Scala集合 (Scala collections)
A collection in programming is a simple object used to collect data. It groups together elements into a single entity (object). You can do the operation is to add, delete, update data using collections.
编程中的集合是用于收集数据的简单对象。 它将元素组合在一起成为单个实体(对象)。 您可以做的操作是使用集合添加,删除,更新数据。
In Scala, there is a huge base of collection libraries. There is a wide hierarchy of collections in Scala. Basic collections contain linear sets.
在Scala中,有大量的收藏库 。 Scala中有广泛的集合层次结构 。 基本集合包含线性集。
The collection in Scala can be mutable as well as immutable.
A mutable collection is a collection whose elements can be updated and elements are added or removed from it. It allows all these operations.
可变集合是一个集合,其元素可以更新,并且可以从中添加或删除元素。 它允许所有这些操作。
An immutable collection does not allow the user to do the update operation or add and remove operation on it. There is an option to do this, but on every operation, a new collection is created with updated value and the old one is discarded.
不可变集合不允许用户执行更新操作或对其进行添加和删除操作。 可以选择执行此操作,但是在每次操作中,都会创建一个具有更新值的新集合,而旧集合将被丢弃。
Based on how they have used the collections are classified as lazy or strict. If created as a lazy collection, it may not consume memory space until they are called by the program.
根据他们的使用方式,这些收藏被分类为“懒惰”或“严格”。 如果创建为惰性集合,它可能不会消耗内存空间,直到程序调用它们为止。
As the hierarchy is concerned, we have a list of collections, with Traversable trait, it allows you to traverse the collection i.e. visit each element in the collection one by one. Traversable has followed another trait Iterable that allows iterating over the elements of the collection.
就层次结构而言,我们有一个具有Traversable特性的集合列表,它使您可以遍历集合,即逐一访问集合中的每个元素。 Traversable遵循了另一个特性Iterable ,该特性允许迭代集合的元素。
Here we are listing some commonly used collections that you will encounter in your Scala programming life. There is a huge base that supports them, this is just an overview;
在这里,我们列出了一些在Scala编程生活中会遇到的常用集合。 有一个庞大的基础支持他们,这仅仅是一个概述;
Scala List
The list is a linear array-like collection. It stores a similar type of elements and uses a linked list type storage method. List is an immutable collection that extends linearSeq trait.
该列表是一个类似线性数组的集合。 它存储相似类型的元素,并使用链接列表类型存储方法。 List是扩展linearSeq特性的不可变集合。
Scala Tuple
Tuple in Scala is an immutable collection. It can contain a fixed number of elements of different types i.e. it can hold an integer and string together.
Scala中的Tuple是一个不变的集合。 它可以包含固定数量的不同类型的元素,即可以将整数和字符串组合在一起。
Scala Set
A set is a type collection that contains elements of the same data type, it does not contain any duplicate elements. Set can mutable as well as immutable in Scala.
集合是一个类型集合,其中包含相同数据类型的元素,但不包含任何重复的元素。 Set在Scala中既可变又可变。
Scala Map
A map is a collection that contains key-value pairs. To retrieve the value the key is used.
映射是包含键值对的集合。 要检索该值,请使用键。