以太网简介和以太网电缆的类型| 以太网技术

以太网是1970年代由Xerox开发的局域网技术,主要用作数据通信,其标准为IEEE 802.3。以太网包括电缆和协议,用于控制信息流。电缆分为同轴电缆、双绞线和光纤电缆。同轴电缆有厚实和细实两种,双绞线有屏蔽和非屏蔽之分,光纤则分为单模和多模。

以太网简介 (Introduction to Ethernet)

The cable devices that connect the network devices in a local area network are called Ethernet. Ethernet cable technology is different from normal cables. It is mainly designed for data communication. Ethernet was developed by Xerox in the 1970s. At that time its speed was between 2 to 3 MB. The standard name of Ethernet is IEEE 802.3. Ethernet is a complete system that includes protocols besides cables. Protocols define how devices can communicate and transfer data through cables. Ethernet is a LAN technology by which you can connect computers and create a Local Area Network. In this technology, you use protocols to control the flow of information.

连接局域网中网络设备的电缆设备称为以太网。 以太网电缆技术与普通电缆不同。 它主要用于数据通信。 以太网是由施乐公司于1970年代开发的。 当时它的速度在2到3 MB之间。 以太网的标准名称是IEEE 802.3。 以太网是一个完整的系统,除电缆外还包含协议。 协议定义设备如何通过电缆进行通信和传输数据。 以太网是一种LAN技术,您可以通过它连接计算机并创建局域网。 在这项技术中,您使用协议来控制信息流。

In Ethernet technology, you connect computers with the help of cables. Initially, coaxial cables were used in Ethernet Technology. But now twisted pair and fiber cables are also used. With Ethernet technology, you can build LANs in a variety of ways, called topology. Such as bus, star, ring and mesh topology etc. Cables have a very big role in Ethernet Technology. Let's tell you about the different types of cables used in Ethernet technology.

在以太网技术中,您可以通过电缆连接计算机。 最初,同轴电缆用于以太网技术。 但是现在也使用了双绞线和光缆。 使用以太网技术,您可以通过多种方式(称为拓扑)构建LAN。 例如总线,星形,环形和网状拓扑等。电缆在以太网技术中起着非常重要的作用。 让我们告诉您有关以太网技术中使用的不同类型的电缆。

以太网电缆的类型 (Types of Ethernet Cables)

Three types of cables are used in Ethernet technology:


1)同轴电缆 (1) Coaxial Cable )

This cable has a single wire which is surrounded by an insulator, metal shield, and plastic shell. The insulator controls the signal. The metal shield protects the wire from electromagnetic interference so that the signal cannot be destroyed in the middle. And the shell of plastic protects the shell from external obstructions such as water and fire. Coaxial cabling is mostly used for televisions.

该电缆只有一根电线,被绝缘子,金属屏蔽层和塑料外壳包围。 绝缘体控制信号。 金属屏蔽层可保护电线免受电磁干扰,从而不会在中间破坏信号。 塑料外壳可以保护外壳免受水和火等外部障碍物的侵害。 同轴电缆主要用于电视。

2 types of coaxial cable are used:


  1. Thick net: This type of coaxial cable is slightly thick and shielding is also high. Thick net coaxial cables have been used for long distances. But these cables are not reliable. Vampire tap is used to connect such coaxial cables.

    粗网:这种同轴电缆稍粗,屏蔽也很高。 较粗的净同轴电缆已用于长距离。 但是这些电缆不可靠。 吸血鬼抽头用于连接此类同轴电缆。

  2. Thin net: This type of coaxial cable is of normal size. These cables are more reliable in comparison to thick net cables. BNC connector is used to connect such coaxial cables.

    细网:这种同轴电缆尺寸正常。 与粗网线相比,这些电缆更可靠。 BNC连接器用于连接此类同轴电缆。

2)双绞线 (2) Twisted Pair Cable)

This is the most used cable in Ethernet technology. The pair of 2 or 4 copper wires in the Twisted pair cables is surrounded by a plastic shell. The pairs of copper wire are wrapped in one another so that there is no crosstalk. The crosstalk is an error that happens when the signal of a wire disturbs signal of the second wire.

这是以太网技术中使用最多的电缆。 双绞线电缆中的2或4根铜线对被塑料外壳包围。 成对的铜线相互缠绕,因此不会产生串扰。 串扰是当导线的信号干扰第二根导线的信号时发生的错误。

Twisted pair cables are of 2 types:


  1. Shielded: Shielded twisted pair cable has a shield cover in the cable. These cables protect against electromagnetic interference.

    屏蔽:屏蔽双绞线电缆中有屏蔽层。 这些电缆可防止电磁干扰。

  2. Un-shielded: Un-shielded twisted pair cable does not have any shield and it provides more protection than shielded twisted pair cable.


There are several categories of twisted pair cable. These bits are defined in on the base of how many twists are present in one inch

双绞线电缆有几种类别。 这些位的定义是基于一英寸中存在多少个扭曲

  • Cat3: This category has 3 twists in every inch of cable.


  • Cat5: This category cable has 5 twists in every inch.


  • Cat5e: In this category cable, there are 5 twists in every inch and pairs are also twist among themselves.


  • Cat6: This category cable has 6 twists in every inch.


3)光纤电缆 (3) Fiber Optic Cable)

Coaxial cable and twisted pair carry data with the help of electronic signals. Whereas fiber optic cables carry data through light. Fiber optic cables have thin threads that look like thin wire. These wires are either plastic or are of glass.

同轴电缆和双绞线借助电子信号传输数据。 而光缆则通过光传输数据。 光纤电缆具有看起来像细电线的细线。 这些导线是塑料的或玻璃的。

Fiber optic cables have more bandwidth than other metal cables. This means that the cable can carry more data than the other cables. Fiber optic cables have a very less chance of damaging the signal. Fiber optic cables are thin and light compared to other cables.

光纤电缆比其他金属电缆具有更高的带宽。 这意味着电缆比其他电缆可以承载更多数据。 光纤电缆损坏信号的可能性很小。 与其他电缆相比,光纤电缆又细又轻。

Ethernet technology uses 2 types of fiber optic cables:


  1. Single mode fiber: Single mode fiber optic cables transfer only one data ray at a time.


  2. Multi mode fiber: Multi mode fiber optic cables can transfer multiple data rays at a time.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/computer-networks/introduction-to-ethernet-and-types-of-ethernet-cables.aspx





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