

In August, I started a paid internship as a frontend developer. Hooray! I was going to begin my career as a programmer less than a year after I started learning. This was amazing! It was exactly like all those success stories I had read on freeCodeCamp’s Medium channel.

8月,我开始了前端开发人员的带薪实习。 万岁! 我开始学习后不到一年就开始了自己的程序员生涯。 太神奇了! 就像我在freeCodeCamp的Medium频道上阅读的所有成功案例一样。

Everything was going to work out perfectly. Or so I thought. On Friday, September 22nd, my boss and I were discussing being hired on full-time and he said, “I don’t think you’re at a junior developer level yet.”

一切都会顺利进行。 还是我想。 9月22日,星期五,我和我的老板正在讨论全职工作,他说:“我认为您还没有初级的开发人员。”

But before I go any further, let me start at the beginning. I’m going to share how I began an internship as a web developer, what I learned, and how it helped me get a different job using my new skills.

但是,在我进一步之前,让我从头开始。 我将分享我作为一名Web开发人员开始实习的方式,所学的知识,以及它如何帮助我利用新技能获得不同的工作。

背景故事 (Back story)

I started learning to code with freeCodeCamp in December. I was having some second thoughts about my graduate school program and career trajectory. I had another year and a half in my Master’s program, after which I planned to pursue a Ph.D and then join the world of academia. However, a semester into my program, I realized it wasn’t the right path for me.

我从12月开始学习使用freeCodeCamp进行编码。 我对我的研究生课程和职业轨迹有一些新的想法。 我又有一年半的硕士课程,之后我计划攻读博士学位,然后加入学术界。 但是,在进入我的计划的一个学期后,我意识到这对我来说不是正确的道路。

After a few months of coding and discussing my options with my parents, friends, and mentors, I decided I would leave my Master’s program that July. I hoped to find a job as a developer.

经过几个月的编码,并与父母,朋友和导师讨论了我的选择,我决定在七月份离开硕士课程。 我希望找到一份开发人员的工作。

I made this decision in March, and knew that I had five months to ramp up my learning and land a job that started in August. That was my goal. Luckily, I was able to spend a lot of time coding and job-searching that summer.

我在三月份做出了这个决定,并且知道我有五个月的时间来扩大学习范围并找到从八月份开始的工作。 那是我的目标。 幸运的是,那个夏天我花了很多时间进行编码和找工作。

I recommend doing these two things that set me in the right direction for the job search:


  1. I reached out to a developer on Twitter. He had worked in a role for a company that was currently hiring for that same role. I asked him about his experience.

    我在Twitter上与开发人员联系。 他曾在一家公司工作过,目前该公司正在招聘同一职位。 我问他他的经历。
  2. I joined Slack workspaces in the area I wanted to work. For me, it was Arizona WP, #yesphx and azwebdevs.

    我加入了我想工作的Slack工作区。 对我而言,是Arizona WP#yesphxazwebdevs

The developer from Twitter gave me a lot of advice about how he landed his first job. The second idea came from a close friend of mine whom I met through Chingu. After joining these Slacks, I periodically checked their #job channels for any opportunities.

Twitter的开发人员给了我很多有关他如何找到第一份工作的建议。 第二个想法来自我的一个亲密朋友,我是通过Chingu认识的 。 加入这些Slack之后,我会定期检查他们的#job渠道是否有任何机会。

In June, I found a post searching for a designer or developer for a paid internship with the intent of coming on as a full-time hire.


Fantastic! That’s exactly what I was looking for — an opportunity to prove myself. I quickly messaged asking if the opening was still available. After the contact said yes, I sent him a short explanation along with my portfolio. Then we set up a time to Skype.

太棒了! 那正是我一直在寻找的-一个证明自己的机会。 我Swift发消息询问是否仍然开放。 联络人说“是”之后,我向他发送了简短的说明以及我的投资组合。 然后我们为Skype安排了时间。

After the interview, which was mostly soft-skill focused, he offered me contract work starting in July (while I was abroad). We planned to work together remotely until I moved back to Phoenix, and then work in person to see if we were a good fit. It sounded great.

