voting_如何构建freeCodeCamp Voting App项目-深入教程


by Daniel Deutsch

由Daniel Deutsch

如何构建freeCodeCamp Voting App项目-深入教程 (How to build the freeCodeCamp Voting App project — an in-depth tutorial)

The voting app challenge on freeCodeCamp was the first freeCodeCamp project in the curriculum that struck me as really hard. I just couldn’t do it as easily as all the other challenges. So much knowledge in of so many concepts is necessary to build it.

freeCodeCamp上的投票应用程序挑战是课程中的第一个freeCodeCamp项目,这让我感到非常震惊。 我无法像其他所有挑战一样轻松地做到这一点。 要构建它,必须包含许多概念的大量知识。

I didn’t find any tutorials or examples that broke this challenge down with up-to-date tools. So I decided to document my process of building it.

我找不到任何可以使用最新工具来解决这一难题的教程或示例。 因此,我决定记录我的构建过程。

In this tutorial, will use:


  • MongoDB

  • Express

  • React + Redux

    React + Redux
  • Node.js


also known as the “MERN-Stack”.

也称为“ MERN堆栈”。

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”


— Bruce Lee

- 李小龙

本文是关于什么的 (What this article is about)

I will describe the process of building the voting app for the freeCodeCamp challenge.


This is not an optimized example for building the application. I am open for feedback of any kind. I am still a beginner and also left some things open.

这不是用于构建应用程序的优化示例。 我愿意接受任何形式的反馈。 我仍然是一个初学者,还保留了一些东西。

This is not designed as a tutorial! It’s simply a documentation I wrote while building the app.

这不是设计为教程! 这只是我在构建应用程序时编写的文档。

结构体 (Structure)

I will divide this article into sections of back-end, front-end, data visualization and the deployment process. The project will be available as open source code on GitHub. That is where you can follow up with commits and the end result.

我将把本文分为后端,前端,数据可视化和部署过程。 该项目将作为开源代码在GitHub上提供。 在这里,您可以跟进提交和最终结果。

开发环境 (Development Environment)

软件包/功能/依赖项 (Packages / Features / Dependencies)

一般 (General)
  • (ES 6 (JS scripting-language specification))

    ( ES 6 (JS脚本语言规范))

  • eslint with Airbnb extension (for writing higher quality code)

    带有Airbnb扩展名的eslint (用于编写更高质量的代码)

  • nodemon (restarting server when changes occur)

    nodemon (发生更改时重新启动服务器)

  • Babel (javascript compiler)

    Babel (JavaScript编译器)

  • Webpack (module bundler/builder)

    Webpack (模块捆绑器/构建器)

  • dotenv (for configuring environment variables)

    dotenv (用于配置环境变量)

  • shortid (random ID generator)

    shortid (随机ID生成器)

后端 (Back-end)

  • Node.js (JS runtime environment for server-side)

    Node.js (服务器端的JS运行时环境)

  • MongoDB (document based database)

    MongoDB (基于文档的数据库)

  • connect-mongo (for storing sessions in MongoDB)

    connect-mongo (用于在MongoDB中存储会话)

  • body-parser (for parsing incoming requests)

    正文解析器 (用于解析传入的请求)

  • express (to make the application run)

    表示 (使应用程序运行)

  • mongoose (object data modeling to simplify interactions with MongoDB)

    猫鼬 (用于简化与MongoDB交互的对象数据建模)

  • morgan (HTTP request logger middleware)

    摩根 (HTTP请求记录器中间件)

  • passport (authentication middleware for Node.js)

    护照 (Node.js的身份验证中间件)

前端 (Front-end)

可视化 (Visualization)

部署/ DevOps (Deployment / DevOps)

  • Heroku (PaaS to run applications in the cloud)

    Heroku (用于在云中运行应用程序的PaaS)

  • (Unit)Testing: Not implemented in this app (but normally it should be)


第一件事 (First things first)

First I will set up my environment:


  • add Git for version control


  • create your package management with yarn init

    使用yarn init创建您的包裹管理

  • add express for a fast web development


  • add the nodemon package for restarting your server on changes


  • add eslint.rc for your eslint configuration


  • add babel and corresponding plugins for compiling JS


As additional integration I’ll use:


Here is my commit on GitHub after the setup.


