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翻译 两阶段分布式事物_在软件设计阶段开发的事物| 软件工程

两阶段分布式事物In the design phase, the design of the software is made which represents how the software would be like when completely developed and launched as a final product. As there are numerous compone...

2020-08-04 15:43:42 712

翻译 kotlin 字符串去空格_Kotlin程序查找字符串中的元音,辅音,数字和空格的总数

kotlin 字符串去空格Given a string, we have to count the total number of vowels, consonants, digits and spaces in a string. 给定一个字符串,我们必须计算字符串中元音,辅音,数字和空格的总数。 Example: 例: Input: string = "Heloo I...

2020-08-04 04:58:52 1419

翻译 Java StringBuffer CharSequence subSequence(int spos,int epos)方法与示例

StringBuffer类CharSequence subSequence(int spos,int epos) (StringBuffer Class CharSequence subSequence(int spos, int epos))This method is available in package java.lang.StringBuffer.subSequence(int s...

2020-08-04 04:09:04 1395

翻译 进程多级调度算法图片_前向和后向算法的多级图问题

进程多级调度算法图片 多阶段图问题 (Multistage graph problem)The multistage graph problem is to find a minimum cost from a source to a sink. 多级图问题是找到从源到接收器的最低成本。 A multistage graph is a directed graph having a number...

2020-08-04 03:59:10 761

翻译 java 位运算两数字相加_使用8086微处理器将两个16位数字相加而不带进位

java 位运算两数字相加Problem statement: 问题陈述: To perform addition operation between two 16 bits numbers without carry using 8086 Microprocessor. 使用8086微处理器无需进位即可在两个16位数字之间执行加法运算。 Algorithm: 算法: Load the...

2020-08-04 02:49:35 864

翻译 c语言指针示例_C程序演示双指针示例(指向指针的指针)

c语言指针示例In this program, we have to declare, assign and access a double pointer (pointer to pointer) in C. 在此程序中,我们必须在C中声明,分配和访问双指针(指向指针的指针)。 As we know that, pointers are the special type of variabl...

2020-08-04 02:30:06 419

翻译 mac ruby 环境变量_Ruby环境设置| 在Mac和Windows操作系统上安装Ruby

mac ruby 环境变量 Ruby环境设置 (Ruby Environment Setup) 1)在Mac操作系统上安装Ruby (1) Installation of Ruby on Mac Operating System)Ruby is already included in default macOS installation but it won't be the latest v...

2020-08-04 01:50:23 2975

翻译 输入浮点值并用C中的小数点后的指定数字打印

Input a float value and we have to print the input value by specifying/setting different decimal precision in C. 输入浮点值,我们必须通过在C中指定/设置不同的十进制精度来打印输入值。 Example: 例: Input: Enter float value: ...

2020-08-04 01:29:28 357

翻译 微服务 优缺点_在8086微处理器中使用过程的优缺点

微服务 优缺点A procedure is a set of instructions that is written separately and can be used in any part of the entire code that too any number of times just by making a call to it from the mainline program...

2020-08-03 23:47:49 401

翻译 在传输,网络和应用程序层上工作的不同协议

1)传输层协议 (1) Transport layer protocols)Our OSI (Open system interconnection) model consists of 7 protocol layers and each layer performs a supportive communication task. 我们的OSI(开放系统互连)模型包含7个协议层,每个层执...

2020-08-03 20:25:09 359

翻译 运算符重载调用析构函数吗_通过构造函数和析构函数打印值的C ++中的new和delete运算符...

运算符重载调用析构函数吗In C++ programming language, there are two operators 1) new and 2) delete, which are used to manage the memory dynamically i.e. to create, delete the memory at run time (dynamically) 在C +...

2020-08-03 20:14:48 267

翻译 c定义16位整数和8位整数_C程序从另一个整数替换指定位置的整数中的位

c定义16位整数和8位整数Problem statement: Write a C program to replace specified bit of a number from another number. 问题陈述:编写一个C程序,以从另一个数字替换一个数字的指定位 。 Solution: We can use bitwise operator here to solve the p...