面试主要集中在软技能之后,他给了我7月开始的合同工作(当时我在国外)。 我们计划远程合作,直到我回到菲尼克斯,然后亲自工作,看看我们是否适合。 听起来不错。

我的实习经历 (My internship experience)

During my first month, I was tasked with simple things. I created an icon, designed a web page layout, and converted a web page layout from a PSD to code for a WordPress site. It was really tough in the beginning — I hadn’t worked with WordPress prior to this internship. But it forced me to problem-solve on my own, as a remote worker.

在我的第一个月里,我的任务是简单的事情。 我创建了一个图标,设计了网页布局,并将网页布局从PSD转换为WordPress网站的代码。 刚开始时真的很艰难-在此实习之前,我没有使用过WordPress。 但这迫使我作为一名远程工作者独自解决问题。

In August, my boss and I agreed to extend the internship for a few weeks, and to revisit the question of full-time employment at the end of the month. I still had a lot to learn, and my employer said he couldn’t afford to pay me while I learned. So I suggested that we split it down the middle: I would do 20 hours of paid work and 20 hours of learning — all in the office. He agreed, and I began.

8月,我和我的老板同意将实习期延长几个星期,并在月底重新讨论全职工作的问题。 我还有很多东西要学习,我的老板说我学到的时候他付不起钱。 因此,我建议将其分解为中间部分:我要在办公室里做20个小时的有偿工作和20个小时的学习。 他同意了,我开始了。

Since the company is a small web design agency with only one full-time, super busy employee (my boss), I didn’t have as much guidance as I would have liked to have at the junior level. But that forced me to figure out a lot of issues on my own. I also became more aware of the time my boss gave me to ask questions and get help.

由于该公司是一家小型网页设计公司,只有一名全职,非常忙碌的员工(我的老板),所以我没有初级阶段的指导。 但这迫使我自己解决很多问题。 我也更加意识到老板给我的时间提出问题并获得帮助。

My days were spent writing HTML, CSS and PHP. I usually arrived at the office around 8:30am or 9:00am and left around 6 or 6:30pm. We used two desks out of the co-working space CO+HOOTS. One of my favorite parts of this internship was working out of a co-working space. I highly recommend checking one out in your area!

我的时间花在编写HTML,CSS和PHP上。 我通常在早上8:30或9:00 am到达办公室,然后在下午6或6:30左右离开。 我们在联合办公空间CO + HOOTS中使用了两个办公桌。 我最喜欢的实习机会之一是在共同工作的空间中工作。 我强烈建议您在您所在的地区检查一下!

We would meet in the morning, discuss what needed to be accomplished that day, and then start working. It’s safe to say that I learned that building websites is not as quick and easy as one might think.

我们将在早上开会,讨论当天需要完成的工作,然后开始工作。 可以肯定地说,我了解到建设网站并不像人们想象的那样容易快捷。

处理“ Imposter综合征” (Dealing with “Imposter Syndrome”)

There were plenty of days when I felt like an imposter. My boss would be explaining a new task to me, and I would sit there thinking that there was no way I could really do that!

有很多天,我觉得自己像个冒名顶替者。 我的老板会向我解释一项新任务,而我坐在那里以为我是不可能真正做到这一点的!

But this is where I grew the most. After those quick meetings, I would jump on my computer and think about how I was going to solve the problem. I broke it down step-by-step into small, manageable pieces and went from there. This strategy was the key to being successful in this internship.

但这是我成长最多的地方。 在这些快速会议之后,我将跳上电脑,想一想如何解决该问题。 我将其逐步分解为可管理的小片段,然后从那里开始。 该策略是在实习中取得成功的关键。

It’s true that coding is a difficult job and it’s not for everyone. Sometimes, I felt like breaking down and crying because I couldn’t figure something out or I felt stuck.