后端 (Back-end)

For me, the back-end is most difficult. So that’s where I’ll start.

对我来说,后端是最困难的。 这就是我要开始的地方。

设置软件包,中间件和猫鼬 (Set up Packages, Middleware and Mongoose)

I will use:


  • body-parser for parsing request bodies


  • morgan for logging out HTTP requests


  • compression for compressing response bodies


  • helmet for setting basic security with HTTP headers


  • mongoose object modeling tool for asynchronous database connection


下一步: (Next steps:)
  • create a constants file to set your different environment variables and corresponding settings


  • create a middleware file to pass in middleware to your app and differentiate for environments. Use bodyparser and morgan packages here.

    创建一个Middlewar e文件,以将中间件传递给您的应用并针对环境进行区分。 在此处使用bodyparsermorgan软件包。

  • create a database file to set up the mongoDB connection


  • modularize your code and outsource your constants, middleware and database connection. This is for keeping smaller files.

    模块化您的代码,并将常量,中间件和数据库连接外包。 这是为了保留较小的文件。
  • import everything in your app.js file, pass in the middleware function and test your setup with a simple http request


Here’s my commit on GitHub after this setup.


设定路线 (Set up your routes)

Revisit the User stories and lay out your routes accordingly.


Following the CRUD approach:


As an unauthenticated user I want to:


  • see all polls (R)

  • see individual polls (R)

  • vote on available polls (C)


As an authenticated user I want to


  • see and read all polls (R)

  • see individual polls (R)

  • vote on available polls (C)

  • create new polls (C)

  • create new options and votes (C)

  • delete polls (D)




设置猫鼬和您的模式并将所有内容连接到您的路线 (Set up Mongoose and your Schemas and connect everything to your routes)

When setting up Schemas think about how you want to structure the documents that you will store in the database. In this example we need to store the user for the authentication process and polls with answers.

设置模式时,请考虑如何构造将存储在数据库中的文档。 在此示例中,我们需要存储用户进行身份验证过程并使用答案进行轮询。

For polls we need:


  1. the question

  2. answers and votes

  • create your mongoose schemas and models


  • connect to mlab to monitor your DB actions better


Be aware that MLab creates “System Collections.” They throw “duplicate key error index dup key: { : null }” error in postman, when creating new polls. Until now I haven’t found a solution but deleting all collections allows us to start again.

请注意,MLab会创建“系统集合”。 创建新民意调查时,他们在邮递员中抛出“重复键错误索引重复键:{:null}”错误。 到目前为止,我还没有找到解决方案,但是删除所有集合可让我们重新开始。

  • use the dotenv package to store your credentials in the environment and add the .env file to .gitignore (if you make your project open source)


  • connect you routes with your mongoose model to handle the documents in MongoDB


Be Sure To Read the Docs if you are stuck. This part is pretty hard when you haven’t done a lot with mongoose and MongoDB!

如果您遇到问题, 请务必阅读文档 。 如果您还没有对Mongoose和MongoDB做很多工作,那么这部分就很难了​​!

Here’s what my commits looked like on Github after these steps.


通过Twitter建立身份验证和授权 (Establish authentication and authorization with Twitter)

I want to use the twitter sign-on as an OAuth provider to authenticate. It provides better user experience and I also got to explore OAuth.

我想使用twitter登录作为OAuth提供程序进行身份验证。 它提供了更好的用户体验,我还必须探索OAuth。

OAuth is a standard protocol that allows users to authorize API access to web and desktop or mobile applications. Once access has been granted, the authorized application can utilize the API on behalf of the user.

OAuth是一种标准协议,允许用户授权对Web和桌面或移动应用程序的API访问。 授予访问权限后,授权的应用程序可以代表用户使用API​​。

Of course I found the great article on how to set up the authentication process in Nodejs. After I failed implement it properly in my app and it took me a whole day, I decided to dive straight into the documentation of passport!

当然,我找到了一篇很棒的文章 ,介绍如何在Nodejs中设置身份验证过程。 在我无法在自己的应用程序中正确实施它并花了整整一天的时间后,我决定直接研究护照文件

I love the quote they put up there:


“Despite the complexities involved in authentication, code does not have to be complicated.”


⭐ Again, as a reminder: Read the Documentation!


