科技界的大事这4件事是指_科技界和“ D”字:这是您的公司可以做更多的事情。...


by Robyn Hartung Lundin

罗宾·哈顿·隆丁(Robyn Hartung Lundin)

科技界和“ D”字:这是您的公司可以做更多的事情。 (The tech world and the ‘D’ word: here’s how your company can do more.)

Unless you’ve been living under a rock with no access to news outlets or social media, you’re aware that diversity in tech is a huge issue. I’m not going to go deep into why diversity in tech (and all fields) is important, because many others have made this argument quite thoroughly and eloquently. Long story short — hiring diverse teams is not only the right thing to do, but has been linked to better business metrics.

除非您一直生活在无法访问新闻媒体或社交媒体的岩石下,否则您将意识到技术多样性是一个巨大的问题。 我不会深入探讨为什么技术(和所有领域)的多样性很重要,因为许多其他人已经非常彻底和雄辩地提出了这一论点。 长话短说-雇用多样化的团队不仅是正确的选择,而且与更好的业务指标相关

What I do want to address is the issue of words vs. deeds. While a very encouraging number of large and small tech companies are showing great interest in improving the diversity of their engineering teams, merely talking about hiring more diverse candidates is not enough to change the status quo.

我要解决的是言语与行为的问题。 尽管许多令人鼓舞的大小科技公司都对改善其工程团队的多样性表现出极大的兴趣,但是仅仅谈论雇用更多的候选人并不足以改变现状。

I recently attended the career fair portion of Tech Inclusion 2017, a conference hosted by Google, where “the tech industry comes together to drive solutions to diversity and inclusion.” Fifty tech companies were in attendance to discuss this year’s conference focus — “what will we each do to ensure that we are driving an inclusive future for everyone?”

我最近参加了由Google主办的2017年Tech Inclusion 2017年招聘会,其中“技术行业齐心协力,推动解决方案实现多元化和包容性。” 五十家科技公司参加了本年度会议的主题讨论: “我们将各自做什么以确保我们为每个人推动一个包容的未来?”

Based on my experience at the career fair, and my research on the companies in attendance, I have a few suggestions for where the tech industry should start.


1:向目前尚未在大学攻读计算机科学学位的人开放工程实习 (1: Open up your engineering internships to people who are not currently pursuing Computer Science degrees at a university)

Most large and mid-sized tech companies offer engineering internships to current university students and recent grads from traditional Computer Science degree programs. These internships provide valuable experience as well as a foot in the door to people pursuing a career in engineering. But limiting internship opportunities in this way severely restricts the ethnic and gender diversity of internship programs.

大多数大中型科技公司向在校大学生和传统计算机科学学位课程的应届毕业生提供工程实习。 这些实习提供了宝贵的经验,也为从事工程职业的人们提供了机会。 但是,以这种方式限制实习机会会严重限制实习计划的种族和性别多样性。

The demographics of CS graduates are very similar to the demographics for current software developers: 80% are male, 76% are white or Asian. There are many fantastic efforts currently underway to encourage young girls and children from ethnic minority groups to pursue Computer Science degrees. But the results of these efforts will take decades to go into effect. And these kids still may be discouraged from entering the field if they do not see their gender or ethnicity well-represented in Computer Science.

CS毕业生的人群与当前软件开发人员的人群非常相似: 男性占80%,白人或亚裔占76% 。 当前正在进行许多出色的努力,以鼓励 少数民族中的 年轻女孩儿童攻读计算机科学学位。 但是这些努力的结果将需要数十年才能生效。 如果这些孩子在计算机科学中没有很好地代表自己的性别或种族,可能仍然不鼓励他们进入该领域。

I checked into the requirements for internships at some of the largest and most well known companies in attendance at tech inclusion: Amazon, Google, Yelp, Microsoft, Zillow, and PayPal. Spoiler alert — they all require applicants to study Computer Science at a traditional university.

