操作系统 服务_操作系统服务

操作系统 服务

An operating system is an interface which provides services to both the user and to the programs. It provides an environment for the program to execute. It also provides users with the services of how to execute programs in a convenient manner. The operating system provides some services to program and also to the users of those programs. The specific services provided by the OS are off course different.

操作系统是一个为用户和程序提供服务的接口 。 它为程序执行提供了一个环境。 它还为用户提供了如何以方便的方式执行程序的服务。 操作系统为程序以及这些程序的用户提供一些服务。 操作系统提供的特定服务当然是不同的。

Following are the common services provided by an operating system:


  1. Program execution


  2. I/O operations

    I / O操作

  3. File system manipulation


  4. Communication


  5. Error detection


  6. Resource allocation


  7. Protection


1)程序执行 (1) Program Execution)

  • An operating system must be able to load many kinds of activities into the memory and to run it. The program must be able to end its execution, either normally or abnormally.

    操作系统必须能够将多种活动加载到内存中并运行它。 该程序必须能够正常或异常终止其执行。

  • A process includes the complete execution of the written program or code. There are some of the activities which are performed by the operating system:

    一个过程包括完整执行所编写的程序或代码。 有一些由操作系统执行的活动:

    • The operating system Loads program into memory
    • It also Executes the program
    • It Handles the program’s execution
    • It Provides a mechanism for process synchronization
    • It Provides a mechanism for process communication

2)I / O操作 (2) I/O Operations)

  • The communication between the user and devices drivers are managed by the operating system.


  • I/O devices are required for any running process. In I/O a file or an I/O devices can be involved.

    任何正在运行的进程都需要I / O设备。 在I / O中,可以包含一个文件或一个I / O设备。

  • I/O operations are the read or write operations which are done with the help of input-output devices.

    I / O操作是在输入输出设备的帮助下完成的读取或写入操作。

  • Operating system give the access to the I/O devices when it required.

    操作系统在需要时提供对I / O设备的访问权限。

3)文件系统操作 (3) File system manipulation)

  • The collection of related information which represent some content is known as a file. The computer can store files on the secondary storage devices. For long-term storage purpose. examples of storage media include magnetic tape, magnetic disk and optical disk drives like CD, DVD.

    表示某些内容的相关信息的集合称为文件。 计算机可以将文件存储在辅助存储设备上。 用于长期存放。 存储介质的示例包括磁带,磁盘和CD,DVD等光盘驱动器。

  • A file system is a collection of directories for easy understand and usage. These directories contain some files. There are some major activities which are performed by an operating system with respect to file management.

    文件系统是目录的集合,以方便理解和使用。 这些目录包含一些文件。 操作系统在文件管理方面执行一些主要活动。

    • The operating system gives an access to the program for performing an operation on the file.
    • Programs need to read and write a file.
    • The user can create/delete a file by using an interface provided by the operating system.
    • The operating system provides an interface to the user creates/ delete directories.
    • The backup of the file system can be created by using an interface provided by the operating system.

4)沟通 (4) Communication)

In the computer system, there is a collection of processors which do not share memory peripherals devices or a clock, the operating system manages communication between all the processes. Multiple processes can communicate with every process through communication lines in the network. There are some major activities that are carried by an operating system with respect to communication.

在计算机系统中,有一组不共享内存外围设备或时钟的处理器,操作系统管理所有进程之间的通信。 多个进程可以通过网络中的通信线路与每个进程进行通信。 操作系统在通信方面有一些主要活动。

  • Two processes may require data to be transferred between the process.


  • Both the processes can be on one computer or a different computer, but are connected through a computer network.


5)错误处理 (5) Error handling)

An error is one part of the system that may cause malfunctioning of the complete system. The operating system constantly monitors the system for detecting errors to avoid some situations. This give relives to the user of the worry of getting an error in the various parts of the system causing malfunctioning.

错误是系统的一部分,可能会导致整个系统发生故障。 操作系统会不断监视系统以检测错误,以免发生某些情况。 这使用户不必担心会在系统的各个部分出现错误而导致故障。

The error can occur anytime and anywhere. The error may occur anywhere in the computer system like in CPU, in I/O devices or in the memory hardware. There are some activities that are performed by an operating system:

该错误可能随时随地发生。 该错误可能发生在计算机系统中的任何地方,例如CPU,I / O设备或内存硬件中。 操作系统执行一些活动:

  • The OS continuously checks for the possible errors.


  • The OS takes an appropriate action to correct errors and consistent computing.


6)资源管理 (6) Resource management)

When there are multiple users or multiple jobs running at the same time resources must be allocated to each of them. There are some major activities that are performed by an operating system:

当有多个用户或多个作业同时运行时,必须将资源分配给每个用户。 操作系统执行一些主要的活动:

  • The OS manages all kinds of resources using schedulers.


  • CPU scheduling algorithm is used for better utilization of CPU.


7)保护 (7) Protection)

The owners of information stored in a multi-user computer system want to control its use. When several disjoints processes execute concurrently it should not be possible for any process to interfere with another process. Every process in the computer system must be secured and controlled.

存储在多用户计算机系统中的信息的所有者希望控制其使用。 当几个不相交的进程同时执行时,任何进程都不应干扰另一个进程。 计算机系统中的每个进程都必须受到保护和控制。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/operating-systems/services-of-operating-system.aspx

操作系统 服务





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