

There are three levels of management activities,


  1. Strategic planning


  2. Management control


  3. Operational control


Hierarchy is the process of ensuring that specific tasks are carried out effectively and efficiently. Management control is the process by which managers ensure that the resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently to achieve the organizational goals.

层次结构是确保有效且高效地执行特定任务的过程。 管理控制是管理者确保有效,高效地获取和使用资源以实现组织目标的过程。

Strategic planning is the method of deciding the organization's objectives, the improvements needed to achieve those goals, the tools used to attain those goals, and the policies used to obtain, manage and distribute those resources.


These levels of management activities are described in detail as follows...


1)战略规划 (1) Strategic planning)

Strategic management is the comprehensive collection of ongoing procedures and processes used by organizations throughout an enterprise to consistently organize and align resources and actions with mission, vision, and strategy. Strategic management activities turn the static plan into a system that provides decision-making input on strategic success.

战略管理是对整个企业中组织使用的持续性过程和流程的全面收集,以一致地组织资源和行动并使之与使命,愿景和战略保持一致。 战略管理活动将静态计划转变为为战略成功提供决策输入的系统。

The strategy consists of making choices on the part of managers to achieve corporate goals between alternative action plans, dedication to specific product markets, strategic steps and business strategies. Strategic planning is required from top to bottom levels for management of all levels.

该战略包括管理人员在实现替代行动计划,致力于特定产品市场,战略步骤和业务战略之间达成公司目标方面做出选择。 从上到下的战略计划都需要进行各级管理。

2)管理控制 (2) Management control)

At middle management, the people perform resource control practices. Management regulation enables the organization's smooth organizational activities. Management control facilitates smooth operational activities in the organization. Management control describes how an organization's actions of individuals or groups are constrained to perform certain actions while avoiding other actions to achieve organizational objectives. Control of management falls into two broad categories— regulative and normative controls — but there are several types within those categories.

在中层管理人员中,人员执行资源控制实践。 管理法规使组织能够顺利进行组织活动。 管理控制有助于组织中的平稳运营活动。 管理控制描述了如何限制组织的个人或团体的行动来执行某些行动,同时避免其他行动来实现组织目标。 管理控制分为两大类-监管和规范控制-但这些类别中有几种类型。

It is essential for management to keep a check on the activities and people involved in operations to avoid any waste of resources and to more effectively use the resources. This includes making arrangements that are appropriate for managing the various activities needed for the organization's proper management. It includes the management of various projects that the organization is handling.

管理层必须检查活动和参与操作的人员,以避免浪费资源并更有效地使用资源。 这包括做出适合管理组织适当管理所需的各种活动的安排。 它包括组织正在处理的各种项目的管理。

3)操作控制 (3) Operational control)

Operational control systems are designed to ensure day-to-day actions are consistent with the plans and goals established. This focuses on recent period cases. Operational inspection systems are derived from management control system specifications.

运营控制系统旨在确保日常行动与已制定的计划和目标保持一致。 这集中于最近时期的案件。 操作检查系统源自管理控制系统规范。

At low-level management, the operational control tasks are done by the staff. Operational control helps to make use of available resources without any wastage. This requires proper computer management with reduced costs and amortization. It also helps manage the workers involved in activities by the proper direction of supervision. It helps the organization, in a desirable time, to produce quality products. This involves conducting routine processes, such as updating and managing user inquiries that belong to the operational control stage below.

在低级别管理中,操作控制任务由员工完成。 操作控制有助于无浪费地利用可用资源。 这需要适当的计算机管理,同时降低成本和摊销费用。 它还可以通过正确的监督方向来帮助管理参与活动的工人。 它帮助组织在理想的时间内生产出优质的产品。 这涉及进行例行过程,例如更新和管理属于以下操作控制阶段的用户查询。

Hierarchy of Management Activities

Hierarchy of Management Activities


MIS is an important part of an organization as it helps to collect planning and decision-making information. It also helps in carrying out other organizational tasks such as recruiting, managing, and regulating. In an organization, MIS performs various functions such as collecting and processing data to get accurate information for decision making. It also helps in storing information and retrieving it as and when required.

MIS是组织的重要组成部分,因为它有助于收集计划和决策信息。 它还有助于执行其他组织任务,例如招聘,管理和监管。 在组织中,MIS执行各种功能,例如收集和处理数据以获取用于决策的准确信息。 它还有助于存储信息并在需要时进行检索。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/MIS/hierarchy-of-management-activity-in-management-information-system.aspx






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