2020-08-03 19:45:22 992

翻译 gcd euclid_使用EUCLID的算法找到两个数字的GCD(最大公约数)

gcd euclidWhat is GCD? 什么是GCD? It is called as a greatest common factor or generally called as a highest common factor (HCF). For example, if we take two numbers 4 and 6 then the factors of these nu...

2020-08-03 18:46:20 610

翻译 js enter key_如何识别用C编程语言按下的ENTER KEY?

js enter keyHere, we will learn how to get and identify that ENTER KEY is pressed? 在这里,我们将学习如何获取并确定按下了ENTER KEY ? We will read character by character in an infinite loop and print the input characte...

2020-08-03 18:37:18 236

翻译 从C#中包含八进制值的字符串数组中打印整数值

将八进制字符串数组转换为整数 (Converting array of octal strings to integers)Let suppose you have some of the strings (i.e. array of strings) containing octal values like "101", "102", "103", "567", "752" which ar...

2020-08-03 18:07:06 294

翻译 avr单片机定时器控制串口_AVR | 使用ATmega16微控制器顺时针和逆时针旋转直流电动机...

avr单片机定时器控制串口It is also a very simple program, the Simple DC motor can be rotated clockwise when the input is given to the positive terminal and vice versa for Anti-clockwise rotation. 这也是一个非常简单的程序, ...

2020-08-03 09:57:49 400

翻译 在vim中查找指令_问题:在8086微处理器中查找不同指令的指令格式时

在vim中查找指令Prerequisite: General Instruction format of an instruction in 8086 Microprocessor 先决条件: 8086微处理器中指令的通用指令格式 Q1. Find the instruction format of the following instruction:MOV BL , AL(The o...

2020-08-03 06:23:53 132

翻译 Java线程类Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler()方法(带示例)

线程类Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler() (Thread Class Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler())This method is available in package java.lang.Thread.getU...

2020-08-03 06:13:45 546

翻译 厘米换算英尺英寸程序_使用C程序计算两个城市之间的距离,从公里到米,厘米,英尺和英寸...

厘米换算英尺英寸程序Input the distance between two cities in kilometers, we have to calculate the distance in meters, feet, and inches. 输入以公里为单位的两个城市之间的距离 ,我们必须以米,英尺和英寸为单位计算距离 。 In the below program, we are t...

2020-08-03 05:35:16 1335

翻译 java二维数组的个数_Java | 通过遍历第一个数组的正向和第二个数组的后向,打印两个二维数组的乘法...

java二维数组的个数Here, We have to find the multiplication of the two matrix by moving forward direction in row major (row by row) order in one matrix and by backward direction in row major order in second o...

2020-08-03 04:35:13 946

翻译 mcq 队列_人工智能| 人工智能系统的环境分类 才能问题与解答(MCQ)

mcq 队列1) Which of the following classifications of the environment are valid?Deterministic and non- DeterministicObservable and partially-observableStatic and dynamicAll of the aboveAnswer &a...

2020-08-03 02:56:23 270

翻译 html内部样式和外部样式_HTML样式

html样式 HTML样式属性 (HTML style Attribute)The HTML style attribute is used to add some style or add some changes to the text in HTML. Style is adding some additional settings to make it look different fr...

2020-08-03 01:56:56 2579

翻译 接口返回html形式_HTML形式

HTML表格 (HTML Forms)A form is a page that is used to get some data input from the user. For example, for registration, login, feedback, etc. forms are very useful. 表单是一个页面,用于从用户那里获取一些数据输入。 例如,对于注册,登...

2020-08-03 00:56:22 6426

翻译 AJAX请求

We have talked briefly about what AJAX is and how to make AJAX requests? In this article, we'll dive deeper into AJAX requests by seeing the code in action and also understand every line of code, 我们已...

2020-08-03 00:37:26 113

翻译 堆叠在Scala中

A stack is a linear data structure that follows the last-in-first-out (LIFO) principle for adding elements to it. 堆栈是一种线性数据结构,遵循后进先出 (LIFO)原理向其中添加元素。 An example of a stack data structure in real li...