我检查了参与技术包容的一些最大和最知名公司的实习要求: 亚马逊谷歌Yelp微软ZillowPayPal 。 剧透警报-所有这些都要求申请人在传统大学学习计算机科学。

These internships exclude people who are self-taught, people who learned programming online, people who attended coding bootcamps, and people who decided to learn to code later in life. If your company’s engineering internships target only current CS students and recent CS grads — your company’s diversity efforts will fail.

这些实习不包括自学成才的人,在线学习编程的人,参加编码训练营的人以及决定在晚年学习编码的人。 如果您公司的工程实习只针对当前的CS学生和最近的CS毕业生,则您公司的多元化工作将失败。

If engineering internships are only open to CS students, maybe there’s another way for people from different educational and experiential backgrounds to break into tech roles. This leads me to my next point.

如果工程实习只对CS学生开放,那么也许有另一种方式让来自不同教育和经验背景的人成为技术角色。 这引出我的下一个观点。

2:确保您的公司具有真正的入门级工程职位 (2: Make sure your company has truly entry level engineering roles)

If all of your company’s job openings require prior professional experience in engineering, a Computer Science degree, or both, your company has created a serious barrier to entry for diverse candidates.


Nationally, approximately 80% of software developers are male, and 92% are white or Asian. The best way to change this ratio is to widen the top of your company’s hiring funnel.

在全国范围内, 大约80%的软件开发人员是男性,而92%是白人或亚裔。 更改此比例的最佳方法是扩大公司招聘渠道的顶部。

Consider hiring people who don’t yet have professional software development experience. Hire those who have taught themselves how to code and created personal projects. Encourage people who have attended coding bootcamps (45% of people who complete coding bootcamps identify as female or gender non-binary) to apply. Give people a chance who learned to code through online courses instead of studying CS in a formal setting.

考虑雇用还没有专业软件开发经验的人员。 雇用那些自学编码和创建个人项目的人。 鼓励参加过编码训练营的人(完成编码训练营的人中45%认为是女性或性别非二进制的人 )申请。 给人们一个机会,使他们有机会通过在线课程学习编码,而不是在正式的环境中学习CS。

I researched the software engineering roles posted online by a variety of companies. They all expressed an interest in increasing the diversity of their technical teams by coming to the Tech Inclusion conference and career fair.

我研究了多家公司在线发布的软件工程角色。 他们都表示有兴趣参加Tech Inclusion会议和职业博览会,以增加其技术团队的多样性。

Below are specific examples of some of the requirements listed for the most entry level positions I could find at the companies I researched:


Amazon — Software Development Engineer


  • 3+ years professional experience in software development

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, related field, or equivalent work experience




  • B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. in Computer Science or another technical field

    BS,MS或博士学位 在计算机科学或其他技术领域
  • 1+ years of experience working in a frontend or mobile engineering role


Yelp — Software Engineer — Full Stack

Yelp —软件工程师—全栈

  • If you don’t have at least one year of experience in a similar role, please take a look at our College Engineering roles instead! (As noted above, College Engineering roles require the applicant to study Computer Science in a traditional university setting).

    如果您没有至少一年以上类似职位的经验,请改用我们的大学工程职位! (如上所述,大学工程职位要求申请人在传统大学环境中学习计算机科学)。



  • BS in Computer Science

  • 3+ years working on API’s and/or web technologies


Zillow — Software Development Engineer


  • You hold a Bachelors degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering

  • 2+ years of software development experience


PayPal — Software Engineer — Entry Level

PayPal —软件工程师—入门级

  • Bachelors in Computer Science degree or related field from an accredited college or university


Starting to notice a trend? These limiting requirements compound the problems outlined above regarding internships. Entry level engineering roles are even more out of reach than university internships for non-traditional applicants.

