qt 退出,退出代码 2_为什么我退出自由代码营

作者讲述了自己如何从Free Code Camp开始,通过学习和贡献,最终成为一名全职软件工程师的经历。尽管忙碌,他决定退出Free Code Camp,但他对此充满了感激。Free Code Camp的结构和社区互动帮助他在编程世界中找到了方向,实现了从自学编程到获得工作的转变。

qt 退出,退出代码 2

by freeCodeCamp


为什么我退出自由代码营 (Why I dropped out of Free Code Camp)

I worked through Free Code Camp’s curriculum, contributed to its open-source codebase, then got a coding job much faster than I expected. These days I’m busy juggling being a dad, husband, and full time software engineer. So I’ve decided to drop out of Free Code Camp. I arrived at Free Code Camp six months ago with a newfound seriousness. I was done merely dabbling in self-study. I was firmly committed to my goal of becoming an employable junior developer as quickly as possible.

我研究了Free Code Camp的课程,为它的开源代码库做出了贡献,然后比我期望的要快得多。 这些天,我正忙于扮演父亲,丈夫和专职软件工程师的角色。 因此,我决定退出Free Code Camp。 六个月前,我以一种新发现的认真态度来到了Free Code Camp。 我只是涉足自学而已。 我坚定地致力于实现我的目标,即尽快成为一名可雇用的初级开发人员。

我的旅途 (My Journey)

I first started tinkering with code when I was in elementary school, sitting behind my family’s first computer: a Macintosh Centris 610. Hypercard was my casual intro to coding. A brief diversion into C++ scared me away from lower-level languages. Then I began making websites and fell in love with my first real text editor: BBEdit. In middle school, I joined my school’s first-ever student webmaster team. And in the late 1990’s I was paid $500 to design a website for a nonprofit. I had gone pro.

当我上小学时,我首先开始修改代码,当时我坐在家庭的第一台计算机:Macintosh Centris 610后面。Hypercard是我不经意的编码入门。 短暂转移到C ++会使我远离底层语言。 然后,我开始制作网站,并爱上了我的第一个真实文本编辑器:BBEdit。 在中学时期,我加入了我学校的第一个学生网站管理员团队。 在1990年代后期,我获得了500美元的报酬,为一家非营利组织设计了一个网站。 我已经亲了。

My teenage years brought distraction. When I returned to HTML, I found that CSS and JavaScript had joined the party. My days of being a simple webmaster were over. The added complexity CSS and JavaScript led to me giving up on coding. I rationalized that I didn’t want to grow up to be a programmer because I didn’t want to sit behind a computer all day. After high school, life led me in what I thought was a more creative direction than coding. I studied abroad in South-East Asia. I went on to get a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts from the University of Iowa. I iterated through many callings: waiter, massage therapist, playwright, mask maker, photographer, podcaster, and published cookbook author. Most of these weren’t successful. Aside from the intensity of writing a book under a tight deadline, none of these paths challenged my brain like I craved. I became frustrated with my lack of purpose.

我的少年时代使人分心。 当我回到HTML时,发现CSS和JavaScript参加了聚会。 我成为一个简单的网站管理员的日子已经过去了。 CSS和JavaScript增加了复杂性,导致我放弃了编码。 我认为我不想成长为一名程序员,因为我不想整天坐在电脑后面。 高中毕业后,生活使我朝着比编码更富创造力的方向发展。 我在东南亚留学。 我继续从爱荷华大学获得戏剧艺术学士学位。 我遍历了许多电话:服务员,按摩治疗师,剧作家,面具制造商,摄影师,播客和出版的食谱作者。 这些大多数都不成功。 除了在紧迫的期限内写书的强度外,这些途径都没有像我渴望的那样挑战我的大脑。 我因缺乏目标而感到沮丧。

Through all of this, coding slowly crept back into my life. About three years ago, I started learning Ruby. But after more than six months of self-study, I felt more lost than when I began. I returned to Ruby off-and-on, but it never really stuck. I spent way too much time considering which languages and frameworks were most important to learn. A lot of the time, I was skeptical of how much I was actually absorbing. And then I rediscovered JavaScript. I’m not sure how or when, but about a year ago, I decided JavaScript was for me. By this point I was a stay-at-home dad with my toddler son. I would often stay up late or rise early in order to cram as much self-study into my day as possible. My biggest challenge was not my lack of sleep, but my lack of structure. When I’m accountable to someone, I feel I can accomplish anything. But when I’m completely independent, my plans tend to become scattered.