的确,编码是一项艰巨的工作,并非所有人都可以。 有时,我感觉崩溃和哭泣是因为我无法弄清某些东西或感到卡住。

In those moments, I used my breath to calm myself down. I remembered that I was still learning. My boss reminded me that it might take me a little bit longer to learn a new task, but that it was okay. His encouragement, along with the community at the co-working space, played an important role in staying strong.

在那些时刻,我屏住呼吸使自己平静下来。 我记得我还在学习。 我的老板提醒我,学习新任务可能要花点时间,但没关系。 他的鼓励与共同工作空间中的社区一起,在保持坚强精神方面发挥了重要作用。

担任全职谈判 (Negotiations for a full-time role)

At the end of August, my boss and I set up a time to discuss moving forward. In order to have a sense of security, I had been talking to a few other companies in case things didn’t work out at the internship.

8月底,我和我的老板安排了时间讨论前进的方向。 为了获得安全感,我一直在与其他几家公司进行交流,以防实习期间事情不顺利。

My boss said he enjoyed working with me and wanted me to stay with the team. He didn’t feel like I was ready to take on a project without any guidance, but he wanted to offer me a full-time job. He just wanted one more month at the internship level to get me up to speed. I was amazed hearing his words — how exciting!

我的老板说他喜欢和我一起工作,并希望我留在团队中。 他不觉得我准备在没有任何指导的情况下就可以进行项目,但他想为我提供一份全职工作。 他只是想再增加一个月的实习水平,以使我快速上手。 我很惊讶听到他的话-多么令人兴奋!

Fast-forward to mid-September. I had just finished working on my first big project — a redesign of a landing page for a WordPress site. My boss went on a 10-day vacation. Before he left, he mentioned that he had to fix a lot of minor things in my code — missing conditionals, incorrect Sass, and a few other little things. He spent more time refactoring my code than he could afford.

快进到9月中旬。 我刚完成我的第一个大项目-重新设计WordPress网站的目标网页。 我的老板去休假十天。 在他离开之前,他提到他必须修复我的代码中的许多小问题-缺少条件,错误的Sass和其他一些小问题。 他花了更多的时间重构我的代码,力所能及。

When he returned from his trip, he said that he couldn’t hire me on for the salary he originally offered. I thought that was understandable. I still had a lot to learn.

当他从旅途中回来时,他说他不能以最初提供的薪水雇用我。 我认为这是可以理解的。 我还有很多东西要学。

实习的意外结束 (The unexpected end of the internship)

On Friday, September 22nd, we had a phone call to discuss his original offer. During this call, he explained that he didn’t think I was quite at a junior developer level yet. His reasoning was that I still made significant errors in my code — although, he noticed I had improved since our first review at the end of August.

9月22日,星期五,我们打了个电话,讨论他的原始报价。 在电话会议中,他解释说,他认为我还没有达到初级开发人员的水平。 他的理由是,我的代码仍然存在重大错误-尽管他注意到自从8月底我们进行第一次审查以来,我已经有所改善。

That being said, he gave me two choices — I could accept a full-time offer for 40% less than the salary he originally offered, or he would give me 20 hours of billable work at the same hourly rate as a freelancer.


As you can imagine, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it. Right when I thought everything was working out — it wasn’t. I politely declined his offer. I believed I brought more to the company than what he offered to pay me, and I needed something more stable the freelance gig.

可以想象,我很震惊。 我简直不敢相信。 当我以为一切都正常时,事实并非如此。 我礼貌地拒绝了他的提议。 我相信我给公司带来的收益比他给我的薪水要多,而且我需要更稳定的兼职演出。

Now, you may be thinking that this is the end. That I gave up. I wasn’t “job-ready” according to my boss’ standards, and therefore should get a job doing something else. I almost believed that this was the end as well, but I didn’t let the story take that direction.

