

by Rick West

由里克·韦斯特(Rick West)

如何使自己脱离编码教程 (How to dig yourself out of the coding tutorial rut)

We’ve all been there. Learning to code, completing tutorial after tutorial, but getting nowhere. Then the self doubt kicks in. “This is too hard.” Or “maybe coding isn’t for me.” I’m sure you know the feeling.

我们都去过那里。 学习编码,完成一个又一个教程,但是一无所获。 然后自我怀疑开始了。“这太难了。” 或“也许编码不适合我。” 我确定你知道这种感觉。

I experienced this very same problem myself recently. I’m a fairly confident junior PHP developer, but I decided that I wanted to learn a little more about Python — especially Django.

我本人最近也遇到了同样的问题。 我是一个相当有信心的初级PHP开发人员,但我决定想进一步了解Python,尤其是Django。

I searched online and found what looked like the perfect tutorial. Complex enough to be challenging, but simple enough so as not to overwhelm.

我在网上搜索,发现看起来像是完美的教程。 足够复杂,具有挑战性,但又足够简单,以至于不堪重负。

Being a project based tutorial, I liked the look of the end project. I thought it would be another cool thing to add to my ever growing portfolio.

作为基于项目的教程,我喜欢最终项目的外观。 我认为添加到我不断增长的投资组合中将是一件很酷的事情。

80% of the way into this tutorial, I suddenly had a spell of self doubt. I had watched the videos and manually retyped all the code. I had a neat project that I could show people. So why did I feel like I was no better off than when I had started?

在进入本教程的80%的过程中,我突然感到有些怀疑。 我看了视频,然后手动重新输入了所有代码。 我有一个整洁的项目,可以向人们展示。 那么,为什么我觉得自己没有比起步时更好呢?

After several weeks of spending my evenings working through a tutorial I had a nice finished project. Even then, I still didn’t feel like I had the skills to replicate this project myself without guidance. So could I really use it in my portfolio?

在花了几个星期的时间研究完教程之后,我完成了一个不错的项目。 即使那样,我仍然觉得自己没有在没有指导的情况下自己复制该项目的技能。 那我可以在我的投资组合中使用它吗?

Was it really that impressive to have a portfolio project that looked and functioned identically to everyone else’s? And which had code that was identical to the code on the instructor’s GitHub profile?

拥有一个外观和功能与其他人相同的投资组合项目,真的令人印象深刻吗? 哪个代码与讲师的GitHub个人资料上的代码相同?

Had I really showcased any of my skills other than my ability to follow step-by-step instructions?


You see, following tutorials is great. You’ll get exposure to new skills. But just following tutorials alone, you don’t learn any of the other skills that are required to be a successful junior developer. I’m talking about:

您会发现,以下教程很棒。 您将接触到新技能。 但是,仅按照教程进行操作,您就不会学习成为成功的初级开发人员所必需的其他技能。 我说的是:

  • planning and organizing a project

  • knowing what tools are best for a given business need

  • researching solutions to your own problems

  • overcoming problems that inevitably crop up during development


教程是开始实践的好方法。 (Tutorials are a good way to hit the ground running.)

To put things in context, I’m a 29-year-old former plumber who now works as a junior developer for a software company. I decided on a career change around 12 months ago.

综上所述,我是一名29岁的前水管工,现在是一家软件公司的初级开发人员。 我决定在12个月前改变职业。

Like most new coders, I started completing the usual courses before moving onto more advanced tutorials. My main focus was on learning PHP (this was the only language that I’d really heard of when I started.) Soon I became familiar with its basic syntax and use.

像大多数新程序员一样,在开始学习更高级的教程之前,我开始完成通常的课程。 我的主要重点是学习PHP(这是我刚开始真正听说的唯一语言。)不久,我就熟悉了它的基本语法和用法。

Fast forward 9 months. I had completed enough tutorials, had enough understanding, and enough motivation to convince a local software company to give me an opportunity. (You can read more about how I convinced an employer to take a chance on me and pay me to learn to code here.)

快进9个月。 我已经完成了足够的教程,足够的理解和足够的动机说服本地软件公司给我机会。 (您可以阅读有关我如何说服雇主抓住我的机会并付钱给我在这里学习编码的更多信息 。)

At the end of the day, what helped me stand out as a candidate and get a job after such a short time was my ability to show real world examples of projects that I had built. And when I say projects, I mean my OWN projects…not just things that I had copied/pasted following along with a tutorial.

归根结底,在如此短的时间后帮助我脱颖而出并获得工作的是我展示真实的项目实例的能力。 当我说项目时,我指的是我自己的OWN项目……不只是我在教程中复制/粘贴的内容。

教程只会帮助您到此为止。 然后,您需要开始构建项目。 (Tutorials will only get you so far. Then you need to start building projects.)