通过所有这些,编码慢慢回到了我的生活。 大约三年前,我开始学习Ruby。 但是经过六个多月的自学,与开始时相比,我感到更加迷失。 我断断续续地返回Ruby,但从未真正陷入困境。 我花了太多时间考虑哪些语言和框架最重要。 很多时候,我怀疑自己实际上吸收了多少。 然后我重新发现了JavaScript。 我不确定如何或何时,但是大约一年前,我决定使用JavaScript。 至此,我已经和我蹒跚学步的儿子呆在一起。 我通常会熬夜或早起,以便尽可能多地自学。 我最大的挑战不是缺乏睡眠,而是缺乏结构。 当我对某人负责时,我觉得我可以完成任何事情。 但是,当我完全独立时,我的计划往往会变得分散。

查找免费代码营 (Finding Free Code Camp)

I searched for structure in books, in long-form video tutorials, and in ad-hoc curriculum suggestions from blog posts. And then, in October 2014, I saw a tweet about a new community called Free Code Camp. I immediately signed up. I loved the structure and the concept of working on real projects with nonprofits. But I continued to jump between my different programs and styles of structure. I rarely joined in on discussions in Free Code Camp’s chat rooms. I became an occasional Free Code Camp lurker. Still, I had a strong desire to whip myself into legitimate developer shape. I knew I needed accountability. I forced myself to join discussions in Free Code Camp’s chat rooms. Soon I discovered that some of the campers were volunteering by contributing to its open source codebase and nurturing its community. This was a great opportunity for me to participate with a purpose. The late night discussions. The pair programming. These were the transformational moments, when I journeyed out of the darkness of independent study, and into the light of shared challenges. I soon realized that I wasn’t alone in my struggles. What I’d previously thought were inadequacies in my own intelligence turned out to be common stumbling blocks that all people encounter when practicing the art and science of writing code. Learning to code is a challenge. Everyone learns differently. What comes easy to one person may be difficult for another. But in aggregate, we all have knowledge to share. Each of us brings at least one experience or skill to the community — something that comes easy to us, and that we can then help others understand. And likewise, others will be there for us when we’re stuck beyond comprehension. I seem to learn best through teaching others. So I jumped at the opportunity to design a bit of Free Code Camp’s curriculum. Specifically, I worked on some of the original Bonfires. Writing these algorithm challenges gave me a deeper understanding of the code behind them, which led me directly to the job that I have today.

我在书籍,长篇视频教程以及博客文章中的临时课程建议中搜索结构。 然后,在2014年10月,我看到了一条有关称为Free Code Camp的新社区的推文。 我立即注册。 我喜欢与非营利组织合作进行实际项目的结构和概念。 但是我继续在不同的程序和结构样式之间切换。 我很少参加Free Code Camp聊天室的讨论。 我偶尔成为Free Code Camp潜行者。 不过,我仍然强烈希望自己成为合法的开发人员。 我知道我需要问责制。 我强迫自己参加Free Code Camp聊天室的讨论。 不久,我发现一些露营者通过向其开源代码库做出贡献并培育其社区来自愿。 这是我有目的参与的绝佳机会。 深夜的讨论。 配对编程。 这些是转变的时刻,当我走出独立学习的黑暗,走进共同的挑战的时刻。 我很快意识到自己并不孤单。 我以前认为自己的智力不足,原来是所有人在练习代码编写艺术和科学时遇到的常见绊脚石。 学习编码是一个挑战。 每个人的学习方式都不一样。 一个人容易想到的事情可能对另一个人来说却很难。 但是总的来说,我们都有分享的知识。 我们每个人都至少给社区带来了一种经验或技巧,这对我们来说很容易,然后我们就可以帮助其他人理解。 同样,当我们陷入无法理解的境地时,其他人也会为我们服务。 我似乎通过教别人学得最好。 因此,我抓住机会设计了一些Free Code Camp的课程。 具体来说,我从事一些原始的篝火工作。 编写这些算法挑战使我对它们背后的代码有了更深入的了解,这使我直接从事了今天的工作。

