

Tools don’t make a craftsman. But they can certainly help. This week, I wanted to introduce you to a few tools that I use. Hopefully, you discover a few new tools to help optimize your workflow.

工具不能成为工匠。 但他们当然可以提供帮助。 本周,我想向您介绍一些我使用的工具。 希望您发现了一些有助于优化工作流程的新工具。

原子 (Atom)

Atom is an open source text editor created by Github. For the past year Atom has been my primary editor. Atom comes full-featured with things like a built in package manager, smart auto-completion, and beautiful themes.

Atom是Github创建的开源文本编辑器。 在过去的一年中,Atom一直是我的主要编辑。 Atom具有功能齐全的功能,例如内置的软件包管理器,智能的自动完成功能和精美的主题。

Coming from Sublime, the package manager was a breath of fresh air. With Atom, you can either use APM or its GUI interface. No need to modify config files. It just works.

来自Sublime的包裹经理呼吸着新鲜空气。 使用Atom,您可以使用APM或其GUI界面。 无需修改配置文件。 它就是有效的。

A note on performance. When Atom was first released, it was slow. However today it’s blazing fast. The only slow down I notice is when opening up huge files.

关于性能的说明。 首次发布Atom时,速度很慢。 但是今天,它的速度很快。 我注意到的唯一的减慢是在打开大文件时。

You can read more about Atom and its performance optimizations in Moving Atom To React and then Implement text editor DOM updates manually instead of via React.


DragDis (DragDis)

As a designer, I’m always on the lookout for inspiration. DragDis is a tool that lets me save inspiration as I find it. It’s easy to use. Install the Chrome extension and start dragging.

作为设计师,我一直在寻找灵感。 DragDis是一种工具,可让我在找到灵感时保存灵感。 易于使用。 安装Chrome扩展程序并开始拖动。

The way I organize my DragDis folders is by week. Each week I create a new inspiration folder. It’s a great way to track how my design tastes have changed over time.

我组织DragDis文件夹的方式是按周进行。 每周我都会创建一个新的灵感文件夹。 这是跟踪我的设计风格随时间变化的好方法。

DragDis also has a full-page grid view. This makes for fantastic moodboards.

DragDis还具有整页网格视图。 这使梦幻般的情绪板。

iTerm 2 (iTerm 2)

iTerm is a sleek alternative to Terminal. Just to name a few features, iTerm 2 has unlimited split panels, inline images, and search. Although Terminal has a lot of similar functionality, iTerm 2 is constantly improving.

iTerm是Terminal的时尚替代品。 仅举几个功能,iTerm 2具有无限的拆分面板,嵌入式图像和搜索。 尽管终端具有许多类似的功能,但iTerm 2仍在不断改进。

穆兹利 (Muzli)

Muzli is a Chrome extension that aggregates design related content from sources like Designer News, Dribbble, Behance, etc.

Muzli是Chrome扩展程序,可汇总来自Designer News,Dribbble,Behance等资源的与设计相关的内容。

Every time you open a new tab in Chrome Muzli sources you the best content from each of these sites.

每次您在Chrome Muzli中打开新标签时,都会从这些网站中获取最佳内容。

One thing I love is that they have a staff picks section. It’s like having your own personal assistant pick out the best front-end and design related articles.

我喜欢的一件事是,他们有一个员工精选区。 这就像让您的私人助理挑选出最佳的前端和设计相关文章。 (

A lot of makers like to go to hip coffee shops for the ambiance. Noizio helps bring that ambiance to your home. With Noizio, you can choose from a range of background noises including October Rain, Coffee House, Thunderstorm, and Sea Waves. Perfect for getting into the zone.

许多制造商都喜欢去时髦的咖啡店寻找氛围。 Noizio帮助您将这种氛围带到您的家中。 使用Noizio,您可以从一系列背景噪音中进行选择,包括十月雨,咖啡屋,雷暴和海浪。 非常适合进入该区域。

视力 (Invision)

Invision is a prototyping and workflow platform, perfect for collaboration between front-ends and designers. Designers can upload series of screens to a project. Then they hot link screens with one another.