Don’t get me wrong — tutorials are great. Especially for beginners who are learning the fundamentals. Of course, the quality of tutorials and level of explanation will differ greatly. But going through tutorial after tutorial will not on its own turn you into an expert.

别误会我-教程很棒。 特别是对于正在学习基础知识的初学者。 当然,教程的质量和解释的水平将有很大的不同。 但是,一个接一个地学习教程并不能使您自己成为专家。

You must build your own projects. Once you have an understanding of the syntax and basic implementation of your chosen language, then you need to start building things on your own. No more hand-holding.

您必须构建自己的项目。 一旦了解了所选语言的语法和基本实现,就需要自己开始构建东西。 不再需要手握。

When I tell people this, a common response is: “What do I build? I don’t have any ideas.”

当我告诉人们这一点时,一个常见的回答是:“我要建造什么? 我没有任何想法。”

Well, no one is expecting you to build the next big thing. And you probably don’t have the skills to do so, even if you did have the idea.

好吧,没有人期望您构建下一件大事。 即使您确实有想法,您可能也没有这样做的技能。

Here’s a list of about 500 projects you can build, with example solutions.

这是您可以构建的约500个项目的列表 ,并带有示例解决方案。

You can also build something like a blog, for example. Yes, there are thousands of tutorials based around building a blog. You might even have copied and pasted the code to one before. This might not seem like an impressive project but…

例如,您还可以构建类似博客的内容。 是的,围绕构建博客有成千上万的教程。 您甚至可能之前已经复制并粘贴了代码。 这似乎不是一个令人印象深刻的项目,但…

Build your OWN blog. Sit down, plan the different steps and features it will have before you start. Research and choose the languages and framework you are going to use. Figure out how to install the necessary tools and set up your development environment yourself. When you get stuck on a problem or feature, turn to Google and investigate the best way to overcome the problem you are faced with.

建立您的OWN博客。 坐下来,计划在开始之前要准备的不同步骤和功能。 研究并选择您将要使用的语言和框架。 弄清楚如何安装必要的工具以及自己设置开发环境。 当您遇到问题或功能时,请联系Google并研究解决问题的最佳方法。

Do this and you will learn 10x more than following any tutorial. Do this, and this one project will be worth more than the 20 tutorial projects that you might have in your portfolio.

这样做,您将学到比其他任何教程多10倍的知识。 这样做,这个项目将比您的投资组合中可能包含的20个教程项目有价值。

Depending on the complexity of your chosen project, you might not even need anything else in your portfolio in order to start applying for jobs. Your code might not be the best, but it is YOUR code. You can explain every line of it, and explain how and why you came to make the decisions that you have.

根据您选择的项目的复杂程度,您甚至可能不需要投资组合中的其他任何东西就可以开始求职。 您的代码可能不是最好的,但它是您的代码。 您可以解释其中的每一行,也可以解释如何以及为什么要做出自己的决定。

You will also have proved that you can manage a project, work independently, learn new skills as needed, and deliver an end product. You now have several valuable skills to offer a potential employer.

您还将证明您可以管理一个项目,独立工作,学习所需的新技能以及交付最终产品。 您现在拥有一些有价值的技能来提供潜在的雇主。

If you’re 12, 18 months into learning, and haven’t found a job or don’t feel that you are anywhere near ready, then don’t get disheartened. Don’t give up. Don’t start thinking that you need to spend thousands of dollars on a “magic” bootcamp. Just start building things and you’ll be amazed with how quickly you can progress!

如果您在学习12、18个月后仍未找到工作或感觉不到自己已准备就绪,那么不要灰心。 不要放弃 不要开始认为您需要在“魔术”训练营上花费数千美元。 刚开始构建事物,您会惊讶自己的进步速度!

The growing number of people who are getting jobs straight out of freeCodeCamp is probably due to its emphasis on project-based learning.


Projects are outlined and scoped at the end of each module. Then it’s down to the camper to find their own solutions.

在每个模块的末尾概述了项目并确定了范围。 然后由露营者找到自己的解决方案。

I think it is this lack of hand-holding that helps freeCodeCamp create great developers.


Thank you for reading! :) If you enjoyed it, hit that heart ♡ button below. I really appreciate your support and it helps other people see the story.

感谢您的阅读! :)如果喜欢,请点击下面的那颗心♡按钮。 非常感谢您的支持,它可以帮助其他人了解这个故事。

I am always happy to hear from like minded people, so feel free to shoot me an email or say hello on twitter


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-dig-yourself-out-of-the-coding-tutorial-rut-7d3b2232f234/






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