自学计算机科学与技术 知乎_回顾:我的传统计算机科学学习和自学年

自学计算机科学与技术 知乎

by Tiffany White

蒂芙尼·怀特(Tiffany White)

回顾:我传统计算机科学与自学之年 (A Look Back: My Year of Traditional Computer Science Learning vs. Self-Teaching)

Much like Robb from this story, I’ve ditched the traditional computer science degree route and decided on pursuing my education outside the classroom and in my apartment.


Part of my decision was because continuing to get financial aid was going to be impossible — I am a non-traditional student that has been attempting to get a degree for almost half of her life. There is only so much money that the government will loan you to finish a Bachelor’s degree.

我做出决定的部分原因是,要继续获得经济援助将是不可能的-我是一个非传统的学生,她一直在努力尝试获得她生命中几乎一半的学位。 只有这么多钱,政府才会借给您完成学士学位。

At the time I started back in 2002, I wanted to cash in on the networking part of computers. I then decided I wanted to build computers instead of networking them, because software really wasn’t a thing.

当我在2002年开始工作时,我想从计算机的网络部分中获利。 然后,我决定我想建造计算机而不是将它们联网,因为软件确实不是问题。

Along the way, I changed my major again and dropped out several times, leaving my financial aid status in limbo.


I went back in 2008, on and off until I could get the grades needed to attend a university instead of a community college, as I had been doing for all that time.


I got accepted to university for fall of last year and took the computer science route. Universities were actively encouraging women to do this. They had a little retreat for women to check out their computer science program, showing us the eye-popping salaries of recent grads.

去年秋天,我被大学录取,并选择了计算机科学。 大学积极鼓励妇女这样做。 他们让女性稍稍退缩,以检出自己的计算机科学程序,向我们展示了最近应届毕业生的惊人薪水。

I was all for it. I had been learning at Free Code Camp and Treehouse for a year or so, and thought I was ready to learn in a more structured environment.

我全力以赴。 我已经在Free Code Camp和Treehouse学习了一年左右,并认为我已经准备好在一个结构化的环境中学习了。

The first semester was interesting. I enjoyed learning from my professor who, at the end of the semester, offered to be my mentor. I felt like I was making good strides. I got a C in that class after bombing the final project. I had a B up until that point. We used Java as our gateway into object-oriented programming, and I didn’t find it particularly convincing.

第一学期很有趣。 我很高兴从我的教授那里学到东西,在学期末,他愿意担任我的导师。 我感觉自己在取得长足进步。 轰炸了最后一个项目后,我在那堂课上获得了C。 直到那时我都拿到了B。 我们使用Java作为通往面向对象程序设计的门户,但我并不认为它特别令人信服。

I started this semester with full hope of doing well. My professor was quirky and funny, and used GitHub for assignments (all universities and professors should do this). But I found myself longing to work on Free Code Camp and Treehouse, those free or low-cost alternatives to the slow churn I was going through at university.

我本学期开始时充满希望做得很好。 我的教授很古怪有趣,并且使用GitHub进行作业( 所有大学和教授都应该这样做)。 但是我发现自己渴望在Free Code Camp和Treehouse上工作,这是我在大学期间经历的缓慢流失的那些免费或低成本替代方案。

As the semester wore on, I began to deteriorate. I was frustrated, anxious, falling behind. I was distracted by the other classes I had to take, which had nothing to do with computer science. I was unhappy and anxious all the time. I didn’t have time to work on anything that meant anything to me. I didn’t have time to take care of myself either — and exercise and sleep are valuable to your mental focus.

随着学期的结束,我开始恶化。 我感到沮丧,焦虑,落伍。 我对我必须参加的其他课程分心,这与计算机科学无关。 我一直很不高兴和焦虑。 我没有时间去做对我来说有意义的事情。 我也没有时间照顾自己-运动和睡眠对您的精神注意力至关重要。

It wore on me.


I emailed my mentor and told her I was thinking of dropping out. She told me to stop by, so she could try and convince me not to. I never went to see her.

我给导师发了电子邮件,并告诉她我正在考虑退学。 她告诉我不要这样,这样她可以说服我不要这样做。 我从没见过她

I talked to several people who were self-taught. So much of what I was hearing was that it was easier to get a job with a computer science degree. That I’d have to work super hard to get a job as a self-taught developer.

我与一些自学成才的人交谈。 我听到的大部分内容是,拥有计算机科学学位的工作比较容易。 为了成为一名自学成才的开发人员,我必须非常努力地工作。

I watched Travis Neilson on YouTube, the creator of DevTips. He is self-taught, and now works at Google in Mountain View. It took him three years to get his first paying gig.

我在DevTips的创建者YouTube上观看了Travis Neilson。 他是自学成才的,现在在山景城的Google工作。 他花了三年时间才获得了第一笔薪水。

I thought: time. That’s all I need. And dedication.

我以为:时间。 这就是我所需要的。 和奉献精神。

I run a biweekly podcast, and I interviewed one of my favorite self-taught developers on Saturday. We talked about self-teaching, and doing things that are difficult, because that’s how you learn.

我每两周播客一次,星期六我采访了我最喜欢的自学开发人员之一。 我们讨论了自我教学和做困难的事情,因为那是您学习的方式。

I came away renewed and excited. I knew I was going to quit college. I worried that I’d be letting so many people down, but they were actually quite supportive.

我焕然一新,兴奋不已。 我知道我要退出大学。 我担心我会让很多人失望,但是他们实际上是非常支持的。

商机 (Opportunities)

During a tweet storm on Twitter about my quitting school, a guy I have networked with in the area who runs the largest tech meetup in Pittsburgh, and who also went to the university I was quitting, saw my tweets. He advised me not to quit, but said that if I did choose to, he had an opportunity for me to work on experimental programming projects he needed to run the non-profits he was working with.

在Twitter上有关我的退学学校的一条推文风暴中,我与该地区交往的一个人在匹兹堡举办了最大的技术聚会,并且还去了我要退出的大学,看到了我的推文。 他建议我不要辞职,但他说,如果我确实选择退出,他有机会让我从事他所经营的非营利组织所需的实验性编程项目。

外卖 (Take-Aways)

You’ll hear it a lot — you need that computer science degree to get anywhere in this field. But that isn’t true. Networking, time, and work ethic are what you need to succeed. Free Code Camp is a great resource and with the newly-expanded curriculum, you’ll get plenty of practice.

您会听到很多–您需要获得计算机科学学位才能在该领域取得成功。 但这不是事实。 网络,时间和职业道德是您成功所需要的。 Free Code Camp是一个很好的资源,而随着新近扩展的课程,您将获得大量练习。

I’ve decided to go with free and low-cost resources instead of plunging further into debt. I don’t advise dropping out of school for everyone, but I’m confident that it was the right choice for me.

我决定使用免费和低成本的资源,而不是进一步陷入债务。 我不建议所有人都辍学,但我相信这对我来说是正确的选择。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-look-back-my-year-of-traditional-computer-science-learning-and-self-teaching-9176dfd9651c/

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