人工智能ai技术交流_人工交流| 人工智能


Today, there are many systems in the market which are capable of communicating with you in the same way as a human does. They hear you, work according to your orders and also reply to you with relevant answers. This communication is performed by the agents which work Artificial Intelligence and is thus known as Artificial Communication. It is also sometimes known as Agent Communication. These communicating models have been a great change and achievement in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence because they imitate humans so well.

如今,市场上有许多系统可以像人类一样与您通信。 他们会听到您的声音,根据您的命令进行工作,并以相关答案答复您。 该通信由从事人工智能工作的代理执行,因此被称为人工智能。 它有时也称为代理通信。 这些交流模型在机器学习和人工智能领域是一个巨大的变革和成就,因为它们很好地模仿了人类。

The systems which are able to communicate with humans are designed to do so. Even though they are the machine which is later communicating but first it is the humans which train them for it, and training a machine is not an easy task. This is because we humans have the instincts and grasping power form the birth itself, but machines cannot have that and so each and every task that a machine will do has to be designed and developed first. So, these type of agents are designed in such a way that their system is capable of understanding the words that a human utters to it and is also able to extract the meaning out of it and form a relevant answer to it and reply it in the same way (i.e. in human language) in which question was asked, so that a successful communication could take place between the system and the human.

能够与人类进行通信的系统就是为了做到这一点而设计的。 即使他们是稍后要交流的机器,但首先是人为他们进行训练,而训练机器并非易事。 这是因为我们人类具有与生俱来的本能和掌握能力,但是机器却无法做到这一点,因此必须首先设计和开发机器要执行的每一项任务。 因此,这类代理的设计方式应使其系统能够理解人类说出的单词,并能够从中提取出含义,并对其做出相应的回答并在回答时做出回答。以相同的方式(即以人类语言)提出问题,从而可以在系统与人类之间进行成功的沟通。

This entire process is carried out by the two main components of the communicating agents, which are the speaker and the hearer. For a smooth conversation, the agent should act both as a hearer as well as the speaker at different times. So, when it acts as the hearer, it tries to synthesize and extract the meaning of the words so that the agent can further work on finding the solution or a valid reply for it. When the agent acts as a speaker, then it has to present the data in such a way that it is acceptable by the user and the user can easily understand it.

整个过程由通信代理的两个主要组件执行,即扬声器和听众。 为使对话畅通无阻,座席应在不同时间兼顾听众和演讲者。 因此,当它充当听者时,它会尝试合成和提取单词的含义,以便代理可以进一步努力找到解决方案或针对它的有效回复。 当代理充当发言人时,则它必须以一种用户可以接受的方式呈现数据,并且用户可以轻松地理解它。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/ml-ai/artificial-communication-artificial-intelligence.aspx






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