine by creating lasting, positive change. There are five things you can work into your routine to turn your brain into a dopamine producing machine:

通过创造持久的积极变化,您可以释放更多的多巴胺。 您可以在日常工作中进行五件事,以将大脑变成多巴胺产生机:

1. Write three new things that you’re grateful for each day. This creates the habit of scanning the world for positive things, instead of negative ones.

1. 写下每天要感激的三件事 。 这养成了一种习惯,即在世界上寻找积极的事物,而不是消极的事物。

2. Journal about a positive experience you had in the last 24 hours. This allows you to relive the positive experience which leads to the same dopamine response.

2.记录您过去24小时的积极经历。 这使您可以重新体验正面的体验,从而获得相同的多巴胺React。

3. Exercise. Go on a short walk before a coding session, or bust out a quick workout. Exercise releases tons of dopamine.

3. 运动。 在进行编码会议之前,请走一小段路,或者进行快速锻炼。 运动会释放出多巴胺。

4. Meditate. Meditation trains your brain to focus more on the task at hand, all while releasing dopamine.

4. 冥想。 冥想训练您的大脑在释放多巴胺的同时,更专注于手头的任务。

5. Random acts of kindness. Thank someone in your social support network for helping you, or help someone out. This not only releases dopamine for you, it also does the same for the person you helped (and they may pay it forward).

5. 随意的善举。 感谢您的社会支持网络中的某人为您提供帮助或帮助某人。 这不仅为您释放了多巴胺,而且对您帮助的人也一样(他们可能会向前付款)。

利用时间建立自己的未来 (Use blocks of time to build your future)

Even if we are busy, we must take out time for the things that matter the most. When you focus on what matters, you can build the life you want with the blocks of time you have.

即使我们很忙,我们也必须花时间处理最重要的事情。 当您专注于重要的事情时,您可以利用自己的时间来建立自己想要的生活。

Thank you for reading this post! You can find me on twitter @michaeltombor

感谢您阅读这篇文章! 你可以在推上找到我@michaeltombor

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/dont-worry-be-happy-how-to-build-your-future-tech-career-in-5-simple-steps-5a4e759793db/






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