  • register your app on twitter apps and get your settings right. Determine the Access Level and the Callback URL

    Twitter应用程序上注册您的应用程序并正确设置您的设置。 确定访问级别和回调URL

  • add passport, passport-twitter and express-session packages to your application


  • create a file defining a passport strategy for Twitter

  • to support login session passport has to serialize and deserialize user

  • pass passport to your passport configuration and connect passport.initialize and passport.session to your app as middleware. Use express-session before this!

    将通行证传递到您的通行证配置,然后将passport.initialize和password.session作为中间件连接到您的应用程序。 在此之前使用快速会话!
  • set up routes for authenticating and the callback


Check out my commit on Github after these steps.


After that, connect the authentication process to your database


⭐ Tip: Use for your callback and testing always instead of http://localhost:3000/, since it solves a lot of problems, that might occur using passport-twitter. ?

⭐提示:始终使用http://而不是http://localhost:3000/进行回调和测试,因为它解决了很多问题,这可能是使用通行证发送程序发生的。 ?

  • create a mongoose Schema for your users to track them in your database

  • fill the callback function of your passport.js file when implementing the twitter strategy. Filter your database for the user and create a new one if a user is not existing

    实施推特策略时,填写您的password.js文件的回调函数。 为用户过滤数据库,如果不存在用户,则创建一个新数据库
  • use the connect-mongo package to create a mongoStore and store your sessions in MongoDB


  • create a function to test if a user is authenticated. Implement it in your desired routes when providing sufficient authorization

    创建一个函数来测试用户是否已通过身份验证。 提供足够的授权时,按照您希望的路线实施它

The implementation can look like this:


passport.use(		new Strategy(constants.TWITTER_STRATEGY, (req, token, tokenSecret, profile, cb) => {  process.nextTick(() => {    if (!req.user) {      User.findOne({ '': }, (err, user) => {        if (err) return cb(err);        if (user) {          if (!user.twitter.token) {            user.twitter.token = token;            user.twitter.username = profile.username;            user.twitter.displayName = profile.displayName;   => {              if (err) return cb(err);              return cb(null, user);            });          }          return cb(null, user);        }
// if no user is found create one        const newUser = new User(); =;        newUser.twitter.token = token;        newUser.twitter.username = profile.username;        newUser.twitter.displayName = profile.displayName; => {          if (err) return cb(err);          return cb(null, newUser);        });      });    } else {					// when user already exists and is logged in      const user = req.user; =;      user.twitter.token = token;      user.twitter.username = profile.username;      user.twitter.displayName = profile.displayName; => {        if (err) return cb(err);        return cb(null, user);      });    }  });}),	);

After that your authentication and authorization with Twitter is done.


Here’s what my commits looked like on Github after these steps.


建立本地身份验证和授权 (Establish local authentication and authorization)

The next step is to authenticate locally. There is actually not much to it, since we have already set up the environment.

下一步是在本地进行身份验证。 实际上,由于我们已经设置了环境,因此实际所需的内容并不多。

  • update your user schema for local by defining email and password

  • add the bcrypt-nodejs package for securing passwords


  • add hashing and validating password methods to your Schema

  • define the routes. This process always clarifies what I actually want to implement

    定义路线。 这个过程总是澄清我实际想要实现的

I had a main issue which I was only able to resolve after many hours of searching. Here is the example from the docs:

我遇到了一个主要问题,经过数小时的搜索,我才能够解决。 这是docs中的示例:

app.get('/login', function(req, res, next) {  passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info) {    if (err) { return next(err); }    if (!user) { return res.redirect('/login'); }    req.logIn(user, function(err) {      if (err) { return next(err); }      return res.redirect('/users/' + user.username);    });  })(req, res, next);});

Passing in the authentication in the callback function provided enough flexibility for displaying errors. But it’s very important to create the session explicitly with logIn()!

在回调函数中传递身份验证为显示错误提供了足够的灵活性。 但是使用logIn()显式创建会话非常重要!

  • make sure to differentiate in the routes between signup and login!

  • I installed EJS as view engine to actually being able to test my signup and login properly and efficient

  • create a logout route, that destroys your session


I spent so many hours on an Error that I want to display it here: MongooseError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value “favicon.ico” at path “_id”

我花了很多时间处理一个错误,想在这里显示该错误:MongooseError:由于路径“ _id”中的值“ favicon.ico”而强制转换为ObjectId

I solved it through checking all middleware which had a major error, and routes. It turned out that setting a route to (‘/:pID’) is not good when working in development.