2020-08-02 23:25:01 218

翻译 Ruby概述

Ruby的历史 (History of Ruby)Yukihiro Matsumoto "Matz", a software programmer, and a Japanese Computer Scientist developed and designed Ruby in the mid-1990s. There is an engrossing story behind naming ...

2020-08-02 22:15:07 271

翻译 html中 @符号_HTML中的符号

html中 @符号 HTML符号 (HTML Symbols)Symbols are special characters that are used to denote some special notation. Various sorts of symbols like mathematical, currency, geek letters are supported in HTML w...

2020-08-02 21:35:41 4861

翻译 julia_Julia关键字

julia Julia| 关键词 (Julia | Keywords)Like other programming languages, Julia also has the set of some reserved words whose meanings are the predefined and They cannot be used as the identifiers name. ...

2020-08-02 19:24:18 382

翻译 scala中math包_Scala中的软件包

scala中math包 Scala软件包 (Scala Packages)In Scala, Packages are used to put classes, sub-packages, traits and other packages together. It is the namespace of code in files and directories in the Scala pr...

2020-08-02 15:34:43 1182

翻译 ajax xml_AJAX XML http

ajax xmlAJAX stands for asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It's a modern way to structure and build web applications using the built-in AJAX engine inside the browser. One of the key features of AJAX is...

2020-08-02 15:25:03 83

翻译 Python中的循环

There are three types of loops in python: python中有三种循环类型: Condition Controlled Loops 条件控制循环 Range Controlled Loops 范围控制回路 Collection Controlled Loops 集合控制循环 1)条件控制循环 (1) Condition Controlled Loops)...

2020-08-02 13:53:59 274

翻译 强盗问题_强盗屋

强盗问题Problem statement: 问题陈述: A professional robber is planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed, the only constraint stopping him from robbing each of t...

2020-08-02 12:54:14 462

翻译 python 画条状图_Python | 条状图

python 画条状图A bar graph is a type of data visualization technique that is very often used to represent data in the form of a vertical bar. The height of the bar is proportional to the value. They allow...

2020-08-02 12:44:46 1221

翻译 Java AWT TextArea

Till now all the components we have looked at provide the functionality of displaying only a short text. The TextField provides only a single line message to be displayed. But in many practical cases,...

2020-08-02 11:56:06 809

翻译 jquery-dom_jQuery DOM

jquery-domLet's create a simple application that displays a list of your upcoming exams, 让我们创建一个简单的应用程序,其中显示您即将参加的考试的列表, index.html: index.html: <html lang="en"><head> <met...

2020-08-02 09:37:21 121

翻译 l系统形式语法_L8R的完整形式是什么?

l系统形式语法 L8R:稍后 (L8R: Later)L8R is an abbreviation of "Later". L8R是“ Later”的缩写 。 It is an expression, which is commonly used in messaging or chatting on social media networking sites like Facebook, ...

2020-08-02 09:08:45 803

翻译 python rb模式_RB的完整形式是什么?

python rb模式 RB:回复者 (RB: Reply By)RB is an abbreviation of "Reply By". RB是“答复者”的缩写。 It is an expression, which is commonly used in the Gmail platform. It is written in the body or the subject of the...

2020-08-02 08:38:22 830

翻译 linux br0 br1_Br的完整形式是什么?

linux br0 br1 Br:断码 (Br: Break Key)Br is an abbreviation of "Break Key". Br是“ Break Key”的缩写 。 The key is available with the set of other keys on the laptop or separate keyboard, which is also calle...

2020-08-02 05:19:26 946

翻译 JavaScript | 计时器

In this article, we'll build a simple timer using JavaScript. First, we'll understand the date object and how we can utilize the date object to get minutes and seconds, then we'll look briefly at the ...

2020-08-02 02:48:49 165

翻译 电脑显示节电模式是什么问题_电脑的完整形式是什么?

电脑显示节电模式是什么问题 电脑 (COMPUTER)The computer is not an abbreviation; it is a word derived from the word "compute" which means to calculate. Therefore, in simple words, a computer is an electronic device t...

2020-08-02 02:11:22 648



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