Invision是一个原型和工作流平台,非常适合前端和设计人员之间的协作。 设计师可以将一系列屏幕上载到项目中。 然后他们彼此热链接屏幕。

The blue sections are the hot linked areas. If you tap or click on them, they will take you to the next screen. This is a great way for designers to walk clients and developers through the flow. It’s also useful when doing some preliminary qualitative testing with users.

蓝色部分是热链接区域。 如果您点击或单击它们,它们将带您进入下一个屏幕。 对于设计师来说,这是引导客户和开发人员完成流程的好方法。 与用户进行一些初步的定性测试时,它也很有用。

Invision also recently released a new feature called Boards. Boards allows you to collect inspiration and build moodboards. The biggest difference between this and using DragDis is that Boards is collaborative, so you can work with other team members.

Invision最近还发布了一项名为Boards的新功能。 木板可让您收集灵感并构建情绪板。 这与使用DragDis之间的最大区别在于,董事会是协作的,因此您可以与其他团队成员一起工作。

什么字体 (What the Font)

Typography is a huge component of design. That’s why What the Font is one of my favorite chrome extensions. It helps you find out what fonts a site uses. Just point and click.

排版是设计的重要组成部分。 这就是“ 什么字体”是我最喜欢的Chrome扩展程序之一的原因。 它可以帮助您找出网站使用的字体。 只需点击。

邮差 (Postman)

When working as front end developers, we often have to query APIs or interact with our own. Postman is a handy tool that helps you make requests to APIs.

作为前端开发人员时,我们经常不得不查询API或与我们自己的API进行交互。 Postman是一种方便的工具,可帮助您向API发出请求。

Imagine working on an API endpoint. Instead of having to write a corresponding front-end query or a cURL request, Postman can query the endpoint directly.

想象一下在API端点上工作。 邮递员可以直接查询端点,而不必编写相应的前端查询或cURL请求。

Wappalyzer (Wappalyzer)

Wappalyzer is a tool for identifying what libraries and frameworks a site uses. It has a Chrome extension and by far is one of the most useful tools for a front-end developer. Next time you wonder what library a site is using to create a specific visualization, Wappalyzer has you covered.

Wappalyzer是用于识别站点使用的库和框架的工具。 它具有Chrome扩展程序,到目前为止,它是前端开发人员最有用的工具之一。 下次您想知道站点使用哪个库来创建特定的可视化效果时,Wappalyzer可以满足您的要求。

动臂2 (Boom 2)

Boom is a volume booster and equalizer for Mac. It’s perfect for when you’re coding and need some tunes to boost your productivity. It has a set of pre-configured profiles for genres like jazz, hip-hop, and dub-step. You can also configure custom profiles.

Boom是Mac的音量增强器和均衡器。 它非常适合当您编码并且需要一些调音来提高生产力时。 它具有一组针对爵士,嘻哈和复音等流派的预配置配置文件。 您还可以配置自定义配置文件。

Boom also includes a set of sound effects. Paired with a pair of headphones Bose Quiet Comforts the sound effects make a huge difference in your listening experience.

动臂还包括一组声音效果。 与Bose Quiet Comforts耳机配对后,声音效果会极大地改善您的聆听体验。

If that wasn’t enough. Here are a few honorable mentions: JSON Viewer for Chrome, Noon Pacific, Flux, and Better Snap Tool.

如果那还不够。 这里有一些值得一提的内容: 适用于Chrome的JSON ViewerNoon PacificFluxBetter Snap Tool

If your favorite tool didn’t make on to this list, let me know! I’m always on the look out to try new things. Feel free to leave a note below or tweet to me.

如果您最喜欢的工具没有加入该列表,请告诉我! 我一直在寻找新事物。 随时在下面留言或发推文给我

I publish every week on Tuesday mornings. You can get updates by following me on Twitter, where I post non-sensical ramblings about design, front end development, bots, and machine learning.

我每周二早上出版一次。 您可以通过在Twitter上关注我来获取更新,我在其中发布了关于设计,前端开发,机器人和机器学习的无意义的杂谈。

P.S. If you enjoyed this article, it would mean a lot if you click the ? and share with friends.

PS:如果您喜欢这篇文章,那么如果单击“?”将有很多意义。 并与朋友分享。







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