我通过检查所有存在重大错误的中间件和路由来解决此问题。 事实证明,在开发中工作时,将路由设置为('/:pID')是不好的。

Check out my commit on GitHub after the back-end setup.


Of course at this point the back-end is not perfect. But it’s stable enough to go to the next step, the front-end.

当然,此时后端并不完美。 但是它足够稳定,可以进行下一步,即前端。

Things to do:


  • use validation with joi


  • write unit tests


前端 (Frontend)

事前想想! (Think before you do!)

First of all think about what you want to create. Draw out some sketches to visualize what you want to build.

首先考虑一下您要创建的内容。 绘制一些草图以可视化要构建的内容。

Then consider appropriate frameworks. I will choose React.js and the state management library Redux. The size of this application does not necessarily require the use of Redux.

然后考虑适当的框架。 我将选择React.js和状态管理库Redux 。 此应用程序的大小并不一定需要使用终极版。

I want to build it as a single page experience. I want to have scalability and I like to practice the use of Redux. So, it’s a good fit.

我想将其构建为单页体验。 我希望具有可伸缩性,并且喜欢练习使用Redux。 所以,这很合适。

Start planning everything out thinking in React.


使用Babel和Webpack进行必要的设置 (Necessary setup with Babel and Webpack)

It’s important to realize that Babel and Webpack are not too complicated to set it up yourself. There are so many tutorials for both that you can do it easily yourself.

重要的是要意识到BabelWebpack并不会太复杂以至于无法自行设置。 两者都有太多教程,您可以自己轻松完成。

  • add Babel for React and ES2015:


    Add babel-preset-react babel-preset-es2015 to your dev dependencies to compile JSX into JS and have all ES6 features.

    将babel-preset-react babel-preset-es2015添加到您的开发依赖项中,以将JSX编译为JS并具有所有ES6功能。

  • update your .babelrc file


  • update your webpack config and add the react-hot-loader package


First I want to structure my front-end without the back-end to connect the whole front-end with the back-end at the end. This is because right now I don’t know how my Redux implementation will look. So progressively connecting to the back-end wouldn’t be efficient.

首先,我要构建没有后端的前端,以将整个前端与后端连接起来。 这是因为现在我不知道我的Redux实现会如何。 因此,逐步连接到后端效率不高。

  • restructure your current app.js into an own folder


  • create a new app.js as entry point and provide the basic setup code for rendering a simple page


  • get the setup working. Install the react-router, webpack-dev-server and react and react-dom packages

    使设置工作。 安装react-router,webpack-dev-server以及react和react-dom软件包
  • opening a page on the dev-server port should display your react component


Here’s what my commits looked like on Github after these steps.


结构组件 (Structure components)

I sketched everything out on a paper and came to the conclusion that I need to build 14 components:


  • the app component, that hosts everything

  • a header

  • a footer

  • a sidebar

  • a signup, login and social media component

  • a home screen

  • a list of all polls

  • the display of a single poll

  • a component for the poll and it’s answers

  • the answers as a list

  • the chart

  • a 404 page


That layout was for the start and should provide an overview. It is very natural to adapt the component structure when the application is evolving.

该布局仅供参考,应提供概述。 当应用程序不断发展时,适应组件结构是很自然的。

设计和构建组件 (Design and build components)
  • I lay out all the components and styled them with Materialize. Materialize is a responsive design framework.

    我布置了所有组件,并使用Materialize设置了样式。 Materialize是一个响应式设计框架。

  • remember that styling with React is more complicated than styling normal HTML elements. For simplicity reasons I fixed everything with inline styling on the component itself.

