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原创 TheaterVisit

/*Problem StatementYou want to buy two neighboring tickets in the first row of the theater so that one of the tickets is as far from the aisles as possible.You will be given a String describing the fi

2008-07-28 17:31:00 248

原创 SkipStones

/*Problem StatementWhen a stone is thrown across water, sometimes it will land on the water and bounce rather than falling in right away. Suppose that a stone is thrown a distance of n. On each succes

2008-07-28 17:31:00 612

原创 BlockStructure

/*Problem StatementA group of vertical blocks are placed densely one after another on the ground. The blocks each have a width of 1, but their heights may vary. For example, if the heights of the vert

2008-07-23 20:55:00 295

原创 HardDuplicateRemover

/*Problem StatementWe have a sequence of integers, and we would like to remove all duplicate elements from this sequence. There may be multiple ways to perform this task. For example, given the sequen

2008-07-23 15:17:00 343

原创 RecurringNumbers

/*Problem Statement         A rational number is defined as a/b, where a and b are integers, and b is greater than 0. Furthermore, a rational number can be written as a decimal that has a group of dig

2008-07-22 09:41:00 329

原创 FactorialSystem

 /*Problem Statement         In the factorial number system the value of the first digit (from the right) is 1!, the value of the second digit is 2!, ..., and the value of the n-th digit is n!. This m

2008-07-21 19:36:00 249

原创 SalesRouting

package salesRouting;/*Problem Statement    You want to send a group of salespeople from location 0 to location 1, but no two of them can travel through the same location (other than 0 and 1).       

2008-07-15 10:53:00 286

原创 CraneWork

/*Problem Statement         There are three stacks of crates - two of them outside of the warehouse, and one inside the warehouse.          We have a crane that can move one crate at a time, and we wo

2008-07-14 19:14:00 239

原创 palindrome

package palindrome;/*Problem Statement    A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward. A palindrome substring is a contiguous sequence of characters taken from a string that form

2008-07-14 17:39:00 423

原创 什么是最小二乘拟合

对于一个数据点(x1, y1), ... (xn, yn)的集合, 我们常常试图画一条线,它最能接近于这些数据代表的趋势, 使用最小二乘拟合,我们寻找一条形如y=mx+b的线,使得下面这个误差度量最小:(mxi + b - yi)2  叠加符号,打不出来....

2007-09-14 21:27:00 1252

原创 Just a test

just a test 以后在此安家,研究下技术。

2007-09-14 20:45:00 301



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