开始注意到趋势了吗? 这些限制条件加重了上述有关实习的问题。 与非传统申请人的大学实习相比,入门级工程职位甚至更遥不可及。

By the time Computer Science majors graduate university, they have had the opportunity to gain on-the-job experience as interns. They have already made valuable tech industry connections that will open doors for them as they start their engineering careers.

到计算机科学专业毕业的大学时,他们已经有机会获得实习生的工作经验。 他们已经建立了宝贵的技术行业联系,这将为他们开启工程职业生涯打开大门。

While the jobs listed above may appear to be entry level, their requirements don’t translate that way. These positions are for people who have already spent 5+ years steeped in the tech industry. Only people who belong to the “in crowd” need apply.

尽管上面列出的作业可能是入门级的,但他们的要求并没有这样翻译。 这些职位适用于已经在高科技行业工作5年以上的人员。 只有属于“人群中”的人才需要申请。

More than a few companies at Tech Inclusion had only senior level engineering positions open with even more rigid requirements. There are, of course, tech companies that create roles for people from non-traditional backgrounds, but these roles and companies are few and far between.

Tech Inclusion的多家公司只有高级工程师职位,而且要求更高。 当然,有高科技公司为非传统背景的人创建角色,但是这些角色和公司之间相距甚远。

At this point you may be thinking that people without a degree in computer science, and without professional engineering experience, may require much more training and mentorship to ramp up their skills. This may be true — and also leads me to my last suggestion.

此时,您可能会认为没有计算机科学学位且没有专业工程经验的人们可能需要更多的培训和指导才能提高他们的技能。 这可能是对的,也使我提出了最后的建议。

3:为非传统背景的人创建学徒制 (3: Create apprenticeships for people from non-traditional backgrounds)

If your company has enough resources to hire interns, your company has enough resources to hire and train apprentices who know how to code but lack professional programming experience. Pinterest, LinkedIn and Facebook started offering these apprentice-style roles in 2016–2017 and have started releasing the results of their efforts.

如果您的公司有足够的资源来聘用实习生,那么您的公司就有足够的资源来聘用和培训知道如何编码但缺乏专业编程经验的学徒。 PinterestLinkedInFacebook在2016–2017年开始提供这些学徒式的角色,并已开始发布其工作成果。

Pinterest’s Abby Maldonado offers insight on mentorship, training, and regular check-ins to create a successful apprenticeship program in this blog post. She also highlights the success of the first cohort of apprentice engineers. All apprentices from Pinterest’s first cohort were hired as full time engineers within one year of starting the program.

PinterestAbby Maldonado在此博客文章中提供了有关指导,培训和定期签到的见解,以创建成功的学徒计划。 她还强调了第一批学徒工程师的成功。 在开始该计划后的一年内,Pinterest第一批学员全部被聘为全职工程师

LinkedIn’s Shalini Agarwal shared in the LinkedIn blog that 80% of the engineers in the new REACH program were offered full time software engineering positions with LinkedIn at the end of LinkedIn’s first cohort.

LinkedIn的Shalini Agarwal在LinkedIn博客中分享了一个新的REACH计划 ,其中80%的工程师在LinkedIn的第一个队列结束时就获得了LinkedIn的全职软件工程职位

Their recommendations? Give apprentices time to ramp up, but make sure to treat them the same as any other engineer on your team. Offer them opportunities to grow and take on responsibilities.

他们的建议? 给学徒一些时间来加强他们的工作,但要确保他们像对待团队中的其他工程师一样对待他们。 为他们提供成长和承担责任的机会。

Business Insider covers Facebook’s Rotational Engineering program — an initiative to provide more opportunities to engineers with non-traditional backgrounds. My favorite insight from this article:

Business Insider涵盖了Facebook的旋转工程计划 ,该计划旨在为具有非传统背景的工程师提供更多机会。 我最喜欢这篇文章的见解:

“Facebook Engineering Director Nimrod Hoofien, the rotational program’s internal sponsor, said that introducing the program to Facebook’s engineering teams was “nerve-wracking.” There was no way to tell how they would react. Within two hours, though, he had 60 Facebook engineering teams willing to participate.”
“该轮换计划的内部赞助商Facebook工程总监Nimrod Hoofien表示,向Facebook的工程团队介绍该计划是“令人震惊的事情。” 没有办法告诉他们他们将如何React。 不过,在两个小时内,他有60个Facebook工程团队愿意参加。”

Not only are these apprenticeship programs bringing more diverse hires into the tech industry, but they’re helping companies train and test their talent before offering applicants full engineering roles. Apprenticeships can prevent tech companies from hiring permanent employees who turn out to have disastrous work habits.

这些学徒计划不仅使更多的多样化的人才进入科技行业,而且还帮助公司培训和测试人才,然后再为申请人提供完整的工程职位。 学徒制可以防止科技公司雇用长期工作习惯有害的长期雇员。

Creating a successful apprenticeship program takes careful planning. You must understand what characteristics indicate that a candidate has the potential to become a great engineer. If your company is truly dedicated to creating a more inclusive tech industry, offering apprenticeships is a huge step in the right direction.

创建成功的学徒计划需要仔细计划。 您必须了解哪些特征表明候选人有潜力成为一名出色的工程师。 如果您的公司真正致力于创建一个更具包容性的技术行业,那么提供学徒培训将是朝着正确方向迈出的重要一步。

招聘潜力 (On hiring for potential)

Taking the time to determine a candidate’s aptitude and potential to succeed requires more effort than glancing at the credentials on their resume. Plenty of tech companies like to cite a pipeline problem as the reason for their lack of diverse hires — they say that there are not enough qualified diverse applicants to fill their technical roles.

花时间确定候选人的才能和成功的潜力需要比浏览简历上的证书更多的努力。 许多高科技公司都喜欢将管道问题作为缺乏多元化员工的原因-他们说,没有足够的合格多元化申请人来填补其技术职位。

This limitation is self-imposed. Each individual company gets to choose who does and does not qualify for an engineering role.

此限制是自动施加的。 每个公司都可以选择谁具备和不具备担任工程职位的资格。

If your company cannot hire engineers from a diverse range of genders and races, your business will perform sub-optimally. Your competitors who are able to broaden their reach will beat you. This is not something that can be easily or immediately solved, and it will require a lot of time and effort. But the long-term results are critical in today’s business environment.

如果您的公司不能雇用不同性别和种族的工程师,那么您的业务将表现不佳。 你的 能够扩大影响力的竞争对手 会打败你。 这不是容易或立即解决的问题,它将需要大量的时间和精力。 但是长期的结果对于当今的商业环境至关重要。

Allocate time and resources to mold the employees you want on your teams. There are plenty of folks out there with huge potential just itching for the opportunity to thrive. We keep trying to kick down doors but progress would come along much more quickly and easily if tech companies would unlock and open those doors. A diverse engineering team is only out of reach if you choose to make it so.

分配时间和资源来塑造您想要的团队成员。 那里有很多有巨大潜力的人们,渴望获得发展的机会。 我们一直在努力打开大门,但是如果科技公司解锁并打开大门,进展将会更快,更轻松 仅当您选择这样做时,多元化的工程团队才遥不可及。

Interested in hiring more female engineers? I’m on the hunt for a role in software engineering. I also happen to be part of a vast network of other female engineers from schools like Hackbright Academy and Techtonica looking to break into the industry. Let’s talk.

有兴趣雇用更多的女工程师吗? 我正在寻找在软件工程中的角色。 我也碰巧是来自其他学校的女性工程师网络的一员,这些女性工程师来自Hackbright AcademyTechtonica学校 ,希望打入这个行业。 说吧

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你喜欢这篇文章吗? 如果是这样,请给我一些鼓掌,以便更多的人看到它。 谢谢!



翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-tech-world-and-the-d-word-here-s-how-your-company-can-do-more-65b8d38382e4/


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