    请记住,使用React进行样式比样式普通HTML元素更为复杂。 为简单起见,我使用内联样式将所有内容固定在组件本身上。

Tip: For 100vh on your main content use this inline style on a div. It fits perfectly into the Materialize flexbox:

提示:对于主要内容上的100vh,请在div上使用此内联样式。 它非常适合Materialize弹性框:

style={{  display: 'flex',  minHeight: '100vh',  flexDirection: 'column',}}
  • As you build components you will get a feeling on how you need to structure your state management with React and Redux


Check out my commit on GitHub after the components are built and styled


  • Now we have to set up React Router to get a basic functionality and feeling for the app

    现在我们必须设置React Router来获得应用程序的基本功能和感觉
  • enable historyApiFallback: true on your webpack dev server to allow proper routing with react router

    启用historyApiFallback historyApiFallback: true在webpack开发服务器上为historyApiFallback: true ,以允许使用React Router进行正确的路由

  • add state and it’s management to the components

  • realize that Redux might be a good next step


Here is a list of painful learnings I had to undergo throughout this process:


  • to access object properties, use bracket instead of dot notation. For example: JavaScript answers = answers.concat(this.refs[temp].value)

    要访问对象属性,请使用方括号而不是点表示法。 例如:JavaScript answers = answers.concat(this.refs[temp].value)

  • import everything as * (import * as Polls from ‘./ducks/polls’;) from ducks. Otherwise it will not work

    从鸭子* (import * as Polls from './ducks/polls';)所有内容导入为* (import * as Polls from './ducks/polls';)中将* (import * as Polls from './ducks/polls';) 。 否则它将无法正常工作

  • I have often read to not use the index of a map function as a key value for a component. However, when rendering with onChange and generating a unique key, the input loses focus and does not work properly. For example:(const answerList =, ind) => { return (<div className=”input-field col s10" key={ind}>)

    我经常读到不要将map函数的索引用作组件的键值。 但是,当使用onChange渲染并生成唯一键时,输入将失去焦点并且无法正常工作。 例如: (const answerList =, ind) => { return (<div className=”input-field col s10" key={ ind}>)

  • when you iterate over an array of objects and want to change properties on an object you have to return an object. For example: return{ answer: answ.answer, votes: 0};

    当您遍历对象数组并想更改对象的属性时,必须返回一个对象。 例如: return{ answer: answ.answer, votes: 0};

    It took me 4 hours to understand ?


The Principles of Redux are:


  • Single source of truth

  • State is read-only

  • Changes are made with pure functions


Keep in mind, that local state doesn’t need to take part in Redux when it’s state isn’t used by other components.


  • add the react-redux and redux packages


  • make use of the ducks structure to manage the redux files better


  • create a store in Redux and wrap your rendering app in a Provider tag from react-redux


  • connect state to your application with connect


  • add the Redux DevTool to debug faster

    添加Redux DevTool以更快地调试

Now that State is available through Redux, it’s time to create the event handlers and render everything properly. Now you should validate your your propTypes as well.

现在可以通过Redux使用State了,是时候创建事件处理程序并正确呈现所有内容了。 现在,您还应该验证您的propTypes

可视化 (Visualization)

For displaying the results I chose between:


After skimming all docs and trying a few things out I ended up choosing React-Google-Charts. Google provides many options and the React wrapper makes it easy to implement in a React application.

浏览了所有文档并尝试了一些方法之后,我最终选择了React-Google-Charts。 Google提供了许多选项,React包装器使它易于在React应用程序中实现。

With the React Wrapper this step was super easy and fast.

使用React Wrapper,此步骤超级简单,快速。

const resultChart = (props) => {  basic = [['Answer', 'Votes']];  (() => => basic.push([ans.answer, ans.votes])))();  return (    <Chart      chartType="PieChart"      data={basic}      options={{        title: `${props.poll.question}`,        pieSliceText: 'label',        slices: {          1: { offset: 0.1 },          2: { offset: 0.1 },          3: { offset: 0.1 },          4: { offset: 0.1 },        },        is3D: true,        backgroundColor: '#616161',      }}      graph_id="PieChart"      width="100%"      height="400px"      legend_toggle    />  );};

使用React Router将前端连接到Express后端 (Connect Front-end to the Express Back-end with React Router)

呈现客户端和服务器端 (Rendering client- and server-side)

As this was my first real full-stack app, connecting the front-end and back-end was a mystery to me. I found a good answer to my question on Stack Overflow.