得到工作 (Getting the job)

Whenever possible, I attended local developer meetups. At one event, I ran into a friend whom I hadn’t seen in over a year. I shared my Free Code Camp experience with him. I told him that, after having designed some Bonfire algorithm challenges, testing was finally starting to make sense to me. My friend told me he had a friend who worked for a company that was looking to hire a developer who could write automated tests. That one chance encounter lead to a series of interviews. One week later, I found myself with a job offer. I was hired. My 2015 goal was to become a working developer by the end of the year. Instead, I got a job in the first quarter. My official title is Associate Software Engineer in Test. I work on a small remote team in Madison, Wisconsin, for a company called Interactive Intelligence. I code primarily in Angular.js, Node.js, and Protractor. The work is challenging and rewarding, and I get paid better than ever. Thus far, a career in code is everything that I had hoped it would be. I’m surprised with how seamless the transition was from camper to worker. Could I have gotten a job without Free Code Camp? Eventually, sure. But Free Code Camp provided a far denser experience than in my roughly 24 previous years of dabbling in tech.

只要有可能,我都会参加本地开发人员聚会。 在一个事件中,我遇到了一个一年多没见过的朋友了。 我与他分享了我的免费代码营经验。 我告诉他,在设计了一些Bonfire算法挑战之后,测试终于开始对我有意义。 我的朋友告诉我,他有一个朋友在一家公司工作,该公司希望聘请可以编写自动化测试的开发人员。 一次偶然的机会导致了一系列的采访。 一周后,我找到了工作。 我被录用了。 我2015年的目标是在年底之前成为一名能干的开发人员。 相反,我在第一季度找到了工作。 我的正式头衔是测试中的助理软件工程师。 我在威斯康星州麦迪逊市的一个小型远程团队中为一家名为Interactive Intelligence的公司工作。 我主要使用Angular.js,Node.js和Protractor进行编码。 这项工作充满挑战和收获,我的薪水比以往任何时候都要高。 到目前为止,我一直希望从事代码工作。 从露营者到工人的过渡如此无缝,令我感到惊讶。 没有Free Code Camp,我能找到一份工作吗? 最终,可以。 但是与我大约24年涉足技术领域相比,Free Code Camp提供的体验要丰富得多。

向前走 (Going Forward)

I haven’t quite regained my work/life equilibrium, or the time to contribute to Free Code Camp. But I am forever grateful to all my fellow campers who accelerated me in the right direction.

我还没有完全恢复工作/生活的平衡,也没有时间为自由代码训练营做贡献。 但是我永远感谢所有向正确方向加速我的同胞们。

Oh, and that fear I had as a kid of being a programmer sitting behind a computer all days? It was completely unfounded.

哦,那怕我小时候一直是程序员,整天坐在电脑后面吗? 这是完全没有根据的。

For one, I love being behind a computer, and always have. Getting paid to do this is a huge perk. And second, I don’t sit, I stand. And I don’t just stand still, I am moving all day on a balance board while I type. But balance boards are a post for another day.

首先,我喜欢在计算机后面,并且永远拥有。 获得报酬来做这是一个巨大的振作。 其次,我不坐,我站着。 我不仅站着不动,而且打字时整天都在平衡板上移动。 但是,资产负债表又是一天。

Until then, happy coding!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-i-dropped-out-of-free-code-camp-d5766448f4ad/

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