现在,您可能会认为这就是结局。 我放弃了。 按照老板的标准,我还没有“做好工作准备”,因此应该做些其他的事情。 我几乎相信这也是结局,但我没有让故事朝那个方向发展。

I believe a lot of the things that happen in life happen for a reason. In this instance, it wasn’t meant to be — my boss needed someone at a higher level, and I needed a fair salary. Instead of placing blame, I simply decided to look for new opportunities. And fortunately, new opportunities revealed themselves.

我相信生活中发生的许多事情都是有原因的。 在这种情况下,这不是本意-我的老板需要一个更高层次的人,而我需要一个合理的薪水。 我没有承担责任,而是决定寻找新的机会。 幸运的是,新的机会得以展现。

向前进 (Moving Forward)

I ended up accepting two new jobs. One was a full-time job with a marketing agency that offered me a hybrid role doing digital marketing and web development. For the other, I worked as a TA for coding workshops.

我最终接受了两个新工作。 一个是在一家营销公司的全职工作,该公司为我提供了数字营销和网站开发的混合职位。 另一方面,我担任编码研讨会的助教。

Both expressed interest in using my web development skills down the road. The marketing agency hoped I could help build in-house software tools to make their processes more efficient. As for the coding workshops, I can move up to a coding instructor once I feel comfortable.

双方都表示有兴趣在将来使用我的Web开发技能。 该市场代理希望我可以帮助构建内部软件工具,以使其流程更高效。 至于编码讲习班,一旦感到舒服,我就可以升任编码讲师。

为什么准备立即开始申请 (Why you’re ready to start applying now)

There is a plethora of information to learn in the field of web development. But I hope my story shows that you can get your foot in the door early. Even if you don’t think you’re ready yet, you probably are.

在Web开发领域有很多信息需要学习。 但我希望我的故事能使您早日站起来。 即使您认为还没有准备好,您也可能已经准备好了。

I took the jump and decided to look for jobs so early on because of the advice of someone from the freeCodeCamp community. He’s written quite a few popular articles for the freeCodeCamp publication, and I know a lot of us look up to him. He had an AMA via direct message on Twitter earlier this year, and this is what resonated with me from his advice:

由于有来自freeCodeCamp社区的某人的建议,我跳槽并决定这么早就找工作。 他为freeCodeCamp出版物撰写了许多受欢迎的文章 ,而且我知道我们很多人都对他充满敬意。 他今年早些时候在Twitter上通过直接消息获得了AMA,这就是他的建议引起我共鸣的原因:

“It’s worth applying now instead of waiting for the right moment. Because by the time you feel ready, in reality, you were ready months ago. “
“现在值得申请,而不是等待正确的时刻。 因为实际上,当您准备就绪时,您就已经准备好几个月了。 “
-Jonathan Z. White

I hope my story reminds you to go for it. Start applying for jobs before you feel like you’re ready, and see what doors open up. The worst that could happen is, after some freelance or contract work, your boss says what mine said — “You’re not ready.”

我希望我的故事能提醒您继续前进。 在准备好之前就开始申请工作,然后看看会打开什么门。 可能发生的最坏情况是,经过一些自由职业者或签约工作之后,您的老板说了我的话:“您还没准备好。”

But if that happens, at least you’ll have some experience under your belt and will have a better chance of finding a new opportunity. It will be a lot easier to convince someone to pay you for your skills if they see that someone else did in the past.

但是,如果发生这种情况,至少您将拥有一定的经验,并且有更好的机会找到新的机会。 如果说服某人过去曾经有过某人,那么说服某人为您的技能付钱会容易得多。

Although things don’t always go as planned, everything worked out and I’m thankful for that. We will always have the opportunity to continue learning, no matter where we end up.

尽管事情并非总是按计划进行,但一切都完成了,我对此表示感谢。 无论我们到哪里去,我们将始终有机会继续学习。

Cheers to learning experiences, new opportunities, and all the future lines of code to come!


Please clap if you enjoyed reading this story and say hello on Twitter!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-move-forward-if-your-internship-doesnt-land-you-that-developer-job-7d674ddf780a/






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