因为这是我第一个真正的全栈应用程序,所以连接前端和后端对我来说还是一个谜。 我在堆栈溢出问题上找到了一个很好的答案。

To summarize and quote the answer of Stijn:


“With client-side routing, which is what React-Router provides, things are less simple. At first, the client does not have any JS code loaded yet. So the very first request will always be to the server. That will then return a page that contains the needed script tags to load React and React Router etc. Only when those scripts have loaded does phase 2 start. In phase 2, when the user clicks on the ‘About us’ navigation link for example, the URL is changed locally only to (made possible by the History API), but no request to the server is made. Instead, React Router does it’s thing on the client side, determines which React view to render and renders it.”

“使用React-Router提供的客户端路由,事情就变得不那么简单了。 首先,客户端尚未加载任何JS代码。 因此,第一个请求将始终是服务器。 然后将返回一个页面,其中包含用于加载React和React Router等所需的脚本标记。仅在加载了这些脚本后,阶段2才会启动。 在第2阶段中,例如,当用户单击“关于我们”导航链接时,URL仅在本地更改为 (由History API设置),但没有对服务器的请求制造。 相反,React Router在客户端进行操作,确定要渲染的React视图并进行渲染。”

To read more of his comments click here.


In the end I went with the catch-all solution: See in my routes.js file.


//routes.jsrouter.get('/*', (req, res) => {  const options = {    root: `${__dirname}/../../public/`,    dotfiles: 'deny',  };  res.sendFile('index.html', options);});

It was easy and fast to implement and covered the basic problems.


一起服务一切 (Serving everything all together)

To understand that, the best way is to take a look at my package.json file.


The scripts say:


"scripts": {		"start": "node src/serverSide/server.js",		"serve": "babel-node src/serverSideES6/server.js",		"dev": "npm-run-all --parallel dev:*",		"dev:client": "webpack-dev-server --hot",		"dev:server": "nodemon src/serverSide/server.js",		"build": "npm-run-all --parallel build:*",		"build:client": "webpack --progress",		"build:server": "babel src/serverSideES6 --out-dir src/serverSide"	},

The build script builds the files on the client and server side.


  • It compiles all my ES6 node.js code into ES5 so Heroku can read it as well

    它将我所有的ES6 node.js代码编译成ES5,因此Heroku也可以读取它
  • Webpack starts the bundling and transpiling of the client side such as from ES6 to ES5, and JSX to JavaScript.


The dev script serves everything in a development environment and (hot) reloading. Everything is as fast and smooth as possible, when changing the codebase.

dev脚本为开发环境和(热)重载中的所有内容提供服务。 更改代码库时,一切都应尽可能快速,流畅。

The start script actually starts the back-end server, which also consumes the built and bundled front-end HTML, CSS, JavaScript, presenting the whole application.


部署方式 (Deployment)

For deploying the app, Heroku once again has proven to be the way to go.


Using the Heroku CLI, the Heroku logs command helps a lot. I always had trouble setting up my app on the platform. But after solving all the errors the logs show, it becomes very easy.

使用Heroku CLIHeroku logs命令有很大帮助。 我总是在平台上设置应用程序时遇到麻烦。 但是在解决了日志显示的所有错误之后,这变得非常容易。

Always important:


  • Be aware that devDependencies are not installed

  • Use the adequate build-pack. In this case it is for Node.js

    使用足够的构建包。 在这种情况下,它适用于Node.js
  • Have start script or define one in your Procfile


  • Be sure to push the right branch from the right repository


结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see my documentation for this article gets worse and worse with the progress of the app. This is due to the fact that I got completely overwhelmed with Redux. I did other projects on the side and wasn’t able to keep track.

如您所见,随着应用程序的进展,本文的文档变得越来越糟。 这是由于我对Redux完全不知所措。 我在旁边做过其他项目,无法追踪。

But don’t worry! I tried to name my commits as clear as possible. So you can traverse all commits for details in my Repository. See Commits here.

但是不用担心! 我试图尽可能明确地命名我的提交。 因此,您可以遍历所有提交,以获取我的存储库中的详细信息。 请参阅此处提交

If you have questions feel free to ask :)


  • Repository on Github is available here.


  • Live version of the result is available here.


  • Learnings and numbers are available here.


Many, many thanks to Edo Rivai, who gave very valuable tips along the way. :)

非常感谢Edo Rivai ,他一路提供了非常宝贵的建议。 :)

Thanks for reading my article! Feel free to leave any feedback!

感谢您阅读我的文章! 随时留下任何反馈!







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